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  1. [THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS! THIS TITLE IS A PROLOGUE TO KH3 AND IT CONNECTS TO BIRTH BY SLEEP AND THE FIRST GAME, I RECOMMEND YOU UNDERSTAND THOSE TITLES BEFORE YOU READ THIS! PLEASE READ AT CAUTION! I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH!) - - - - - - - - - - - - - [We follow Aqua in her time in the Realm of Darkness after sacrificing herself to save her friend. During her time there, she struggles to keep her hopes strong as she tries to find a way to escape and reunite with her friends. All the while, she faces what darkness presents to her, including her own demons.] - - - - - - - - - - I remember anticipating this title since it was first announced. It was also the time I learned the importance of other titles I felt I should play other games, especially Birth by Sleep. And thank goodness I did because I was able to understand the context. As for how I feel about the game, it is a huge improvement from birth by sleep in terms of gameplay. It plays a lot like KH2 in a way. This title, as mentioned, is a prologue to KH3. So, based on what gameplay they are going for, this means no more command decks this time around. However, you are pre-selected with certain abilities and magic spells. You cannot change your abilities, but you can change your placement with magic. You also rely on a new game mechanic called "situation commands". It works Iike how these limit commands worked in birth by sleep. Using the same attacks or spells creates an upgrade of a said spell or combo attack. Another interesting feature was added and it was the first time in the series you have customization. Whenever you accomplish some objectives, you are rewarded an item to your wardrobe. For example, fighting a secret boss will give you a crown or simply seeing the stars will give you wings. I remembered being so surprised by this feature when I saw their last trailer. The boss battles in this title are interesting. Especially ranging from the Darkside heartless to new heartless boss like Demon Tide (which has a very catchy final boss tune). As for heartless in general, seeing old and new in different areas in one world is still fun. Ranging from shadows to elemental heartless always a treat to see. I would also love to straight out say, surprising no none, the graphics of this title are so beautiful! Everything you see in the realm of darkness is what you might expect in a way. It is a place of loneliness and unsettling environments, despite how familiar these worlds are. Everything is distorted, and crystallized. It lacked bright colors and seeing some light give you hope and joy. The look of magic spells makes me appreciate the use of magic since I am normally not a magic based player. Seeing the how it also effects environment was a neat touch. Example, shooting fire not only harms the enemy, but it also scorches the ground. The ice magic I think is one of my favorite spells in this particular title. This is where I will talk about Aqua and the story of this title. I will warn you again this will contain spoilers of the game and even from birth by sleep and a previous title if you have not played it yet. - - - Seeing where we left off from the secret episode in birth by sleep, it is as such Aqua continuing her journey finding a way to escape the realm of darkness. Throughout her time there, she talks to herself. Her thoughts on certain things are worth pondering about. Which again, Kingdom Hearts never fails to give me pondering thoughts that I think Disney themselves have yet to let us learn about. That is opening my eyes on a different kind of perspective and respecting that sight. For example, in this particular title, Aqua ponders and grieves on the predicaments of the world she is in that was taken from darkness. She flashes back to the times she's visited these worlds and realizes how saddening it was to see a lot of the most simple things, you never give thought about, gone. From a dog waiting for their owner, a cat napping on their nook, even things like trees and flowers: every small thing you know are gone. This is telling me that we take the simple things in life for granted. The grief she had for these simple things really hit me when I played this. That moment with Aqua is one of my favorites in the entire series. Moving on, we see Aqua go through illusions that look like her friends and even her own demons she had to fight. The grief she went through and the yearning of escaping to see her friends again is always heartbreaking to see. A lot of what we had to see was just Aqua surviving and sadly we the players had to play along. Here is where I speak of a moment that truly connects....story wise anyway. We actually meet with Terra...at least what Aqua wanted to see. He is in a way an illusion that heard her in the darkness and finally gets to speak to her of Xehanort's attempt to locate Ventus. This moment was actually kinda fascinating because it caused a big whoop and had a really cool semi-action sequence. We now come to a really big reveal of this game. Aqua finally reunites with Mickey Mouse. Through him, we learn Aqua has been in the Realm of Darkness for 10 years, at least in the realm of light since the time in the RoD does not move (I want to mention how heartbreaking it was when Mickey had to reveal that fact....it almost was relatable to us as fans when waiting for KH3). After Aqua finally having a conversation with an actually living person that is not an illusion, it became a relief seeing a form of light that made the moment kinda sweet. This then makes Mickey your temporary party member. It is as such as we head to the next important moments. We have our big battle with swarming piles of heartless known as demon tide at the remains of Destiny Islands (meaning at this time, Sora was fighting Ansem seeker of Darkness in KH1). After that cool battle, we then open a door leading to something Mickey was looking for: a Keyblade from the dark realm known as the the Kingdom Key D. Finding it, an unexpected light takes them to a familiar site to the players: the other side of the door to Kingdom Hearts....sort of. This was where Mickey and Sora lock the door on both sides. During this sequence, we see Riku running towards the door to help close it. from here is where gets interesting. Aqua saves him (he not realizing till Mickey told him) from a tornado of heartless. As such, this resulted keeping Aqua trapped despite being close to escape. This truly shows how she can be incredibly selfless, which is hard to see that she had to face the consequences. Aqua urging Mickey to go without her, she sacrifices herself to remain in the RoD to finish off the swarm of heartless, promising herself she would guide those in the dark and one day return to Terra and Ventus. Leaving off with the ending of KH1, locking both sides of the door and the worlds are now restored. We then finish the segment with Mickey's perspective (the ending of dream drop distance). Upset of the being kept secret for so long, Riku is now determined to rescue Aqua. Both are tasked as such while Kairi goes off to train with Lea to learn the ways of the keyblade. Meanwhile, Sora returns from a secret mission of sorts. Yen Sid speaks to Sora his strength is once again sapped away from him due to the predicament in Dream Drop Distance. He is tasked to meet someone, a true hero, who also lost his strength and hot it back again. Sora, Donald, and Goofy are set off to their next destination leading to the beginning of kingdom hearts 3. There is an issue for some dealing with this title, in terms of the connection. There was a lot of retcon in this series, and I guess this title drew the line on concluding that statement. There was a moment when Mickey was attacked enough to take off his shirt. There is a reason why that was added. In Kingdom Hearts 1, we see Mickey at the end of the game, we see him in his ultra classic outfit (just the red pants). So, adding why he had no short into the continuity is a bit interesting but it lead to people saying that it is a sample of Nomura making things up as this story goes along. Another sample was with Aqua In the mix of it. She learns of these 2 boys saving the worlds during her time in the Realm of Darkness. We then remember her meeting with Ansem the Wise he talks about a boy with a Keyblade saving the worlds. She asked if it was Ven or Terra. This leaves a confusion on this. Why did she ask that? Mickey told her they are out of commission instead it was Sora and Riku. So, Aqua questioning this shows that it was not planned. That being said, personally, I don't actually have that problem. Yes, the shirt situation was a bit silly (heck I was only weirded out he had no shirt on which is strange because it was his classic look ROFL), but the story being connected to KH1 is pretty harmless in a way to me. I'm not saying that this connection was properly planned, but I say Union Cross takes the cake on being an example of making up things to connect and the ultra surprises so far. This was treated and respected better than, for example, the Michael Bay Transformers (even though I did enjoy them for the laughs now a days....and Optimus Prime, but that's a discussion for another day). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I find this a really great edition to this series. While it was meant to be attached to KH3, the had to add something to Dream Drop Distance for their collection edition. I find this awesome since it is, in a way, a demo to KH3's new engine. I love the graphics and I love Aqua's development. I look forward to where this leads in KH3, especially with Aqua's predicaments hopefully coming to an end. Play this game if you are already further in the series. It will be worth it especially for KH3. ARTIST'S NOTES: This is kinda easy since I just used an already drawn Aqua and just added her to the Dark Margin. Drawing this area was bit simple too. So, sadly, I don't think I have much to add other than I am happy how I added to prints in the sand and the text of the title was the most proud I had for it. {{{. As of this post, this is it. That is the last of the posters...until I finish KH3. Yes, I actually have one more being none other than the big honcho itself. However, my thoughts will be raw and scrambled when doing a review and I do plan to make it a spoiler filled review. I will make sure to warn you when I get to it. Please look forward to it when that time comes.mi do not know how long it will take to finish the game. It will be however long it takes to have a fun experience. I will be off Social Media starting the day KH3 releases in Japan on the 25th, being the 24th for us. That being said, I hope you enjoyed the poster's I've done. I truly had a fun time doing them. 6 months worth of work and while my thoughts are not well constructed, I feel I've done my best to speak of them. Doing this project gave me a reason to play these games again, all l the more than enough to make me more excited for the promised day. I will see you all when I finish KH3 I also wish you luck with your choices on how you prepare for this upcoming important time of our fandom lives. Till then, May your hearts be your guiding key! }}} Please check out the other posters for this project: https://www.deviantart.com/mns-prime-21/gallery/67100545/Kingdom-Hearts-III-Countdown
  2. Hello everyone! I recently finished playing 0.2 BBS, and wow, it was an amazing experience, especially for a demo! I'm not sure if the spoiler policy is still active, so I made sure to note that in the thread title. Now, the questions I have may have already been answered, yet I could not find clear explanations in the topics from several pages back. So, here goes: 1. I originally had asked about 0.2's placement in the KH timeline. While the game did reveal that most of it is parallel to KH1, does 0.2 take place before or after the Secret Episode? We also know that Aqua would continue to wander during the events of COM and KH2, as well. I ask this (again) because Aqua and Mickey eventually make their way to what looks a lot like the area in the Secret Episode, called the Depths of Darkness in 0.2. This area then leads to what is left of the Destiny Islands in the ROD. I was under the impression that Aqua had been wandering a VERY long time once the Secret Episode begins, and thought she may have met Mickey AFTER her encounter with good old Red Eyes. Now, it would seem that 0.2 all takes place BEFORE the Secret Episode, with Aqua once again being transported to the Depths of Darkness after her last battle with the Demon Tide. I know this is a detailed question. I am just trying to make sense of all of this, as so much happened before and during KH1, more than we could have ever known when the series consisted of only KH1 :lol: 2. My other question is, just how long had Aqua already been wandering when she first makes her way to Castle Town (the Dark World), and then sees illusions of Terra and Ventus? Although time flow is totally different in the ROD, it did not take long to get through the three main sections of the Dark World, at least for us players. So, to sum up what I think is my understanding of the ROD timeline, it goes like this: Aqua's story in BBS ends Final Episode begins Final Episode ends, Aqua enters the ROD Aqua begins wandering ROD and is saved early on by T and V's Keyblades Secret Episode begins, wandering and fighting Heartless for a presumably long time Aqua defeats Red Eyes (Hunter of the Dark) She continues wandering and sees the Castle of Dreams in the distance 0.2 begins, revealing the existence of the Dark World Aqua makes her way through the Dark World, "seeing" Terra and Ventus She meets Mickey and follows him to the Depths of Darkness Aqua and Mickey find the Kingdom Key D at Destiny Islands just before it is restored to the ROL Aqua is separated from Mickey and is sent back to the Depths of Darkness while fighting the Demon Tide swarm She wanders even more for another 1-2 years She finally meets with Ansem the Wise (towards the end of KH2) Riku and Mickey better not screw up the rescue attempt - Aqua has been in the ROD long enough! Oh, they should probably save Ansem, too (maybe). This is the best possible understanding I have of the Aqua/ROD timeline. Thanks to Lealixx, I made some important changes to the summary, so everything should be in the right order now!
  3. I was actually going to upload this on the day of the 15th anniversary of good ol KH, but I kinda forgot to. Hope ya Enjoy! And happy 15th Kingdom Hearts! Please do not repost this in any form without my permission to do so first. Also, if I do give you my permission, please remember to credit my work as done by me. Thank you very much!
  4. Meow name is Meowster Aqua and that's a promise!
  5. I haven't gotten the game yet, but I will let you all know if I have been enjoying it once I get it.
  6. Remember, remember The 24th of Januar--- This doesn't work..
  7. But I made a rough timeline of things that happen in succession or at the same time. It's not perfect by any means but it helps keep track of the events
  8. So, for awhile now I've wanted to do a painting of Aqua based on the opening cinematic from 2.8 and was unable to do it back when the trailer came out due to being busy with work and other stuff. However, I finally managed to get some time to work on it and well here's the result:
  9. I was thinking at Jump Festa maybe they might show the opening and hopefully it's as cinematic like 0.2's opening
  10. Nomura seems to be delivering on his promise that the 15th Anniversary for Kingdom Hearts will be one worth remembering. So far, nearly each month for the first 6 months of 2017 (except April at the moment), has some to give the KH community. We are getting: · Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue in January; the first new story content since KH3D in 2012 · Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ - Skuld Story Content in January · Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ – Multiplayer Mode in February · Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX in March; completing the puzzle that puts nearly every KH game on the PS4 · The long-awaited final volume of Kingdom Hearts II (manga) Vol. 4 in May · And finally, Kingdom Hearts II: The Novel Vol. 1 in June which gives hope that more KH novels will be on the way With all this, 2017 is shaping up to be a great year for us KH fans. Do you guys think that they’ll give us something in April? Does Nomura/Square Enix have a plan for the whole year perhaps capping the year off with Kingdom Hearts III? What else you guys want for KH’s 15th Anniversary Celebration?
  11. So, I decided to start working on the second pic in the series I am doing for 2.8 This one is going to take quite a bit of time to do as I am digitally painting it. Hopefully it turns out okay
  12. So far, we haven't seen any Disney characters, besides Mickey and Yen Sid, in the 0.2 segments of the 2.8 trailers that has been released. Could we see perhaps dark/corrupted versions of characters in the game? If we don't, wouldn't that make 0.2 the game that has the least amount of Disney character cameos in the series?
  13. So, I have been working on a novel for quite some time, and I thought I would take a break to stretch my legs a little bit and do something new. Therefore, I decided to do a fanfiction (which I have not done in years ). I have been wanting to do a written version of 0.2 BBS ever since I saw the first trailer for it, but didn't get around to doing it until now. So, I took my knowledge of BBS and the latest trailers for 2.8 (plus the 0.2 gameplay and my own thoughts), to put together this fan written version of the story. For the most part right now, it stays pretty much along the lines of what we've seen so far, but as I progress further into the story (if you guys like it and want to read more), things will get more into how I personally see the game going. Now, for the moment, I'm just going to upload the small bit of what I have right now. I would definitely appreciate feedback on how I handle the story, but most importantly on writing. Let me know what you guys think and if you want to read more. If you guys like it enough, I'll continue onward! ^^ --------- I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Yet, there it was before my eyes: the Castle of Dreams. It was where I met Cinderella for the first time…and…Terra for one of the last. How long had it been since I helped him escape this fate that I now bear? I wondered what it would have been like if things had went the opposite way. What would he be doing down here? What would I be doing out there? I was still a bit shaken up after my last encounter with the darkness. That beast with the gleaming red eyes and the other creatures that were much smaller were not like the unversed. The unversed attacked as if they wanted to eliminate the enemy. However, these creatures attacked as if they wanted something from me. They wanted to take something away, but I didn’t understand what. I had nothing left to give… I continued onward cautiously as I passed through the trees that connected Cinderella’s home to the village. This world seemed to be fragmented as I did not see the house at all. The landscape was also torn asunder. Uprooted trees as well as bricks from the trail and other debris were suspended in the air. It was almost as if time had stopped during the complete annihilation of this world. For the moment, it was quiet, and eerily so. There was no sound whatsoever aside from my footsteps. It was just another element added to the emptiness that I felt in this place. At times, I wished that I would happen upon a place filled with people just so I didn’t have to be alone. Such a thought was completely selfish. I should never wish for anyone to experience this kind of darkness or any kind for that matter. When I arrived in the village, I saw that it was just as contorted and broken as everything else I had seen. I expected as much, but for some reason I kept hoping that I might find something or someone that could help me. I continued onward until I found myself at large fountain in the center of the village. I walked up to it and placed my hand over the frozen water that was spewing over into an umbrella shape. The chill of the ice matched its surroundings. The darkness was anything but warm and welcoming. I wondered how Xehanort could be so freely open to it. Why did he embrace the darkness? No good could come of it. My thoughts suddenly came to a screeching halt when I heard something nearby. I turned sharply in every direction, analyzing every inch of the place that my eye could see. My heart was racing as I feared that I might come across that large red-eyed beast from before. I summoned my keyblade swiftly, and as soon as I did, I was surrounded by the creatures that I had fought before. However, there was a difference in their appearance. These monsters were glowing red with flames atop their heads. They came my way quickly, spewing flames at me that I managed to dodge. I slashed them with my keyblade, but as I defeated them, they were replaced by even more. In addition, the creatures that crept along the ground like shadows had now appeared. I was now up against a number that was more than a few swats from my keyblade was going to accomplish. I cast a few blizzard spells there way and it seemed to be making some progress, but it still wasn’t enough. I channeled all of my strength as I lifted my keyblade up to charge my attack. I then fired my blizzagun spell at the monsters with success. The blast was enough to freeze and completely obliterate all of the dark creatures. I was alone again, but I knew better than to stay in one place for very long, so I continued onward toward the castle. I went through the gate and walked down the pathway as I looked up, admiring the size of the glowing white castle above. It was beautiful, and it appeared to be unscathed by the affects the darkness had on the rest of this world. However, that all changed quickly. Just when I though time had stopped, I heard the chiming of the castle clock. The bell echoed all over as the ground begin to quake beneath my feet. Shock came over me as I saw the trail disintegrate. I managed to jump back quick enough to escape falling, but I almost wished I had fallen. I was so tired. I wanted to escape the inescapable in any way I could. However, when I fell into those thoughts, I would remember Ven. I promised that I would be back for him. I couldn’t quit now. I began to think about what was going on for a moment. I gazed up at the clock and then down at the gaping hole in front of me. “The road collapsed when the clock advanced.” I said allowed to myself. That would mean that whatever had happened had to do with time itself. But what could it be? I turned around to return to the village and saw a glowing set of gears behind me. The gears were not there before, so I knew that they had to be connected to this issue I was in. I walked up to them, keyblade in hand, and whacked them with full force. They instantly began to turn and emit an even more radiant light than before. A glowing ball emerged and flew up toward the clock. As soon as it collided with the clock, the hands began to move backward one hour and a piece of the trail reappeared. So that was it. I went back toward the village to see if I could find more gears. There were four hours left on the clock, so there had to be four more gears. I managed to find them one after another, but not without running into more of those creatures. The battles were wearing me down, but giving up was not an option. At least not yet. I watched each glowing orb return to the clock and recomplete the trail before I made my way back to the castle. When I arrived at the gate, my passage was halted by a pool of darkness that had appeared. Like a volcano, a surge of the shadow creatures erupted from it. They appeared to have merged together this time. They must have thought they would get me if they all worked together. They were smarter than the unversed, but still not smart enough. I used my fire spells this time, blasting them with firagun a few times as they shot at me like a rocket. I then switched it up and used my spellweaver ability, bringing all of my magic together into one attack. I channeled my energy into a razor sharp spinning top that sliced through all of the shadows until none were left. As soon as they were gone, I ran through the gate and across the trail to the castle. When I finally made it to the courtyard, I stopped to catch my breath and rest. I looked up at the sky and saw glimmering lights like stars. It reminded me of that night back home. The last night that we were together. I mean, before everything changed. I felt a warm tear slide down my cheek as I reached up in the sky. I reached with all my might as if I could grab ahold of the past and somehow return to it. I wanted so bad to believe that one day things would be as they were again. “To spend one more night beneath the stars with them.” I whispered to myself. I’m doing it again. I thought. I have to stop that! “Aqua!” my heart immediately sank in my chest when I heard the voice. It couldn’t be. Could it? I turned and saw him descending the staircase. It was Terra. His eyes were a deep blue and his hair was an earthy brown. He was just as I remembered him before Xehanort took him. But how was he here? Why was he here? “What are you doing here, Terra?” I said as I ran up to him. He was smiling warmly at me, but he wouldn’t speak again. “Why are you not in the realm of light? Or wait! Did something happen to it?” I asked. He still stood silently. He seemed almost hollow beneath that smile that he carried on him. “Why won’t you say anything to me?!” I exclaimed as I reached out to take his hand. I gasped as my hand instantly went right through his. I stepped back slightly, looking over him as he began to glow and disappear. I felt a lump in my throat as I wanted to do something to make him stay, but I knew that I couldn’t. “So you’re just a memory. Are you here to try and tell me not to lose heart?” I said aloud. He was completely gone now. He had escaped me once again. I carried on, making my way up the steps and then paused. I took one more look back at the damaged world I had journeyed through. This realm seemed to keep memories alive, but what about the people that belonged in this world? What happened to them when their world was taken away from them? I had no way of knowing, but I was able to find solace in the fact that they weren’t here. At least they didn’t have to experience this darkness…
  14. So, I haven't really been too active on here (due to school among other things), but I really want to change that. Kingdom Hearts is a big part of my life. It is a main source for why I decided to go into the field of study I chose (Animation). But anyhow, to start off becoming more active in the community, I thought I would share a sketch I worked on today and plan to continue working on later. To occupy my free time until 2.8 comes out, I thought I might work on some character drawings of some of the main characters from the 3 parts of 2.8 (Aqua, Sora/Riku, the foretellers).
  15. Karasu3


    So, I was so hyped about 2.8 that I decided to draw Aqua from 0.2 BBS. I'm planning on doing other characters from 2.8 as we approach the release, but for now, here's the finished version of the sketch I posted last night.
  16. So... Since we now know that there will be multiple worlds in 0.2 in the realm of darkness... Is it possible that the worlds of summons from KH1 are going to be these worlds? I think so. As we know, castle of dreams is in 0.2, Cinderella wasn't a summon, but what does the fairy godmother mention in merlins house in KH1? She mentions that she knows Cinderella is still alive, of course we don't know how she knows this. What we know about summons in KH1 is that they're the strong spirits of people that survive when their worlds are thrown into darkness... I think this all points to those worlds coming into 0.2 What do you think?
  17. We got some direct feed footage of KH3D's and 0.2's gameplay!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU3gm5PDZh0
  18. What do you think the all so handsome...Muscular...Whoa, sorry inner fangirl showing. What do you think Terra's role will be in KH3
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