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  1. Nomura has already mentioned several times that KH3 will have a darker theme. But only now it has ocurred to me to make a pool to see what you guys think. I don't believe we'll see blood at all, given it has Disney characters and all. But I decided to give that option anyways. I may not have covered everything. I just had the idea to create this post now,
  2. In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, when referring to Maleficent, Vexen says "Don't be absurd. The witch is gone. She cannot return from the Realm of Darkness of her own volition." This means that after Sora destroyed Maleficent in the first Kingdom Hearts, she got sent to the Realm of Darkness. Why is this? Why did Maleficent get sent to the Realm of Darkness instead of just simply dying? Or did she just simply escape after the battle with Sora to the Realm of Darkness using a Corridor of Darkness? Also, why did she have to wait for someone (the three fairies) to remember her in order to come back when she could've just used a Corridor of Darkness?
  3. So, a crack theory occured to me the other day. It's very very crack-y and doesn't make a lot of sense, but I thought it was an interesting thought nonetheless. We know from Birth by Sleep that the X-blade can be forged through a high intensity clash of two opposite poles of pure light and pure darkness. Note that when we saw Ventus-Vanitas fused in BBS, it was heavily implied (and I believe even outright stated by Xehanort), that they literally WERE the X-Blade. When Ventus defeats Vanitas and rips apart both of their hearts, the X-blade is destroyed. This hints towards the X-blade being a sentient entity, or at least having the potential to be one. a combination of two hearts of equal and opposite light and darkness. With this in mind, what if we assume that the same could be said for the original X-blade? That the original X-blade from the Age of Fairytales was also a sentient entity, potentially formed from a high intensity clash of two hearts of pure light and pure darkness? And that the sentient entity succeeded in it's completion? If this is the case, then is there a faint possibility that this entity could be a certain sassy Master of Masters? The master of masters acts bizarrely neutral in the face of something incredibly dreadful like the Keyblade war - could this be due to his heart being a perfect balance of pure light and darkness? And he has unexplained, supernatural powers of precognition involving the "blue eye" engraved into No Name's blade (and possibly the blue eyes found on the keychains and in the blade of other Keyblades + soul eater). Keyblades were originally created in the image of the original X-blade - what if the keyblades were created from the Master of Master in his own image? The box the MoM gives Luxu at the end of back cover has a symbol with seven spikes on it's inner walls and 13 spikes upon it's outer walls, and has the words "XSuper" on it. There are many theories on what this could mean: The MoM's nobody is in there,the X-blade is in there, ya boy Ventus is sleeping in there, etc. etc., and I do think that the X-blade is indeed inside, but I also think that there could be a bit more meaning to the name on the box than meets the eye. "'χ'... A most ancient letter. Some say 'kye,' but the meaning is the same. Death... A letter that spells endings. —Master Xehanort It is heavily implied from the names of the 6 other foretellers, along with the word enscribed upon the box, that the MoM's name derives from the seventh deadly sin superbia (pride). If X is taken for it's original meaning - death, or endings - then "XSuper" might mean "The death of pride". The Master of Masters has destroyed himself, shattering his heart into 20 pieces and then locking them away inside of the box. As for the rendition of him who speak with the foretellers.... a ghostly projection? I mean, it's happened before in Kingdom Hearts. Especially when a character harbours the heart of another inside them. After talking about avoiding the conflict for the entirety of the storyline of X up to the keyblade war, Master Ava enters into the conflict and, if the player is a member of another union, fights them. When the player asks her why she has changed tune about the war, she simply says "There are some secrets no-one should ever know". Maybe she found out something about the nature of the Master or the X-blade, or (crack theory overdrive), the splintered pieces of the X-blade that must return to their father the master of masters fullmetal alchemist style to all get inside the box or somethi I don't know I'm just gonna stop this insanity train here. Also slightly related mini crack theory: A key-shaped weapon forged by man during the age of fairy tales. Any other origins have yet to be revealed. - DDD glossary on Keyblades. Of all the keyblades in existence, Master Xehanort's is the most ancient. - Young Xehanort. What if Master Xehanort's keyblade was not man-made? What if it existed before the hypothetical forging of the original X-Blade? If the original X-blade, potentially the Master of Masters, was created through some high impact light-darkness collision, what if this Keyblade was wielded by some ancient force of evil, who then clashed with another ancient force of light? So yeah tl;dr, Vanitas + Ventus = X blade, therefore maybe original X blade = someone + someone = the Master of Masters. That's it that's the theory you can go home now.
  4. EDIT: This is an old post. There are things in this post that I no longer think or agree with. Read with a grain of salt. PLEASE READ THE WHOLE POST BEFORE COMMENTING Kingdom Hearts is my favorite series and I love many things about it. But, the only thing that actually aggravates me about this series is that death is meaningless. Whenever we kill a villain, they always come back by some bullshit method and whenever a good character dies, we get told that there's a way to bring them back. They act like a character dying is sad and they act like a character dying should make us sad or impact us in some way, but then just bring back the character/say the character can be brought back. This makes death absolutely meaningless and makes it so we feel no emotion when a character dies. Yes, we might feel a little emotion since we're seeing a character watch them die get sad and that rubs off on us, but we know that that character can easily come back so it's no where near as sad as it would be. Maleficent dies but comes back because the three fairies remembered her. Oogie Boogie dies but comes back because apparently Maleficent has the ability to bring people back from the dead. Ursula dies but comes back in some weird phantom form because apparently Xehanort has the ability to make that happen. Xion, Roxas, and Namine "die" but we get told that there's a way to bring them back. Eraqus dies but apparently his heart was able to take refuge within Terra. Xehanort, Lea, Isa, Braig, Dilan, Aeleus, Ienzo, and Even are all back because apparently your original self returns if your Heartless and Nobody are destroyed. Turns out Ansem the Wise didn't actually die, he just got sent to the Realm of Darkness for some reason somehow. Xemnas and Ansem Seeker of Darkness died but they're back because time travel. These are the most bullshit methods I've ever heard. Well, I guess the whole original person returning because Heartless/Nobody getting destroyed isn't that bad, but everything else I mentioned is complete bullshit. I remember playing Kingdom Hearts II when I was like 6 and getting very emotional when Roxas and Namine formed back with Sora and Kairi and I remember playing 358/2 Days when I was like 9 and getting very emotional when Xion died. But, it turns out none of that mattered. It turns out they can just come back. What was the point? What was the point of having those emotional scenes if they can just come back? These characters coming back completely destroys and gets rid of my sad emotions for these characters. It completely undermines the emotional experiences I had playing through those games for the first time. Dream Drop Distance completely destroyed the Kingdom Hearts plot in my opinion. Having Disney villains come back by bullshit means isn't that aggravating since they're considered pretty unimportant when compared to the main characters, but when Dream Drop Distance came along and told us that all these characters came back and told us that all these other characters *can* come back, I was speechless. How could they do this? How could they just completely make all these characters I loved's deaths just mean absolutely nothing when they meant so much to me and impacted me so much? Whenever I'd go replay the games and watch Roxas and Namine fuse back with Sora and Kairi or watch Xion die, I'd get emotional. But now, whenever I see those scenes, I feel nothing, because I know that any character can just come back. I've seen people asking "what would ruin KH3 for you?" People reply with things such as "if the gameplay plays like Birth by Sleep or Dream Drop Distance", "if the graphics are bad", "if the final boss is anticlimactic", and "if it turns out Xehanort isn't the true villain", but the only thing that could ruin Kingdom Hearts III for me is if Xion, Roxas, and Namine return. The only thing that could ruin Kingdom Hearts III for me is if they rip those emotional moments from my past right out of my memories. And the sad thing is is I know they are going to do that. Now don't get me wrong, Kingdom Hearts III looks fantastic. Gameplay looks like it might be the most fun I'll ever have playing a game, graphics look great, cutscenes look interesting and exciting, but man, having Xion, Roxas, and Namine return would really be a downer. It wouldn't completely ruin the game for me, but it would definitely leave a substantial bitter taste in my mouth. Am I the only one who feels this way? I can't be, right? I can think of a few other shows/games where a dead character returns and people are furious, so who else here feels the same way about KH? And I have a question for people who don't feel this way: "Why don't you feel this way?" Did you just not get emotional over their deaths to begin with so you won't care if they return? Sorry for the long post. It's just, I haven't seen anyone else feel this way (I've actually only seen people feel the opposite way), so I had to vent and get this out of my system. Please, Square Enix, let Roxas, Namine, and Xion rest in peace.
  5. Something I started doing before my finals, and something I haven't finished yet because right now I honestly don't have enough patience to end the roses circle. I'll finish it whenever. I have an instagram account for this stuff if you're interested in seeing more [x]
  6. So I wanna make more horror videos and short films and maybe even some "weird side of YouTube" videos. But feel like the only way to make it the most effective is to get into people's heads by showing them their greatest fears. So come on! What scares you the most? Come ON! Give me all you got! Bones breaking, blood pouring, bugs, heights, hell's core, anxiety, depression, death, the grim reaper, phobias. Anything? How about... Heads being crushed Organs being ripped out Insanity & Madness torture to it's greatest levels Tripping in Smash Is that all you got?! Tarantulas in your heart! Scorpions in your stomach! Flesh melting away! Satanic rituals with baby sacrifices! Dragons and demons eating still born fetuses! Beings cloaked in darkness chasing you! COME ON! What is it! I need to scare the life out of everyone! Please and thank you
  7. Who do you think will die in KH3 and who do you want to die in KH3? Aside from the obvious villains who will most likely die, I don't want any of the good characters to die, but I think it would be a great way to bring more emotion to the game and to make Sora and the gang more serious and pull their act together. For example, I think it'd be interesting to see Aerith die. Since she is a different person than she is in Final Fantasy, I don't think the person who kills her should be Sephiroth, I think it should be one of the Seekers of Darkness. Perhaps while at Radiant Garden, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Leon, Yuffie, etc all run outside and see Aerith be struck in the heart by Young Xehanort or something. I think it would bring more depth to all the characters in that scene, because we would be able to see the emotional side of Leon and the other FF characters. It would also show how ruthless and evil Young Xehanort and the Seekers of Darkness are. What are your thoughts on this and who do you think will die in KH3?
  8. I'll be explaining the various kinds of enemies in the Kingdom Hearts universe, how they're created, what happens when they die, and what their goals are. If you feel you are very familiar with the details and lore behind these enemies, then this post is not for you. Over a long time playing the Kingdom Hearts games, I've notice many people left confused about these enemies, whether it be in real life, or online, so I'm making this post to hopefully clear up that confusion. Enjoy! (This is a part of my "Explained" series of posts. To view my "Time Travel Explained" post, click here, to view my "The Braig/Xigbar Situation Explained" post, click here, and to view my "The Realm of Sleep Explained" post, click here.) What are Heartless? Heartless are the main and first enemy type introduced in the Kingdom Hearts series. Most of them are ink black in color and only act on instinct. They can be seen in various of the many worlds and realms in the universe of Kingdom Hearts. The stronger your heart is with the darkness, the more powerful your Heartless you produce will be. There are two types of Heartless: Pureblood Heartless and Emblem Heartless. What goal do Heartless try to achieve? Heartless mainly attempt to find and devour hearts, whether it be the heart of people, or the hearts of worlds. When they devour the heart of a person, then that person becomes a Heartless as well. Heartless, along with other beings strong with dark powers, are able to use portals called Corridors of Darkness. This portals allow them to travel from world to world and from realm to realm. It is dangerous for just anyone to use these portals however, because it is exposing you to direct darkness and it could affect your heart. That is why Heartless mostly use them since they are beings of straight darkness. How are Pureblood Heartless created? Pureblood Heartless were the first types of Heartless to exist. Pureblood Heartless are also known as natural Heartless, since they exist from natural causes. There are two ways a Pureblood Heartless can be created. The first way that a Pureblood Heartless can be created, is when someone succumbs to the darkness in their heart. Once this happens, the darkness inside their heart will devour their heart, then that darkness becomes a Pureblood Heartless. The second way that a Pureblood Heartless can be created is simply by drawing parts of the darkness out of your heart. Only beings that are strong with the darkness are able to do this, such as Xehanort. For example, in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Xehanort was able to create Neoshadow Heartless simply by drawing out the darkness in his heart. Similarly, Riku in the first Kingdom Hearts, was able to create an AntiSora Heartless simply by drawing out the darkness in his heart. Pureblood Heartless are simply darkness of the heart, made flesh. When a heart is unlocked or succumbs to the darkness, the darkness within comes out and becomes a Pureblood Heartless, and devours the heart while it's at it. When a Pureblood Heartless devours someone else's heart, then the darkness within that person's heart will come out and become a Pureblood Heartless as well. When Heartless devour the heart of a world, that world falls to darkness, meaning it ends up in the Realm of Darkness. How are Emblem Heartless created? Emblem Heartless were originally created by a machine made by Apprentice Xehanort, along with the other apprentices of Ansem the Wise. This machine reproduced the process in which Pureblood Heartless are created. This means that this machine was able to produce artificial Heartless by making hearts be consumed by darkness. Emblem Heartless are essentially darkness that has a trapped heart inside, unlike Pureblood Heartless which are essentially darkness that have devoured the heart and become one with it. Emblem Heartless can also be created when an Emblem Heartless consumes someone else's heart, just like how Pureblood Heartless are created when a Pureblood Heartless consumes someone else's heart. What happens when Heartless are destroyed? When you destroy a Pureblood Heartless, the heart within them isn't visibly/physically released, but it is definitely freed. The freed heart will eventually end up turning back into a Heartless. When a Pureblood Heartless is destroyed by a Keyblade, then it's freed for good. It goes into a sort of limbo state and waits for the corresponding Nobody to be destroyed so that it can combine back with the body and recomplete the original person. If the person has no corresponding Nobody, then all you have to do to recomplete them is destroy their Heartless (with a Keyblade) since their body is already waiting in the limbo state. When Emblem Heartless are destroyed, the corrupted heart that's freed will end up turning back into a Heartless, just like the Pureblood Heartless. Except the hearts are visibly freed. When Emblem Heartless are destroyed by a Keyblade, the heart is freed for good and goes into the aforementioned limbo state and waits for the Nobody counterpart to be destroyed, just like the Pureblood Heartless. If there is no Nobody counterpart, then all you need to do to recomplete the original person is to destroy the Heartless with a Keyblade. Them being destroyed by a Keyblade also allows Organization XIII to be able to collect the hearts before they get a chance to recomplete. What are Nobodies? Nobodies were the second enemy type introduced in the Kingdom Hearts series. They are mainly white in color, and they lack hearts. Many Nobodies also use Corridors of Darkness as well. Since they have no hearts, Corridors of Darkness are a huge convenience for them since they can use them without being affected. What goal do Nobodies try and achieve? Nobodies do not have a direct goal. Unlike Heartless, Nobodies have a sense of self, so they are basically free to do what they please. Most of them however, work together to achieve the one thing they truly want: their hearts. Since Nobodies have no hearts, they do not have emotions or feelings. They do however remember what it was like to have emotions and feelings. How are Nobodies created? When somebody loses their heart and become a Heartless, their body and soul fade away and wait for its Heartless counterpart to be destroyed by a Keyblade so the original person can be recompleted. If you had a particularly strong heart however, then your soul will continue living on inside of your body, therefore making your body live on as well. This is what a Nobody is. The stronger your heart was, the more humanoid and the more like you, your Nobody looks. People with slightly weaker hearts, become less and less human looking and take the form of creature type beings that somewhat resemble Heartless, other than the color differences. Organization XIII, a group of powerful Nobodies, are able to convert other powerful Nobodies into lesser, creature-type Nobodies, such as Dusks, as well, presumably using a machine to do so. What happens when Nobodies are destroyed? If a Nobody is destroyed, then it fades away. When someone's Nobody and corresponding Heartless are both destroyed, then that original person will return as a complete being, with heart, body, and soul all intact. (The Heartless needs to be destroyed by a Keyblade). If somebody didn't have a strong enough heart to produce a Nobody, then simply destroying their Heartless with a Keyblade will make them return since their body and soul, the things that would have created a Nobody, have already been destroyed. When you return as a complete being, you have all of your memories from when you were a Nobody as well as your old memories. You do not remember your time as a Heartless though. Other Information Nobodies are actually able to regrow hearts of their own. It is currently unknown what the specifics of this are and what the exact process is. Nobodies have the memories of when they were people. What are Unversed? Unversed are beings created by extremely strong negative emotions. They spawn from Vanitas and his emotions particularly, presumably because there is no other being with negative emotions as strong as his since he is a being of pure darkness. The negative emotions are so strong, that they take physical form, which is what Unversed are. Their goal is to do whatever Vanitas orders them to do, and when they are destroyed, their negativity flows right back into Vanitas. What are Dream Eaters? Dream Eaters are beings that exist and are born in the Realm of Sleep. They can also be created artificially. They are the Realm of Sleep's own personal way of darkness taking form as creatures. They are also the physical embodiments of dreams. They consume dreams. There are two types of Dream Eaters: Spirits and Nightmares. Spirits eat bad dreams, while Nightmares eat good dreams and plant bad ones. When they are destroyed, they seem to simply vanish, but Dream Eaters essentially work the same way dreams do since they are the physical embodiments of dreams, so all you'd have to do to get a Dream Eater to return after being destroyed is to dream it up again. That would be pretty difficult though since you can't really control what you dream about. Sora and Riku used fragments they collected from Nightmare Dream Eaters to artificially create their own Spirit Dream Eaters. The Master of Masters artificially created Spirit Chirithy Dream Eaters as well, probably using the same method as Sora and Riku. That is what we know so far about all the enemy types in the Kingdom Hearts universe. Now, I will explain various characters' involvements with these enemy types and how they relate to them. Sora In the first Kingdom Hearts, Sora stabbed himself in the heart with the Keyblade of Heart. This unlocked his heart, therefore making the darkness in his heart come out and become a Pureblood Heartless. When Sora stabbed himself with the Keyblade of Heart, he had Kairi and Ventus' hearts inside of him. This also created Sora's Nobody, Roxas. Roxas is a special Nobody since he was created by a unique circumstance. Since Sora had Ventus' heart inside of him, Ventus' heart went with his body and soul (Roxas) and went inside of Roxas. Kairi's heart returned to her body and she was recompleted. Since Kairi is a Princess of Heart, she has special light abilities. Since this is the case, she was able to purify Sora's Heartless and bring him back to his human form. Sora was able to return back to his human form without the need and use of his body or soul, which is an extremely unique circumstance. He had technically become a walking, talking heart, until Roxas returned to him. Another thing to mention is how Sora's Heartless had a sense of self. When you willingly give in to the darkness and become a Heartless, then your Heartless will have a sense of self. Roxas Roxas is the Nobody of Sora. He took on the appearance of Ventus since he has Ventus' heart inside of him. Roxas has since returned back to Sora, and Sora is complete again. Roxas lacks his memory from when he was Sora because Sora's time as a Heartless was so short. Kairi Kairi is one of the Seven Princesses of Heart, so she doesn't have any darkness within her heart whatsoever. Since this is the case, when her heart left her body, no Heartless was created. Her heart took refuge within Sora and was later returned to her body when Sora stabbed himself with the Keyblade of Heart and she was recompleted. Since she is a Princess of Heart and couldn't produce a Heartless, no Nobody was created either. Her body did not fade away since she had a strong heart, but it did not turn into a Nobody either since she had no darkness within her heart to turn into a Heartless, so her body stayed in a sort of comatose state until her heart returned to her. Like I stated before, she could not produce a Nobody since there was no darkness within her heart to produce a Heartless. But, when Sora stabbed himself with the Keyblade of Heart, Kairi's heart was released, which then created a Nobody of Kairi since Sora did have darkness within his heart. Naminé Naminé is the Nobody of Kairi that was created by Sora instead of Kairi, as explained above. Since she was not created by a body or soul, she technically doesn't exist and shouldn't exist, but she does anyway. It is an extremely unique and special circumstance. Since she was created by such a unique circumstance and has a unique bond with Sora since she was created by him instead of Kairi, she is able to manipulate Sora's memories and the people's memories who are close to him. She has since returned to Kairi and Kairi is a complete person again. As stated above, Roxas has no memories of his time as Sora because Sora's time as a Heartless was so short. Naminé lacks her memory of her time as Kairi for this same reason. Naminé doesn't have her memory of her time as Kairi because Kairi never even had a Heartless to begin with. Terra-Xehanort Terra-Xehanort, also known as Apprentice Xehanort, is Terra's body taken over by Xehanort and is being used as a host body for Xehanort. He worked as an apprentice under the scientist, Ansem the Wise, so he can get close to the technology and resources that he has. He tested on different people and their hearts to see what affects different tests had. All of his tests ended in the people's hearts collapsing. He locked these people up in cells in a dungeon and since their hearts were collapsing, the darkness within them came out and consumed their hearts and became Pureblood Heartless. Heartless were very rare before these experiments occurred. He then created another test. He put alive people and dead people in the cell with these Heartless. The Heartless went for the alive people, because they had hearts. This caused the Heartless to increase in numbers. Apprentice Xehanort, along with the other apprentices of Ansem the Wise, then created a machine. This machine was the machine stated earlier that artificially created Heartless, known as Emblem Heartless. Later, Terra-Xehanort turned most of the apprentices into Pureblood Heartless by stabbing them all with his Keyblade. He also succumbed to the darkness and became a Pureblood Heartless himself. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Ansem, Seeker of Darkness is the Heartless of Terra-Xehanort. He was created when the Robed Figure let himself be consumed by the darkness in his heart, therefore becoming a Heartless. That is what Ansem, Seeker of Darkness is. He had a sense of self, just like Sora's Heartless did, because he willingly became a Heartless. He is one of the only people to retain a human appearance after becoming a Heartless. He has since been destroyed by Sora. Scar Scar gave into the darkness in his heart, which caused the darkness within his heart to come out, consume his heart, then turn into a Pureblood Heartless. Scar retained his regular appearance, much like Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. He also had a sense of self, because he willingly became a Heartless. After Scar's Heartless was defeated, a strange and unique phenomenon occurred. Beings known as The Ghosts of Scar were formed from the lingering darkness of Scar. It is unknown why or how this exactly happened, and it is unknown if these "ghosts" would be classified as Heartless or not, but they were able to merge together to create an Emblem Heartless known as a Groundshaker, which is an even stranger phenomenon that has no current explanation. Xemnas Xemnas is the Nobody of Terra-Xehanort, created when Terra-Xehanort succumbed to the darkness and became a Heartless. Xemnas has since been destroyed by Sora. Since both Xehanort's Heartless and Nobody have been destroyed, Xehanort has returned as a complete person. Vanitas Vanitas is the darkness from inside of Ventus, taken humanoid form. Ventus was used by Xehanort to try and fulfill his plan of recreating the χ-blade. To recreate the χ-blade, two beings, one of pure light, and one of pure darkness, need to clash. So, Xehanort extracted the darkness side of Ventus' heart from within Ventus and it took a physical, humanoid form, known as Vanitas. Since Vanitas is a being of complete darkness, without a single bit of light within him, he produces extremely strong negative emotions. These negative emotions are so strong, that they take physical forms, known as Unversed. Riku In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Riku is considered to be a Dream Eater, because he has the ability to dive into Sora's dreams, and defeat the bad dreams, just like a Spirit Dream Eater would. That's it! I hope this was able to help anyone who was puzzled or somewhat confused with any of the enemies in the Kingdom Hearts universe Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below.
  9. I believe Kingdom Hearts 3 will end with the death of all 7 Guardians of Light... ...Okay well maybe not "dead" dead, but here me out... There has been a lot of chatter that the 5 "Lost Masters" are actually: [it is believed these are the lost masters due to color scheme comparison, height equivalents, and the use of the same voice actors, I would recommend looking into this more yourself if your skeptical (Rebirth Theory w/ Pics = http://forums.khinsider.com/kingdom-hearts-iii/194630-rebirth.html and GamersJoint voice comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rGI_Yzr2cI ] Aqua = Anguis Ventus = Leopardos Riku = Unicornis Terra = Ursus Kairi = Vulpeus ...with the sixth lost master being missing It is also believed that the missing final page in the Book of Prophecies is also the page that states that darkness will triumph over light... Now here's where my theory begins, what if the Book of Prophecies was written by "people" from the future in order to try to prevent the outcome these "people" had faced (darkness defeating light)? So as to say, the Book of Prophecies is actually less of a prophecy written by the foretellers, but more of a recollection of past events the foretellers/"lost masters" actually experienced? This would mean that the "people" who wrote the Book of Prophecies only knew what happened up to the point of darkness defeating light, NOT what happened afterwards. I emphasize this because it seems as though the Book of Prophecies is incomplete and limited (the prophecy ends at a point that I can't possibly see as being the ending) and I think that's because its not the ending, but rather, just as far as the "lost masters" were able to make it before getting sent back in time! (Maybe through the power of finally achieving Kingdom Hearts) Now I want to quickly focus on the term "LOST masters". What makes the masters "LOST" and if the Lost Masters are the Foretellers, why are the Foretellers LOST??? I believe its because after the great war/clash between the 13 SoD and 7 GoL, 6 keyblade masters in the fight disappeared, not to a new location, but to a different time. So what if, at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, Xehanort had finally captured Kingdom Hearts and the world fell to darkness, but as this happened, somehow Aqua, Ventus, Terra, Riku, and Kairi were sent back in time (along with the other unknown master) and became the foretellers. [Here's where the theory becomes a bit difficult to explain since we dont know who the GoL or the missing foreteller is, soooo from this point it's more random speculation than a theory backed by context clues] The crazy thing here is that Mickey, Axel/Lea, Sora, and Xehanort (not accounting for Vanitas, as I believe he may be defeated prior to this point) are all unaccounted for. I speculate that it could be possible that Mickey, Axel/Lea, and Sora are presumed dead by Xehanort, who finally achieves Kingdom Hearts. I speculate Sora and Axel/Lea "die" first. Then Mickey, in a last ditch effort, somehow manages to send Aqua, Ventus, Riku, Terra, and Kairi to the past to prevent the future, and "dies" doing so. Thinking they are all dead, and knowing the 5 were sent into the past, Xehanort goes into the past as the 6th/final foreteller(lost master) to steal the page from the foretellers as an attempt to prevent the world from knowing the truth that the events in the Book of Prophecies would lead to Xehanort's victory (so as to prevent anyone that were to read the full Book of Prophecies from ruining his plans). This would allow him to orchestrate a long drawn out plan manipulating even his younger self into following in his footsteps by mentoring Young Eraquas and Young Xehanort as his pupils. He would then use his ability to time travel to points in which he existed to return to the battlefield at the end of the game to finally sit on his throne ruling over the darkness in the world. However, I believe Axel/Lea will have died shielding Sora again (but this time he dies for real), and Mickey isn't dead but seriously injured and can't move. This would leave Sora and Xehanort to battle it out for one final showdown after the annihilation of the entire crew, the Book of Prophecies to have been fulfilled and for the Xehanort saga to be entirely tied up of loose ends. This would also account for Sora continuing on in his journey in the next installations of the game as the main character (as Nomura had stated would be the case) and would leave Kingdom Hearts X as more of a "side story" with the final page within the book of prophecies to actually be fully canon (which is what Nomura had stated would be the case of Kingdom Hearts X in relation to KH3). I also recall Hashimoto or Nomura, earlier in KH3's development, saying that they planned to make the ending sad, but Disney told them it was too sad and that they wanted a happier ending. And I believe this ending is sad enough for Disney to speculate it. OKAY SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? Do you guys think this is plausible? Do you think this makes a lot of sense but maybe a little different? (such as Axel/Lea actually being the 6th Lost Master, but is Killed by Xehanort and framed as a rebellious lost master?) (Or even the 6 Lost Masters are the 7 Guardians of Light minus Sora?) Am I missing anything such as the use of the X-blade in KH3? Is there anything you'd add or subtract from this theory? Please let me know!! ^_^
  10. -Epilogue- http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzsmfqWdwQ1qbngsko1.mp3 The Year: 2015 A study was conducted called Lazericabyss, On April 2nd At 3:01 pm. Doctor Skeevik developed an Antibody that was nearly able to cure every disease known to Man. Aggressive, Agile, Intelligent, The Antibody could learn inside The Host, Adapting, Reacting, Organizing itself. Here were his Audio notes: 4:52 pm "Patient 001 died Immediately after injection. Cardiac Arrest was expected. Moving on to Patient 002." 9:23 am. "Patient 014.Died Several Minutes after injection. Severe hemorrhaging from Eyes, Ears, Nose, And Mouth." 12:00 am "Gosh Damn it, Patient 073, Bit me. Showing Signs of Intense Aggravation, Going to the medical room to sanitize." 2:00 am Whispering "I came back from the medical room and the door to Patient 073 was open. There's signs of struggle, and forced entry. There's blood marks on the ceiling. Leading to th- Oh god. He's heading for the main laboratory. (Incoherent Audio). (Rustling noises) That was the last of Dr. Skeevik's Audio Notes. Before long, not even 24 hours...The Virus Spread. It was more aggressive, It was smarter.Patient 073, now dubbed Apex, was loose in the laboratory, attacking high ranking scientists those who may have been smart enough to create a cure, are being wasted one by one in the halls they worked in. Nothing they could do to defend themselves. Apex was smarter, faster, stronger. They died, mainly with their backs turned. Eaten alive. The ones who were left unmangled rose back up and for the ones who tried to help them were eaten by the ones who had gotten back up. The Virus carried through contagious bite but if you were lucky enough, you would have gotten it airborne. Some changed through the virus airborne version and didn't show any symptoms until their heart rate reached that of someone going through fight or flight responses. Then...they'll change. Soon it was out of the laboratory and out in the streets. It found it's way to our Schools where our children were. First, mayhem broke out. People were dying. The news called it 'cannibalism'. The church called it 'Apocalypse'. Second, Riots broke out. Man were turning against man. Killing each other. 'Survival of the Fittest' they said. 'Strongest must survived, They willed' Capturing Women and Children. The Surface was no place for a human anymore. There's no place for a human anymore. All that remains now, is Monster. Third, The World went quiet. Countries were no longer communicating with each other. First China, Africa, and Europe ceased all actions with America. Then they began to see The Virus blossom in their own countries. There was nothing they could do. It seemed like vegetation was unaffected by The Virus. And Fourth but not least, It mutated. The Human Husks hosting The Virus became 'Humanoid' More like Beast than Man. More like Demons than Beast. More like Devils than Daemons. The ranks of the dead out rank the living. Now, they were able to hunt. To lurk. To savor. They want your flesh. The Humans that survived lived day by day for Self benefit. Pathetic. And Now, here we are....The year is 2016, January 13th, Wednesday 5:15 am Sharp. You are waking up. You are one of the many that we given The Virus a new form to evolve it. You , The Olympian, has been adapted to handle The Virus. You are immune. You can smell, and sense The carriers of the Virus. You're stronger, Faster. You are The Rival to this Virus. And you will see to it that it burns. I, Camiliana Zoeyline, A scientist in Rest Assured Pharmaceuticals, Assistant to Dr. Skeevik. have released you from your prison. Now Go my Super Soldiers...Save Humanity. Now, as you wake up and open your eyes to look at the monitor infront of you, You see a Scientist woman putting a Revolver with tears in her eyes and the screen goes to static. A glass vault door opens right infront of you, and The restrains like a straight jacket releases you. And you are freed. You pull out a tube out of your throat and stumble out of the glass vault to a white table with clothing and food. Rules Standard KH13 Rules Apply No Godmodding Keep it PG13 with A little Gore If graphic please put NSFW warning before your post No God Characters, You will get hurt No one can dodge everything No Magic only limited to skills I am Lina Vickers, The Mind Miester, I control a number of NPCs and what they do in the world Gretti Kyla is World Master that can control time and space in the world like events and time of day KuriKye is Co World Master , Inventory, and Advisor so, If you have problems, Please Pm KuriKye Post The name of The Study to let me know you read The Rules ~Character Skeleton~ Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Atomics: Bio: Skills: (Up to one Archtype) Abilities: (Up to two) New abilities can be learned over the course of the RP. And Remember...~Feel Free to Rp~ ~UPDATE~ Here's The Rp Once you have been Accepted: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/85789-live-rp/ And If there's ANY confusion if whether or not you can make your own Npc, You can. You can have Only One Npc. Of Course All Of these Rules Also Apply to Npcs. If your Character dies you can create Another one, there are unlimited submissions when your Character dies. So you can keep trying to your hearts content to see what you could have done different and try mix and match between Skills and Abilities to see what works best for you for your character to survive. Difficulty Of Surviving Is guaranteed which is why what you pick doesn't affect the story because in the end we want you to be immersed and for you to pick the best method for your character to survive. Here Are The Npcs: My Character: Name: Zaria Yuichi Xipil Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Atomics: Cyborg (Skeletal system) Bio: She was in The Military when the first outbreak started, in order to lower the death rate the military went through extreme measures to lower the death count of soldiers. They implanted parts of soldiers body parts with indestructible cybiotic technology. She is naturally adept in stealth and combat. She sticks close to her duty and believes that humanity will find the cure. Skills: Shadow Dancer Abilities: Skilled Fighter & Parkour
  11. -Epilogue- http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzsmfqWdwQ1qbngsko1.mp3 The Year: 2015 A study was conducted called Lazericabyss, On April 2nd At 3:01 pm. Doctor Skeevik developed an Antibody that was nearly able to cure every disease known to Man. Aggressive, Agile, Intelligent, The Antibody could learn inside The Host, Adapting, Reacting, Organizing itself. Here were his Audio notes: 4:52 pm "Patient 001 died Immediately after injection. Cardiac Arrest was expected. Moving on to Patient 002." 9:23 am. "Patient 014.Died Several Minutes after injection. Severe hemorrhaging from Eyes, Ears, Nose, And Mouth." 12:00 am "Gosh Damn it, Patient 073, Bit me. Showing Signs of Intense Aggravation, Going to the medical room to sanitize." 2:00 am Whispering "I came back from the medical room and the door to Patient 073 was open. There's signs of struggle, and forced entry. There's blood marks on the ceiling. Leading to th- Oh god. He's heading for the main laboratory. (Incoherent Audio). (Rustling noises) That was the last of Dr. Skeevik's Audio Notes. Before long, not even 24 hours...The Virus Spread. It was more aggressive, It was smarter.Patient 073, now dubbed Apex, was loose in the laboratory, attacking high ranking scientists those who may have been smart enough to create a cure, are being wasted one by one in the halls they worked in. Nothing they could do to defend themselves. Apex was smarter, faster, stronger. They died, mainly with their backs turned. Eaten alive. The ones who were left unmangled rose back up and for the ones who tried to help them were eaten by the ones who had gotten back up. The Virus carried through contagious bite but if you were lucky enough, you would have gotten it airborne. Some changed through the virus airborne version and didn't show any symptoms until their heart rate reached that of someone going through fight or flight responses. Then...they'll change. Soon it was out of the laboratory and out in the streets. It found it's way to our Schools where our children were. First, mayhem broke out. People were dying. The news called it 'cannibalism'. The church called it 'Apocalypse'. Second, Riots broke out. Man were turning against man. Killing each other. 'Survival of the Fittest' they said. 'Strongest must survived, They willed' Capturing Women and Children. The Surface was no place for a human anymore. There's no place for a human anymore. All that remains now, is Monster. Third, The World went quiet. Countries were no longer communicating with each other. First China, Africa, and Europe ceased all actions with America. Then they began to see The Virus blossom in their own countries. There was nothing they could do. It seemed like vegetation was unaffected by The Virus. And Fourth but not least, It mutated. The Human Husks hosting The Virus became 'Humanoid' More like Beast than Man. More like Demons than Beast. More like Devils than Daemons. The ranks of the dead out rank the living. Now, they were able to hunt. To lurk. To savor. They want your flesh. The Humans that survived lived day by day for Self benefit. Pathetic. And Now, here we are....The year is 2016, January 13th, Wednesday 5:15 am Sharp. You are waking up. You are one of the many that we given The Virus a new form to evolve it. You , The Olympian, has been adapted to handle The Virus. You are immune. You can smell, and sense The carriers of the Virus. You're stronger, Faster. You are The Rival to this Virus. And you will see to it that it burns. I, Camiliana Zoeyline, A scientist in Rest Assured Pharmaceuticals, Assistant to Dr. Skeevik. have released you from your prison. Now Go my Super Soldiers...Save Humanity. Now, as you wake up and open your eyes to look at the monitor infront of you, You see a Scientist woman putting a Revolver with tears in her eyes and the screen goes to static. A glass vault door opens right infront of you, and The restrains like a straight jacket releases you. And you are freed. You pull out a tube out of your throat and stumble out of the glass vault to a white table with clothing and food.
  12. Note: I'm not entirely sure where to put this, but since it reads more like a fanfic, I decided to put it here. So what if Nomura does the unthinkable, and decides to make Riku pay the ultimate price for his friends? I'm not saying it will happen, but if it does, how would it possibly play out? Knowing him, it would be pretty emotional. So this is my speculation about what Riku's death might look like.Scene: The Keyblade Graveyard. On top of a cliff, Kingdom Hearts suspended overhead.Scenario: Near the end of the great battle, Riku and Sora are fighting Xehanort. Xehanort momentarily gains the upper hand and brings Sora to his knees. As he is about to land a finishing blow, Riku steps in and takes the blow instead. He falls at Sora's feet. Sora, enraged at seeing his best friend felled, gains enough strength to continue the fight and destroy Xehanort for good. The worlds are now safe again. Sora turns back to his friend, as the other Keyblade wielders climb up the cliff to meet him. Riku's deathThe silvery light of Kingdom Hearts shines down on the cliff's top like a swirling heart shaped pool. All that could be heard in the dead silence of the battle's aftermath, was the wind blowing through the dusty landscape. Just outside of the circle of Kingdom Hearts' light lay a still figure-barely breathing. Everyone runs to his side. Sora, still numb by what had just happened, kneeled down at Riku's head. Kairi kneels next to him. The others stand a little away. Sora put his hand on Riku's shoulder, gently shaking him awake."Hey, hey Riku? We did it! Xehanort's gone. The worlds are safe again." Riku slowly opened one eye. He looked at his best friend with pride."I knew you could do it. I never doubted you for a moment Sora." Riku's voice was low, and faint. He coughed a little. Sora, trying to keep calm and positive, smiled." We....we can all go home now. Together. You, me, and Kairi. We can sit on the beach and watch the sunset together like we used to." Kairi looked at Sora. Though he had a smile on his face, she could hear the strain and near panic in his voice. Riku did not look good, and she knew Sora saw that. Riku gave a weak laugh. He opened both his eyes and looked at them."Well," he managed to say, "you'll have to save me a spot in the sand then. I don't think I'll be joining you." Sora's smile faltered."What...what do you mean? Of course you'll be there with us. Don't say things like that!" There was now real sadness in Sora's eyes. Riku looked up at him. He put a quivering hand up to his shoulder, where Sora's own hand was."Sora," he said weakly, "you've grown up so much in such a short time......you've had help from so many friends, and you've also done may other things on your own as well. But Sora, I can't be by your side all the time. There comes a time, in everyone's life, where we must learn to walk alone. That doesn't mean we can't have friends anymore. Our friends will always be cheering for us and we can call on them if we need their help." Kairi began to cry quietly. Sora, beginning to break down, shook his head."But I can't go alone with out you! We've always been a team. We've always been together. And besides..." at this, he tried to smile," who will I have to save me when I get in trouble?" Riku smiled."You'll be ok Sora. I have faith in you. And remember, the ones we love never really leave us. They can always be found-right here." Riku pointed to Sora's chest-where his heart was. "That's where I'll be. In your heart, Sora." Sora put his hand to his chest."My heart." he muttered. He looked back at his friend. "It still won't be the same without you......" Riku smiled. He looked over to Kairi. Her eyes were swimming in tears, her head bowed. Riku placed a hand in hers. She looked up at him. "There, there. Don't cry for me Kairi. I'll be in your heart too. You'll find me there, and......" he pulled Kairi closer to him,"Kairi, take care of him." he whispered. Kairi nodded. "I will." she said through her tears and squeezed his hand. Riku then looked up. "Is that Kingdom Hearts?" he said softly."Yes." said Sora."I want to see it." Lea came up quietly behind them. He knelt down."I'll take you to it." he said."Thank you Lea." Riku closed his eyes as Lea lifted him up in his arms. He carried him into the pool of moon-like light, and laid him back down in the center, right under Kingdom Hearts. Sora and Kairi resumed their positions at Riku's side. Lea and the others gathered behind them. Riku slowly opened his eyes again, but they looked as if they were seeing something far off....something, that no one else could see." So that's Kingdom Hearts..."he sighed. " It's so beautiful.....and big. I've never seen anything like it." Just then, a large keyhole appeared in the center of the great heart shaped moon. It was rimmed with gold. A sound like a lock turning was heard and a ray of white light shown down on Riku, Sora, and Kairi. Riku's eyes grew wide and he gasped softly. A big smile spread across his face. He chuckled." Wow. It's so...amazing, and bright. I can......I can hear music.......singing." Sora and Kairi look at each other. They can't hear anything. Riku continues to smile.(from Riku's point of view, we can hear music. Something like a cross between The Promised Land from FF7: AC and End Of The World from KH1.) "They're so beautiful....." he raises a shaking hand toward the Kingdom Hearts. A bright white tendril of pure light appears and touches Riku's hand. It envelopes his hand and makes it's way down his arm, pulling him up as it does. Riku is lifted off the ground and carried toward Kingdom Hearts, the tendril of light wrapping itself around him. Sora, Kairi, and the rest watch on in awe as he is taken up. Soon, he is lost in light, and a sound like a great door is shut, and a lock turning once more. The golden rimmed keyhole is seen again, and then it fades away. Silence once more. A cry tears through the air. The full weight of reality hit Sora like a brick wall. His best friend in all the worlds wasn't with him anymore. He would be going home without him. Sora couldn't hold it in any longer. He was on his hands and knees crying bitterly. Kairi held him, her head on his shoulders, herself crying. Behind them, Lea looked up at Kingdom Hearts, his lips were quivering. Terra turned away, his hand to his forehead. King Mickey looked down at his Keyblade while tears rolled down his face. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Aqua looking back at him. She tried to give him a reassuring smile, but tears stained her face also. Sora was half blinded by tears, sorrow, and pain. His soul was in turmoil. But from the midst of his inner chaos, a warm peace began to be felt. It was like a ray of sunshine piercing through rain clouds. And Sora heard a voice speaking from his heart."Sora-" it said," C'me on, I thought you were stronger than that. Remember what I said, I'm with you in your heart.......always." And despite his tears, Sora smiled. His breathing slowed, and his hearts slowed. A peace came over him. Still sobbing, he looked up at the heart-moon and put his hand to his heart again."Yeah, you are with me....and everyone else too....forever. Thank you, Riku." Sora got up and brushed himself off. He looked at Kairi who smiled and put her arm around his waist. Sora looked at those gathered around them."Let's go home." he said. And together, they walked down the cliff.Keep in mind, this is just a "what if" scenario of mine. I do think though that if Riku or someone else were to die, it might not be quite as emotionally intense as what I've written. I've just had this scene floating around in my head for a while, so I thought I might share it with you all. Hope you liked it!Alicia
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