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About soramstr

  • Birthday 12/07/1991

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  1. This guy just Was Not Fair, especially with Terra lol.
  2. Hey guys, I made a detailed guide for fighting the Mysterious Figure in BBS. He was a tough sunnovabishh, especially with Terra, and in this guide I tried to make him a little more manageable. It isn't super technical but I think it very effectively explains his attacks and a good strategy to beat him. Let me know if this helps anyone looking to platinum this game on PS4.
  3. Lol yeah, this ain't no main series Donald
  4. I get that, i just meant if you've done everything and all you have left is those three mushrooms to have basically 100% done, I don't see why not just go for it. But like he said he's gonna stick with regular stats so good on him. Right, I thought it was HP on the TWTNW mushroom. My b O.o
  5. that's what I figured. The twilight town mushroom in the subway, the one in agrabah, and the one in the world that never was are the only I could think of that can't be done without stat boosts but if you get the silver crown and all you have left is them, why not boost up?
  6. It can be a lot of fun. I recommend checking out lvl1 critical mode speed runs for help and learning the really technical aspects of the game. But just know that the real fun is in overcoming a seemingly impossible obstacle. If that's not reward enough for you on some of these things you won't have much fun with it.
  7. Almost all of them are original blueprints, there are 4 I think that are blueprints you have to find but most of them you get just through progression There's a guide for those too on my channel! lol
  8. Most of Port Royal was really meh to me
  9. Hey, I just finished up a guide to help get ppl through the gummi ship missions. They're really bare bones so there's plenty to improve on in my designs and stuff but I figured it'd be good help to anyone in a bind.
  10. yeah, pretty much everyone will but if you have the chance to get it for free, why not? Idk, I thought it'd be a cool thing to do.
  11. We had some pretty successful guides for Kingdom Hears 1.5 so I decided to do a scavenger hunt for KH 2.5 and the winner will get a copy when the game comes out. I'm assuming it will come out around September like 1.5 did. Check out the info on the scavenger hunt on ItsGamingFancy on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXuuaRfVlJ8
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