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  1. Post your theories below about who you think it the traitor and why, and I will edit this post to include them. Theories that I've thought of: There is no traitor, it was all just a set-up by the Master of Masters. The Master of Masters is the traitor, because he set them all up (this one is sort of just another way to interpret the first theory). They're all the traitor, because they all turned against each other at some point (just another way to interpret the first theory). Luxu is the traitor, because the Lost Page talks about an inevitable betrayal by "the one who bears the sigil" and Luxu is the only one with an "x" in his name (presumably. The Master of Masters' name might be "X Super", so he could be a candidate for the traitor as well.) Saix/Isa is the traitor. Who ever said the Book of Prophecies was talking about an inevitable betrayal in the age of fairy tales? Maybe it was talking about a betrayal in the future (present-day)? All of the Seekers of Darkness "bear the sigil", but the person I can most likely see betraying Xehanort is Saix/Isa. Aced is the traitor. "The one who bears the sigil" could be a bear pun, because Aced has a bear mask. This one seems silly, but the Master of Masters is very silly sometimes, so who knows. The Player is the traitor, because we are told by the Master of Masters that if there's a Nightmare Chirithy, it belongs to the traitor. The only person we know to have a Nightmare Chirithy is the Player. (It could've just been a part of the Master of Masters manipulating them and setting them up though of course).
  2. So a new Smash Bros Ultimate Direct just got announced for November 1st, 2018. ANd apparently it's going to be 40 minutes long followed by a Nintendo Treehouse stream of the game. Well, if you ask me, it makes a lot of sense for Nintendo to do this since we are getting pretty close to the release of the game. [youtube] [/
  3. Here are the Characters i would like to see in either a very possible Sequel to FighterZ or, as DLC to the current FighterZ that we all know and love :], what does everyone think? Raditz. Bardock. (Super Saiyan.). Cooler. Cooler. (Metal Cooler.). Broly. (Legendary Super Saiyan.). Super Buu. Dabura. Jiren. Toppo. Cabba. (Super Saiyan.). Caulifla. (Super Saiyan.). Kale. (Berserker Super Saiyan.). Frost. Champa. Ribrianne. Frieza. (Golden Frieza.). Goku. (Ultra Instinct.). Future Trunks. (Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan.). Master Roshi. Goku. (Super Saiyan 4.). Vegeta. (Super Saiyan 4.). Majuub. Pan. Goku Jr. (Super Saiyan.). Super Baby Vegeta 2. Super 17. Syn Shenron. (Omega Shenron.).
  4. '' Imagine if you were able to hold power in your hands. What would you do? Our evolution is nearing. Now, will you help get the future ready for this next step of evolution?'' -Prologue- It is the year 2030. The world is now a fallen war zone. The population has been decimated by 90% in the last three years. All because of one reason. The Meta-humans. In the past 10 years, the world has seen the rise of a species of people who are able to have a power. The Meta-gene. A recessive gene inside the human genetic code that laid dormant since man's first steps. In the year of 2020, humanity was advancing it's research into developing cures and anti-bodies that could fight off diseases before it can even attack the cells, but what they discover was something else. The Meta-gene was then discovered. Soon, after an experiment on a healthy individual, the first Meta was created. The Meta's name was Seth Shaw. He was gifted with a powerful one. He had the power to control the elements of Earth. This lead him to become a very dangerous man. Soon, he attempted to become a hero by the name ofThe Magician. After which, more Meta's started appearing. Incidents started happening. Involving heroes and Meta's alike. The Battle of New York, the Black Death incident, mass bombing in Moscow, and more. It was not until the year of 2023 that the United Nations attempted to limit the Meta's rights. The Meta-resignation Act of 2023 was soon drafted and signed by all the countries of the world. This required all known Meta's to identity themselves and let the world know what power they had. Some opposed this act. Shaw was one of them. He attempted to lead a resistance in order to get rid of the act, but failed. In the year of 2027, an incident in London required extreme measured response. The United Nations soon passed another act that allowed the governments of the world to create Anti-Meta task forces. These task forces were operated by a United Nations panel. Meta's and supporters were soon hunted and arrested and/or killed. It was not until the year 2029 where things soon made a turn for the worst. The task forces were conducting secret experiments that resulted in discovering a way that Meta's can be identify before the gene even awoken. Soon, mass killings were carried out. Normal humans who were not born with the gene were sentenced to labor camps. Now, only the worst of mankind rule the world. The world is near total collapse, but is it too late to change this destined dark future? Footsteps are heard as someone in a black hood ran through rubble. Spotlights came down from the sky as massive search ships hovered over a war torn apart Washington D.C. The man quickly hid inside a ruined bookstore. Panting can be heard as the man's face could not be seen. His coat was opened on the bottom as he wore cut up blue jeans and black running shoes. He soon looked down and saw a tattered magazine. He reached for it and looked at the cover. It read,'' Ivan Monroe, the world's first trillionare. Has he found a road for world peace with his new invention?'' The magazine was written back in 2021. Somehow it was still here 9 years later. The man dropped it and quickly started running as footsteps can be heard. Armored soldiers in high-tech gear starting giving chase after the hooded figure. They started shooting their plasma rifles at the man. The man quickly dodged by running in different directions. He soon pointed at the soldiers and his hand glew. Out came fireballs which was sent towards the soldiers. One was engulfed by the flames, but the soldiers did not stop. The man then soon launched himself up in the air. He was flying, but only for a short moment as a missile had made contact. The man pummeled from the sky and crashed into the ruined Wall Street building. He laid on the ground until the soldiers marched up. One quickly threw his hood off. '' Target acquired. 100% match. This is Luke Shaw. Most wanted criminal'' a soldier said. Luke looked up. His white skin was covered with dirt. He had blue eyes, a scar on his left cheek, and dirty blonde hair that went to the bottom of his neck.'' Dead or alive?'' the solider asked in an earpiece. '' How about dead you assholes?'' Luke screamed as he placed his hands together as the Earth itself swallowed the soldiers and Luke made a run for it. He kept running until he was able to finally lose them. Luke panted and finally arrived to his destination. He looked up and saw a 100 story skyscraper with the name Monroe on top. There were holes in the building. He walked inside the front doors. The doors shut behind him as he heard a figure walking down a flight of stairs. Luke smiled which felt like years of not smiling.'' At last, maybe we can finally change this future'' Luke said as the figure stopped.'' But first, I want to know everything like you promise. Tell me why it's like this.'' Luke demanded. The man chuckled. The man came from the shadows. He had pale white skin, a couple of wrinkles, green eyes, brown hair that was short and spotted some grey in it as well, a black shirt, brown jeans, a pistol on his hip, and finally a walking crane. '' Yes child. I will help you. Only because I owed your father so much.'' the old man said. '' Good. Tell me everything Ivan.'' Luke said as the man chuckled. He was Ivan Monroe. '' It all began 10 years ago inside a lab in Chicago...'' - To Be Continued- Authors note: I hope you enjoyed the prologue. I wanted to give a nice dark vibe. The story does start 10 years before these events, but I wanted to give an insight on how the future will look. I also dropped some clues on what will happen throughout this series. I hope everyone that reads this help me out too with ideas. I am also open to suggestions. Now, let us enjoy this series together which I hope can expand pretty far.
  5. Now that the first anime episode of DragonBall Super has aired, I hearby open this official discussion thread. Here, we can talk about the anime, the manga, or any other related Super topics. With that said, if none of you have read the first manga chapter, then feel free to take a look here. Now then, for my thoughts on the first anime episode:
  6. Originally released (in one part that is) on Christmas Day on the TFS website, now the entire thing is available to view on YouTube!
  7. In this issue of Famitsu it was stated that the Master of Masters has eyes that can see into the future. Using this ability, he wrote the Book of Prophecies. What if the Master of Masters' eyes are yellow? Ya know, like Xehanort's eyes. What if these yellow eyes that Xehanort has allows him to see into the future? That would definitely explain how he has been such an amazing tactician and has been able to predict pretty much everything that has happened so far. He even majorly surprised Yen Sid that he was able to predict such insane things. In Dream Drop Distance, Young Xehanort and Sora had this conversation. Sora questions Young Xehanort how Xehanort knew that Sora would be on Destiny Islands for his Mark of Mastery in the Realm of Sleep on that exact day. Young Xehanort just replies with "Simple." which obviously is not an answer. I've always assumed that this would be answered in 2.8 or KH3, and I think I might've finally found my answer. Thoughts? EDIT: This theory has been debunked by Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover.
  8. GLITZ PIT RP SPINOFF, Final Fantasy Version [[The origins of this roleplay come from NSider and NSider2, though the lead originator is Link1487. However, the idea and creators of the Glitz's many versions have changed over the course of these many years and will change again. Yay, change! Ror, Inx, Zee, Link, and whoever else is out there still making Glitz Pit fun--thank you.]] Table of Contents I. Story II. Rules III. Fighter Rankings IV. Registered Matches V. How This Thread Will Work VI. Creating a Character VII. Arenas VIII. Item Shop IX. Character Profiles X. Element Chart XI. News Updates XII. Event Information XIII. Important Fight Judgments I) Story: Battles take place in an sequestered colosseum where previously known (or unknown) combatants of various universes wage private wars with each other. Existing hundreds of years, if not thousands, this arena has plucked heroes, villains, and potent wannabes of considerable strength to hone their combative elements of strength, focus, footwork, cunning, and magics. Many have retired in fame and luxury under the nurture of robotic servants and ambrosic foods and drinks, without fear of age or death, growing fat and happy. This is promised to all who opt out, but most desire one of two other options: continual fighting or an absolute escape. Plucked without reason other to fight, do you, O fighter, have what it takes to battle your way to fame, valiance, or the outside? Show your mettle in what is simply known as the Pit. II) Rules 1. Follow all original RP rules of KH13, if that wasn't obvious. 2. You must follow all of these rules while in this thread, and you must read the entire thread (the first few posts by me) before posting. 3. No g-modding. Simple definition: You cannot be invincible, or use overpowered attacks. More details can be found later in the thread. 4. All fighting will be judged by me. 5. If you are inactive for more than three days during a fight without an excuse given beforehand (like going on vacation, etc.), you automatically lose with no gain in coins. Don't request a battle if you don't think you can finish it. 6. I will make all final decisions regarding how matches will be set up, and their outcomes. No arguing with me over who won (unless you have a definitive reason), or you will be pushed down a rank in the ranking list. 7. Everyone gets a default 100 coins to begin with when you sign up. 8. If you would like to give your coins to someone, both parties involved must PM me verifying they would like the transaction to take place. 9. If you have any questions about the rules, or specific suggestions for the thread, PM me please instead of posting it here. 10. Limit OOC chat here please. That means try not to talk out of character. If you want, your character can talk to someone else's character, but make sure it does not create too much spam. 11. All bets on fights must be made before the fight begins or within the first 3 posts of the fight. (More on that later in thread) 12. All Brawls are open to anyone who is registered in this thread. (More on those later in thread) 13. Any fighters who consciously disobey the "max page" restriction a fight can last for will be lowered down a rank, and 100 coins will be deducted from their total. Going over by a little is fine, but when it's nearly double the maximum, punishment will be given. 14. Anyone ranked from halfway through the list of people, and up, will be put in the major league locker room. Anyone lower than half of the people here will be in the minor league locker room. The champion will have their own room. You may only challenge fighters who are in your league, unless you are at the top of your league. If you are at the top of the minor league, you may challenge the lowest ranking major league fighter for a place in that league. The same goes for the major league, except the first place person would challenge the champion. 15. Check the news section often for any updates to this thread. 16. Ignore the fact that the story is bad and cliche. 17. Everyone who joins gets a free 'Character Change' item upon registering. This is so they can create their first character and get a feel for it, but if they do not like it, they can change it to something completely different. 18. Try to keep OOC posts (surrounded with parenthesis) or [some other unique method] of differentiating between what your character says and does, and what you are trying to say. 19. Do not edit battle posts without my permission or the permission of your opponent, or other fighters might think you are cheating. 20. Notify me in this thread or via PM if you change your NS2 name so I can update the thread accordingly. III) Fighter Rankings IV) Registered Matches V) How this Thread Will Work This is the most important post of the thread, so it's very important you read it carefully and try to understand it. Some of you may be new to fighting, while others may not. A fighting tutorial will be posted near the end of this post to get you all familiar with how fighting should work. For now, we need to discuss the basic mechanics of non-battling things that happen in this thread. Table of Contents i. Betting ii. Setting Up a Match iii. Beginning a Match iv. Unlocking Things v. Getting Coins vi. Battling vii. G-modding viii. Outcomes of Battles ix. Ranking x. Champion Battles and Being the Champ xi. Team Battles xii. 1 vs. 2 Battles xiii. Brawls xiv. Rewards xv. Fighting Tutorial xvi. Element Control xvii. Down To Earth Fights VI) Creating a Character VII) Arenas: VIII) Items IX) Character Profiles Will be filled later. X) Element Table XII) News Updates 9/27/15- Thread Created XII) Event Information Nothing yet. XIII) Important Fight Judgments
  9. So, a while ago, I made a joke thread about a scene in Gumball where the titular blue cat tries to go Super Saiyan. And then in a newer episode of the show, this happens: I can get used to this trend. lol
  10. Dude... you're like six or seven feet away from civilization. Swim for shore, you dipstick!
  11. A new trailer for the upcoming DragonBall anime has been released. Various new scenes are shown, including that of the two new characters added to Super: Shanpa, the obese Beerus-looking creature and what can be assumed is his attendant who resembles a female Whis. Again, no new information has revealed who these characters are or what their role in Super is sans interacting with Beerus and Whis.
  12. More DragonBall Super news, in the form of a new website launching for the series: http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/tv/dragon_s/ The visuals/character designs imply that the anime will start sometime after Battle of Gods and before Resurrection 'F'. Seeing events that transpire between BoG/'F' would be a logical start for the anime, and DragonBall is already known for moving around in the time, whether it be 8 months or 7 years. lol The website also hosts a brand new promotional image for the anime, shown here: As you can see, other than the characters we know and love, there are two new characters positioned by Beerus and Whis. One of them appears to be a fatter version of Beerus while the other is a female version of Whis. No information is given about these characters other than the visuals. Fans speculate that this a new God of Destruction/Attendant, and others think they may be relatives of the same race as Beerus and Whis. Again, there is no information other than the visuals, so speculation is all that is apparent for these two characters.
  13. The upcoming DragonBall anime series "DragonBall Super" has been given a small teaser trailer. The most we can gather from this short video are the animation quality (which is similar to new age stuff we've seen in Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F') and the appearance of several characters (Goku, Gohan, Goten, Videl, Hercule, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Mr. Buu, Beerus, Whis, etc). There might not be much to go off of but I can assure you the excitement is only increasing.
  14. http://www.shonengamez.com/2015/05/16/dragon-ball-super-to-get-a-manga-adaptation-as-well/ That's right. Alongside the new DragonBall anime coming up in July will be a manga adaption of the same name. The manga is being handled by Akira Toriyama alongside Toyotaro, the artist behind DragonBall Heroes: Victory Mission and the DragonBall Z: Resurrection 'F' manga adaption. Now, adapting an anime into a manga and vice-versa is not a new idea, especially not for DragonBall's demographic, but it appears the manga is reportedly going to release at the time as the anime will be airing on television. It is going to be a straight adaption? Or maybe it'll cover events not going to be shown in the anime? I personally don't have the answer, but I am excited/interested none-the-less.
  15. I think it'd be cool to see, with all the different characters and moves Kingdom Hearts has to offer. What do you guys think?
  16. Stupid things people do with characters 1) Give them swords in a modern or futuristic setting while being unable to justify the use of the use of them Whenever you are put in a setting, you have to make sure you can work around it. The reason why I highlight "modern or futuristic setting" is because there is literally no reason why your character is going to make any use out of some ancient sword passed along in the bloodline for 321 generations. You want to know why? It's primitive. When you have guns, something much more precise in a short range or a long range, just defeats the purpose. Let's say your character is some sort of LUL NINJAA XDDD character. Having a stylish weapon that just draws attention to yourself (seeing as it is hard to conceal) is going to make your character a prime target. Also note: ineffective. Where are you even supposed to get one in the first place? Some guys yard sell? 2) If your character uses a weapon expertly, not mentioning their training. Self explanatory. Your character is either full of bullshit and or full on Gary Stu if you decide to have them LUL MASTERSSS and not give even a notion towards any professional training. Not to mention if they're incredibly young, and are somehow experts at what they do. The general rule is 10,000 hours to master a skill, and if your character is off and living in the streets, (which is a favorite of yours, players) where are they going to get the time and money to even to begin to master a skill? 3) Using the light/darkness as a literal power/element. Listen, I know this is a Kingdom Hearts forum. It's just that it's really stupid. I'm mostly talking about the whole SUMMON BEINGS OUT OF SHADOWS / LIGHT HEALING kind of thing. Look, when you're out in the sun and you start being superpowered, you might as well just make your character a plant. I mean, how are shadows supposed to suddenly come to life? What, can you make The Blob out of a pitch dark room, too? Also, when they have a priest use a light-based power to heal, it's generally holy power. Not solar power. 4) Describe your character as "handsome" You may be asking me: "Protoman, what do you have against beautiful people!" Well, nothing. When you describe your character as handsome, it just means you're a lazy writer. Not to mention that when someone think's "handsome" they think of different things entirely. For me, it's a young Clint Eastwood. For someone else, it might be Benedict Cumberbatch. So unless your character is some sort of crazy psychic who keeps their face different for each person they encounter, you should probably stop taking shortcuts in describing facial features. 5) One line personalities. "Cold, but with a heart," doesn't say much about the character. For example, it doesn't tell us what relation the character has with his family or anyone he interacts with. It doesn't tell us what the characters alignment is, or anything about what he believes in. It doesn't tell us if the guy has a heart for the supervillans, or orphans. The only thing you can assume from that personality is that he is a douche most of the time unless you bring him a puppy calendar. 6) Making a personality that is practically a carbon copy of your other character / someone else's character. On the subject of personalities, I have a story for you. The other day, I waltzed onto a thread and read a personality that boiled down to "Sometimes sarcastic, loyal, and caring" around 3 different times in the same exact thread. I wouldn't mind nearly as much if there was a larger playerbase, but when everyone wants to play their character as a good guy Greg, then that just ruins the surprise. Not to mention that their personality was a pretty big chunk of their very small and vague character sheet. Someone might think you're stealing!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7) An unknown back story. You are the most unoriginal and the laziest writer on the board. Here's your prize. Your character being a lad suffering with amnesia while their parents dead, making them live on the street (and somehow surviving) is bad enough. When you make that the back story for almost every single one of your characters, you have a problem. Of course, this happens to each and every chosen one, right? Points for if it's a modern setting and nobody bothers to put the character through any sort of therapy to help them remember something. Even more if 2+ people on the same board have the same back story as you. It's an infestation of lazy writing. Bring up rebuttals plz, I didn't make this thread for no reason, gotta strengthen my reasoning.
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