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Text Lea and Isa fan fic

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I wrote my own fan fic about Lea and Isa. Imessed up the timeline a little, and the story kinda moves quick. Please don't post negative comments. Here are the first two chapters http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif


Chapter 1: Best Friends

The last day of school. Lea wanted it to be summer already, but the mere minutes left of the school day drug on like hours to him, so he thought he would talk to his friend. His friend, Isa, however was trying to make him stop talking, wanting to actually hear the teachers lesson. "Stupid bell! Ring already!" Lea whispered to himself. "You'd do well to listen for once." Isa laughed. Lea laughed, knowing that he hardly ever does listen. Then Lea looked at the clock and smiled. He thought to himself 'Three, two-' RRRRRRR!!! The bell rang and everyone ran out of the classroom. "Lea! Wait up!" Isa yelled, but by now Lea had sprinted so far he couldn't hear Isa. 'Finally summer!', Lea thought. Isa finally caught up to Lea and was gasping for air. "You couldn't have waited on me?" Isa said, breathlessly, but still cheerful. Lea laughed at his friends poor athletic ability, but in a friendly way. "Keep up." He told Isa. "First thing on the to do list this summer is teaching you how to run faster.", Lea told Isa. Isa smiled at Lea's joke and said, "How about we go eat some ice cream first. To celebrate summer vacation." Lea was excited about the idea. Then he and said, "Race you there!" and took off running. Isa looked at his friend running off and tried to catch up, but Lea was a really fast runner so Isa just decided to walk and hope that Lea pays for the ice cream. Lea only heard his own footsteps and stopped, wondering if Isa was even behind him. He looked back and saw that Isa was quite a distance back and ran back to meet up with him. "I told you to keep up." Lea laughed. Isa smiled, then he looked ahead and noticed that the ice cream shop wasn't too far ahead. And Isa ran as fast as he could so for once he could have the satifaction of beating Lea in a race. "I WIN!" Isa shouted back at Lea. "WINNER BUYS THE ICE CREAM!" Lea shouted back. Lea ran to catch up to Isa who had already bought their ice cream. "You know I was kidding right?" Lea asked. "Ya I know... I bought it to make up for finally beating you in a race." Isa Laughed. Lea smiled. In a very short time the two teens had finished eating their sea-salt ice cream and were headed to Lea's house.

They went up to Lea's room and Isa looked at the pictures of both of them that were on the walls. "Why do you have these old pictures up?" Isa asked. "For the memories." Lea replied. "Man... There's no way we've been friends that long." Lea said, reffering to the pictures of them as little kids. "There's no way I could've put up with you for this long" Isa laughed. "Whatever." Lea laughed."Pfft. You havn't changed much since we were little." Isa stated. Lea replied "Nope. Not really... I still have red hair, that hasn't changed, I still have green eyes, I'm still not boring, like you.-" "Your still annoying." Isa interrupted. They both laughed. "Not really anything about you has changed either. You still have blue hair, blueish-green eyes, and your boring." Lea chuckled. "I'm not that boring!" Isa replied. "Sure..." Lea said sarcasticly. "But thats why were friends. I make up for your boringness and... well theres not really anything about me yo have to make up for." Lea smiled. "Ya. And I especally don't have to make up for your obnoxiousness." Isa said sarcasticly. "It's gettin' late," Lea said. "I'm gonna go to bed." "Ya. Me too." Isa stated.


Chapter 2: "What do you wanna do today?"

The next morning, when Isa woke up, Lea was still asleep. "That's shocking." Isa said sarcasticly, and then laughed. "Wake up, Lea!" Isa yelled into Lea's ear. It didn't work, Lea was atill sleeping as if Isa hadn't just shouted in his ear. 'Hmmmmm...' Isa thought. Then, stepping over Lea, who was asleep on the floor, Isa grabbed the two frisbees that were sitting on Lea's dresser and threw them at Lea. "AH! ...ISA!? WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" Lea exclaimed. "Yelling doesn't get your attemtion, pain does." Isa pointed out. "Ha ha..." Lea said sarcasticly. "So... What do you want to do today?" Isa asked. "Hmmmm... Hey! You know that big castle in town?"

"Ya. It's kinda hard to miss..."

"So... What if we could sneak in there and look around?"

"Don't you think that would be kind of difficult to do?"


"Lea, there are guards at the doors."

"Oh, uhh... I forgot about that..."

"Ya, so it would be kinda hard to get in that castle without anyone knowing."

"Let's try it anyway! Come on it'll be fun."



"Let's go."

"Wait. I'm gonna bring those frisbees."


"They make good weapons. And who knows, I may have to fight off some of the castle gaurds." Isa laughed at Lea's remark and said "If you could beat them with a couple of frisbees, I bet a lot of people have broken into that castle by now." "Well I'm gonna take them anyway." Lea said. "You're not gonna beat anyone up with those, you know?" Isa stated.

While Lea and Isa were walking to the castle they saw a boy, about a year younger than them, he was twirling around a wooden sword that was shaped like a key. Then the boy swung it again and it flew out of his hands right as Lea and Isa were walking by and it landed next to Lea. Lea picked up the sword. "This yours?" Lea asked. "Lea, we don't have time for this." Isa stated. "Lighten up, Isa. It'll only take a sec." Lea told Isa. Lea walked over to the boy and said, "You still play with toy swords? That's cute." Then Lea handed the sword to the boy. "Now this right here-" Lea pulled out his frisbees,"Tada! Whaddaya think?" Lea asked the boy. "Not a whole lot." the boy told him. "You're just jealous. I'm Lea. Got it memorized? Whats your name?" Lea asked the boy. "Ventus." The boy replied. "Okay, Ventus. Let's fight!" Lea said. "Fight? Why would I wanna do that?" Ventus asked. "You scared of losing? Come on." Lea said and then jumped back. "Hope you're ready." Lea said. Ventus looked up and a smile grew on his face. "Yeah! Now we're talkin'." Lea said. "You're gonna be sorry." Ventus told Lea. Isa closed his eyes and chuckled at them.

The fight between the two boys didn't last very long. They both jumeped in the air about to hit eachother and Lea hit Ventus once with his frisbees, then Ventus came back and hit Lea in the stomach kind or hard and Lea fell to the ground, out of breath. "You...had enough? 'Cause I'm willing to... call it a draw if you are." Lea said. "Huh? Right..." Ventus laughed. "From where I stood, the only thing you drew was a big L on your forehead for "Loser"... "Lame," "laughable"..." Isa said. "Wha- Isn't this the part where ya... cheer me up or somethin'? "You're just havin' a bad day," or "That's what you get for pullin' your punches!" Some friend." Lea said aggervated. "Oh, so you mean i was supposed to lie." Isa said "See what I gotta put up with? Sure hope you don't have friends like him." Lea started to smile. Ventus laughed and then Lea and Isa started to laugh too. "Lea, we have to go." Isa stated. "'Kay." Lea replied and got off of the ground. "Already?" Ventus asked. "I'll see ya when I see ya. After all, we're friends now." Lea stated. Ventus smiled. "Get it memorized." Lea told Ventus. "Okay, Lea" Ventus replied. Lea walked away and caught up with Isa who asked him,"What is it with you and picking up stray puppies?" "I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people's memories, I can live forever." Lea replied. "I know I won't forget you. Believe me, I try all the time." Isa said. "See? I'm immortal." Lea joked. "You're obnoxious." Isa smiled. Lea and Isa both looked at the castle. "You ready?" Lea asked. Isa looked at Lea, who had a big grin on his face. "Well , I can tell you are." Isa stated. "Yeah." Lea said. And they both walked toward the castle.

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Thank you so so so so so much!!!!! here are the next two chapters


Chapter 3: The Castle

"I told you that you weren't gonna beat anyone up with those frisbees." Isa stated. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Lea said. "Why did you say that we have to hurry?" Lea asked. "I didn't want you making a fool of youself." Isa answered. "Gee, thanks." Lea laughed. Lea and Isa walked closer and closer to the castle until they reached the stairs. "Wow that's a lot of stairs." Lea remerked as he looked at the stairs. "The we had better get goin'" Isa said.

"Are we almost there?" Lea asked. "A few more steps." Isa answered. When Lea and Isa made it to the top of the steps, they noticed that there were more steps. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Lea exclaimed. "Come on this isn't that bad, and you're more athletic than me." Isa said. "Yeah, but- whatever..." Lea said. They wlked up the nexxt set of stairs until they had reached the castle. They looked over to the doors and saw two men standing there guarding them. "Awwww man..." Lea moaned. "Itold you that there would be guards." Isa said. "Yeah, but you didn't tell me they were so big." Lea said. "Uhhh... so what do you suppose we should do?" Isa asked. "Improvise." Lea answered.Then Isa asked, "Lea? What are you-" Lea ran from the steps over to the door as fast as he could. "LEA!" Isa exclaimed. The gaurd on the left saw the red haired boy running to the door and immediately stepped in front of the door. Then when Lea came rumming up, he ran right into the guard and they both fell down. The guard that was on the right side of the door went over to them and helped the other guard and the boy up and then scolded him. Isa, seeing this as an opening to get into the castle, snuck up to the door, behind the guards, and crept inside the doors. Lea smiled, walked over to the door, and saw that one off the guards had a spear in his hand, and then Lea said "Alright, alright. I've learned my lession..." "Well don't ever come near this castle again. Do you understand?" The guard with the spear asked. "I understand completly." The smile on lea's face grew, and he yanked the spear from the guards and and Isa pulled him inside the door and Lea stuck the spear in the door handles so the guards couldn't get in to go get them. "Nice job." Isa said. "You too." Lea said. They both looked around and at the same time they exclaimed "WOW!" They had never seen a building like it before. They were so awestruck they could't speak, until Lea finally could speak and broke the silence with, "Guess it was worth it huh?" "Yep." Isa said in awe. "Shh! I hear someone!" Lea whispered. They crouched down under a table in the hallway, hoping not to be seen. The footsteps came closer and a man with black hair and a similar outfit as the gaurds walked by and didn't see the two boys crouching under a table. Lea and Isa got out from under the table and sighed with relief that they hadn't been caught.

"Enough standing around, let's go and take a look further into the castle." said Lea. "Just don't get us in trouble." Isa told him. They walked down what seemed to be an endless hallway until they turned to another hallway but this time there were actually rooms attached to the hallway. They looked left and right into the different rooms. All of them were empty except some furniture in them but other then that, not much. But, they came up to one room with a little boy in it who looked about six or seven, was wearing a white labcoat, and had bluish-silver hair that covered his right eye. The kid was sitting on a bed in the corner reading a book, but then looked up to see the two boys standing at his door. "Hi." The little boy said. "Hi-" Lea started to say, but was quickly interrupted by Isa "Lea! We're trying to keep a low profile here!" Isa whispered to Lea. "He's just a kid! It's fine to talk to him," Lea replied. "What's your name?" "Ienzo." The boy replied. He seemed incredibly smart for a little kid. "So, Ienzo...is there anything interesting in this castle that you can show us?" Lea asked. Ienzo knew that no one was allowed in the castle without permission and these boys didn't seem like they would get permission from anyone. So he thought he would help out the others in the castle and get the boys caught. "Actually there are some pretty interesting things about the castle... follow me." Ienzo said as he led the boys out of the room. They went down both of the hallways that Lea and Isa went down earlier, but they couldn't tell, all of the hallways looked pretty much the same to them.

They passed the table that Lea and Isa were hiding under earlier and then they came to the door that Lea and Isa had entered the castle through. They all saw the spear that was still in the door handles and heard the guards pounding on the door to try to get in the castle to get the boys. Ienzo walked over to the door and looked at the spear. "Hmmm... thats clever. You two did that I'm guessing." Ienzo said. "Yup!" said Lea. "I really don't think we should be trusting this kid..." Isa whipered to Lea. Ienzo grabbed the spear. "Uhh... Whatcha doin'" Lea asked. Right after he said that Ienzo quickly pulled the spear from the door handles and the guards fell onto the castle floor. The two guards each grabbed one of the boys and they carried them outside and threw them onto the ground and quickly closed the door. "Well. Have any more bright ideas Lea?" Isa asked Lea irritated. "Hey! At least we even got in the castle!" Lea exclaimed. "I told you we were trying to keep a low profile, but you had to just talk to the kid, didn't you?" Isa said, still irritated.

They walked down the stairs, not talking to each other. Then they walked past someone who was selling icecream, so they stopped and bought some, still not speaking to each other until they were walking to Isa's house, and something weird happened.

Chapter 4: Unversed

There were blue spots on the ground and Lea stopped to see what they were, when all of the sudden little blue creatures with red eyes appeared out of the blue spots and went after Isa. Isa was too scared to move, But Lea came up from behind them with his frisbees and hit them a few times and they dissapeared. Some more creatures appeared and jumped onto Lea and he fell to the ground, "Get 'em off me! Get 'em off Me!!!" He shouted. Isa, not knowing what to do, kicked the creatures and they dissapeared. Lea sat on the ground in shock of what had just happened. Isa was breathing heavily. More scared then they both had ever been in their life they had both didn't say anything to each other on their walk to Isa's house.

They entered the house and were greeted with Isa's 13 year old, curly blue-haired sister, Eliza, saying, "So what have you guys been up to?" Both of the boys were speachless. They went up to Isa's room without answering Eliza's question. "What...were those...things?" Isa asked, barely getting the words out of his mouth. "I- I don't know..." replied Lea. Eliza flung the door of Isa's room open and went and sat down next to Lea. "You guys are awfully quiet... Did you do something bad?!" Eliza asked excitedly. "N-no...er... I don't know." Isa stuttered. Eliza scooted closer to Lea. She had liked Lea for a long time, but Lea wasn't really sure of what he thought about her. She quickly stood up, put her hands on her hips, and looked at Isa and said,"Just tell me! I promise not to tell Mom..." she whined. "Okay, okay...," Isa started," So, Lea's idea this morning was to sneak into the castle, so we did and Lea decided to trust the little kid in there to show is some stuff around the castle and then the kid let the guards come grab us and throw us out of the castle. But heres where something freaky happened. There were these blue things that appeared and attacked us!"Isa said, Lea shuddered at remembering the creatures. "Wait! Did the creatures come up from the ground and have red eyes?!" Eliza asked quickly. "Yeah, but how did-" Lea started to say but Eliza said "Those are the things that I saw yesterday! someone told me the were called 'unversed'" "Unversed?" Lea and Isa said at the same time. "Yeah! Oh my gosh! They attacked you guys!? Are you okay!?" "We're fine Eliza." Lea groaned. "Do you know anything else about unversed, Eliza?" asked Isa. "Umm... i think someone said something about them being made of negative emotions or something..." Eliza said. "Hmmm... well they attacked Isa first, and Isa was mad at me when they first appeared so i guess they're somewhat drawn to negative emotions too." Lea said. "That makes sense..." Isa said. After a few minutes Eliza broke the silence by saying "So you guys saw unversed up close?! That would be so cool!" "It wan't cool!" Lea shouted. "It was freaky!" "But, Lea, seriously. You can't tell me that it wasn't a little cool." Eliza said. "Hard to think something's cool when it attacks you." Isa said. "Or when they jump onto you." Lea stated. Eliza twirled her curly hair with her finger as she was looking at Lea. "So... Tell me more about the castle." Eliza said. "Eliza, please get out of my room." Isa said, annoyed."Fine!" She yelled back at Isa as she stomped from the room. "Be glad you don't have a sister." Isa told Lea. "Hey, Eliza's like a sister to me." Lea replied. "That's true," Isa said. "you're always at my house, hard for you not to be close to her." Isa laughed.

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Lol! yes he is :lol: . here are the next 2 chapters.


Chapter 5: Nobodies


Weeks passed and the town seemed quiet."I haven't seen any more unversed around... Have you Isa?" Lea asked. "No. It's like they all disappeared for some reason..." Isa answered. "That's weird." Lea said. "Hey Isa. Let's go get some ice cream. we havn't eaten any in like, forever." Lea said. "Sounds good." Isa replied. As Lea an Isa were walking into town they heared screaming coming from somwhere. Then tons of black spots on the ground appeared. The spots came up from the ground and then litte creatures appeared. "More unversed!?" Lea exclaimed. "I don't think those are unversed." Isa told Lea. The creatures spread throughout the town, destroying everything. Lea and Isa ran as they saw their world being destroyed. Everything from the roads, to the castle. All being destroyed. They ran as fast as they could, and Isa even ran as fast as Lea. Then, all of the sudden, a black hole came up from the ground right in front of Lea and Isa, and before they could stop running, they ran right inside of it. They were both terrified. They appeared in a very dark place, it appeared to be a beach. They looked around and couldn't see anything but darkness, they only saw the moon and the reflection of it on the water. They had no clue where they were, or why they were there. "What just happened!?" Lea asked. "I don't- I don't know..." Isa answered as he looked around. "Our town... it was being destroyed...everything. Everyone." Lea said sadly. They were both frightened at what had happened. "No." said Isa. "Huh?" asked Lea. "No!" Isa cried. "What?" Lea asked. "Everyone...destroyed...? Even...Eliza..?." Isa said quietly, still crying. Lea teared up and started to cry, then wiped his tears off of his face with his arm.Who knows what had happened to Isa's sister, who knows what had happened to anyone. They're world was destroyed, and probably everybody too. "Come on, Isa... We have to find a way out of here." Lea told Isa. "Okay..." Isa said as he wiped his tears off of his face with his sleeve.

They walked, and walked, and walked. They didn't talk for most of the way, they just pondered what had happened, and what would happen to them.

Yellow eyes appeared in the darkness. More creatures appeared. Some were different from the black creatures. They were different colors, shapes, and sizes and the different ones had different ablilities. They came forward to where Lea and Isa were walking, and the creatures attacked. Lea was being chased by a few creatures that threw fire. He was running for his life. A big, flying creature with claws attacked Isa and clawed at him two times, and left two cuts in the shape of an X in the middle of his face. Then all of the sudden there was a creature that came up behind Isa and attacked him until he was on the ground. "AH-!" Isa exclaimed in pain. "ISA!!!" Lea yelled. Then right above Isa a heart appeared, flew up to the sky, and disappeared. Isa stayed in that one spot, motionless. Lea, terrified at what he just saw, kicked the creatures away from him and ran over to Isa. They creatures fled as Lea went over to him. Isa still hadn't budged. "No... No, no, no... Please get up Isa... Please..." Lea cried. Then Isa started to breathe heavily. "Isa!" Lea shouted happily. "Uhhhh...." Isa moaned. "What...happened?" Isa asked. "One of those creatures attacked you and then you just-" Lea didn't finish. "LEA!" Isa shouted, but by then it was too late. One of the creatures that were chasing Lea earlier attacked him from behind and he fell face first onto the ground. A heart flew up to the sky again and Lea didn't move for quite a while. "Lea...?" Isa said. A few minutes later, Lea woke up and slowly sat up. Isa tried to help Lea stand up, but as soon as Isa touched Lea's arm, Isa quickly pulled his hand back as if he had just been burnt. Lea stood up and asked, "What's wrong?" "I touched your arm and it burnt my hand!" Isa shouted, clutching his hand. "That's not possible, Isa. I'm obviously not on... FIRE!!!" Lea shouted as he looked at his arm. Then the fire stopped. "How is your arm not burnt?" Isa asked. "I...I don't know... it didn't hurt either..." Lea said. "What's going on?" Isa asked. "I have no clue." Lea answered.

They were both completely confused. They didn't know where to go or what the do. They went and sat on the beach and tried to think of something. Isa looked up at the moon and his eyes turned bright yellow. Lea looked over at his friend and shouted, "WOAH!" and jumped up and walked back a few steps. Isa looked puzzled, then he blinked a few times and his eyes turned back to nornal. "What's wrong?" Isa asked. "Y-Your eyes- Th-They just glowed yellow!" Said Lea astonished. "What?!" Isa said and then his eyes turned yellow again and he looked in the water and saw his reflection. "...AHHH!!!" Isa shouted. He rubbed his eyes again, not noticing the pain from the cuts on his face. Isa sat there, scared. He wanted to leave that place so bad. Then a dark hole appeared from out of the ground again. "Isa! look! that might be our way out of here!" Lea shouted to his friend. Isa lifted his head up and stood up. They both walked over to the hole and went through it and they were back at their home. Or, at least what used to be their home...


Chapter 6: Organization XIII


A skinny man in a black coat apeared a few yards away from the two boys. He was wearing a hood so they couldn't see who he was, even if it wasn't night. "Hey! You two!" He called out to them and took off his hood, "The name's Xigbar, and I have proposition for you." "Proposition? What kind?" Asked Isa. "How would you two like to get some hearts and not be Nobodies anymore?" Xigbar asked. "Hearts? Nobodies? What are you talking about?" Lea asked, puzzled. "We have hearts. And we're not nobodies. And considering we just met you, your not in the proper position to be calling us that." Isa stated. "As if. You two don't have hearts and therefore you're Nobodies." Xigbar explained. 'Hearts? Those creatures attacked us and i saw a heart... maybe those were our hearts disappearing... maybe we don't have hearts...' Thought Lea. "So what's so bad about not having a heart?" Lea asked. "You have no emotions-" Xigbar started to say, but then Isa said, "We do to have emotions! Like were ticked off at you right now!" Isa's eyes started to glow yellow and his normally straight hair spiked up in some places and he attacked Xigbar. Xigbar was to the point where he couldn't take it any more and disappeared in another black hole. "Isa? What was that?" Lea asked. A cloud covered the moon and Isa's eyes and hair turned back to normal and he fell on the ground as if he were exhausted. "Are you okay?" Lea asked Isa. "The moon..." Isa said quietly. "that's how it happened." Isa sat on the ground, looking up at the sky.

"Hmmmm... There's gotta be a way to get those boys to come with me..." Xigbar said to himself. He was in what appeared to be a castle, almost everything in it was white. "Eh. I'll go back and just bring them with me. They'd be some pretty good additions to the organization." So Xigbar then went back to Lea and Isa, who were exploring their destroyed world. "You know," Xigbar said to the boys. "you two are just a couple of misfits now. But, theres one place that you can come to and fit in." he finished. This time, Lea was furious. Both of his hands lit on fire and he walked over to Xigbar. "Listen! We don't need any help from you!" Lea said as the fire went up his arms and he brought back one of his arms, about to punch Xigbar. "Woah, Chill. I was just offering." Xigbar said. "But... If you had no say in the matter...," Xigbar started to say as another dark portal opened, right below Lea and Isa's feet. "That would be completely different wouldn't it?" Xigbar said as he smiled. Lea and Isa fell into the portal. They landed in a white room, like the one Xigbar was in earlier.

Xigbar appeared in the room shortly after Lea and Isa did. "Hey, Xemnas!" Xigbar yelled into the hallway. A tall man with silver hair walked into the room and asked, "Are these the ones you told me about?" "Yep." Xigbar answred. "Young man," Xemnas said reffering the the blue haired boy, "what is your name?" "Isa." he answered. "You were the one who lost thier heart first if I am not mistaken." "Uh... I think so." Isa said, not really knowing what Xemnas meant. "And you, what is your name?" Xemnas asked the other boy. "Lea." he said. "The second to lose their heart..." Xemnas said. "Why are we here?" Isa asked. "This place is for those who have lost their heart. We have a goal to regain the hearts we lost. Organization XIII, as of now, has six members. Me, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexeaus, and Zexion. You two, Saix and Axel, are ranks number 7 and 8." Xemnas told them. 'Saix? Axel?' thought Lea. "Who are Saix and Axel?" asked Isa. "You two." Xigbar told them. "Where did those names come from?" Lea asked. "Mix up the letters in your name and add an 'x'" Xigbar said. "But why?" asked Isa. "You are both nobodies. You cannot continue to be somebodies." Xemnas told the boys. "So... We have no hearts, we're 'nobodies', our names are now 'Axel and Saix, and we're part of your 'organization'..." Lea stated. "Pretty much." Xigbar told them. "Xigbar, silence." Xemnas commanded. "Pfft." Xigbar said as he teleported away. "Go to rooms seven and eight and you shall find black coats. You must wear them, it is manditory." Xemnas told them. Saix stayed for a little while longer and asked, "What was it that took our hearts?" "You have both lost your hearts to darkness. The Heartless." Xemnas asnwered

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Thanks for thepositive comments http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif heres the next two chapters


Chapter 7: Reunion

Axel and Saix walked to their designated rooms. "So Isa- er... Saix...wow this is gonna take some getting used to..." Axel said. "Yeah..." Saix said, he was angry but it didn't show. They went into their rooms and found their coats and put them on. Axel walked into Saix's room and said, "Wow. This coat makes me look really skinny." "Axel. Please leave me alone for a minute." Saix told Axel. "What's with the attitude?" Axel asked. "Axel! Leave!" Saix commanded. "Fine then." Axel said as he walked out of Saix's room. Saix looked in the mirror on the dresser in his room. His eyes were yellow, and this time he couldn't get rid of it. He looked out the window and couldn't see the moon. He wondered why his eyes were like that. "Man, what's Isa's problem- er, Saix..." Axel asked himself as he was laying on his bed looking at the plain, white ceiling.

"So. I heard there are some new members in the organization." a young man with blueish-silver hair said. "Yes. The superior has told me they're two boys from the same world as all of us. perhaps one of us knows them." an older man with long, blonde hair said. "Perhaps so." the young man said. The older man knocked on Axel's door and then opened it. "Huh?" Axel asked, wondering why the man was there. Axel looked over to the left of the man and saw a person who was oddly familiar. "We have just come to say hello. Welcome to the organization. I am Zexion, and this is Vexen." the young man said gesturing to his right. And suddenly Axel realized where he had seen the boy before. In the castle, when him and Isa snuck in quite a while back. "Ienzo?" Axel asked. Zexion looked at Axel, puzzled. "How did you- wait your one of the ones who snuck into the castle that one day." Zexion realized. "Wow. Xaldin and Lexeaus will not be happy to see you." Zexion laughed. Axel guessed that those were the guards of the castle and laughed. Then he knocked an the wall and yelled, "Hey Saix! Come here!" Saix heard Axel and walked to his room where Axel, Zexion, and Vexen were. Saix looked at Zexion and recognized him almost immediatley. "Oh, look. It's you..." Saix said, not happy to see Zexion. "Umm... I get the feeling you're irritated, so Vexen and I shall be on our way." Zexion said, then left the room, Vexen followed. "What was that about, Saix? And what happened to your eyes?" Axel asked. Saix didn't answer.

Then Saix went to his room and sat on his bed with his back up against the wall. "Heartless? Nobodies? I don't understand..." he said to himself. Saix sat there for hours and thought. He thought about the organization, he thought about his heart that he no longer had, he thought about Axel, he thought about his home world, he thought about what would become of him, he thought about...well... everything that had happened to him and Axel in the past few weeks. He knew he wasn't supposed to have feelings, but he felt angry at almost everyone. Especially Axel.

Axel thought too. About the organization, about Saix. What was going to happen? What was going on with Saix...?

Chapter 8: Missions

Zexion walked down the hall and knocked on Axel and Saix's doors. "The Superior has called a meeting. We are to meet in The Round Room." Zexion infromed them. "Where is that exactly?" Axel asked. "Follow me." Zexion replied. Axel and Saix followed.

All of the organization members had a chair that they were assigned to. Xemnas's being the tallest chair. Zexion went to his chair, but Axel and Saix just went to a random chair. "Axel and Saix, our newest members need to be made of the missions we do on a regular basis. On this mission you will both learn how to different things that will be helpful for you. You will go on your first mission with Xigbar, Axel. Saix you will go with Zexion. The rest of you are going alone." Xemnas instructed. "Also, you will both need weapons. Each of you must summon your own weapon. A different one appears for each Nobody." Xemnas explained. Axel lifted his hand up and thought really hard about making a weapon appear. A light glowed around both of his hands and then there were two weapons that appeared. They were circles, with eight spikes on each of them, that were silver and red, they were called chakrams. "Heh." Axel laughed, they reminded him of his frisbees. Saix did the same thing that Axel did to summon his weapons and then a light appeared around one of his hands, then a blue and yellow claymore appeared.

"All right. Let's get this mission started." Xigbar said cheerfully. Xigbar made two portals appear, one right beside him, and one right under Axel and he shouted, "AHH!!" as he fell. "Ugh. Must Xigbar be so childish?" a hooded member complained. "Shall we get started on our mission, Saix?" Zexion asked, trying not to show his dissapointment for being assigned on a mission with Saix, who had been so rude earlier. Saix made his own portal, and left. Xemnas slowly smiled, the new member already had the power to control the darkness. Zexion made a portal and left also.

"So, kid. Do you how to create portals?" Xigbar asked. Axel shook his head. "It's pretty simple, just take control of darkness and make it take you where you wanna go." Xigbar instructed. Axel gave him a blank stare. 'What?!' Axel thought to himself. "Wow, this is gonna take a while." Xigbar smiled.

"So. I see you can already created portals..." Zexion said, "Then let's work on fighting skills." "But, the only person I've ever really fought with is Xigbar, and even then I didn't have controll over myself. I don't know much about fighting..." Saix said. "I see. And what made you fight Xigbar, and not have controll over yourself?" Zexion asked. "The moon." Saix answered. "I see..." Zexion said. I was almost night so Zexion deecided to work on getting Saix to controll himself when the moon is out.

"Can you do it now?" Xigbar asked, annoyed at working with Axel for hours. "I think so." Axel answered. Axel lifted his hand and a portal appeared from the ground. "YESSS!" Axel shouted happily. "It's about time. Let's RTC." Xigbar said. "RTC?" Axel asked. "Return to the castle." Xigbar said. "Okay." Axel said, happily.

It was finally night where Saix and Zexion were. Saix was hiding in a shaded corner, afraid to get in the moonlight. Zexion was getting very annoyed, and he was the younger one. "That's it! I've had enough!" Zexion yelled, as he made a portal appear under Saix. Then Zexion stepped into a portal, and they both appeared back at the castle. "Superior! I cannot go on one more mission with this childish Nobody!" Zexion shouted. "Number six, you will do as you are told. You failed to complete the mission objective today, and you must complete the mission tomorrow." Xemnas told Zexion. "But-... Yes Xemnas..." Zexion said. Saix walked to his room, humiliated for acting like that, but if he didn't, who knows what could've happened. "Saix," Xemnas shouted. "come here." Saix went back into The Round Room and sadly said, "Yes?" "You are a Nobody of great power, and you have yet to controll it. Tomorrow you are to go on your mission with Zexion and show him that you can. Understood?" Xemnas asked. "Yes, Xemnas." Saix answered, and went back to his room.

"Mission accomplished, Xemmy." Xigbar said as he appeared in the room. "Xigbar, how many times have I told you not to call me that?" Xemnas complained. "Heh. I lost count....but hey, I taught the kid how to use portals." Xigbar said. "At least you completed the mission today. Zexion and Saix had some trouble with theirs." Xemnas said. "Really...? Guess the kid ain't cut out to be a teacher." Xigbar laughed. "You are both dismissed." Xemnas said. Axel walked to Saix's room and went in. "Hey, Saix. What went on with the mission today?" Axel asked. "I don't want to talk about it!" Saix yelled.

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(Sorry it took so long for me to post the next 2 chapters. I didn't know anyone posted after I posted last :mellow: . Thanks for reading my story http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif )


Chapter Nine


"Seriously! What is with you, Saix!? You're just always mad at me, and I don't even know why!-" Axel yelled. "You don't know why!? You're the reason were Nobodies! You're the reason this all happened!" Saix shouted. "How am I the reason, Saix!? It's your fault more than it is mine! If you were a better fighter then maybe that creature wouldn't have taken your heart, and if I wasn't concerned about you and went over to help you, I wouldn't have gotten my heart taken either!" Axel yelled. Saix shoved Axel out of his room. "I don't need your concern!" Saix yelled back, then he slammed the door. Axel walked back to his room and sat on his bed, and summoned one of his chakrams, and was so mad he threw it at the wall.

The next day, in the evening, Zexion came to Saix's room. "Are you ready for the mission?" Zexion asked. Saix said nothing, just walked out of the room, and opened a portal. "I'll take that as a yes." Zexion said as he walked through the portal. "Now this time, please follow orders." Zexion told Saix. 'Hmph.' Saix thought. Saix looked up at they sky. The moon wasn't here, but it would be shortly.

At the castle, Axel sat alone in his room, until he heard someone walking down the hall. He stood up and peeked out the door. He saw Xigbar walking down the hall with a teenager with brown hair. Axel had never seen him before. They walked into the room right next to Axel's and Axel walked in the room right after they did. "Hey, Xigbar? Who's that?" Axel asked. "New member. Number nine, Demyx." Xigbar answered. "Hi." Demyx said shyly. "Hi. I'm Axel." Axel said.

"Saix, no standing in a corner this time, okay?" Zexion said. Saix still said nothing, he walked into the moonlight and at first nothing happened. Zexion stepped out into the moonlight too. Saix looked calm, but he was actually trying his hardest to stand still and not go berserk. "Really? Yesterday you were hiding from the moon and it doesn't actually do anything?" Zexion said, angry that he had to re-do a mission. That made Saix lose it. Saix's hair spiked up, his eyes glowed entirely yellow, and he summoned his claymore. He hit Zexion and he got knocked into a wall and then fell to the ground. With the little controll Saix had over himself he ran back into the shaded corner. Zexion got up, opened a portal, and ran into it. Saix sat on the ground and leaned his head back on the wall. He sat there until morning. When the moon had completely disappeared, he left. Not to the castle, he just left.

"Superior! I will not go on another mission with Saix! We are not going to re-do that awful mission again! He went berserk and hit me with that giant claymore of his!" Zexion shouted to Xemnas. "I see. Where is he?" Xemnas asked. "He didn't come back with me." Zexion told Xemnas. "Tell Axel and Demyx to go look for Saix. It could be their first, real mission." Xemnas told Zexion. Zexion went to Axel's room, and Axel and Demyx were both sitting there, talking. "Xemnas wants both of you to go on a mission to find Saix." Zexion told them. "Saix? What happened to him?" Axel asked, worried about his friend even though Saix was probably still mad at him. "I'm sure he's fine. He didn't come back to the castle after or last mission and Xemnas wants the both of you to find him." Zexion told them. Axel left without a word, opening a portal, Demyx followed.


Chapter Ten


Axel and Demyx walked around, looking for Saix. "So who's Saix?" Demyx asked. "Number seven in the organization... My friend..." Axel told Demyx. "Hm. What does he look like?" Demyx asked. "Long blue hair, yellow eyes, an X shaped scar in the middle of his face..." Axel answered, thinking about how much his friend had changed.

They kept walking and walking, but they still couldn't find Saix. "Maybe he's in a different world." Axel said. "Different world?" Demyx asked. "Hm. Sounds like you missed the first meeting, Demyx." Axel laughed. Demyx smiled. "So, Demyx, you control water right?" Axel asked. "Yup." Demyx answered. "I can tell we're gonna get along well." Axel said sarcasticly. "Why? What do you control?" Demyx asked. "Fire." Answered Axel. Demyx took a few steps to the side, away from Axel. "Don't worry. I have it under control," Axel said. Then his coat caught on fire, and he quickly put it out, "You know...mostly..."

Saix was at his home world. At his old house. The more he looked at the house, the worse his anger became. He summoned his claymore and hit almost everything aroung him until he was too tired to even stand. Axel and Demyx were still looking for Saix. They went one world to the next, with no luck. Axel thought that Saix might be in their home world, but it was too upseting to look there. With no more worlds Axel knew of left to check, besides his home world, he decided to go there. Axel and Demyx stepped into a portal that took them to the world. "Saix has gotta be here." Axel said. "If he is here, where would he be?" Demyx asked. "Hm... Probably his house." Axel answered. Axel and Demyx walked to Saix's house and sure enough, there he was. He was sitting on the ground with his claymore in his hand. "What do you want, Axel?" he asked. "To take you home." Axel answered. "I am home!" Saix yelled. "...Saix. Please stop acting like this. I want to be your friend, but...you're never going to forgive me for... whatever it is I did." Axel said. "Come on Demyx. Let's go." Axel said sadly as he opened a portal and they left. Saix opened a portal and appeared in The Round Room. "Hello, Saix." Xemnas told him. "Hello, Xemnas..." Saix replied. "You seem upset." Xemnas said. Saix nodded. "Why is that?" Xemnas asked. "Well, I guess I can't feel upset. I don't have a heart." Saix said. "Stay in the organization and you will have a heart, soon." Xemnas said.

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Sorry it took so long... :mellow:


Chapter Eleven


Axel and Demyx sat in Axel's room and talked some more. Axel told Demyx all about him and Saix. "-so now he thinks that it's all my fault!" Axel finished. "That's not right..." Demyx said. "I know! Some times I just wanna take one of my chakrams and-...nevermind. Forget I said that..." Axel said. "Uhhh... Okay." Demyx responded as he summoned his sitar, then he started playing it. "Your weapon is an instrument?" Axel asked. "Well I guess it's a weapon." Demyx answered.


"So one Kingdom Hearts is complete, we will be...whole?... Am I right?" Saix asked Xemnas. "Yes, number VII." Xemnas answered, "So, Zexion has told me that you attacked him on your last mission." Xemnas said. "I didn't attck him I-!" Saix tried to say. "Relax. I understand that when your are under the influence of the moon you go into a berserk state of mind. A very magnificent ability indeed...." Xemnas smiled. "Thank you...Superior." Saix said. "However you will need to be able to controll it in order to reach your full potential... Saix, call everyone in here for a meeting." Xemnas told Saix. "Yes, Superior." Saix said as he disappeared in a portal of darkness.


Saix walked down the hallways, telling everyone he passed to report to The Round Room. Saix could hear Axel and Demyx talking to each other as he walked down the hall, "Axel, has your hair always been that spikey." Demyx asked Axel. "Well, pretty mu-" Axel started to say, right before Saix opened the door and walked in the room. "Meeting." Saix told them. "What if we don't wanna go?" Demyx asked. "It's mandatory." Saix said. Axel and Demyx both sighed and got up to go to The Round Room. After they left, Saix looked in Axel's room and saw Axel's frisbees, a smile came across Saix's face, but quickly vanished and he opened a dark portal to go to The Round Room.


Chapter Twelve


As Saix appeared, Xemnas began to speak. "I have called this meeting to inform you that the new mission director shall be Saix." Xemnas said, looking at Saix. "Pfft, kiss-up." Axel whispered. Demyx heard what Axel said and giggled and Axel started to laugh after Demyx did. "Imbiciles." Xemnas said to himself. "All of you will be required to do the missions that Saix instructs you to do. You will be assigned your missions in the Grey Room. That is all." Xemnas said and everyone exited in dark portals, besides Axel and Demyx who were instructed to stay, by Xemnas. "You two must learn to be silent." Xemnas said. Demyx was frightened by Xemnas and disappeared in a dark portal. Xemnas sighed, "You may go as well, Axel.". Right as Xemnas said that Axel disappeared, then reappeared in his room, where Demyx was waiting for him. "Demyx, were friends, but can I please have my room to myself for now?" Axel asked. "Okay." Demyx replied, then got up and left.


Saix went to the grey Room and stood at the far end, by the large window. The room was rather small and had a few couches in it. It was where the organization members would hang out if they didn't want to be in their rooms. 'So, I get to make up everyone's missions? This should be fun.' Saix thought and smiled. All of the organization members, but Xemnas, Axel, and Demyx, appeared in the Grey Room one by one. Zexion walked up to Saix. "So it looks like the Superior has a new pet." he said. Saix got an angry expression on his face and said, "I have control over what your missions are, so it would be smart for you to knock it off.". Zexion rolled his eyes, went over to one of the couches and began to read.


Axel sat on his bed in his room. "Saix... The little kiss-up." Axel mumbled to himself. "I mean seriously! We havn't even been here that long and Xemnas has already given Saix a job where he can totally manipulate us however he wants!" he said. "This sucks..." he said quietly. "Hey, Axel? Can I come in your room now?" Demyx asked right outside of Axel's door. "Demyx?! How long have you been standing there!?" Axel yelled. "Uhhh... Since you told me to leave..." he said. "Go away!" Axel shouted, then shot fire at his door and burned a hole through it. "Crap..."

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You're talented writing these things, rikuluver15! All of the chapters are good. Haha, "looks like the Superior got a new pet" xD that part was funny :D Keep up the good work! *gives two thumbs up*


Thank you soooooooooo much!!!


(Marluxia is in one of the next few chapters. Imagine how Axel and Demyx will react to that lol)

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Chapter Thirteen


"My fellow Nobodies. I am pleased to announce that there is a new member to our organization. Number X, Luxord. As our newest member, I trust you all will instruct him of our ways." Xemnas said. "Sweet a new member!" Demyx said to himself, then Saix glared at him. "You are all dismissed." Xemnas said. Everyone left and went to the Grey Room. Axel walked up to the new member. "Hey, Luxord. I'm Axel. Got it memorized?" Axel said, he hadn't said that line in a long time and wanted to see how it still sounded. "Yes. Hello, Axel." Luxord said. "Welcome to the organization. It ain't much, but it's not like we have a choice." Axel said, and halfway laughed. "That's nice to know. I'll see you around, Axel" Luxord said as he walked off.


Different organization members walked over to Saix to get their missions and left. "Eh. Guess I have to sooner or later." Axel said as he walked up to Saix. "What's my mission?" Axel asked. "Just go to Twilight Town and collect hearts. Got it?" Saix said. "Whatever." Axel said as he stepped into a dark portal to go to Twilight Town.


Axel walked around, looking for Heartless. "None, none, none, none..." he said as he walked around. He walked into a new area of Twilight Town and a giant Heartless appeared. "Aw crap. Saix new this would happen!" Axel yelled. The Heartless ran towards Axel. The Heartless appeared to be armor, with nothing in it. Axel summoned his chakrams and set them on fire. He trew them at the Heartless and shouted, "BURN, BABY!". The arms of the Heartless fell off of it and disappeared. "Pfft, I can take this thing." Axel said, as his chakrams came back to him and he caught them. He ran towards the Heartless and jumped into the air. As he came down he slashed the Heartless with his chakrams and it's feet disappeared. It spun around and ran into Axel. "Ow!" he shouted. "That's it! Fire!" Axel said as he shot a ball of fire at the Heartless. It disappeared and Axel walked away. "Looks like my work here is done." he said. Axel walked around Twilight Town some more and saw someone selling ice cream. "Mmm." he said. He bought some ice cream and as soon as he was done eating it he went back to the castle.


Axel returned to the castle and walked past Saix. "So, how'd the mission go?" Saix asked. Axel stopped and said. "Just fine, thanks for asking." he continued walking. Saix quietly laughed, he had missed picking on Axel.


Chapter Fourteen


The next morning most of the organization members were in the Grey Room and Saix announced. "The Superior has called a meeting. Everyone report to the Round Room." A few of them groaned and they all left.


"I am very pleased to announce that there are two new members of the organization." Xemnas said. "First, number XI, Marluxia." Xemnas continued. A Marluxia took off his black hood to reveil his face. He stood out quite a bit, with his pink hair. Demyx and Axel busted out laughing. "Your seriously letting a GIRL join the organization?" Demyx laughed. "Excuse me!?" Marluxia yelled at him. Axel and Demyx heard his voice and were silent. "He's a guy?" Axel asked. They looked at each other, then back at Marluxia and started laughing even harder. Saix was getting annoyed and shouted, "Silence!". They quickly became quiet. A girl in a black hood giggled at Axel, then took off her hood. "This is number XII, Larxene." Xemnas said, hoping not to be inturrupted by Axel or Demyx.


Later in the Grey Room, Marluxia approached Demyx and Axel and summoned his weapon, a pink scythe. "His weapon is pink too." Demyx laughed. "Uh... Demyx? You might wanna shut up..." Axel said. Demyx took another look at Marluxia's scythe and noticed that it was very sharp. "Yikes!" he said as he ran away. "If you talk to me or about me one more time, this scythe will be down your throat." Marluxia said, looking Axel in the eyes. "Got it." Axel said as he also ran away. "Saix, just give me my mission so I can leave." Axel said. "Training Marluxia is your mission for today." Saix said. Axel's jaw dropped. "What?! Can't I train someone who DOESN'T want to kill me!?" he yelled. "It's already been scheduled so you have to. Goodbye." Saix replied. Marluxia heard their conversation, looked at Axel and grinned. "That guy's gonna kill me, I just know it..." Axel groaned, then left with Marluxia.

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Chapter Thirteen


"My fellow Nobodies. I am pleased to announce that there is a new member to our organization. Number X, Luxord. As our newest member, I trust you all will instruct him of our ways." Xemnas said. "Sweet a new member!" Demyx said to himself, then Saix glared at him. "You are all dismissed." Xemnas said. Everyone left and went to the Grey Room. Axel walked up to the new member. "Hey, Luxord. I'm Axel. Got it memorized?" Axel said, he hadn't said that line in a long time and wanted to see how it still sounded. "Yes. Hello, Axel." Luxord said. "Welcome to the organization. It ain't much, but it's not like we have a choice." Axel said, and halfway laughed. "That's nice to know. I'll see you around, Axel" Luxord said as he walked off.


Different organization members walked over to Saix to get their missions and left. "Eh. Guess I have to sooner or later." Axel said as he walked up to Saix. "What's my mission?" Axel asked. "Just go to Twilight Town and collect hearts. Got it?" Saix said. "Whatever." Axel said as he stepped into a dark portal to go to Twilight Town.


Axel walked around, looking for Heartless. "None, none, none, none..." he said as he walked around. He walked into a new area of Twilight Town and a giant Heartless appeared. "Aw crap. Saix new this would happen!" Axel yelled. The Heartless ran towards Axel. The Heartless appeared to be armor, with nothing in it. Axel summoned his chakrams and set them on fire. He trew them at the Heartless and shouted, "BURN, BABY!". The arms of the Heartless fell off of it and disappeared. "Pfft, I can take this thing." Axel said, as his chakrams came back to him and he caught them. He ran towards the Heartless and jumped into the air. As he came down he slashed the Heartless with his chakrams and it's feet disappeared. It spun around and ran into Axel. "Ow!" he shouted. "That's it! Fire!" Axel said as he shot a ball of fire at the Heartless. It disappeared and Axel walked away. "Looks like my work here is done." he said. Axel walked around Twilight Town some more and saw someone selling ice cream. "Mmm." he said. He bought some ice cream and as soon as he was done eating it he went back to the castle.


Axel returned to the castle and walked past Saix. "So, how'd the mission go?" Saix asked. Axel stopped and said. "Just fine, thanks for asking." he continued walking. Saix quietly laughed, he had missed picking on Axel.


Chapter Fourteen


The next morning most of the organization members were in the Grey Room and Saix announced. "The Superior has called a meeting. Everyone report to the Round Room." A few of them groaned and they all left.


"I am very pleased to announce that there are two new members of the organization." Xemnas said. "First, number XI, Marluxia." Xemnas continued. A Marluxia took off his black hood to reveil his face. He stood out quite a bit, with his pink hair. Demyx and Axel busted out laughing. "Your seriously letting a GIRL join the organization?" Demyx laughed. "Excuse me!?" Marluxia yelled at him. Axel and Demyx heard his voice and were silent. "He's a guy?" Axel asked. They looked at each other, then back at Marluxia and started laughing even harder. Saix was getting annoyed and shouted, "Silence!". They quickly became quiet. A girl in a black hood giggled at Axel, then took off her hood. "This is number XII, Larxene." Xemnas said, hoping not to be inturrupted by Axel or Demyx.


Later in the Grey Room, Marluxia approached Demyx and Axel and summoned his weapon, a pink scythe. "His weapon is pink too." Demyx laughed. "Uh... Demyx? You might wanna shut up..." Axel said. Demyx took another look at Marluxia's scythe and noticed that it was very sharp. "Yikes!" he said as he ran away. "If you talk to me or about me one more time, this scythe will be down your throat." Marluxia said, looking Axel in the eyes. "Got it." Axel said as he also ran away. "Saix, just give me my mission so I can leave." Axel said. "Training Marluxia is your mission for today." Saix said. Axel's jaw dropped. "What?! Can't I train someone who DOESN'T want to kill me!?" he yelled. "It's already been scheduled so you have to. Goodbye." Saix replied. Marluxia heard their conversation, looked at Axel and grinned. "That guy's gonna kill me, I just know it..." Axel groaned, then left with Marluxia.


more when will it be more!!!!!

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Lol...wow...lol, I really missed a lot. It's a good thing I came in here to read it. Man, that was great Demyx and Axel mistaken Marluxia as a girl...who wouldn't though. You are doing such a great job and you have a real talent for writing keep it up. I'm loving it so far and can't wait for the next two chapters. I have a feeling that Axel and Marluxia is going to end fighting each other during the mission. I can't wait until Demyx and Zexion gets a mission together that will be something to look forward to. Keep up the great work.

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I'm BAAACK!!! Postin' THREE chapters this time!!! lol


Chapter Fifteen

"So, Marluxia? What element do you control?" Axel asked as they arrived at Twilight Town. "Flowers- AND IF YOU LAUGH AT THAT-!" Marluxia started to yell, then calmed down. "Are you sure you're a guy?" Axel asked. "YOU LITTLE-!!!!" Marluxia yelled and then chased after Axel with his scythe. "AHHH!!!" Axel screamed. "Come back here!!!" Marluxia shouted.


Saix wondered how Axel's mission was going and he laughed. "Marluxia has probably destroyed Axel by now." he said to himself.

"AXEL!" Marluxia yelled as he swung his sythe at Axel. Axel jumped out of the way a fell down. Marluxia rosee his sythe above Axel, then a Heartless rose out of the ground and scratched at Marluxia. Marluxia turned his attention to the Heartless and attacked it. Axel sighed in releif and got a few feet away from Marluxia. Once Marluxia finished off the Heartless, Axel said, "So...Marluxia... You know how to make portals?" "Of couse I do. What idiot can't?" he replied. Axel stuck his tounge out at Marluxia. "Whatever then, mission accomplished. Time to R.T.C." Axel said.

When Axel and Marluxia arrived back at the castle, Saix asked Axel, "So, how did the mission go?" "Wonderful." Axel replied sarcastically.

Chapter Sixteen

"Y'know... It was really stupid to ask him if he's a guy..." Demyx said to Axel. "Well the dude controls flowers!" Axel yelled and Demyx giggled.

"If you put me on another mission with that-!! Ugh... If I were the leader of this organization!" Marluxia yelled. Saix started to get mad at Marluxia rambling on and on and finally lost it. "Would you just shut up!? Honestly if you want to talk to someone, go talk to Vexen." Saix said. Marluxia walked away to go find Vexen and once he was out of the room, Saix chuckled to himself. Saix knew that Vexen would probably do some kind of scientific expiriment on Marluxia.

Axel sighed and opened a portal. "Where are you going?" Demyx asked. "None of your business." he replied and walked through the portal. "Well then..." Demyx said as he left.

Axel went to Twilight Town to go get some ice cream and then went up to the clock tower, just to kind of be alone. "Who needs a heart? You can still have emotions without one, I mean I'm friends with Demyx." he said to himself as he took a bite of ice cream. "But I wish Demyx wasn't so annoying... Yet he's the only one in the organization member who isn't all serious about everything. Well... there is Xigbar, but he's kinda creepy..." Axel said to himself.

Chapter Seventeen

Zexion walked by the Grey Room and saw Saix still standing there. "You know that you have given everyone a mission today right? You are permitted to leave." Zexion said. "I know that." Saix replied. "Umm...alright..." Zexion said as he kept walking. Saix opened a portal and left to go to his room. "I need a heart..." Saix mumbled to himself.

Axel finished his ice cream and left to go back to the castle. "I mean, who says we don't stilll have feelings? I still do. Not sure if Saix EVER did, but..." Axel kept talking to himself as he walked back to his room.

"I can't live without feeling anything any longer. When will Kingdom Hearts be ours?" Saix said to himself.

"And whats up with that "Kingdom Hearts" thing that Xemnas always rambles about? Who needs it?" Axel continued as he walked by Saix's room.

Saix heard Axel's remark and opened his door. ""Who needs it"!? We need it, Axel! Do you want to be a Nobody for the rest of your life?!" Saix yelled. "Dude, what is wrong with you? We don't need hearts. We can get along just fine without them." Axel said. "Oh, so you know everything now, Axel?" Saix replied. "All I know is that I want Isa back!" Axel said and stormed off.

"Me too... That's why we need Kingdom Hearts." Saix said softly after Axel left.

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