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About Findena

  • Birthday March 25

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  • Gender
  1. B-But I thought I was Ruby...

  2. Marching Bands are amazing. If you disagree, prepare to die by brass, woodwind, and percussion. lol but this is Ohio State, meaning only brass and percussion....
  3. It would depend how long of a time span it would be...I have gone 2 weeks....it was not fun....
  4. Maybe not to relive my own timeline, but to go anywhere, at anytime. If a blue box is in the offer, I am all in for it!
  5. I'll wait for you Fin. ≖‿≖

  6. Ashiri has got my vote also. I know how much she is attacted to this place. I think she would do great.
  7. Just realized...never mentioned but highly implied. I'm also female. I am so forgetful....
  8. I am crazy too so I should fit right in.
  9. Hello Everyone! My name is Findena, people call me Fin. I absolutely hate when people call me find, because my name is pronounced Fin-dean-nah. One of my best friends is Ashiri (earlier known as impersisfluff) and she introduced me the KH and is still working on me getting to the insane fangirl level. We are working on it. So I come from the US of A and love the UK with all my heart. Especially a youtube commentator named Martyn Littlewood. (Sorry ashiri, had to mention him) Games I love playing are: Minecraft Terraria Audiosurf Portal Portal 2 Black ops KH:358/2 is my favorite of the KH games ATM Those are the main ones... Hope to be seeing you all around! Nearly forgot to mention, I love Vocaloid and Hetalia. BYYYEEEE!!!
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