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Found 27 results

  1. TrinityXaos#

    Yozora Drawing May 2023

    My best attempt at drawing Yozora.
  2. © Yessie Maltese Disney Square Enix Pixar

  3. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue and Kingdom Hearts III + Re Mind are coming to Nintendo Switch through cloud gaming. This was announced alongside Sora coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as the final DLC fighter. As announced by the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, the name of this bundle should customers purchase every title is called the Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece for Cloud collection! UPDATE: Details on this release have been provided.
  4. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue and Kingdom Hearts III + Re Mind are coming to Nintendo Switch through cloud gaming. This was announced alongside Sora coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as the final DLC fighter. As announced by the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, the name of this bundle should customers purchase every title is called the Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece for Cloud collection! UPDATE: Details on this release have been provided. View full article
  5. After rewatching the cutscene that introduced Yozora to Sora, I kinda got hit with a epiphany, though again, this is just a theory, A GA- (yeah right) So Sora has been messing up Worlds, in his naivety of being a tool for the Organization and his constant failings over the years, done enough to mess up Parallel Universes(Worlds). Yozora is a someone from one of those Parallel Worlds, and his mission is to defeat Sora, although from having gone through the lanes between Worlds himself to find Sora, his one memories and possibly his heart has been effected as well, giving him his uncertainty about who Sora exactly is. Please let me know your thoughts! Again this is just a guess really
  6. So! I will never forget how hard this boss was. I have only beated 2 bosses in the KH series (so far) Julius and Yozora, and they have been the hardest bosses I beated in my life. I studied Yozora's movement's on YouTube for one week. I played 4h a day to practice! Beating Yozora was basically my part-time job When I finally beated him I started jumping and screaming I was in the first floor of my house and they could hear me even in the third floor. I was trembling so bad but really happy, it felt like a catarsis. What about you!
  7. Kingdom Hearts III: The Novel Vol 3: Remind Me Again is now available in English for purchase as a paperback and digital from Yen Press. The novel is 162 pages long and contains events from Kingdom Hearts III from the Caribbean up to the secret episode of Re:Mind. It will cost $15.00 (US)/$19.50 (CAN) for paperback or $8.99 (US)/$10.99 (CAN) digitally. You can buy the volume as a paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Indigo, Indiebound, and RightStuf or digitally on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Walker, ComiXology, Google Play, Apple iBooks, and Kobo. The novel has already been released in Japan as "GAME NOVELS Kingdom Hearts III Vol. 3 ReMind Me Again". Vol. 1 Re:Start is also available in Japanese and English as well as Vol. 2 New Seven Hearts for both Japanese and English. View full article
  8. Kingdom Hearts III: The Novel Vol 3: Remind Me Again is now available in English for purchase as a paperback and digital from Yen Press. The novel is 162 pages long and contains events from Kingdom Hearts III from the Caribbean up to the secret episode of Re:Mind. It will cost $15.00 (US)/$19.50 (CAN) for paperback or $8.99 (US)/$10.99 (CAN) digitally. You can buy the volume as a paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Indigo, Indiebound, and RightStuf or digitally on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Walker, ComiXology, Google Play, Apple iBooks, and Kobo. The novel has already been released in Japan as "GAME NOVELS Kingdom Hearts III Vol. 3 ReMind Me Again". Vol. 1 Re:Start is also available in Japanese and English as well as Vol. 2 New Seven Hearts for both Japanese and English.
  9. Playstation Dengeki recently conducted an interview with Testuya Nomura about Final Fantasy VII Remake. Within this interview however, Playstation Dengeki also asked Nomura questions pertaining to the Kingdom Hearts series. The following questions and responses are from this interview. Credit to our team's Ryuji for the translations!
  10. Playstation Dengeki recently conducted an interview with Testuya Nomura about Final Fantasy VII Remake. Within this interview however, Playstation Dengeki also asked Nomura questions pertaining to the Kingdom Hearts series. The following questions and responses are from this interview. Credit to our team's Ryuji for the translations! View full article
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_ZITsfrfTQ After working hard on this one for the last few days, it's finally done. Hope you guys enjoy it! It's been super fun to arrange this but I'm super glad it's done. This is an ear arrangement of Yozora Battle version- from Kingdom Hearts III: Re Mind. Instrumentation has been simplified for convenience's sake. Some liberties taken with the strings cause I'm not that good lol.
  12. Here is part 2 of my final KH3 combo video, which covers the recent update and the ReMind DLC.
  13. KH3 ReMind Review (SPOILER REVIEW) HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO KINGDOM HEARTS III !!! ❣️ So, it has been a year since KH3 released. Here we are with new content since then.....and boy do I have stuff and a hoot to say about them! Before we get started, I will dive into spoilers later in the review. I will display my thoughts on gameplay and technical changes made for the past year. The story I will not shy away from spoilers. This is, however, my personal take on the story. So it will be different points of view. Heck, even a few complaints I have you should take it with a pinch of salt. As for when I will talk about the spoilers, I will let you know about the spoilers with second warning and this ⚠️ That being said, let’s talk about the updates! So, before the recent update and remind, we received critical mode. I heard some positives towards this for the challengers and here is my take. Consider how I have been playing critical for KH2 and even BbS, this does feel like the toughest. I will admit, it’s harder getting into KH3 because of the difficulty spike. Not saying it’s bad, I’m just a big baby LOL I will say it was worth it for the sake of the new keyblades that released with the update. I will be dead honest when I say Oblivion and Oathkeeper were never my favorite (do not hate them, just not an instant fav). However, I think it was time to reconsider after using them for awhile. I can’t really pick which one is better because they are both so good! But I may love Oblivion. Of course having to dual wield them makes the experience all the more fun! As for the new move set, again, I never really had major issues. I will say that it originally was not as responsive as it is now in this update. Every move felt fast and responsive and just satisfying. Sota wasn’t as floaty like he used to be. Nice stuff to boot, definitely could not complain. Another addition they had was the premium menu. I decided to try EZ codes to speed run in another file to play remind again. Now, keep in mind, I did finish remind on critical. But I felt awful for not finishing up some segments because being on critical was a little difficult. So, I decided to try EZ codes to speed run using deadly blow.....it was hilarious to say the least. Just wanted to get these stories done LOL Anyway, to adjust the experience through premium how I desire is something to boot. I actually love this on proud. I adjusted to HP + MP regan and auto-block. This is could end up being useful to see and check out the hard bosses and study their move sets before doing block myself without the premium menu. That being said, a MAJOR PSA! When you do this going through these hard bosses and expect a trophy from using the EZ codes (and even PRO code), you will not receive a trophy for those bosses. You’d only get these trophies without premium menu (which I assume is the case for both sides, do correct me for the pro code). You do get a a couple trophies for completing merits of the premium menu. Also to briefly state that I never tried PRO code yet. I think you can guess that it is the coin flip of EZ codes. It will be something to try out in the future, but definitely not any time soon LOL One final thing before I talk about the story, is the Data Greeting. You can access this once you enter the limit cut episode. Can I just say it one of my absolute favorite features in this game. The artist in me having to place my favorite characters in these desired areas was an unexpected dream come true. Sadly, I do have a few issues with this feature. I understand the modeling had to be limited. But I was surprised how a couple characters were left with only a couple of poses (Naminé for instance). Because of how limited some of these poses are, it is difficult to find the right perfect spot and angle without being awkward. Definitely meme fuel, but my artist brain needed some good shots LOL A few nit picks are down to the auras should have the option to have some opacity scaling, areas should be expanded, and even add some Disney/summon Characters to the mix (I was actually shocked to not see any despite their worlds featured in the data greeting). If I had it my way, I’d love the Disney characters to be added to any world....THAT would be a meme feast to stuff us with LOL Another small complaint I want to address (for the game in general and forgot to mention in my original review) is the expansion of the save slots. Almost all KH games consists about 90-99 slots......but we now only have....9. I’m sorry, I just cannot deal with feeling so claustrophobic over the piling of saves I wanted to keep. This also applies to the data greeting save files. Alright, here is where I start going to spoilers. I couldn’t bring myself to hold back on this this time. So, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVE NOT EITHER PLAYED KH3’S BASE GAME AND/OR REMIND (INCLUDING LIMIT CUT AND SECRET)! You have been warned!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ So........ ........That Re:Mind content...... ........made KH3 my second favorite KH game! WHERE? DO I? BEGIN???? This was almost everything people wanted! From explaining Sora’s use of the power of waking, explorable Scala, certain character’s return (Xion and Roxas mostly), group interaction, playable characters (especially Kairi)....to even moments and references we did not expect! First to talk about is Sora’s power of waking arc. The base game did not explain the use of PoW (yes that’s what I’m calling it). As such, the ending left everyone in controversy. I can’t say for sure how everyone else feels about it currently from the clarity, but it was more impactful now we understand the context. Plus, seeing the other characters interacting from battle to the beach was all the more special. Speaking of which.... It was also really nice to see the perspective of the other characters aside from Sora and Co in the base game. Sora witnessed each certain guardians struggles and helps them achieve to where they need to be. In other words, we get more context for each character’s predicament. I mean, we all speculated why Aqua gave up during the timeline of their failure, but we now see what she sees in the heartless tornado thing (which happens to school of flying anti-Aquas). Of course, I will not go through every single character for it, but this DLC does answer a lot of questions we had. I’d like to express my favorite moments in a bit, but I’d like to address another feature they added that everyone really wanted: Scala ad Caelum is now explorable! Being able to look around the world (albeit two areas) is a major treat. It is incredibly beautiful. It leaves people with their imagination of certain parts of the area. I’ll be honest, going through a couple areas felt really familiar. I even heard from someone that it felt like it was in their dreams. I do have a small nit pick for this Scala. I was hoping we get more background on Xehanort, even through small posters or abandoned books somewhere. However, there is a machine that literally tells you the story of it’s origin. So, my nit pick is merely small and doesn’t ruin the overall experience. Now to talk about my favorite moments: I thought the conversation between MoM and Young Xehanort was fascinating. It seriously makes me want to learn more about Xehanort and what he was like as a kid. Luckily, I hear there is a mobile game coming up in spring relating to Xehanort (so definitely something to look forward to). Of course MoM just made the spotlight still being funny and being very mysterious. Currently I still could not read him and love every moment of it. I find the sea salt trio segment more satisfying. The fact I get to see more Xemnas and Axel is totally worth watching. But what stood out was Kairi standing up for herself by fighting briefly against Xemnas (I swear I could not believe that’s real life). This is an example of what most people really want from Kairi and I’m glad she finally got a decently memorable moment like this. Continuing the sea salt segment, Roxas was the best playable character of the bunch. It feels so great to play as Roxas again but not in a DS game and no longer the tutorial boy. The reversal reaction command was definitely a throwback. What more is there to say, it’s Roxas! We now have the Key Squad battle! From here to the end is where it all gets incredibly memorable. Playing each character briefly and guarding at the same time, having them talk to each other was just precious to my fan girl heart, and the visuals are just astounding. We also have probably one of the best moments not only in ReMind, but probably the entire series. You play as a wounded Mickey trying to walk to the open keyhole and fighting against 12 hollow armors of Xehanort along the way. The setting of this moment....would it be stretching to say that it’s not only the most magical in KH, but for Disney in general. I’m telling you all I have not felt genuine Disney magic in a very long time. This made the moment all the more memorable for both KH and Disney as a whole. 10/10 This next moment was what made me cry (this might be a weird one to some LOL). But as soon as Kairi’s pieces were put together only to be an item that leads to a keyhole. The way Sora locks the keyhole is very identical to KH2. Our of all the scenes in this content, that one hit me the most emotionally. The fact how much of a throwback it was and nostalgia overwhelmed me is what made it the sorts for me. I grew up playing KH2 (because it was the only KH I had for a long time) and it’s also my #1 favorite KH game and generally of all time. So, of course that hit me hard in the gut LOL OF COURSE, we also get playable Kairi. For the first time in KH history we get to play a character that barely had much decent recognition. Sadly, because I was on critical, I failed so much I had to move to Sora. But, when playing on proud, it felt so surreal to play as a person like Kairi. There’s so much to consume about the amazing content. But I had a couple of issues only the first time playing. The idea of the Sigil X thing confused me. I tolerated all the talk on the fact they’ve been making things up on the way. But, I do not understand this addition to the meaning of the sigil. After thinking about I do think the sigil is marked by Xemnas. I remember seeing a video talking about how he was the person that gave them a name, a home, and a purpose. The X in their name is a form of their identity in the organization. From that organization, the sea salt trio became friends with that identity. Therefore, with the Sigil, they form a bond. With that being said, I think it was weird to add this because I thought it was simply to symbolize yourself as part of the organization. I don’t know, I felt the Sigil thing confused me. Ok.....I originally was so angry at this issue, I am mostly a little thrown off as I watched it again and again. I know that a different person had to voice Xehanort after the recent passed away. At the time, I did not know it was Christopher Lloyd. The new scenes with Master Xehanort were really good. It was the reused lines in the Keyblade Graveyard was rushed and too over the top I guess. I thought it was the worst acting I’ve heard when I first heard it. I did get used to them a little bit since it is exclusive in ReMind. Between the two for that segment, Rutger Hauer had a better performance. He is over the top and being a villain, just not sky rocket over like Christopher Lloyd. It was only that segment that really bothered me. That ends the Remind story.....now we have Limit Cut and the secret episode! I want to point out that the content for remind “reminded” me of BbS final mix. That game also had a couple of playable segments (final episode and secret episode). I think it’s really neat to see KH3 is doing the same thing, only incredibly beefy! As mentioned before, Limit Cut now allows me to access Data Greeting. But I can also do the Data Battles like I did with KH2FM.....only more difficult. When I first played this, I was on critical and trying to get into these bosses. Sadly, I couldn’t even get through 1 boss and kinda why I regretted playing on critical on my first (I had to because it had Oathkeeper and Oblivion). I had to quickly speed run in a new save file on Proud with the EZ codes to go through remind again to get to limit cut and fight the bosses. Even with EZ codes with HP regan, I did fail a few times for a couple of bosses. So, not perfect but definitely got through them swiftly just for the story. Speaking of story, limit cut and tiny episode of what has been going on currently....1 year later (funny how that worked about because it had been a year since KH3’s launch day). Turns out Kairi has been asleep in hopes something would trigger to find Sora, to which everyone in the Key Squad is contributing I their way. The Fairy Godmother comes along to ask Riku about his dreams, one of which is relevant to the secret ending. Speaking of secret.... Now we have the secret boss...aka Yozora. I thought it was the most interesting segment throughout this DLC. Not only was he first appeared in a commercial in Toy Box, not only is he a tough boss, not only now confirming the stars we talked happened to be aquatinted with Yozora (so long Strelitzia and Skuld theories), and most certainly not only does it have 2 endings.....but it seems to heavily referencing Final Fantasy vs XIII with the shots used from the trailer in 2011. Nomura can deny this all he wants, but I think he will be adding this as part of the universe of KH. I am actually looking forward to it regardless if it’s the case or not. I find Yozora seems to be really interesting and I want to see where this goes. Especially when he says what he is to Sora is not what he looks like. So, I wonder if he’ll show up as a different form. I find fascinating to see Kingdom Hearts have 2 endings (bad and good). Bad ending is when you lose and Sora turns to crystal and Yozora waking up in a car quoting the very first lines of the series being the “weird thoughts”. Good ending Yozora particle-lizes and still wakes up in a car....only for the driver to wake him up. When I first heard the driver, I firmly believe it was Luxord. For the first time, he truly now got my attention. I am now fascinated with his character. Cannot wait to see more with this series. I swear, this lore diving keeps getting deeper and deeper and never fails to impress me. As for the battle, it is difficult....but I actually might love this over Lingering Will. I find the music and setup to be a lot cooler and mysterious. His battle sets are a new step to test your skills in this particular fight. I find him the most unique and most unforgiving. Lingering Will you can cheese your way. You can dead shot through Yozora, but there really is no way to cheese this fight (do correct me if I’m wrong though). At the end of the day, I just find it funny to joke around that Yozora asked Sora how he knew his name and if met him I’d answer “a toy dinosaur told me!” ROFL ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ That is all I have! Boy has it been a ride or what. I know some people were iffy on whether the price it worth it. Personally, I think it was. I am willing to spend so much time deciding what to do on the data greeting and I continue to trophy hunt to make this journey in the game more worthwhile now. I love Kingdom Hearts for the wackiest concept I’ve ever seen in my life. It is the wackiest game with the heart of a diamond. How much it has shined for me for so many years and the fact the it is somewhat a crossover of what felt is impossible. When I think of Disney being the place where dreams come true. This is one of them, one we thought we never expected. It was series that is forever one of the most unique of media out there. I am forever grateful to Tetsuya Nomura, Tai Yasue, the Osaka team, Yoko Shimomura, the actors, and the fans for making the series incredibly special. Thank you so very much! —————— ARTIST NOTES Artist: https://www.deviantart.com/mns-prime-21/gallery/ ALRIGHT, when I drew this, it was only from what was shown in the trailer. I feel it is the perfect setting. For the first time, I truly do a full on night sky in this series of posters I’ve in Summer 2018 till early 2019. I do feel it is a bit difficult to set up the night sky with the sunrise/sunset look. I didn’t want it to feel the same. I do love a clear night sky though. It always felt haunting and peaceful whenever the full moon shines and the stars gleam in the empty space of the night sky. I really don’t how what else to say other than I am proud of this piece. Sora ©️ Kingdom Hearts
  14. With the Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC releasing so soon, it's time that we set up a spoiler policy. This policy will be in effect from the moment Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind first releases, right up until March 16, 2020. We'll keep you posted on that, but for now, here's our current policy: A spoiler is any kind of information/picture/video about the game that was not officially released before the release of the game. This includes but is not limited to: Anything new in terms of major story/plot points Anything new in terms of major story/plot points concerning the version 1.07 patch Any new gameplay elements which play a significant role in the story (i.e. storyline bosses) The ending, limit cut episode, & secret episode Our rules regarding spoilers: Your avatar, cover photo, signature and user title MUST NOT contain any spoilers whatsoever. Status updates MUST NOT contain any spoilers whatsoever. Topic titles MUST NOT contain any spoilers whatsoever. If you are using the PM system, please be mindful that your partner may not want to hear spoilers. Generally, you MAY NOT post any spoilers in topics, statuses or posts. However, if either of the following conditions are met, then you are allowed to: You are allowed to post spoilers within "spoiler tags". This is used by posting[spoiler]spoiler here[/spoiler]which will output Our Moderating Team will be monitoring KH13.com extensively to ensure our website is a safe place for you to discuss the Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC without being exposed to unmarked spoilers. Please help us out by reporting any posts across the site which do not meet the above mentioned guidelines. Follow the rules, don't break them (if you want your posting privileges to remain ) and have fun reading our Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind coverage!
  15. Summary: Based on the “Yozora” secret ending and the ending of the State of Play Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind Trailer. What if the meeting between Sora and Yozora in the Final World continued into Shibuya? What if Yozora comes across Sora instead of watching over Riku? Another time, another story. The sky’s changed, Sora first thought to himself as he rose from the water floor. “Now, it’s turned to night,” the Keyblade hero said out loud to himself. “Did I save her?” The last thing Sora remembered was fading. Like his body was turning to dust. There was a sunset and someone to his left. We were holding hands…he—she! She was crying…! Sora gasped. He did it! He saved Kairi and brought her home to their Islands. But at the cost was to say goodbye to her. And to return here, to the world of the sea and sky: the Final World. “Looks like it’s time to pay up,” Sora guessed. “So, who is the collector?” Was it a Lich? That thought made Sora shudder. The idea of seeing THAT heartless wasn’t a pleasing one. Nor is the idea of a Lich taking Sora’s heart beyond the Final World and onto death. Xehanort? While that was also an unpleasant (although very ironic) idea, Sora would rather take Xehanort over a Lich any time for this scenario. But Aqua’s master, Eraqus, already took Xehanort away. So the chance of meeting the old darkness seeker was very unlikely. Annoyed with the quiet and emptiness, Sora cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted: “Hello! Is anyone else around here? HEY!” Once he finished, Sora shift his body to his right side and brought his right hand to his ear, hoping for someone to reply from afar. Silence continued on in Sora’s ear. And then, “…Who’s there?” Alerted, Sora took a look and spotted something in black far into the distance. The direction was forward. Is this a coincidence? Sora wondered quietly before he bolts onward to meet the person. He felt excitement, nervousness, and hopefulness inside his heart. Excitement from the thought of where he was not alone, that someone else was out there. Nervousness over his concerns the person may be Xehanort, or a Lich disguised as a person. And finally, hopefulness with the person being someone Sora can trust and NOT a Lich (mostly). As he ran closer to the person in black who was walking instead, Sora can’t help but think back on something. Was it something he said years ago, or just thought about? “I’ve been having…” Sora began quietly to himself. “…these weird thoughts lately.” Sora thought he heard someone else speak. Was it the person he’s trying to reach? “Like is any of this for real or not?” Sora and the other voice said together. Sora stopped in his tracks. The person before him slowly halted his approach as well. The moonlight’s reflection acts as a divide between them. Who is this guy and how does he know that thought of mine? Sora’s mind was reeling with shock. Even more so, once the person finally stopped, the moonlight revealed his appearance. RIKU?! Wasn’t expecting him to be here, but at least it’s not a Lich. Riku was the first identity that came into Sora’s mind. But that fled as Sora noted the look-a-like’s features: the man’s hair is curved towards his right, the colors on his clothes weren’t just black, but gray and red, and his left eye was red as well. He seen this person’s image before, back at a game store when Sora was a toy— Yozora? But how is that possible? Yozora was from a video game from a single world. Or was Yozora around before the game was even created? One way to find out, Sora took a nervous breath before asking, “Are you Yozora?” The young man blinked in surprise before gauging Sora carefully. Guess he is Yozora after all. Sora let the thought pass through his mind. This beats the last person he ever expected to come to the Final World. This was the one thing he didn’t even imagine happening! “You must be Sora.” Startled, Sora focused on Yozora again and saw Yozora’s expression. Unlike Riku with expressions by the mouth, Yozora’s lips don’t seem to change much so one might mistake a smile for a frown. Therefore to best judge Yozora’s thoughts and feelings, Sora guessed, would be through his eyes. The old saying about eyes being a gateway to a person’s soul might be true in this case. Despite his eyes being two different colors, Sora wondered if he was seeing dismay in Yozora’s eyes at that moment. “You shouldn’t be here,” Yozora quietly mused. What? “Not yet, anyway,” and with that thought leaving his lips, Yozora brought his left hand out towards Sora. In a few seconds, Sora felt the world had shifted. It did. Yozora somehow distorted the Final World’s reality. And now Sora was falling in the sky down towards the sea he was just standing on. Is Yozora trying to send me to my death?! Sora’s thoughts were panicked and disordered. The sea was like a floor. If Sora lands on it now, will he crash into it like he would the ground in the living world? What if the sea was actually the sea thanks to Yozora’s distortion? Would Sora go back to the world of the living or be at his heart’s Station? Why was Yozora trying to send him back to the living world? Did Yozora think Sora wasn’t ready yet? But what if the sea was still like the ground floor? Sora never felt more than a bit of pain and merely rolled safely when he landed during the past two years. Now, as far as he could tell, Sora was without his power, he was a normal teenage boy. Surviving a fall like this one case would be impossible. Sora’s head arrived at the sea’s surface. The two forces collided. SPLASH! Sora was overjoyed that he lived only to catch sight of Yozora looking down on him. The dark silver haired man was still standing at his spot on the other side of the sea. Before he could question it, Yozora blurred away with the water rippling from Sora’s earlier impact, turning the once transparent wall into an opaque sea. Sora continued downward into the sea’s dark abyss. He wasn’t sure how long it was until he arrived at the darkest area. He felt his world going black. Was this because of the darkness or was he out of air like in real life? Like the time, Sora didn’t know the answer as he closed his eyes. ••• The sound of a drop of water stirred his consciousness as he began to awake. Slowly opening his eyes, Sora found himself on wet pavement. Rousing his body to move, he used his hands to lift himself up onto his feet, feeling cool damp gravel and a puddle across his palms. Afterwards, he turned his hands around to check his palms for any damage, and then flexed his fingers to see if he can still use them. Taking a sigh of relief, Sora just basked in that moment. He was alive. As soon as the moment passed, he realized something was amiss. The quiet was too much. He shifts his body to look to his right. He saw a car in the distance. Not to mention there was warm lights all around him. Sora continued to turn himself around to figure out where he was. It seemed like a city, reminding him a little of San Fransokyo. Yet this city seemed larger, the warm lights suggest more vibrancy and night life in most areas of the district. Another thing, as Sora began to walk to the open area of road ahead of him, this city seemed empty like a ghost town. There was no one else but him. Once he reached the start of the four-way crosswalk, Sora looked up to the night sky, its darkness weakened by the warm lights from neon (like that 109 sign he saw to his left earlier), street lights, and screens in the city. All he could do is wonder is what was going on. Was he alone? “Sora.” A short breath escaped Sora as he looks again to the right. A familiar dark clothed man was walking towards him. Yozora was here. “How did—why are you here, Yozora?” Sora couldn’t think of much to say. “Where…where are we?” If Yozora was offended by Sora’s impoliteness, the dark silver hair man didn’t show it. “This place is called Shibuya.” “Shibuya?” Sora repeated. There was only one time someone said that name, and it was Neku Sakuraba, when he and Shiki invited Sora to their world. A slight shrug and shake of Yozora’s head suggest he was reading Sora’s thoughts, “Doubt whatever you hope for is in this Shibuya.” Sora was confused and bothered by Yozora’s response. This Shibuya? Are there different versions of this city? Sora could tell Yozora, with closed eyes, didn’t care to answer that one, so he let slide for now. His first question however, Sora repeated himself: “Now why are you here? The last time I saw you, you plunged me into the depths of the Final World.” Yozora opened his eyes, “Did it feel like you were waking up from a confusing dream?” Sora wasn’t sure what Yozora meant, but he chose to keep silent as Yozora walked around him. “This place, to me, is like an old memory,” Yozora continued. Dream and memory, why does it sound familiar to Sora? Like an old saying… That’s it! “A scattered dream that’s like a far-off memory,” Sora began. “A far-off memory that’s like a scattered dream.” Yozora turned his head to the left and glanced at Sora before turning around to face the teenager, “Sora– about this world…about everything that has happened. I want to line the pieces up. Yours and mine.” Sora couldn’t believe it. That was the second time Yozora spoke his words from the past, yet Sora knew no one but a small few had heard them before. Those words were his deepest thoughts. How could Yozora have said them like he knew them from heart? Just who are you, Yozora? Sora must be like an open book as again, Yozora shook his head as a response. But Yozora didn’t shrug. He cared to answer Sora’s question. Soon. Seems like I can read you as well, Sora thought to himself. By how much and for how long, however, is unknown for now. “All of this is a long story, but we aren’t the only ones here,” Yozora sidestepped figuratively before tilting his head up to see the sky, or rather a building. His eyes sharpened into a glare. “There’s someone else. Someone who has played a role in the past. Long before now in this place.” Sora followed Yozora’s example and tilted his head to see what Yozora was seeing. What he found was a rather tall building, but at the roof was something black standing on the corner. The black thing was a coat. It couldn’t be an Organization member… they were all gone. So who was this man? ••• Just as he finished his hand shaping a heart in the far-off moon, the man felt like he was being watched. Letting his hands drop to his sides, the black clothed man bent his head downwards and hummed. Down on the ground were two young men, both of which are familiar to him. The first one, the one with dark silver hair and heterochromatic iridum, Yozora, glared at him. He knew why, as he had crossed paths with the young man a few times before. As for the other one, a lad with brown spiky hair and confused blue eyes surprised him…somewhat. The lad was from the sights his other eye had seen while a part of the nameless Keyblade. The keyblade Luxu passed down to future generations. Sora, he believed was the lad’s name. How did Sora arrive to this place and with Yozora, he had to wonder. Perhaps, this is an unforeseen result from the role Luxu had to fulfill. A role which should be completed in a bit, based on a brief mental view of Ira, Aced, and Invi in the wastelands with Luxu at the time. “Looks things might get interesting around here.” The man said to himself, knowing the two below won’t be able to hear him. For now, though, the man that is the Master of Masters just smirked. Reconnect: KINGDOM HEARTS A/N: This whole thing was written during the night of January 21st for the Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind DLC. Just came to me like some of the video game stories from the old Archie Sonic comics under the starting line, “Another time, another place…” This is a possible story about the secret episode in the Re:Mind DLC that releases on Thursday. The idea is the main two characters, Yozora and Sora, connecting through the opening lines Sora had said in Kingdom Hearts I and II. Some of the ideas came from the Re:Mind trailer, while other ideas from my own ideas of comic scenarios. Also, big shout-out and thanks to YouTube’s @HMK for his Re:Mind theory trilogy videos (particularly the last video, “Sora & Yozora: The One True Sky”) for the theory ideas of how Yozora and the Master of Masters are connected to Sora and how Yozora was able to meet Sora in the Final World and what Shibuya was and where it was. I hope to hear what you guys think of this story. How does it fare in terms of writing, concepts, and characterization? Thank you for reading. TrinityXaos#
  16. To celebrate the release of Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind, there will be an exhibit held at Tokyo, Shibuya-ku 2-24-12 Shibuya Scramble Square, on the 12F of the Event Space from January 31 to February 2. It will be known as the Connected Hearts Exhibition, and with it, a campaign being held seven winners will be selected and given a special piece of artwork. Note: Delivery of prizes is limited to Japan residents only. 【Campaign Guidelines】 ● The person must have a good terms Twitter account and not have it set as "Private". ● The person's account must be able to accept DMs. ● The person must be following the official KH twitter (@_KINGDOMHEARTS) ※ To enter, please retweet the tweet. ※ Use the hashtag #繋がるハート展 in your retweet. ※ Once a winner has been chosen, the winner will be DMed by the official KH Twitter. (NOTE: The winner will not be able to choose which gift they'll get.) Campaign duration: January 31~February 9 Translation credit goes to KH13's Ryuji! You can take a look at some images of the event's artwork and set up below! The Seven Hearts' names roughly translate to Journey, Destiny, Promise, Twilight, Duplicity, Missing and Eternal.
  17. To celebrate the release of Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind, there will be an exhibit held at Tokyo, Shibuya-ku 2-24-12 Shibuya Scramble Square, on the 12F of the Event Space from January 31 to February 2. It will be known as the Connected Hearts Exhibition, and with it, a campaign being held seven winners will be selected and given a special piece of artwork. Note: Delivery of prizes is limited to Japan residents only. 【Campaign Guidelines】 ● The person must have a good terms Twitter account and not have it set as "Private". ● The person's account must be able to accept DMs. ● The person must be following the official KH twitter (@_KINGDOMHEARTS) ※ To enter, please retweet the tweet. ※ Use the hashtag #繋がるハート展 in your retweet. ※ Once a winner has been chosen, the winner will be DMed by the official KH Twitter. (NOTE: The winner will not be able to choose which gift they'll get.) Campaign duration: January 31~February 9 Translation credit goes to KH13's Ryuji! You can take a look at some images of the event's artwork and set up below! The Seven Hearts' names roughly translate to Journey, Destiny, Promise, Twilight, Duplicity, Missing and Eternal. View full article
  18. Today, at Sony's final State of Play episode for the year, the Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind trailer (which was leaked late last week) has been officially unveiled! You can watch it below. You can watch the livestream below. We previously covered the trailer here when it was leaked. Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC is releasing on the Playstation 4 on January 23rd and on Xbox One on February 25th. You can purchase the Re Mind DLC for either $29.99 or the Re Mind + Concert Video $39.99 with additional content. Pre-ordering will be available on the Playstation store soon, and is already available on the Xbox store! This trailer shows an incredible variety of new content, such as: The inclusion of Final Fantasy characters, including Squall/Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith Explorable Scala Ad Caelum Playable Kairi A battle sequence where the Guardians of Light clash with the Xehanort vessels. The three available commands are Attack, Aerial Dodge and Reflega Several new boss battles are shown, including more Organization XIII battles, as well as a battle against what seems to be a recolored version of Dark Inferno New story sequences, including: Riku traveling to Radiant Garden to find Sora Sora and Aqua standing against several clones/visions(?) of Dark Aqua, implied by Sora to be the embodiment of Aqua's despair Demyx appearing before Riku in the Keyblade Graveyard Sora unlocking Riku's Dive to the Heart Sora and Kairi together in the Final World Sora meeting Yozora in a night-time scene in the Final World. UPDATE: The Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC is now available for pre-order on the PSN store! There are links to both the PSN and Xbox One store pages from the Square Enix website. You also get a voucher for a special Re Mind theme for pre-ordering on PSN! UPDATE: Square Enix have posted new renders of Cid, Aerith, Yuffie, Leon and Sora on their press site! You can view them in our gallery! Screenshots from the trailer are also available. You can view them in our gallery as well! (thanks to KH13 News Team member KHWaterBlock for the screenshots!) UPDATE: The Japanese version of the trailer has released! You can watch it below: View full article
  19. Series creator and director Tetsuya Nomura will be illustrating a brand new piece of artwork for Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind. It's to be the main visual of the theme. A sample image of the top part of the theme was released via the Playstation Blog, where it details about the DLC announcement and trailer. You can check out the sample image below. You can pre-order the Japanese version of the Re Mind DLC here, and the concert video bundle version here.
  20. Series creator and director Tetsuya Nomura will be illustrating a brand new piece of artwork for Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind. It's to be the main visual of the theme. A sample image of the top part of the theme was released via the Playstation Blog, where it details about the DLC announcement and trailer. You can check out the sample image below. You can pre-order the Japanese version of the Re Mind DLC here, and the concert video bundle version here. View full article
  21. Today, at Sony's final State of Play episode for the year, the Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind trailer (which was leaked late last week) has been officially unveiled! You can watch it below. You can watch the livestream below. We previously covered the trailer here when it was leaked. Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC is releasing on the Playstation 4 on January 23rd and on Xbox One on February 25th. You can purchase the Re Mind DLC for either $29.99 or the Re Mind + Concert Video $39.99 with additional content. Pre-ordering will be available on the Playstation store soon, and is already available on the Xbox store! This trailer shows an incredible variety of new content, such as: The inclusion of Final Fantasy characters, including Squall/Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith Explorable Scala Ad Caelum Playable Kairi A battle sequence where the Guardians of Light clash with the Xehanort vessels. The three available commands are Attack, Aerial Dodge and Reflega Several new boss battles are shown, including more Organization XIII battles, as well as a battle against what seems to be a recolored version of Dark Inferno New story sequences, including: Riku traveling to Radiant Garden to find Sora Sora and Aqua standing against several clones/visions(?) of Dark Aqua, implied by Sora to be the embodiment of Aqua's despair Demyx appearing before Riku in the Keyblade Graveyard Sora unlocking Riku's Dive to the Heart Sora and Kairi together in the Final World Sora meeting Yozora in a night-time scene in the Final World. UPDATE: The Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC is now available for pre-order on the PSN store! There are links to both the PSN and Xbox One store pages from the Square Enix website. You also get a voucher for a special Re Mind theme for pre-ordering on PSN! UPDATE: Square Enix have posted new renders of Cid, Aerith, Yuffie, Leon and Sora on their press site! You can view them in our gallery! Screenshots from the trailer are also available. You can view them in our gallery as well! (thanks to KH13 News Team member KHWaterBlock for the screenshots!) UPDATE: The Japanese version of the trailer has released! You can watch it below:
  22. The Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC logo is now available to download from the Square Enix Press Centre. The Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC has been announced for release in the coming winter. So far, there have been two trailer releases; the first was released on so and so, and the latest, almost two-minutes-long trailer was released ahead of TGS 2019. You can watch it below, and read our analysis of it here. From previous trailers and information reveals, this is what we know about Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind: In some of the additional battles featured in the DLC, players will be able to switch characters. Roxas can be selected after advancing through additional scenarios, like those with Riku and Aqua. Exciting new link attacks with party members will be available during certain battles. The Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades are being added with a unique Formchange for both in an update that will release simultaneously with Re Mind. A secret episode will be added that includes a boss/bosses. A Limit Cut episode will be added that also includes the Limit Cut boss/bosses. New story content will be added, including a scenario named “Re Mind” containing a lot of cutscenes. The number of new bosses in Re Mind (or, at least, the Limit Cut bosses) will be roughly as many as there were in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. Additional scenarios are independent of and can be enjoyed after clearing the main story. There will be an English language option available for Japanese version of the game. Nomura wants to release Re Mind quickly, and not too close to Final Fantasy VII: Remake's release in March 2020. The Disney Ambassador Hotel in Japan also has a special room named after Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind. View full article
  23. The Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC logo is now available to download from the Square Enix Press Centre. The Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC has been announced for release in the coming winter. So far, there have been two trailer releases; the first was released on so and so, and the latest, almost two-minutes-long trailer was released ahead of TGS 2019. You can watch it below, and read our analysis of it here. From previous trailers and information reveals, this is what we know about Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind: In some of the additional battles featured in the DLC, players will be able to switch characters. Roxas can be selected after advancing through additional scenarios, like those with Riku and Aqua. Exciting new link attacks with party members will be available during certain battles. The Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades are being added with a unique Formchange for both in an update that will release simultaneously with Re Mind. A secret episode will be added that includes a boss/bosses. A Limit Cut episode will be added that also includes the Limit Cut boss/bosses. New story content will be added, including a scenario named “Re Mind” containing a lot of cutscenes. The number of new bosses in Re Mind (or, at least, the Limit Cut bosses) will be roughly as many as there were in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. Additional scenarios are independent of and can be enjoyed after clearing the main story. There will be an English language option available for Japanese version of the game. Nomura wants to release Re Mind quickly, and not too close to Final Fantasy VII: Remake's release in March 2020. The Disney Ambassador Hotel in Japan also has a special room named after Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind.
  24. As announced by the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind will be released in one week, on September 9th, 2019. According to the Japanese Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, the Japanese version of the trailer will be releasing at midnight (JST) on September 10th (8 AM PT on the previous day), exactly one week after both the English and Japanese Twitter posts were made. A translation of this tweet follows, courtesy of Goldpanner, This trailer will be releasing in the days before Tokyo Game Show 2019. While Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind has been excluded from Square Enix's announced TGS lineup this year, it appears that announcements will still be made around the time of the event. What do you think this new trailer might contain? Let us know in the comments! UPDATE [Sep 2, 2019]: Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura has released a cryptic statement alongside the recent Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind trailer announcement, and Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] update announcements. Translation for this interview were provided by KH13 Staff Solis. UPDATE [Sep 10, 2019]: Official translations of Tetsuya Nomura's message have now been posted by Square Enix. Note that it has now been made clear that the "third KH line" refers to "an unannounced KH storyline." You can read the full message below for further details.
  25. As promised by the director Tetsuya Nomura himself, a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind (now stylised as "Re Mind") has been released! Watch it below! Be sure to turn on Closed Captions on the YouTube player for English subtitles. Or, you can watch the original Japanese version below: UPDATE [Sep 9, 2019]: Thanks to our in-house translator Solis, we have noticed two noteworthy differences between the original Japanese dialogue and the localized translations. According to the localized translation, Aqua says: "There's only one thing I want, with all my heart." The original Japanese quote is: "The only thing I’ve wished for the past 10 years is..." In the localized version, the Master of Masters asks Xehanort, "What do you want for the world?" In the Japanese version, he says: “What do you want for the world after it has been covered in darkness?” The following press release was given alongside the new trailer: This new Re Mind trailer has revealed a variety of new content, from new boss battles to brand new cutscenes. During the battle against Xion and Saix, new dialogue is revealed with Kairi and Lea. Aqua's and Ventus's battle against Vanitas and Terra-Xehanort has gotten this treatment too. There also seems to be link attacks with the party members during their respective fights. For instance, Lea, Roxas and Xion had a unique attack together as well as Aqua and Ventus. A brief new snippet of the conversation between the Master of Masters and Young Xehanort is shown too. A new conversation between Sora and Chirithy is shown where they discuss the whereabouts of Kairi's heart. Sora talks to Namine in the Station of Awakening, urging her to leave, to "the world of ocean and sky". The trailer ends right before a clash takes place with Lingering Will and Terra-Xehanort. Two new fights were shown off. Both took place in similar looking arenas with Sora by himself. The first battle shown off was against what looked like Vanitas, and the second was against Xigbar (Luxu). Nomura also left this message. Translations are courtesy of KH13 Staff @Mio-chan. From previous trailers and information reveals, this is what we know about Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind: Roxas can be selected after advancing through additional scenarios, like those with Riku and Aqua The Oathkeeper Keyblade is being added with a unique Formchange in an update that will release simultaneously with Re Mind A secret episode will be added that includes a boss/bosses A Limit Cut episode will be added that also includes the Limit Cut boss/bosses New story content will be added, including a scenario named “Re Mind” containing a lot of cutscenes The number of new bosses in Re Mind (or, at least, the Limit Cut bosses) will be roughly as many as there were in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Additional scenarios are independent of and can be enjoyed after clearing the main story There will be an English language option available for Japanese version of the game It will be releasing in Winter Nomura wants to release Re Mind quickly, and not too close to Final Fantasy VII: Remake's release in March 2020. To refresh your memory (no pun intended), you can watch the first Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind trailer below. If you want to view screenshots for this new Re:Mind trailer, check them out below! What are you most excited to see in Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind? Let us know!
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