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  1. The official X accounts for Square Enix Japan e-Store and AmiAmi have both listed Kingdom Hearts-themed drinking glasses, available now for pre-order on each of their stores. The glasses are shaped like soda cans and come in three different variations, perfect for any Kingdom Hearts fan or collector looking to quench their thirst. The glasses are ¥1760 (or approximately $11.17 USD) each. They are set to release on September 28 through the Square Enix Japan e-Store, and in October through AmiAmi. The designs are: Emblem (Square Enix Japan e-Store / AmiAmi) Sora (Crown) (Square Enix Japan e-Store / AmiAmi) Organization XIII (Square Enix Japan e-Store / AmiAmi) Take a closer look in our gallery below: What do you think of these new Kingdom Hearts glasses? Will you be picking them up? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks to KH13.com staff member Ryuji for the translations. View full article
  2. The official X accounts for Square Enix Japan e-Store and AmiAmi have both listed Kingdom Hearts-themed drinking glasses, available now for pre-order on each of their stores. The glasses are shaped like soda cans and come in three different variations, perfect for any Kingdom Hearts fan or collector looking to quench their thirst. The glasses are ¥1760 (or approximately $11.17 USD) each. They are set to release on September 28 through the Square Enix Japan e-Store, and in October through AmiAmi. The designs are: Emblem (Square Enix Japan e-Store / AmiAmi) Sora (Crown) (Square Enix Japan e-Store / AmiAmi) Organization XIII (Square Enix Japan e-Store / AmiAmi) Take a closer look in our gallery below: What do you think of these new Kingdom Hearts glasses? Will you be picking them up? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks to KH13.com staff member Ryuji for the translations.
  3. Continuing with my overanalyzing of 358/2 Days, another concept has caught my interest. Recruiting new members. The original Organization XIII have never been 13 for long. For the most part the primary team has been Organization VIII. Or IX if you count Xion, but it's never actually 13 for very long. Now I know the purpose of Organization XIII has changed over the course of the series but for Days it was still primarily in KH2 mode of their goal of collecting hearts to send Kingdom Hearts. Simple enough. But their is something that gets overlooked that I wish got expanded upon in the Organization. And that is the replacement for members. As we know five members of the group were sent to Castle Oblivion and killed off, but why is it they never replace their ranks to be back at 13? Let's look at Roxas. Roxas was so important to the Organization that they made a replica clone to copy his abilities in case something happened to him. That makes perfect sense. If you work all day at a computer then make sure you have backup files in case something unfortunate happens to your work. Xion was that backup file for the Organization. But why didn't they replace the others? Now you could argue that only Vexen and was worth replacing when compared to Roxas and his importance to the group. And frankly I'd agree with that. But the concept of new members has come up in the game itself. When Roxas first goes to Olympus with Xigbar, the latter mentions they could use the area to scout for new recruits for the Organization. At first you might think, does he mean more Dusk? Which is probably what it meant. But what if they had tried to turn Hercules or Hades into a Nobody to refill their ranks? What if while Roxas was training with Phil, another org member made contact with Hercules or Hades to try and turn one into a Nobody? Hercules is one of the physically strongest Disney characters in KH, and could have replaced Lexaeus as one of the Organization's physical attackers. Or smooth talker god of the underworld Hades, who could have replaced Marluxia as the reaper. Also Megara's sprite is confirmed to have been in the game and went unused. I wonder if this could have been the game where she and Hercules meet since she was not present in KH1, and perhaps she played a role in trying to trick Hercules into losing his heart the same way she was tricked into Herc losing his strength in the movie. Obviously they wouldn't have turned Hercules, but it could have been a good story to tell on the Organization trying to get back to being 13. Xaldin had a similar story with the Beast, and as we know he was thwarted by Sora and Belle. Beast, like Hercules, is one of the stronger Disney characters with a strong heart. Able to cross between worlds without help. It was a very cool story, and Beast could have been a potential replacement for the empty five seats where nothing gather. It just feels kinda weird they didn't feel the need to stay at 13, given how important that became in future games to always have 13 members. To the point they had 13 plus reserves. Saix tells Roxas "When have we ever been more then 13?" But the real question is "when have they ever been 13 to begin with"? I know Saix just said that because he hates Xion, but it doesn't change the question on the importance of 13. To me in addition to Beast, and given the worlds they choose to put in Days, it would have been interesting if they had scouted the likes of Hercules, Hades, and even the likes of Aladdin and Jack Skellington, people with strong hearts to potentially either join the ranks of Organization XIII or turn them into Dusk or some class of Nobody to serve under them. Nobodies don't just grow on trees. Now again, I know with Disney characters they are restricted with what they can or can't do with them. And I know Organization XIII is different today then what it was back then. But this is more of wondering from a in universe situation on why Xemnas didn't think to replace the Castle Oblivion team. Because even if you take into account their real objective they still need all 13 seats filled up. Anyway that's just the thoughts of a Kingdom Hearts fan with too much free time on his hands.
  4. In the 13th day countdown tweet posted by Kingdom Hearts III directory Tetusya Nomura, a quote can be seen on the picture attached, saying: Who and what could this possibly be referring to? We'd like to hear your theories; comment and discuss below!
  5. In the 13th day countdown tweet posted by Kingdom Hearts III directory Tetusya Nomura, a quote can be seen on the picture attached, saying: Who and what could this possibly be referring to? We'd like to hear your theories; comment and discuss below! View full article
  6. Hey everyone! Well the new Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer has been dropped today and we got some new footage and brand new worlds revealed! I won't discuss the new worlds here because what really caught my eyes was this picture I took from the scene in the trailer. The scene where we see all the possible and potential official members of the Real Organization aka the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness. Now it's highly possible that these might be the official members but I won't believe it until I play the game myself. The only reason I won't believe it was because I remember what Nomura said back in 2014. Nomura said that "the plot will examine the seven lights and thirteen darknesses coming together for the final battle, but that everyone that is expected to fulfill these roles may not." So I will assume that some of the Kingdom Hearts villains (from the previous trailers) who are wearing the black coats may not be one of the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness. Plus, Nomura said the game will twist and turns and a lot of surprises. So yeah I do find it very interesting that we got to see the potential members of the Real Organization XIII. To be honest it makes sense because before the release of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance on the 3DS we got a glimpse of the all Organization XIII in The World That Never Was in the final trailers. So makes sense to show us this because we're about two months away from the release of Kingdom Hearts 3. What do guys think? Do you guys believe this is real members? Or you guys think there's a a chance these are not the real members? What you guys think?
  7. Xabadu, you're just a Nobody! You have no heart!
  8. Here we will be discussing a topic that I believe is very likely to happen in Kingdom Hearts 3, Riku's Death... Riku's purpose in Kingdom Hearts 3 is a huge topic of discussion amongst the Kingdom Hearts Community, his impending future makes many of us wonder what is his purpose, what is his destiny? Could it be as a sacrifice to further to plot of the largest entry in the Series? Try not to cry :sad: Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy - Volt
  9. Hi there! I'm 13th Vessel, some of you may remember me for some stuff that I found in the past, like the weird rooms in KH3D or the Jungle Book colission file that was inside that same game. This time I wanted to do my research with KH2 and surprisingly I found a lot of unused stuff that was hidden inside the game files. This is a dense research that covers almost every file of the game and it's very interesting because it's strongly tied to Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, so please take a look if you like This video took me a lot of hours, not only the research itself but the video editing too (+15 hours doing the research and +20 making the video). Also, while I was doing the research I noticed that some part of the stuff was previously found by other friends of the KH hacking community, but the thing is that most people ignore it, so I added some names in order to let you know if someone found any of these before. I consider this one of my most ambitious works so I hope you enjoy the video! Lots of regards! 13th Vessel~ This post has been promoted to an article
  10. https://youtu.be/gUK-6nqSHHU. "...Once there was a man...a man with no Memories...his name...was..."Ansem"...Ansem became two beings...a Heartless that went by the same name, "The Seeker of Darkness" and finally...another being...one who stood in the Twilight of both Light and Darkness...instead of adopting his original name Ansem, he decided to choose a different name altogether...he became known, as...Xemnas, X-E-M-N-A-S, the Superior...of Organization XIII...leaders of the Nobodies...this, is their story...their Darkness told in the "Light"." I-The Superior-Xemnas-Wields the power of Nothingness and Ethereal Blades-Commands the Sorcerer Nobodies-"Warriors of the Keyblade, go forth! and bring me more Hearts!". II-The Freeshooter-Xigbar-Wields the power of Space and Arrowguns-Commands the Sniper Nobodies-"Ha ha ha! that's right! HE used to give me that same exact look!". III-The Whirlwind Lancer-Xaldin-Wields the power of Wind and Six Lances-Commands the Dragoon Nobodies-"Kingdom Hearts, when Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely.". IV-The Chilly Academic-Vexen-Wields the power of Ice and a Shield-Commands the Snowman Nobodies-"Disappoint you? you go too far! in this Organization your number 11, i'm number 4 and i will not have you-!". V-The Silent Hero-Lexaeus-Wields the power of Earth and a Tomahawk-Commands the Titan Nobodies-"When Light loses sight of its path, we may find use for the Dark, what we must do is obtain the Darkness.". VI-The Cloaked Schemer-Zexion-Wields the power of Illusions and a Lexicon-Commands the Enigma Nobodies-"It's such a shame, the Organization used to be the rope that bound us together.". "The original six, apprentices to THAT man...". VII-The Luna Diviner-Saix-Wields the power of the Moon and a Claymore-Commands the Berserker Nobodies-"Kingdom Hearts, where, is MY Heart?". VIII-The Flurry of Dancing Flames-Axel-Wields the power of Fire and Chakrams-Commands the Assassin Nobodies-"Got it Memorized?". "The first recruits...". IX-The Melodious Nocturne-Demyx-Wields the power of Water and a Sitar-Commands the Dancer Nobodies-"Hey you guys are looking lively.". X-The Gambler of Fate-Luxord-Wields the power of Time and Playing Cards-Commands the Gambler Nobodies-"Maybe he'd like a hand to determine his fate.". "Members of the Organization...". XI-The Graceful Assassin-Marluxia-Wields the power of Nature and a Scythe-Commands the Grim Reaper Nobodies-"I've been entrusted this castle and Namine by our leader.". XII-The Savage Nymph-Larxene-Wields the power of Lightning and Thunder and Throwing Knives-Commands the Ninja Nobodies-"I should tell you that i'm in an EXTREMELY foul mood.". "Traitors to the Organization...". "And..." XIII-The Key of Destiny-Roxas-Wields the power of Light and Darkness and Two Keyblades-Commands the Samurai Nobodies-"...Roxas...". "...Ansem...Braig...Dilan...Even...Aeleus...Ienzo...Isa...Lea...Meyd...Ludor...Lauriam...Ralene...Sora..." "...This...is their story...told...within the Darkness, of the Unknown." Report XIII, Log I: The Formation. The World That Never Was-The Castle That Never Was-Where Nothing Gathers: Xemnas: "..." Xigbar: "Yo there big man!" Xemnas: "?" Xigbar appears. Xigbar: "What'cha up to?" Xemnas: "...Thinking." Xigbar: "...Thinking? about what?" Xemnas: "...How this new Organization of ours will turn out." Xigbar: "...Whoa! whoa! whooaaa! isn't it a bit too early to think about stuff like that? i mean, we barely just got started and all!" Xemnas: "...You act, as though you are worried, Xigbar, almost like, that you had a Heart..." Xigbar: "Who me? acting worried? have a Heart? As If! i'm just saying, LORD Xemnas that if we start to panic now about how our new groupie will play out from here onward then we won't succeed in our plans, know what i mean?" Xemnas: "...I guess, that you are right." Xigbar: "BESIDES, look at all the things we've got to look forward to huh! i mean, look at our new shindigs! with a place like this and the servants we've got lolling about everywhere and i do mean EVERYWHERE, we're bound to succeed! are we not?" Xemnas: "That may be, however, we must never forget one thing." Xigbar: "...That being?" Xemnas: "...The element, of surprise..." Xigbar: "...Heh." The World That Never Was-The Dark City-Memory's Skyscraper: ???: "..." ??? opens a Corridor of Darkness and walks into it after looking up towards The Castle That Never Was whilst the eternal night sky started to rain, he closes it soon after walking into it. "...It had been seven days, only a mere seven days since the Organization was first formed, the Organization had only consisted back then of six members, they were lord Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus and myself, Zexion...however, that was soon all about to change, on the eighth day that the Organization was formed..."-Zexion. The World That Never Was-The Castle That Never Was-Where Nothing Gathers: Xemnas: "...Xigbar." Xigbar: "Yo!" Xemnas: "...Xaldin." Xaldin: "Here." Xemnas: "...Vexen." Vexen: "Lord Xemnas." Xemnas: "...Lexaeus." Lexaeus: "Yes." Xemnas: "...And Zexion." Zexion: "...Yes? what is it? my lord Xemnas?" Xemnas: "...Today, we shall celebrate, for it is the marking...of a brand new era..." Xaldin: "...Era? what on earth are you talking about?" Vexen: "Mind your tongue! Xaldin! you are number 3! you are speaking to the Superior himself!" Xaldin: "Is that so? then you should mind YOUR tongue when speaking to me, Vexen, remember, who is above you?" Vexen: "! Geh-Grrr!" Xigbar: "HA HA HAAA! oh i just love it! the way you two bicker about ranks, seriously though, does ranks mean anything in this Organization? i mean, anything, at all?" Vexen: "OF COURSE THEY DO YOU SIMPLETON! WITHOUT RANKS, THERE WOULD BE NO ORDER! WITHOUT RANKS, THERE WOULD ONLY BE CHAOS! WITHOUT RANKS-" Lexaeus: "...Vexen, shut up." Vexen: "W-WHA-WHAT!?!? HOW-HOW DARE YOU TREAT ME WITH SUCH DISRESPECT! NUMBER 5! HOW DARE YO-" Xemnas: "GENTLEMEN." Xaldin, Vexen and Lexaeus: "!?" Xigbar: "Hehe." Zexion: "..." Xemnas: "...Ahem, as i was saying before, today makes the beginning of an new era for the Organization..." Zexion: "...How so...lord Xemnas? ..." Vexen: "...Gulp..." Xemnas: "...Thanks to Xigbar's help, we have finally recruited new members for the Organization..." Xaldin: "...New members? i thought we were only going on ahead with the numbers that we already have..." Xemnas: "...True Xaldin, it would be best that we would remain inconspicuous with only the six of us that we have currently all here, however...that would mean lacking in manpower without, as many people needed to carry out the multiple tasks that we must in order to complete our future addendum and that we absolutely cannot have..." Xigbar: "So basically what the big man is saying is that we need at least enough members to cover our manpower shortage, just enough that we can go on ahead with our master plan, fortunately, thanks to MY brilliant genius, we've managed to recruit not one but TWO new members to the Organization, trust me, they may seem like a right handful but given the right amount of time, i'm sure that they will prove pretty useful for our goals, the Organization's goals, heh heh." Xaldin: "...Give yourself a pat on the back why don't you? Xigbar..." Lexaeus: "...But lord Superior, how will we even know that these new members to the Organization are even up to the job of joining our ranks and proving themselves?" Xemnas: "...That has already been taken care of, Lexaeus...come! you may show yourselves now..." appearing through a Corridor of Darkness were two unknown figures, one with blue hair and one with red hair, all of the Organization gazed down upon them with different reactions, as Xemnas presented the new members with both their names and their ranks: Xemnas: "...I am pleased to announce that these two will take up arms, as our new fellow comrades, they are Saix, number 7 and Axel, number 8, come...introduce yourselves." Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus and Zexion: "...?" Saix: "...My lords." Axel: "Yo! how's it hangin?" Xaldin: "...! Ah! no! not you two! lord Xemnas! they are! -" Xemnas: "...Pause your concern for the moment, Xaldin, as i am sure that you all here are aware, these two are actually from our former World of Radiant Garden, they are the Nobodies of the former beings known, as Isa and Lea, even if you have had trouble in the past with them-" Xigbar: "Just try to get along, okay? Xaldin? Lexaeus?" Xaldin and Lexaeus: "...Grr..." Saix: "...Hmph." Axel: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! let's cool the flames down a bit here everyone, okay? sheesh, its like a sauna the way tensions are rising here..." Zexion: "...Hmm...Axel is right, we should accept our newest members with the highest of gratitude for their services..." Saix: "..." Axel: "See Isa? why did i tell ya? i knew that we would get accepted so easily-" Xemnas: "...Stop." Axel: "H-huh?" Xemnas: "...From now on, refrain yourself from dare speaking that name, that name belongs to another person entirely, not the person you see now standing in front of you, he is no longer Isa, you are no longer Lea, you are both Saix and Axel, do i make myself clear?" Axel: "C-crystal..." Saix: "...Hmm..." Xemnas: "...Now that the induction ceremony is over, you will all be handed your individual tasks..." Axel: "W-work right off the bat? oh man, gimme a break..." -1 Hour Later- The World That Never Was-The Castle That Never Was-Nothing's Call: Axel: "So, our first mission is to go to someplace called Twilight Town, correct? easy! come on Is-i mean, Saix! let's go-" Saix: "Lea..." Axel: "Huh?" Saix: "You haven't already forgotten, have you? why we joined up with this group in the first place." Axel: "Sigh, no, i haven't forgotten but still, if we want to play our cards right, we should at least play by their rules for the time being shouldn't we? no point trying to cause friction with the other members when there's only the two of us for now, right Isa?" Saix: "...I suppose not but remember, if we don't find other members that will eventually join to team up with us, it will just have to be the two of us, same, as it has always been, right? "Axel"?" Axel: "! ...Heh, but of course, mister "Saix"!" overlooking the conversation between both Axel and Saix not too far away was Zexion, however, he could not make out exactly what it was the two were discussing, or planning, for that matter...: Zexion: "...Hmm...what are they up to?" "Thus it came to be that the Organization now had eight members with the inclusions of both Saix and Axel, for a whole year, we went with just us eight before we gained yet another member to our cause..."-Zexion. The World That Never Was-The Castle That Never Was-Where Nothing Gathers: (To be continued.).
  11. A sort of DmC: Devil May Cry inspired rework of our Dearly Beloved Kingdom Hearts franchise, The Kingdom of Hearts or TKoH for short is the story about all brand new main, primary protagonists of this new version of Kingdom Hearts trying to protect the aforementioned mythical, ancient, omnipotent and omniscient Heart of all Worlds from the clutches of both Darkness and all other sorts of evil forces...the premise behind The Kingdom of Hearts is that it not only explores both the Light and the Dark within everyone's Hearts but rather also both the Good and the Bad, the White and the Black, the Yang and the Yin, so on, so forth, all the kinds of things that represent balance itself, the theme of TKoH is balance and the story focuses on parallel versions of Sora, Riku and Kairi, as they soon get dragged into a fight for their very lives and must now at the very same time, master the arts of the Keyblade granted upon them...in this Role-play, Sora, Riku and Kairi are named "Sky", "Land" and "Sea" respectively and they are currently being taught under their mentors and foster figures of each one of them respectively named "Wind", "Earth" and "Water", the parallel versions of Ventus, Terra and Aqua...in the story of TKoH, long, long ago...in what was once called the Age of Fairy Tales, now called the "Age of Modern Man", there was a demon, a demon so powerful that it could feed off of the life force of other peoples' Hearts until eventually, nothing at all had remained of them, this demon was referred to by all, as the "Heartless Xehanort", basically Kingdom Hearts' version of Calamity Ganon from The Legend of Zelda's latest recent release Breath of the Wild...the Heartless Xehanort was once said according to legend to have been thirteen individuals each, however, upon completely surrendering their Hearts to the Darkness for whatever reason, power, fame, fortune, you name it...these 13 individuals' Hearts had been completely swallowed by the Dark and had then merged into one, which had become the evil monster, the Heartless Xehanort...in order to stop the Heartless Xehanort before it could wreak havoc upon the "World of Light", seven princesses from seven different kingdoms were chosen due to their royal bloodlines and the magical powers bestowed upon their Hearts due to those bloodlines and by combining all of their powers into one, they crafted a door leading to eternal Darkness, there, they had banished the Heartless Xehanort, hoping that the seal would forever remain intact and the evil beast kept locked away under lock and key forever...however, there are now those in the current present times who seek to revive the Heartless Xehanort, they call themselves a "Cult of Nobodies" and now this aforementioned cult are seeking new ways to revive the beast for whatever diabolical schemes they are hatching and are plotting, they have even gone, as far, as to conduct experiments, trying to mimic the original Heartless Xehanort itself in the forms of miniature beasts, more or less taking on the gargantuan monster's form, now, in order to save the World of Light and all of the smaller Worlds within its larger sphere of Worlds, Sky, the apprentice of Wind, Land, the apprentice of Earth and Sea, the apprentice of Water must now unite, as one and band together to face off against the Dark forces and machinations of the Cult of Nobodies before they even have the chance to revive the Heartless Xehanort, however...they must also learn the bonds of teamwork and friendship in the process if they are ever to have a standing fighting chance, for the three apprentices do not exactly get along so well with one another and now this is where balance fits into the story, they must learn to put aside their differences, work with each other, as well, as other people dedicated to the cause of stopping the Cult of Nobodies and the monstrous Heartless Xehanort and both use and unlock the true powers of their weapons, the "Keyswords" and thus with Keyswords in hand, the three set out from their home-worlds, as ordered by their masters and begin journeying to the smaller Worlds within the World of Light, hoping to learn new things and experiences in these Worlds before joining together, as one by meeting at the fated place and once there, the chosen three will prove themselves not only to all the people of the Realm of Light and their masters but also to themselves especially for a strong lesson in life is self reflection...another form of balance but now, enough talk, let the journey commence and the story begin, for this is TKoH, The Kingdom of Hearts. Rules: No Godmoding. No Romance above age 12. No Swearing above age 12. Please use proper grammar. This is a parallel universe setting of the Kingdom Hearts games so although it shares certain and similar themes and aspects with the games, the Role-play itself is meant to be an entirely original story more or less with borrowed ideas from both DmC: Devil May Cry and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, in the senses that it shows new versions of our favourite Characters and that they must combat a deadly nemesis that was once Human now more monster then the former respectively. Hints can be made to the original Kingdom Hearts games but not outright connections to the actual games, this is a different setting and universe that can be considered on the other side of the mirror of the Kingdom Hearts universe where the games take place, know what i mean? You cannot create Characters based on Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra and Aqua but other versions of Characters such, as Axel/Lea for example are available and just to put any person's mind at ease about the Cult of Nobodies being this universe's Organization XIII, they are not, they are merely a group of worshipers and followers that are trying to resurrect the ancient evil being, the Heartless Xehanort, anyone can create their own groups based on the Organization if they so wish to, however, monsters such, as the Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed and Dream Eaters will not appear in the story, instead, new monsters will appear that will be introduced when the story first kicks off hopefully. Keyswords are what the Keyblades are called in this universe and, as for X-Blades and Ultima Weapon Keyblades that appear in the Role-play, they are combined, as one in this universe and are called "Ultima Xs", Ultima Xs are what is referred to, as the final transformation and form of a Keysword once it has reached full maturity alongside its chosen wielder, they basically function like the Starlight Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts Chi does in terms of they can change shape upon a Character leveling up, each time a Character levels up upon reaching the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and so on, a person can change the shape of their Keyblade if they so desire or just stay with its regular appearance, whichever suits the Role-players' preferences. Characters from other franchises, Final Fantasy can appear in the Role-play but they are parallel versions of their normal Kingdom Hearts selves which who of are parallels to begin with but the unique thing upon their inclusion is that they can be portrayed however they like, for examples, Sephiroth isn't a villain and is instead a hero and Cloud is not a brooder but rather a more sociable person, that's the fun in how these Characters can be portrayed within the Role-play, Final Fantasy, Disney and Kingdom Hearts Characters all alike, we can see new sides of them that we have never seen before. Please put down "One Destiny, Different Sky" to show that you have read the Rules at the end of your Character Sheets. You can have up to, as many Characters, as you can portray. Have fun! :]. P.S: The starting point for all Characters to meet up is the World known, as "Lux Town", it is the central hub World for the Role-play and where the Tutorial will take place, revealing how travelling to other Worlds is possible and is performed, how people fight with their weapons, especially Keyswords and where the heroes will learn of what the villains, the Cult of Nobodies are currently plotting, other Characters that are villainous may choose to align with the cult or not and work towards their own agendas, like Maleficent and Pete do in the games. Character Sheets: Normal: Name: Age: History: Personality: Appearance: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Home-world: Species: Alignment: Japanese Voice Actor/Actress: English Voice Actor/Actress: Theme Song: (The last three don't need to be filled in necessarily.). Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy/Disney: Name: Parallel Version of which Character from the games: Age: History: Personality: Appearance: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Home-world: Alignment: Here is the Character Sheet for the demonic being: Character Sheets: Normal: Name: The Heartless Xehanort. Age: Over 10,000 years. History: 13 individuals filled with both complete and utter Darkness within their Hearts combined, as one to form this abomination of creation...during the very early years it was rampaging across the World of Light, it was initially known, as the being with "No Name", however, over the course of the history of time, its violence and terrorism have earned it the nickname "Heartless" and the name "Xehanort" was also bestowed upon it, as it was apparently the name of a both fallen and corrupt angel of legend, thus came to be, the Heartless Xehanort, a giant behemoth of a monster that has been mentioned in storytelling nightmares to children living in the current present era, as a means of getting them to behave, the Heartless Xehanort was ultimately defeated by the combined unification of seven pure Hearted princesses of seven kingdoms each and was sealed away supposedly forever behind a giant sealed door that led to a bottomless pit of eternal Darkness, there it sleeps, waiting, to be one day be awakened and the seal broken, to destroy the World of Light and this time succeed, so that nothing is left and only Nothingness remains behind... Personality: Cruel, Sadistic, Monstrous, has no Conscience and a mind to think on its own with, its only purpose in life is the instinct to kill everyone and everything baring a Heart until Hearts no longer exist at all... Appearance: Resembles Calamity Ganon from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild but with Master Xehanort's signature traits, his gold eyes, pointy ears and silver hair, has X shaped claw feet. Weapon: A Keysword shaped Scorpion like tail. Sub Weapon: A Crab like right handed giant claw. Home-world: Unknown. Species: Unknown. Alignment: Pure Evil. Japanese Voice Actor/Actress: Has none, communicates through beast sound effects. English Voice Actor/Actress: Same, as above. Theme Song: https://youtu.be/gKVtc3ePX6g. "One Destiny, Different Sky.".
  12. Tagline: "...Our battle is over...but the war...has only just begun." Synopsis: Three and a half years have passed since the events of KINGDOM HEARTS III, in which Sora, aided by his fellow Guardians of Light had defeated both Master Xehanort and his Organization XIII comprised of various incarnations of himself and now, the Worlds are at peace, however...that does not mean that peace lasts forever, for now a both strange and mysterious new threat is attacking the universe and it is up to both Sora and friends to stop it, along the way they meet both old and new friends alike, exploring various and vast new Worlds unlike which they have ever seen beforehand, mastering new spells and abilities and also for Sora, gaining new Keyblades to fight with, as Sora begins this new adventure of his, he soon discovers that this new threat that is trying to destroy the galaxy is related in more ways then one to the legendary Keyblade War, of which Xehanort was trying to restart and had ultimately failed to do so, thanks to Sora and the others' efforts, at any rate, this new threat may very well be trying to get its hands on the one true χ-Blade, in order to unlock the mysteries of its counterpart, the one true Kingdom Hearts, to in turn become a god above both everything and everyone...in an attempt to stop this evil menace, Sora travels with both Donald Duck and Goofy once more to find out more about the enemy that they are currently facing whilst both Riku and King Mickey Mouse don the Black Coats of Organization XIII once more and travel across the Worlds through the Corridors of Darkness, attempting their own investigation into matters from their side, meanwhile, Master Yen Sid has both Kairi and Lea undertake the Mark of Mastery Exam, in the hopes that just like Sora and Riku beforehand will the two master new powers to combat this new threat, aiding in the training of the two are Merlin and the three good fairies, as requested their help by Yen Sid, in the meantime, Maleficent and Pete are up to their no good tricks again and are attempting to reassemble the council of Disney villains from the original KINGDOM Hearts to further their own goals of universal domination, Ventus, Terra and Aqua are on standby at the newly restored Land of Departure until given further orders by the revived Master Eraqus, Roxas, Axel, Xion and Namine are also on standby with Pence, Hayner and Olette in Twilight Town at the old mansion, finally, the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee, along with the somebodies of Dilan, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo and the redeemed Isa, as well, as Ansem the Wise, having been restored to the wise sage and ruler of Radiant Garden are currently looking into matters regarding research on this new foe that everyone is now faced with... This new foe is said to be just about, as dangerous, as Xehanort was...maybe, even more so...aided by four henchmen, this new enemy and his servants don white versions of Organization XIII's Black Coats and all together call themselves the "Illuminati", the Illuminati lead creatures that feed off positive energy and vibes that they refer to, as the "Versed", said to be the exact opposites of the Unversed themselves, the Versed are easily identified by having the very same symbol, as the Unversed do upon their bodies, the only difference being that the colour for the Versed is white instead of the Unversed's black, a possible hint into the identity of who these new enemies are, namely their leader, as he bares a Unversed symbol zipper on his white coat, he calls himself "χ-Super" and under his white coat's hood, he is shown to wear a variation of Vanitas' helmet but with a large X across the helmet's face, whatever his intentions are currently unknown but he states that he will bring about what he calls the "Versus XIII" and whatever this means, most people tend to take it, as to him meaning that he is going to form another Organization XIII like Xehanort previously did in the past twice and is attempting to recreate the Keyblade War, now, on a mission to stop this possible raving lunatic, Sora and friends, old and new battle Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, Dream Eaters and these new Versed monsters across all of the realms a person can think of and finally, the story that began with Xehanort's ambition will end once and for all here, at least that is what is going through Sora's mind at the moment but still he ponders, is there more to this Versus XIII? what exactly does it mean? all will be explained... This is KINGDOM HEARTS IV-The free Role-Play for everyone where they can experiment on what life would be like after the events of the Xehanort/Dark Seeker Saga have ended, please share with me your opinions on the story before i continue making the Character Sheets and Rules.
  13. In honor of the 13th. Feel free to specify which version of the fights n all dat jazz too
  14. latinosaix

    my parents

    will my babes ever return in kingdom hearts 3? i miss them.....

    © me, myself, and i (sighdreigon on ig)

  15. Yeah, it's a lazy edit, but I have a feeling that she'll look like this. After all, Axel lost his markings when he reverted back as Lea, so who's to say that Larxene's somebody can't have a visual change of her own? So, what's everybody's thoughts?
  16. Been a while since I've been on this much of a role with art! First time making an art piece of Luxord, which is surprising considering how long I've been doing art of KH. Anyways, hope you all enjoy this! Took a long LONG time to work on.
  17. This is a new art piece based on an old piece from 2014. Thought I'd see what I can do now that i couldn't do back then. HUGE difference! If anyone's interested, check out the old piece, then look back at this. Look at the huge difference! ORIGINAL PIECE http://thedoctorartist.deviantart.com/art/The-Organization-s-Consultant-449981805 2017 PIECE: http://thedoctorartist.deviantart.com/art/Zexion-Remastered-677508251
  18. Hello guys, There is a group of people that are making a remake of 358/2 days. I asked them if the characters in mission mode level up separately or share the same level like the original one on the DS. I didn't have a answer yet on my question. I want too level them up separately. What do you guys prefer?
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