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Everything posted by roxasfan04

  1. I do things I enjoy; -writing fanfic -playing sims -playing other games -going out with mates -or just sleep ^_^
  2. It has to be DDD, so much happened. And there's the fact Riku was a dream eater the whole time! I never would of guessed, nor did I think Ventus would be brought into it.
  3. Depending on the book, I love to read. xx
  4. Almost, just one left. I hope everypne loves their gifts :wacko:
  5. The gender shouldn't really matter. I'd love Kingdom Hearts even if the main protagonist is a girl.
  6. I mostly want to be a veterinary surgeon, but i'm open for actor and fiction writer ^_^
  7. Wish I could fit both school work and KH in, damn exams.
  8. I don't know why people would do it in the first place. It's just sooo wrong.
  9. Ha Ha, I still got a PS 1, and it still works, it's older than I am.
  10. Yes I think he will, he did appear in KH3D so that must mean he still exists
  11. Mine was KH 3Ds I usually play a KH game a few times till the end until I finally put it down.
  12. I don't have one, but my little sister does. xx
  13. I'm definately getting it, just as long as it's released in Europe!!
  14. I love the idea of a HD collection, I'm really excited!!! But I would really love for KH III to be annouced, I really want to play it!!!
  15. Wonder when they'll finish final fantasy and start KH III?

    1. Sora96


      Versus XIII is confirmed to appear at TGS 2013. Meaning Versus XIII wont be finished until the second half of 2013 at the earliest.

    2. roxasfan04


      Thank for the heads up.I'm sure I can wait till then.

  16. I hope it mentions either that Final Fanstasy vs XIII is finished and they're starting KH III or some new HD collection.
  17. I sure hope so. I really want to know when KH III is coming out, I want to know what happens!!!
  18. No Other Game Can Compare to The Arts That Is Kingdom Hearts!!!!!!!!!!!! In other words, I absolutly love the game for those who don't know.
  19. I love most of the worlds.... but I love Destiny Island's cuz it's so beautiful. Also the Pride Lands cuz I love Sora's feline form. He's so cute xxxx
  20. Haha, I started obessing two years after I got my first KH game. I was too young to understand it at first and couldn't got lost finding the mansion on the sixth day with Roxas. ;D I didn't go on it again until two years later when I was bored and just started playing it again. LOL
  21. I admit they loved to use items, but I could stop them using them so much. It did make everything much easy.
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