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Found 68 results

  1. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue and Kingdom Hearts III + Re Mind are coming to Nintendo Switch through cloud gaming. This was announced alongside Sora coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as the final DLC fighter. As announced by the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, the name of this bundle should customers purchase every title is called the Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece for Cloud collection! UPDATE: Details on this release have been provided.
  2. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue and Kingdom Hearts III + Re Mind are coming to Nintendo Switch through cloud gaming. This was announced alongside Sora coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as the final DLC fighter. As announced by the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, the name of this bundle should customers purchase every title is called the Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece for Cloud collection! UPDATE: Details on this release have been provided. View full article
  3. Announced at the X019 conference, Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 and Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue are finally coming to Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass. To get players into the series, a free Kingdom Hearts III demo on the Xbox Store starting today. View full article
  4. Announced at the X019 conference, Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 and Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue are finally coming to Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass. To get players into the series, a free Kingdom Hearts III demo on the Xbox Store starting today.
  5. I hope this is the right spot to post this. Sorry if it isn't the right spot. This is my take on the Demon Tower boss battle, when playing 0.2 in Beginner Mode. It isn't much, and I know it might be a bit cringe-y for a lot of you. I was just starting out playing this on the 29th of November. I made more recordings of myself playing 0.2 as well as DDD. I know my take on Phantom Aqua is terrible, because I didn't know her fighting patterns.
  6. So I just got up today, ready to continue KH 3D. Well, not like that today, I got onto 3D, and my save file was gone! This was odd, as I had done more than one session on it! So, I decided to do 0.2 BBS, guess what? The SAME thing happened. I was FURIOUS at how Square and Disney let me down like this! And I'd gotten a great distance as well. Can somebody PLEASE tell me how I can recover these files? SOLVED - The reason was is because I forgot I made another PSN account due to my other one having the wrong email.
  7. I have a theory of what's in the box that the Master of Masters was dragging. I think it might be the 13 pieces of darkness of the shattered χ-blade. The χ-blade shattered into 20 pieces: 13 of darkness and 7 of light. We know that it broke into 7 pieces of light in order to protect the hearts of the Seven Princesses of Heart, but we don't know exactly what that means. Especially considering the Seven Princesses of Heart weren't alive way back then. But maybe it means that the χ-blade shattered into 7 pieces of light which would then become the Seven Princess of Heart's hearts in the future? Also, we were never told what happened to the 13 pieces of darkness. If a heart of pure darkness and a heart of pure light clash, then the χ-blade is recreated, but it is unstable. In DDD, it is revealed that Xehanort plans on capturing the Seven Princesses again so that they can clash with the 13 Seekers of Darkness to recreate the χ-blade. But, how can this be? The 13 Seekers of Darkness don't have hearts of pure darkness, so how would them clashing with the pure-hearted princesses recreate the χ-blade? I think I might know the answer. I believe that Xehanort wants to find that case that the Master of Masters has or maybe he already has it. If the 13 pieces of darkness from the shattered χ-blade are in that case, then Xehanort can take them and put them into each of the 13 Seekers of Darkness' hearts to turn them into hearts of pure darkness. Then, he can clash with the Princesses of Heart to recreate the χ-blade, but this time, a much more stable one. It'd actually pretty much be the original χ-blade because it'd be created from the original shattered pieces. So yeah, what do you think of this theory? Anything I could add to it?
  8. hi, so i got Kh 2.8 on release day, and even though they have patched things i have found a problem with DDDHD, i dont know if it's just me, however on Symphony of Sorcery, riku's side, when you first get to the snowy area, there is the first reality shift you have to do, but i have run into the fact that sometimes button presses simply don't work, or i get a "Good bad." rating (which happens sometimes) however i mostly notice button presses not working, so for me it's literally impossible to beat this world. has anyone else had this problem? If you don't know which one i mean; it's this one:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C3KPXy9UcAEZeBj.jpg:large
  9. So I just beat Kingdom Hearts 0.2 today (the English version) and after viewing the secret ending, I went into the theater mode section to see what the scene was called and I was surprised to find that it was called "2.9 - The First Volume". Now, while I assumed this title was just referring to the epilogue/secret ending as a whole, it got me thinking about what if 2.9 was or is an actual thing and if so is volume 2 going to be a separate thing or is it just going to be Kingdom Hearts 3? I personally hope that it is simply referring to Kingdom Hearts 3 and not something in between, as the way the ending leaves off suggests that it is talking about KH3, especially with
  10. With Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue releasing so soon, it's time that we set up a spoiler policy. This policy will be in effect from the moment Kingdom Hearts 2.8 releases in Japan, right up until February 24, 2017. We'll keep you posted on that, but for now, here's our current policy: A spoiler is any kind of information/picture/video about the game that was not officially released before the release of the game. This includes: Back Cover 0.2 Ending scene that connects to KH3 Anything new in DDD ( if any) Our rules regarding spoilers: ​Your avatar, signature and user title MUST NOT contain any spoilers whatsoever. Status updates MUST NOT contain any spoilers whatsoever. Topic titles MUST NOT contain any spoilers whatsoever. If you are using the chat or PM systems, please be mindful that your partner may not want to hear spoilers. Generally, you MAY NOT post any spoilers in topics or posts. However, if either of the following conditions are met, then you are allowed to:You are allowed to post spoilers within "spoiler tags". This is used by posting[spoiler]spoiler here[/spoiler]which will output If the title of the topic warns people that there are spoilers, then any post inside that topic is allowed to have spoilers (with or without spoiler tags). Follow the rules, don't break them (if you want your posting privileges to remain :smile:) and have fun reading our KH 2.8 coverage!
  11. With 2.8 to release in the near future, what do you feel is the safest and most fair time allotment for the spoiler policy to last? Let us know my friends!
  12. In this issue of Famitsu it was stated that the Master of Masters has eyes that can see into the future. Using this ability, he wrote the Book of Prophecies. What if the Master of Masters' eyes are yellow? Ya know, like Xehanort's eyes. What if these yellow eyes that Xehanort has allows him to see into the future? That would definitely explain how he has been such an amazing tactician and has been able to predict pretty much everything that has happened so far. He even majorly surprised Yen Sid that he was able to predict such insane things. In Dream Drop Distance, Young Xehanort and Sora had this conversation. Sora questions Young Xehanort how Xehanort knew that Sora would be on Destiny Islands for his Mark of Mastery in the Realm of Sleep on that exact day. Young Xehanort just replies with "Simple." which obviously is not an answer. I've always assumed that this would be answered in 2.8 or KH3, and I think I might've finally found my answer. Thoughts? EDIT: This theory has been debunked by Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover.
  13. Intended for the competition but sadly i ran out of time Congratz on the winner though ! and after i've seen the all of the submission, there's no way i'm going to win. on dA: http://fav.me/datsil2
  14. Hey everyone! In light of Kingdom Hearts’ 15th anniversary in 2017, Jump Festa fast approaching (starting on December 17, 2016), and Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue confirmed to appear at the event, we thought it would be the perfect time to run another contest! We're running a creative contest for a free pre-order of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue Limited Edition, and giving people the freedom to show off their passion for the franchise as a whole! There are many creative ways for submitting for this competition. Read on for more details. How to enter: Your submission must be one of the following to participate: a fan-art, cosplay, photograph, music cover/composition, film, fan-fiction, sculpture or baking. Plenty of choices! Upload your submission to KH13 (by making a new topic in the Creative Media forum), and then post a link to it in the comments below. It's that simple! It must be related to Kingdom Hearts, and must have been created specifically for the competition! You can enter multiple times. At midnight EST on December 26, 2016, our team will deliberate and decide on our favourite piece submitted, contact the winner of the contest, and pre-order their copy! Good luck to everyone! Even if you don't win, there is still a chance we will feature your work on the KH13 Community Twitter and the KH13 Tumblr. Above all, have fun! Click here to view the article
  15. Hey everyone! In light of Kingdom Hearts’ 15th anniversary in 2017, Jump Festa fast approaching (starting on December 17, 2016), and Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue confirmed to appear at the event, we thought it would be the perfect time to run another contest! We're running a creative contest for a free pre-order of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue Limited Edition, and giving people the freedom to show off their passion for the franchise as a whole! There are many creative ways for submitting for this competition. Read on for more details. How to enter: Your submission must be one of the following to participate: a fan-art, cosplay, photograph, music cover/composition, film, fan-fiction, sculpture or baking. Plenty of choices! Upload your submission to KH13 (by making a new topic in the Creative Media forum), and then post a link to it in the comments below. It's that simple! It must be related to Kingdom Hearts, and must have been created specifically for the competition! You can enter multiple times. At midnight EST on December 26, 2016, our team will deliberate and decide on our favourite piece submitted, contact the winner of the contest, and pre-order their copy! Good luck to everyone! Even if you don't win, there is still a chance we will feature your work on the KH13 Community Twitter and the KH13 Tumblr. Above all, have fun!
  16. From the album: KH13 Competitions

    Unbreakable Connections artwork from KH13 user sillywhims See his entry in full by clicking here!

    © sillywhims

  17. From the album: KH13 Competitions

    Riku Cosplay from KH2 from KH13 user Alessandro Minghetti See his entry in full by clicking here!

    © Alessandro Minghetti

  18. In 3 weeks we have been gobsmacked by the amount of talented people who entered our creative contest and by the quality of the work produced! You should all be extremely proud of yourselves! We’d give all of you prizes if we could but there can only be one winner of the copy of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue game! So we’ve decided upon the top 15 entries for the contest and we will post who the winner is in the next few days. Links for all 15 entries can be found below in alphabetical order: Alessandro Minghetti cosplay entry axel9546 Privato film entry blackpaopu fan-art entry catmaster0116 fan-art entry DizExplorer03 film entry EstusIceCream fan-fiction entry Hugo Gervasio (Blackwing97) fan-art entry Kokoado fan-art entry LostArtis fan-art entry Mykaila Shakespeare fan-art entry sillywhims fan-art entry Stefan93 film entry Taco Dad music entry wearepopcandies fan-art entry 日村 ソラ fan-art entry
  19. From the album: KH13 Competitions

    In 3 weeks we have been gobsmacked by the amount of talented people who entered our creative contest and by the quality of the work produced! You should all be extremely proud of yourselves! We’d give all of you prizes if we could but there can only be one winner of the copy of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue game! So we’ve decided upon the top 15 entries for the contest and we will be running a poll for the next 2 days to let you (that’s right you at home) decide who’s entry will be the winner! The only condition is please don’t vote for your own entry if it has made the top 15 as good sportsmanship! Links for all 15 entries can be found below in alphabetical order: Alessandro Minghetti axel9546 Privato blackpaopu catmaster0116 DizExplorer03 EstusIceCream Hugo Gervasio (Blackwing97) Kokoado LostArtis Mykaila Shakespeare sillywhims Stefan93 Taco Dad wearepopcandies 日村 ソラ
  20. Hi people!! This is my contest entry for the KH13 Giveaway! After a lot of ideas, sketching, self-doubting, hand cramps and food, here it is!! good luck to all of us ;w; tumblr post!! thisisactuallymyfirstpostinthissitewhat
  21. Last Entry I promise! LOL This originally had a different characters, but it was still KH related so I might as make stay it in it's own place by replacing them with Aqua and Sora. Of course, this is just the same scene from the 2.8 opening in a different angle with aqua's perspective (without seeing her eye that is LOL). I really enjoyed doing this, adding the blue and water effects as well. I hope you guys enjoy this piece like my past submissions. I also hope that adding so much here is not too annoying. But I swear it this is the last one. Lastly, I once again wish everyone luck in this contest.
  22. My contest entry for the contest! Ah...I love Aqua.... Made in Photoshop & Paint Tool Sai Click here if you want to see it on my Deviantart!
  23. This a colored version of my first submission. I hope it will still count. If not, then that's fine. But thought I'd show my final colored version. This was colored in colored pencil and I added and edited some bits to make it stand out and easy to see. Rather, to make it look COMPLETE. So, again, hope this still counts and hope everyone enjoys this
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