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  1. This morning I posted my jazz cover of "The 13th Struggle" from KH: COM. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think! https://youtu.be/oaqvGz32Ln8
  2. In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, when referring to Maleficent, Vexen says "Don't be absurd. The witch is gone. She cannot return from the Realm of Darkness of her own volition." This means that after Sora destroyed Maleficent in the first Kingdom Hearts, she got sent to the Realm of Darkness. Why is this? Why did Maleficent get sent to the Realm of Darkness instead of just simply dying? Or did she just simply escape after the battle with Sora to the Realm of Darkness using a Corridor of Darkness? Also, why did she have to wait for someone (the three fairies) to remember her in order to come back when she could've just used a Corridor of Darkness?
  3. Just wondering what Kingdom Hearts game you guys are playing the most right now? Im really all over the place truly, but KH1 or Kh2 are always in rotation for me, but i am also playing Dream Drop Distance, Chain of Memories, BBS, and Recoded lol along with the mobile game there really is so much kingdom hearts content I love it.
  4. The volumes of the Kingdom Hearts manga series that have been released thus far by Yen Press are now available for purchase in e-book format at Barnes & Nobles and iBooks. The individual manga have also been made available at ComiXology, an Amazon subsidiary, today. According to KHInsider, the manga were formerly available for purchase at Amazon Kindle, Google Play, Book Walker, and Kobo as well. It is unknown if the Kindle version of the manga volumes will be available for purchase again soon. The Kingdom Hearts manga series is a comic book adaptation of the video-game by artist Shiro Amano, with the final volume of the English Kingdom Hearts II manga coming out on May 23rd, 2017. The video-game has also been adapted into a series of light novels by Tomoco Kanemaki; Yen Press has in fact recently announced the future localization of the novels for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts II Vol. 1 & 2. Will you be purchasing the digital versions of the Kingdom Hearts manga? Let us know in the comments! Click here to view the article
  5. The volumes of the Kingdom Hearts manga series that have been released thus far by Yen Press are now available for purchase in e-book format at Barnes & Nobles and iBooks. The individual manga have also been made available at ComiXology, an Amazon subsidiary, today. According to KHInsider, the manga were formerly available for purchase at Amazon Kindle, Google Play, Book Walker, and Kobo as well. It is unknown if the Kindle version of the manga volumes will be available for purchase again soon. The Kingdom Hearts manga series is a comic book adaptation of the video-game by artist Shiro Amano, with the final volume of the English Kingdom Hearts II manga coming out on May 23rd, 2017. The video-game has also been adapted into a series of light novels by Tomoco Kanemaki; Yen Press has in fact recently announced the future localization of the novels for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts II Vol. 1 & 2. Will you be purchasing the digital versions of the Kingdom Hearts manga? Let us know in the comments!
  6. I drew a picture of Namine! I'm happy with how it came out though I still want to get so much better! I can't help but feel bad for Namine. I wonder how she'll be involved in the next game. http://soulscore.deviantart.com/art/Memory-of-Namine-648825442
  7. SorrowSurvivor

    Memory of Namine

    A simple picture I made!
  8. I never particularly understood people's reasoning for this. What is it about the card battle system in CoM that people hate so much? I absolutely adore it; it's a pleasant change of pace from the button mash-y action that was KH1. It required legitimate strategy and thinking; you can't mash X to win, because every attack you do has a cost to it that you must consider the repercussions to. Do people just not like it because it's not a button masher? And if that's the reason, does that mean these people dislike all games that aren't button mashers and require thinking?I really don't understand. People love games like Dark Souls, which forces you to fight cautiously and conservatively, which can almost be kind of compared to Chain of Memories' battle system. Yet the majority of the KH community that I've seen absolutely despises this game, and with no particular reason either. Can someone please tell me why? I really do want to know, because from what I can tell so far, it's just blind hate because the game is "different", and personally, I don't consider that as a valid reason at all.
  9. My graduation cap design for my graduation this Saturday, I based it of course off a keyblade card from KH CoM and used the year 2015 as the number of it.
  10. This May 6th marks the ten year anniversary of the European launch of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the GameBoy Advance, having shipped roughly 200,000 units in Europe and 1.55 million copies worldwide. Though it is considered the least successful game in the Kingdom Hearts series, it has still received generally positive reviews, with the most praise directed towards the story. The tagline for this is "Adventure is in the cards." Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories was first announced, along with Kingdom Hearts II, at the Tokyo Game Show in September of 2003. The idea for a intermediary game began after Tetsuya Nomura and his team had already begun plans for Kingdom Hearts II. The original title then was Kingdom Hearts: Lost Memories, but the title was changed to match the premise of game, while keeping the theme of memories. It also provided a way to start Kingdom Hearts II with Sora and co. not having access to the abilities and equipment earned in the first game. While Nomura was hesitant to release a Kingdom Hearts game on the GBA, after considering his options and planning accordingly, and hearing that children wanted a Kingdom Hearts game for the GBA, he changed his mind. Since then, Chain of Memories has been released for the PS2 as Re:Chain of Memories and for the PS3 as part of Kingdom Hearts: 1.5 HD ReMIX. Of note is Jupiter's involvement in game development. The card system employed by Chain of Memories inspired the gameplay of Jupiter's next game "The World Ends With You". While many people clearly had fun with Chain of Memories for the GBA, PS2, and PS3, I want to know what you thought about the game. Did you have fun? What do you remember most about this unique entry in the Kingdom Hearts series?
  11. Sora's behaviour towards Namine feels...kinda off somehow. I don't know how to describe it, really. Now, the series is all about friendship. But there are obvious hints to sokai. But I almost feel like Sora > Namine is being hinted at as well. Maybe it's just me, but these scenes seem to indicate Sora thinks about her after he remembered her 25:38 Maybe, it's just me. But I have a bad feeling about this
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