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  1. So made a general KH GMV for the heck of it. I kinda love how dramatic it turned out, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdSbWCJ_t9Y also I forgot how to embed nothing is working
  2. A sort of DmC: Devil May Cry inspired rework of our Dearly Beloved Kingdom Hearts franchise, The Kingdom of Hearts or TKoH for short is the story about all brand new main, primary protagonists of this new version of Kingdom Hearts trying to protect the aforementioned mythical, ancient, omnipotent and omniscient Heart of all Worlds from the clutches of both Darkness and all other sorts of evil forces...the premise behind The Kingdom of Hearts is that it not only explores both the Light and the Dark within everyone's Hearts but rather also both the Good and the Bad, the White and the Black, the Yang and the Yin, so on, so forth, all the kinds of things that represent balance itself, the theme of TKoH is balance and the story focuses on parallel versions of Sora, Riku and Kairi, as they soon get dragged into a fight for their very lives and must now at the very same time, master the arts of the Keyblade granted upon them...in this Role-play, Sora, Riku and Kairi are named "Sky", "Land" and "Sea" respectively and they are currently being taught under their mentors and foster figures of each one of them respectively named "Wind", "Earth" and "Water", the parallel versions of Ventus, Terra and Aqua...in the story of TKoH, long, long ago...in what was once called the Age of Fairy Tales, now called the "Age of Modern Man", there was a demon, a demon so powerful that it could feed off of the life force of other peoples' Hearts until eventually, nothing at all had remained of them, this demon was referred to by all, as the "Heartless Xehanort", basically Kingdom Hearts' version of Calamity Ganon from The Legend of Zelda's latest recent release Breath of the Wild...the Heartless Xehanort was once said according to legend to have been thirteen individuals each, however, upon completely surrendering their Hearts to the Darkness for whatever reason, power, fame, fortune, you name it...these 13 individuals' Hearts had been completely swallowed by the Dark and had then merged into one, which had become the evil monster, the Heartless Xehanort...in order to stop the Heartless Xehanort before it could wreak havoc upon the "World of Light", seven princesses from seven different kingdoms were chosen due to their royal bloodlines and the magical powers bestowed upon their Hearts due to those bloodlines and by combining all of their powers into one, they crafted a door leading to eternal Darkness, there, they had banished the Heartless Xehanort, hoping that the seal would forever remain intact and the evil beast kept locked away under lock and key forever...however, there are now those in the current present times who seek to revive the Heartless Xehanort, they call themselves a "Cult of Nobodies" and now this aforementioned cult are seeking new ways to revive the beast for whatever diabolical schemes they are hatching and are plotting, they have even gone, as far, as to conduct experiments, trying to mimic the original Heartless Xehanort itself in the forms of miniature beasts, more or less taking on the gargantuan monster's form, now, in order to save the World of Light and all of the smaller Worlds within its larger sphere of Worlds, Sky, the apprentice of Wind, Land, the apprentice of Earth and Sea, the apprentice of Water must now unite, as one and band together to face off against the Dark forces and machinations of the Cult of Nobodies before they even have the chance to revive the Heartless Xehanort, however...they must also learn the bonds of teamwork and friendship in the process if they are ever to have a standing fighting chance, for the three apprentices do not exactly get along so well with one another and now this is where balance fits into the story, they must learn to put aside their differences, work with each other, as well, as other people dedicated to the cause of stopping the Cult of Nobodies and the monstrous Heartless Xehanort and both use and unlock the true powers of their weapons, the "Keyswords" and thus with Keyswords in hand, the three set out from their home-worlds, as ordered by their masters and begin journeying to the smaller Worlds within the World of Light, hoping to learn new things and experiences in these Worlds before joining together, as one by meeting at the fated place and once there, the chosen three will prove themselves not only to all the people of the Realm of Light and their masters but also to themselves especially for a strong lesson in life is self reflection...another form of balance but now, enough talk, let the journey commence and the story begin, for this is TKoH, The Kingdom of Hearts. Rules: No Godmoding. No Romance above age 12. No Swearing above age 12. Please use proper grammar. This is a parallel universe setting of the Kingdom Hearts games so although it shares certain and similar themes and aspects with the games, the Role-play itself is meant to be an entirely original story more or less with borrowed ideas from both DmC: Devil May Cry and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, in the senses that it shows new versions of our favourite Characters and that they must combat a deadly nemesis that was once Human now more monster then the former respectively. Hints can be made to the original Kingdom Hearts games but not outright connections to the actual games, this is a different setting and universe that can be considered on the other side of the mirror of the Kingdom Hearts universe where the games take place, know what i mean? You cannot create Characters based on Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra and Aqua but other versions of Characters such, as Axel/Lea for example are available and just to put any person's mind at ease about the Cult of Nobodies being this universe's Organization XIII, they are not, they are merely a group of worshipers and followers that are trying to resurrect the ancient evil being, the Heartless Xehanort, anyone can create their own groups based on the Organization if they so wish to, however, monsters such, as the Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed and Dream Eaters will not appear in the story, instead, new monsters will appear that will be introduced when the story first kicks off hopefully. Keyswords are what the Keyblades are called in this universe and, as for X-Blades and Ultima Weapon Keyblades that appear in the Role-play, they are combined, as one in this universe and are called "Ultima Xs", Ultima Xs are what is referred to, as the final transformation and form of a Keysword once it has reached full maturity alongside its chosen wielder, they basically function like the Starlight Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts Chi does in terms of they can change shape upon a Character leveling up, each time a Character levels up upon reaching the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and so on, a person can change the shape of their Keyblade if they so desire or just stay with its regular appearance, whichever suits the Role-players' preferences. Characters from other franchises, Final Fantasy can appear in the Role-play but they are parallel versions of their normal Kingdom Hearts selves which who of are parallels to begin with but the unique thing upon their inclusion is that they can be portrayed however they like, for examples, Sephiroth isn't a villain and is instead a hero and Cloud is not a brooder but rather a more sociable person, that's the fun in how these Characters can be portrayed within the Role-play, Final Fantasy, Disney and Kingdom Hearts Characters all alike, we can see new sides of them that we have never seen before. Please put down "One Destiny, Different Sky" to show that you have read the Rules at the end of your Character Sheets. You can have up to, as many Characters, as you can portray. Have fun! :]. P.S: The starting point for all Characters to meet up is the World known, as "Lux Town", it is the central hub World for the Role-play and where the Tutorial will take place, revealing how travelling to other Worlds is possible and is performed, how people fight with their weapons, especially Keyswords and where the heroes will learn of what the villains, the Cult of Nobodies are currently plotting, other Characters that are villainous may choose to align with the cult or not and work towards their own agendas, like Maleficent and Pete do in the games. Character Sheets: Normal: Name: Age: History: Personality: Appearance: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Home-world: Species: Alignment: Japanese Voice Actor/Actress: English Voice Actor/Actress: Theme Song: (The last three don't need to be filled in necessarily.). Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy/Disney: Name: Parallel Version of which Character from the games: Age: History: Personality: Appearance: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Home-world: Alignment: Here is the Character Sheet for the demonic being: Character Sheets: Normal: Name: The Heartless Xehanort. Age: Over 10,000 years. History: 13 individuals filled with both complete and utter Darkness within their Hearts combined, as one to form this abomination of creation...during the very early years it was rampaging across the World of Light, it was initially known, as the being with "No Name", however, over the course of the history of time, its violence and terrorism have earned it the nickname "Heartless" and the name "Xehanort" was also bestowed upon it, as it was apparently the name of a both fallen and corrupt angel of legend, thus came to be, the Heartless Xehanort, a giant behemoth of a monster that has been mentioned in storytelling nightmares to children living in the current present era, as a means of getting them to behave, the Heartless Xehanort was ultimately defeated by the combined unification of seven pure Hearted princesses of seven kingdoms each and was sealed away supposedly forever behind a giant sealed door that led to a bottomless pit of eternal Darkness, there it sleeps, waiting, to be one day be awakened and the seal broken, to destroy the World of Light and this time succeed, so that nothing is left and only Nothingness remains behind... Personality: Cruel, Sadistic, Monstrous, has no Conscience and a mind to think on its own with, its only purpose in life is the instinct to kill everyone and everything baring a Heart until Hearts no longer exist at all... Appearance: Resembles Calamity Ganon from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild but with Master Xehanort's signature traits, his gold eyes, pointy ears and silver hair, has X shaped claw feet. Weapon: A Keysword shaped Scorpion like tail. Sub Weapon: A Crab like right handed giant claw. Home-world: Unknown. Species: Unknown. Alignment: Pure Evil. Japanese Voice Actor/Actress: Has none, communicates through beast sound effects. English Voice Actor/Actress: Same, as above. Theme Song: https://youtu.be/gKVtc3ePX6g. "One Destiny, Different Sky.".
  3. Tagline: "...Dial the Devil's Number!". Synopsis: "...The year is 2018, the month is January, the day is the 1st, the 1st of the whole all brand new year, the year...in which the Devil, Lucifer himself, strikes...there is a prophecy among Satanists, it goes, as the following, ahem: "On the very 1st day of the year that will be 2018, a young man, a high transfer student, around the age of 17 will appear and with him...the ability to summon Personas, the physical, mental and spiritual manifestations of ourselves that take on multiple forms, be they Demons, Angels or otherwise...it is said according to this prophecy that the young man will become the "Devil's Number", the key needed in order to finally break the seal on Lucifer placed upon by God himself and finally set Lucifer free so that he can continue his eternal life long mission that he had begun millenniums ago: the both complete and utter annihilation of Humankind that Lucifer refers to, as "purification", he believes God's creation, that Mankind itself does not deserve to exist after repeating so very many of all the same mistakes centuries upon centuries and thus, Lucifer has tasked himself with "cleaning up God's mess" and rewrite the future course of history by destroying all mortals alike, God, refusing to allow Lucifer to have his way had ordered the Archangel Michael to confront Lucifer in combat and upon defeating him, seal away the Fallen Angel in the depths of Hell, where he would stay forever trapped, no longer able to threaten anyone...that is, until now...fearing this young man referred to, as the Devil's Number will be the one to break the seal upon Lucifer, God has once again tasked Michael to in turn task a lesser Angel to deal away with the young man before he becomes a problem, thus our story begins...in the land of the rising red sun, Japan, in the town known, as "Kokoro"..." Prologue: The Transfer Student: Rin Megumi: "Rin Megumi", age 17, a problem child...orphaned since he was aged 8 after suffering a terrible car crash accident in which he lost both of his parents and his left eye, now wearing a eye-patch at all times, Rin has just transferred to the town of Kokoro on behalf of his caretaker, his uncle having taken a job overseas and is now sending Rin to live with his aunt and her family of four including herself, their names are "Yoko Asakura", a widow who works, as a head maid at a nearby wealthy family's mansion, "Tora Asakura", Yoko's eldest and who works to pay for the money to keep the family at their small home, "Mio Asakura", Yoko's only daughter who is the same age, as Rin and of whom the latter will be sharing his new high school classroom with and finally "Takasuke Asakura", Yoko's youngest and who is a year younger then both Rin and Mio, upon meeting with Rin for the very 1st time, Takasuke gives Rin a dirty look, saying that he can "sense" something about him that Takasuke doesn't like, Yoko reprimands Takasuke, telling him to mind his language and that she hoped Rin didn't find him offensive, Rin merely shrugs his head sideways back and forth in silence with Yoko for a moment in silence herself before realizing that Rin isn't a talkative type and that upon realizing this does she recall her younger brother, Rin's caretaker, his uncle named "Yoshikaku Megumi" is also more or less the same type of person, Yoko says to Rin that it's fine for him to be silent but that hopefully, he will open up more to people, as he will need to communicate with them if he ever wants a chance at making friends, especially at his new school called "Masaki High" of which he will be attending alongside Mio in the very same classroom no less, Yoko will write a letter to the teaching board there that for the beginning period of days, Rin will remain silent, as he is trying to get accustomed to his new life here in Kokoro but promises that eventually he will speak up, since lessons do require the power of speech after all, everything now said and done with the introductions, Rin is led by Takasuke up to his new room where he will be spending the next whole year in until his uncle Yoshikaku returns from overseas after finishing his job, in the meantime, Takasuke says that he will keep a close eye on Rin, making sure he doesn't get up to anything "unnatural", Mio then appears and slaps Takasuke around the head, calling him in a more or less affectionate term "BakaTaka" that he should stop trying to scare Rin with all this "mumbo-jumbo" nonsense and that just because Takasuke is the student council representative for his school year below both Rin and Mio's, that doesn't mean he can have a swollen head, something of which he already feels like he has thanks to Mio's slap, Mio dares Takasuke to say something cheeky like that again, only for the younger brother to comically slowly walk away in fear but not before eyeballing Rin, saying that he's got his eyes on Rin, after leaving, Mio then steps up to take a close inspection at Rin and comments that he's handsome, she says that if he wasn't her cousin she would totally date Rin but she comically laments that life, as such, is cruel, anyways, she says to Rin that now all the ladies at Masaki High will be looking out for Rin but that he better be careful, especially around a young woman a year older then both Rin and Mio named "Hinami Kurosaki", rumour has it that she seduces most of the older male students and make them serve her, to do her bidding with the promise of giving them "pleasure" should they comply, all the girls in Mio's class and up refer to Hinami, as the "Devil Lady", upon hearing that title, suddenly, Rin feels like a big rush just went through his head, Mio asks him if he is alright and Rin just silently nods, she wonders if he is still suffering from exhaustion upon travelling all the way out to Kokoro, nevertheless, its almost time for the Asakura family to go to sleep, Tora has to get up early so he can go to work very early in the morning and that he can't have the family disturb him in the middle of the night, thus the whole family agreed that they would go to bed reasonably very early, Mio says that the bath is free for Rin to use and that he should take it whilst its hot since hot water is very hard to come by these in a poor house such, as theirs, taking Mio's advice, half an hour later, Rin is seen relaxing in a nice hot bath with a rubber duck in the middle between his legs above the water, slowly, he starts to nod off and then feels like he is drowning inside of the bathtub, eventually, he finds himself able to breathe inside of it but that very both shockingly and surprisingly, the entire scenery itself has changed around Rin and that Rin himself is seen wearing his new high school uniform which he wasn't suppose to wear until tomorrow, as he wonders whether or not he is dreaming, he then hears a sudden voice, it sounds Demonic, it calls out to Rin, calling him to what is called the "Demon's Hellgate", here, in front of the Hellgate, Rin summons from out of the blue a Katana resembling a Light-saber from Star Wars and with the "Light Katana", he holds it with both of his hands, clenching it tightly, just wondering just what the hell is going on, as suddenly, a three headed masked Cerberus attacks him, this Cerberus is called "Doganger", it has two red masks resembling the kind worn by Spanish Luchadores and a third mask that resembles the face of a rag-doll, Doganger tries to attack Rin and he is forced to block, counterattack and attack directly Doganger, the latter attempt to no avail, Doganger spews out blue fireballs that Rin is somehow able to cut in half upon instinct, as during throughout the moment this battle had started, his arms and legs had started moving on their own, even when he didn't want them to and it felt like his body was being controlled by someone else entirely, Rin hears a voice inside of his mind and wonders who it is, it doesn't say, only that "It Is Thou and Thou Is It", if "Thou" wanted to master "It's" power the next time he faces the Hell-hound, he had best prepare himself for all kinds of things that would await him in the near future and with that, Doganger suddenly just vanished out of sight, leaving Rin to wake up coughing water from the bathtub, as he placed his hand upon his forehead before looking at his other hand, wondering what did that dream, that nightmare was all about, what did it do to him, as before he knew it, he felt..."different", like he had some kind of "enlightenment" or something like that the best way to describe the occurrence, before Rin could ponder any further, it was getting late and he had to be ready for school tomorrow...even in sleep, Rin still pondered what did that all mean...the next day came and classroom was already in session, Rin was introduced to his whole new class, as Rin Megumi, the new transfer student. Chapter I: Come Forth! My Persona!!: (To be continued, what did everyone think of the Prologue if i may ask please? please tell me if i wrote down anything that would be deemed offensive to the people on KH13, in my defense, i was only trying to write a mature Persona video game based story-line but if i had crossed any boundaries, please may someone tell me and i will immediately correct them right away.).
  4. Anybody fancy doing a Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts Role-Play :]? note: the Role-Play is based on the events of the films, not the books and the play. The title of the Role-Play is called "Harry Potter and the Dark", it is set during the years Harry and everyone else's children are attending Hogwarts and the Role-Play will explore not only the United Kingdom part of the Wizarding world but also other locations like both America and Japan for examples, the former example having already been seen in the Fantastic Beasts film. The Role-Play is set in a parallel universe where the events of the Cursed Child do not occur and instead, the story follows directly after the events of the Deathly Hallows-Part II, where everyone see off their children heading out to start their school terms at Hogwarts' School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. The makeup of the Role-Play's story universe is meant to be similar in theme to the Manga/Anime Naruto's Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, where the story universe focuses on the children of the previous heroes who saved the world, as well, as other new Characters who would interact with these children, old Characters would return in supporting roles and they would help guide the children, as they learn about life itself, what it means to grow up and what both dreams and goals that they wish to obtain in the future, its basically a Slice of Life Role-Play story with the central theme being about Magic at its heart being a added twist. In the story of the universe for the Role-Play we will see not only Magic be involved but also Science and Machinery too, we will see how both Science and Machinery become combined with Magic to form the latest advancements and achievements for the Wizarding world, how much it has evolved over the years since Harry finally lastly defeated Voldemort, to say basically, we will be seeing how Wizards use a Smartphone App using Magic instead of a normal phone, know what i mean? The premise of the Role-Play is to see how the Wizarding world is advancing alongside technology and how they are incorporating the latter into their society, we will also see political talks and meetings about how the world of Muggles and the Wizarding world are finally starting to open up to one another and how they are going to proceed onward from this point on knowing that such magic, such powerful and dangerous magic exists, how are the Muggles going to cope with the Wizarding world? things like that. I'll explain more later on, to be continued but so far, what does everyone think of the premise :]? Right then, continuing from where i left off, ahem :]. Although the story has Harry's name in it, he does not star, as the primary protagonist of the Role-Play and instead serves, as its major supporting Character, also, besides regular Characters from the Harry Potter franchise making an appearance there will also be guest Characters from other franchises with magical properties making an appearance, for example, Ardyn Izunia, the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy XV will appear, as a major antagonist in this Role-Play, as i think he would be a good guest Character to appear in the world of Harry Potter, his motives primarily being the reason why, he could serve, as either the primary antagonist of the Role-Play overall or just a major supporting antagonist, i'll put up a poll for voters to decide which either option should i go with. Since i may be taking too much control of the stories of the Role-Plays i make and this could be the reason why people don't sign up, this time i'm going to make this Role-Play in particular open world if you know what i mean, it will have a story but that doesn't mean people have to strictly follow it and can do whatever else in the Role-Play they feel like doing, there will be major events that will be announced later on in the story like Quidditch, Halloween and Christmas for examples but overall, the Role-Play will be free and accessible in the sense that it would play out like it was a real open world based setting video game like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, as a primary example, Role-Players can do whatever they feel like doing, making up original story-lines and creating new magical creatures and spells for everyone to enjoy, its a free and creative Role-Play world :]. For those interested in a strict story-line based experience, Harry Potter and the Dark will focus on a world where Voldemort is no more and Wizards no longer have to live in hiding in fear of He Who Must Not Be Named now that he is no longer among the living and his spirit is forever trapped in Limbo, however, even though the Death Eaters have no master, they still work in his memory to cleanse the world of Mudbloods and make it a world where only the "strong" and the "elite" are allowed to live, Harry and the Aurors over the years have been cleaning up Voldemort's remnants and now, they are finally nearing the end of clean up duty and are about to round up the last group of Death Eaters still fanatically loyal to both Voldemort and his cause even after his death, this is where the Role-Play starts off with Harry and the Aurors battling the Death Eaters on a old island in Ireland at a sea cliff at an abandoned mansion, said to have once belonged to Salazar Slytherin of ancient times and where Voldemort once lived and had used, as a secret base during his supreme reign of darkness and evil, known only to his top ranking officers in his army of followers, the mansion is currently preoccupied by Voldemort's last remaining fanatic servant named "Bivilbosk Grivilback" who was not present at the Battle of Hogwarts and instead was on standby awaiting Voldemort's orders after his "victory" at Hogwarts was to be "assured", only to ultimately fail in the end and now Bivilbosk and a group of small time Wizarding criminals that just call themselves Death Eaters for the sake of it are now on the run by Harry and the Aurors with Harry having been chasing the Death Eaters for a long time, Bivilbosk is outraged at Potter's constant pursuing of them and also when one of his henchmen speaks out of line, Bivilbosk uses a unique killing curse of his very own to silence them and dares any other of his henchmen to speak out against him should they want to suffer the same fate, as the previous henchman beforehand, now the showdown between the Aurors and the Death Eaters, Harry and Bivilbosk is about to begin! what will happen? following up are the Rules and Character Sheets for the Role-Play. Rules: No Godmodding. No Romance above Age 12. No Swearing above Age 15. Please stay true to the mythology and timeline events presented within the Harry Potter chain of films, this Role-Play is the Sequel to the films, not the books. You can create new spells and new magical creatures if you want but you must describe what they look like, how they live in both the Wizarding world and in secret among the Muggles in their world, also what peculiar quirks do they have? The Role-Play is set in the year 2018, on January the 1st, the Role-Play will start off with Harry and the Aurors fighting both Bivilbosk and his group of "Death Eaters" at an abandoned mansion located somewhere near the Irish Sea, straight afterwards, the Role-Play will time-skip to Hogwarts and focus on the children of the original Harry Potter Characters whilst also introducing new Characters, Hogwarts is the primary hub setting for the Role-Play's world but other locations will be introduced and world exploration will appear in the Role-Play, as well. Guest Characters from other franchises like Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy XV can appear, as long, as you can explain their appearance in the story-line, how did they appear in the world of Harry Potter? why did they appear there? what are their motives? also, you have to decide how much of an importance they will have to the story-line of the Role-Play since its still Harry Potter after all. Please message me if you want to use a Character like Neville Longbottom for example from the original Harry Potter films. You can have, as many Characters, as you can portray up to, either new Characters created exclusively for the Role-Play or original Harry Potter film Characters. This is my 1st time making a Harry Potter Role-Play so if i am missing important crucial details that need correcting please may someone help me since the world of Harry Potter is vast and i don't want to miss out any crucial details. To show that you read the Rules, please put down the name of your favourite J.K. Rowling work at the end of your Character Sheets. Character Sheets: Name: Age: School Year: History: Personality: Appearance: Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral.). Occupation: (Student, Teacher, Auror, Death Eater, Ministry of Magic.). School: (Hogwarts, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning.). Hogwarts Houses: (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw.). Species: (Wizards, Muggles.). That's everything, does anything need changing? please tell me what can i do to make this Role-Play appealing for people to join. Here's the Theme Song for the Role-Play by the way: https://youtu.be/Htaj3o3JD8I.
  5. Tagline: " ... Love and Hate ... Hope and Despair ... Two sets of very different yet similar ideals ... Which of the two sets ... Shall triumph? ... In the end? " Synopsis: " ...In the world known, as "Planet IV: Brown Star"...the universe...the entire galaxy itself, is at war...the world is divided up into five sections of the whole universe, these sections besides Planet IV are known, as "Planet I: Red Star", "Planet II: Blue Star", "Planet III: Green Star" and "Planet V: Yellow Star"...altogether, these five sections of the galaxy are known to be called, as "Star Cosmos", Star Cosmos being the real name for the universe itself. As for the reason why the five sections of the whole galaxy are at war with one another, it is because each other is fighting over a valuable resource material that has been indispensable since both the formation and the dawning of the creation of the Star Cosmos called "Star Cubes", Star Cubes are said to contain the natural birth energy both of and from when the universe was first created, right at its very beginning in the forms of elemental particles that both make up and disperse among all of the people living in the Star Cosmos in turn in the forms of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Lightning energies. People born from the elemental energy that is formed when the five elements all combine into one are called "Elementilims" and it is said that the life forces of Elementilims or "Elementi" for short can be increased over a period of 100 years each with the consumption of each and every single new Star Cube that they find and consume, extending their life force past the normal expiration date, keeping them ageless and both fit and healthy without a care in the world, all in all, to put it in simple terms, Elementi live exactly like Cockroaches, very stubborn to kill... However, it is because of the Star Cubes' ability to produce ever lasting long life in the form of what appears to be "immortality" that other planets had begun fighting over the Star Cubes for their very own ideals, one planet believes that they must obtain all Star Cubes before the other planets do so that both they and they alone can go on living, as the both supreme and almighty beings that reign supreme over the entire galaxy itself whilst another planet holds a religious aspect on the power of the Star Cubes and how they should be used, going, as far, as to try to obtain them from failing into the wrong hands and believing that death must come to all natural things, even the Elementi themselves... Although the Elementi are all made up of the same cosmic elemental energy, they are all each divided into one category such, as the element of Earth for example when one particular element inside their bodies grows stronger above all the rest and goes so far, as to reshape the appearances of their physical attributes, even molding their natural personalities, for example, the people with having the Earth element inside of them proving to be a winner of a contest of inner body elements for example are shown to have rock shaped, dragon like scales on their bodies with other Elementi races differing in other appearances also should an element besides Earth win the contest of the five inner body elements of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Lightning, for examples, the Elementi races of both Fire and Water are always seen with ever changing fluid forms, meaning in other-words, their bodies are always constantly on both Fire and Water respectively but that they have the powers to reshape their entire bodies, as close to "Human", as they can get them...the sub categories of the Elementi people are referred to, as "Earthmenti", "Firementi", "Watermenti", "Windmenti" and "Lightningmenti.". All Elementi are gifted with both magical prowess and a knack for scientific achievement in the advancement of technology that would help to better their respective races, some have even gone so far, as to refer to Elementi by the term of "Alchemists" or rather in the tongue of the Star Cosmos' people "Elementists", Elementists are said to combine their natural elemental energy all together into one from within their entire bodies and then merge it with an inanimate object like both a sword or a necklace pendent for examples that they call "Vassals", as from the objects that they are born from infused with elemental energy appear beings that act, as spiritual familiars in physical forms to their respective both creators and owners, always protecting them from both far away and close by, in the term of the latter, the Vassals lend their powers to their Elementi counterparts by summoning themselves forth, as uniquely shaped weapons, appearing in whatever both shape and/or form that represents the inner heart of their original Elementi creator and owner, however...this dwindles away the life force of the Elementi host, thus requiring the power of the Star Cubes in order to live on, even if they do not wish to seek "immortality", "immortality" is the only means for the Elementi to "survive", the only means...hence the war between the Elementi on all of the five sector planets residing within the Star Cosmos that has come to be called the "Cube Wars" over the last 550 years, how long the Cube Wars have been going on and are still currently ongoing...with no end in sight... On Planet IV: Brown Star, in the capital ocean city known, as "Elelantis-The Seafaring Kingdom of the Earth" rule the imperial monarchy called the "Royal Dynasty of the Chang Tzu Clan", otherwise known, as the "Chang Tzu Empire", headed by their elderly ever aging king named "Shong Chang Tzu the 25th", Shong is a man who believes in strong Social Darwinism and survival of the fittest and believes that only those worthy of becoming Elementists that can serve in the empire's ranks and fight against the armies of the other planets have what it takes to absorb Star Cubes and continue going on living, this rule applies to the woman, children and elderly of all of Planet IV, as well, not allowing even a iota of a singular "inferior specimen" to exist on his planet... Outraged by the king's decision to only let the strong survive and the weak die, no matter what their current circumstances and backgrounds are, a young man of 18 years of age rises up from the underground slums of Elelantis and prepares to prove himself a Elementist, intending to work his way into the army of the empire and change the ways imposed by Shong's decree of natural law and order, making not just a chosen few's lives better but also everyone else's in the process, this young man's name is "Kyibolt Vazahard", otherwise known by those close to him by both his nickname and title, "Kyi the Elelantian Troublemaker", Kyi is unique among all the people that are aiming to become Elementists for normally a person wishing to become a Elementist can only become so once their elemental powers have reached maturity more or less at the age of 20, Kyi has become an Elementist since he was 16 years old, it happened in a freak accident of nature itself and ever since then, Kyi has had the power to call upon his Vassal familiar in the both form and shape of a very attractive female genie like being that calls herself "Djinna", Djinna's appearance is based on the inner workings of Kyi's own heart, of which believes in both love and hope and defies both hate and despair, Kyi has been raised, as an orphan on the slum streets of Elelantis and has been cared for by the local shop owners working in the slums just trying to get by and earn their day to day daily pay from the empire paying for the merchandise however meager and small the pay very well is, having seen firsthand the corrupt empire, as it is from a very early age, Kyi now works with Djinna to secretly enlist himself, as a 20 year old male with a made-up background thanks to a close friend of Kyi's in order to enter the Chang Tzu Empire's army and once inside, Kyi intends to wreak all kinds of havoc regarding issues of both morality and philosophy, his planned attempt to make the empire change their ways, however, his plan may not go according to plan, as he first thought...as the empire is planning to send their army into battle against one of the other respective planets, leading the empire's 15th battalion into battle is king Shong's 3rd daughter, the 21 year old young woman named "Xixi Chang Tzu" and thus, the curtain rises on a whole new battle, what will become of Kyi and where will the path of destiny take him? find out, in the ultimate battle of both love and hope vs both hate and despair...the wheels of destiny are beginning to spin and at last Samsara will be achieved. Our story starts in the year 8018 of the Star Cosmos universal calendar, the Earthmenti have just suffered a "shocking" defeat at the hands of the Lightningmenti forces and are now regrouping during a very short ceasefire in order to gather up more fighters for the next upcoming battles with not just the Lightningmenti but also the other races of the Elementi, as well, the story starts in Elelantis, here, is where everything...begins: The Universal Star Story. " Here is the Role-Play's Theme Song (MAJOR SPOILERS WARNING): https://youtu.be/4iHgARWX7dA. Elementi Character Sheets: Name: Age: History: Personality: Appearance: Race: (Earthmenti, Firementi, Watermenti, Windmenti, Lightningmenti.). Vassal partner: Voice Actor: Theme Song: Vassal Character Sheets: Name: History: Personality: Human Appearance: Weapon Appearance: Elementi partner: Born from what aspect of the Elementi's heart: (Beauty, power or something else.). Voice Actor: Theme Song: Rules: No Swearing above Age 15. No Romance above Age 12. Voice Actor and Theme Song doesn't need to be filled out, they are there just for fun. No Godmodding. To show that you have read the Rules, please put down "A New Beginning" at the end of your Character Sheets. The five different races of Elementi each have different Personalities and Appearances, the Earthmenti appear like crystal like Humanoids with rock shards appearing all over parts of their entire bodies whilst the rest of the Elementi have fluid shape changing forms, they can use their respective elemental makeup to take on whatever forms that they desire, however, once they take on the form that their heart desires they are permanently stuck in that form and cannot change their appearance whatsoever, they can transform into like a bolt of lightning for example for those that wish to have Characters based upon lightning Elementi but that is about it, they cannot change their overall physical appearance that they have chosen to go along with, the reason for this will be explained during the story, as for transforming into the elements themselves, to show which race of Elementi that they belong to, their respective element will appear, as an appearance trait on parts of their bodies, like Lightningmenti for example having lightning bolt shaped eyebrows or both Firementi and Watermenti for examples having hair constantly flowing and set on both fire and water all the time respectively, know what i mean? sorry if i'm not making any sense :[, please PM me if you want better explanations of the different Elementi, as for the Windmenti whose Appearance wasn't mentioned, they are the most Human like in physical forms, unlike the rest of the Elementi they appear, as though they were normal Human beings, the Lightningmenti finally again for example occasionally have sets of drums attached to the back of their bodies which, as the reason for that will be explained later on within the story, they are based on the physical appearance of the Japanese deity of thunder Raijin. Earthmenti are known to have stubborn personalities, Firementi with "fiery and hot headed" personalities, Watermenti with calm and almost completely tranquil personalities, Windmenti with almost zealot and religious like personalities and Lightningmenti with bad tempered and battle craving personalities. You can have, as many Characters, as you can manage though i personally recommend having four each per person, two normal Elementi Characters and two Vassal Characters, you must have both a Elementi and a Vassal, as a pair, there are no exceptions since Elementi and Vassals fight alongside one another and the latter can even transform into weapons for the former to fight with if they want an up close and personal fight. The Role-Play's basis for two Characters serving, as each other's partners, whether in battle or not is from a combination of both Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Soul Eater just in case anyone is wondering :], the partners must always be close by each other's sides for if not then each half of the set of partners' battle strengths will be dwindled by half exactly, you can form partners with other Role-Players' Characters, as well instead of just your own if you like but you must inform me in a PM who wants to pair up with who upon when the story begins, as for the story's beginning, everyone's Characters will start off in Elelantis and from there, everyone can set off and create whole new locations of their own that they wish to have their Characters appear in and write plot-lines about, however, you must first PM me about what backstories for new locations you have in mind and only once you have consulted with the other Role-Players about what you have in mind. Vassals do not Age and are instead born from the heart of the Elementi that originally created them, they are based both on and around that Elementi's true inner characteristics and workings and serve both to balance and counterbalance their Elementi equals, basically they are the true self of the Elementi they belong to physically personified in whatever form and/or shape they appear in, for example, if a Elementi had a very childish personality deep inside of them then their Vassal would appear in the form of a child to represent their respective Elementi's true inner persona but if a Elementi for example felt the desire deep inside their heart to have a close friend and/or loving partner, the latter in terms of romance then their Vassal's appearance would be based on that heart's respective desire and grant whatever wish of physical form that the respective Elementi want their respective Vassal to have, know what i mean? sorry again if i'm not explaining things clearly, a Vassal is born from whatever lurks inside a person's heart, they take on physical forms that either represent beauty, power and etc, namely they are born from the attribute that strongly relates to and personifies their Elementi's overall strongest characteristics. Have fun above all else, i hope everyone will Sign-Up for and enjoy this Role-Play :].
  6. " ...Reality and Virtual Reality...the difference between these two seems like both Day and Night respectively but at the very same time, there is also the line where the two become connected with one another... " - Professor Kizuna, Tokyo University Graduate, Founder and Director of Video Game Company "Kokoro and Kizuna", his opening speech and tagline on the unveiling of the Company's latest Online Video Game "Hearts and Bonds", the year 2018, the month March, the day the 17th. Professor Kizuna at age 38 is accomplished for creating many types of Video Games of all kinds of genres but none more so then the Online JRPG kind, he is especially herald, as what he is called by the public, as "The Mirror King", for unlike anyone else up to now currently so far, he has created a perfect Virtual Reality simulation of a Online Video Game world, in other words: the graphics, the textures, they all seem so real life like that you can hardly distinguish the differences between the two, he has outclassed rival companies like both Nintendo and Monolith Soft for examples all on his very own and with his latest Online JRPG, Hearts and Bonds, he has clearly out exceeded himself, however...the latest rumours report on world wide TV news that for some very strange, very mysterious and especially very shocking reasons...he was found dead in his one man apartment, having committed suicide apparently with a bloody knife found next to his chest, his entire body laying dead on the floor, despite the death of the world renowned successful Video Game Designer, his Company nevertheless proceeded to unveil Hearts and Bonds to the public, in honour of his memory and also wanting his very last achievement to have been played and have been remembered, knowing that it was he that created all of this wonderful Virtual Online world to begin with... The premise behind Hearts and Bonds is that it is set in a magical fairy tale world called "Wonderland", named after the children's book Alice in Wonderland and in Wonderland, the world stretches, as far, as the eye can see it, the skies, the oceans, you name it, it all looked so vast and especially beautiful in detail, it is said that before Professor Kizuna died, he created Hearts and Bonds with the intent of making it his very last Video Game ever and that he named it his masterpiece above all others, he dedicated the premise of Hearts and Bonds to both himself and especially his deceased late wife Kokoro who was an avid fan of Alice in Wonderland when she was a child, they even had a Alice in Wonderland themed wedding, the name of Kizuna's Company, Kokoro and Kizuna, is also named after his beloved wife, the story of Hearts and Bonds is that Wonderland, as the adventurers beta testing and playing the Video Game refer to it is actually called "Mythologica" and it is said to be the home of all kinds of real life existing events, people, fictional works, etc, for example, the person that was once feared and known, as Jack the Ripper appears in the Video Game, as a Boss type Character whilst for another example is the Fictional Character known, as Sherlock Holmes appears, as a NPC in the Game and provides clues to solving both puzzles and riddles that appear within the Game's dungeons in order to continue progressing forwards, however, the deals for clues must be paid for in "Saga Stones", the currency used within Hearts and Bonds and depending on the amount of Saga Stones that you have, you can even use them to outright pay Sherlock for the answer, however, to make sure that the Game isn't that easy in solving so easily and completing right from the get go, to make sure to keep the Online players both entertained and busy, the answer that they pay for with Saga Stones might be a trick answer and if the trick answer is used then they could end up in a trap or face an extremely powerful boss without being at the current right level to confront it, its a double edge sword gamble, besides being used, as the in-game currency, Saga Stones are also used to increase a player's attributes or be used, as magic stones during a fight that can be used to shoot fireballs, summon lightning bolts and/or bring about tsunamis, depending on the amount of Saga Stones that you currently have in possession, all of the Saga Stones come in one of each of the seven colours of the mystical rainbow that spreads all over Mythologica's world, of which is deeply rooted into the backstory of Hearts and Bonds' lore. The actual story of Hearts and Bonds is that over a 1000 years ago, a both mighty and very powerful demon king once tried to rule the world of Mythologica but in the end was defeated by 20 heroes of light who by combining all of their powers into one had managed to seal away the demon king within the deepest, darkest, blackest abyss on the far edge corner of Mythologica known, as "Terra Dar-Ca", otherwise known, as "Dark Earth", it is here that all of the monsters within the Game manifest their appearances from, warping from the Dark Earth to the peaceful outer-lands of Mythologica and terrorize the populace whenever and wherever they can, however, to keep them from invading the peaceful towns, the 20 heroes had foreseen this and decided to use the very last of their magic to erect a barrier covering all of the towns that prevents monsters with evil hearts from entering the towns, thus thereby ensuring and keeping the safety of the citizens within the towns, fearing that the demon king might one day return, 10 of the heroes of light went on to become scholars, in hopes of learning how to regain their magic and/or hopefully pass it on to future students whilst 9 of the remaining 20 went on to become great legendary warriors who would become world renowned throughout all of Mythologica and pass on all of their different styles of fighting respectively to future students just like the scholars, as for the last hero, he went on to become both a scholar and a warrior but also a king, as well, of a both great and giant majestic empire that he would form from scratch, to keep an eye on Dark Earth, forever making sure that the minions that were still in loyal service to their sealed master weren't secretly plotting to break him out of his prison, the kingdom that would become the foundation for this said empire was forged on the very last green-lands of Mythologica, just outside the mountains leading to Dark Earth, the areas there being full of monster pits, barren wastelands and volcanoes, appropriate for the land where the demon king once ruled over and was born from, the kingdom was a giant city covered all over in green and, as such, it was called "The Emerald City, Aurachalcum" and it is ruled by its 1000 year old founder and current king named "OZ, the Emerald Cloaked Hero Emperor", OZ's human physical appearance is modeled after the Game's creator, Professor Kizuna. The Kingdom of Aurachalcum spans all over the entire world of Mythologica itself and its empire is greatly vast in numbers, spanning over at least 500,000 people, although its capital city is bordered just outside of Dark Earth grounds, it is the hub world where all players first begin and start their individual respective experiences of adventures, here, players can open up shops, sell weapons, armour, items, all that you can think of and can customize your Character to the utmost limits that you possibly want, all players start off with 100,000 Saga Stones exactly and it is up to them what it is that they want to buy, however, if they want to open up shops, they must first go to a register counter and ask for a licence permit, by gaining licence permits, you can not only run shops but also guilds, as well, in the world of Mythologica, the guilds are altogether referred to, as "The Eternal Coalition", otherwise known by its full name, as "The United Guilds of Mythologica", there are many types of guilds, there are trading guilds, treasure and bounty hunting guilds, anything that marks your preference, although there are many separate guilds, they all abide by one rule: never to seek conflict with another guild, this is how all of the guilds get along well so far, however, there have been guilds that have broken this one solid iron clad rule and they are referred to, as "Rogue Guilds", Rogue Guilds do whatever they please whenever they please wherever they please and they aren't above stooping to cheating, hacking and killing off other peoples' characters just for the sheer fun of it, at first when Hearts and Bonds first came Online, there were only a small set of Rogue Guilds but now over the time and course the popularity of Hearts and Bonds has expanded, the Rogue Guilds have amassed too much in group numbers that the Video Game Company owners of Hearts and Bonds, the Board of Directors for Kokoro and Kizuna refuse to do anything about it, instead leaving the matter up in the air until they have found a peaceful way to solve things but in all honest truth, basically, they have just quit trying to reason with Rogue Guilds and thus let them be allowed within the Game, seeing no point in trying to stop their numbers from increasing, as they increase anyways, seeing this dilemma first hand for themselves, a handful of people decided to rise up against this tyranny led by the Rogue Guilds and form "The Administrators' Board for Free Online Players", otherwise known, as "T.A.B.F.O.P" for short, T.A.B.F.O.P have christened themselves, as the official legal players' admin guild that is in charge of overseeing all activities made within Hearts and Bonds, especially actions made by Rogue Guilds, they keep the rules, laws and regulations in line for those that want to enjoy a fun and happy experience Online playing Hearts and Bonds whilst all the while keep those in check that would try and upset the peaceful balance. Before Professor Kizuna died, he said that the most important, fundamental part of playing Hearts and Bonds is learning how to coexist with one another and help each other, form parties, battle monsters, go on quests, anything to enjoy a happy, healthy experience of playing a Online Video Game, he wanted players to communicate with one another using the feelings within their hearts and the strengths of their bonds, hence the title, Hearts and Bonds, seeing faults made over so many times with other Online RPGs, Professor Kizuna brilliantly installed a sort of lock-down feature, where say like someone 10 years old wanted to create and portray a Character at least 5 years older then them and if they happened to meet a player who created the same age Character but was actually older in real life and they decided to form a romantic relationship within the Game with romantic relationships being allowed within the Game but without actually knowing one another in real life, to avoid that very deep repercussion from ever happening, having seen it in other Online Games and even Chat Forums, Professor Kizuna took this to heart, soul and mind and had worked on a very powerful code embedded within Hearts and Bonds where players can still create their own custom Characters, however, they must create a Character corresponding to their age, meaning that the Character that they create represents the actual age that they are in real life and not someone young portraying an older Character and/or vice versa, this was one issue that Professor Kizuna was deeply concerned about, as he wanted players if they do form romantic relationships Online within a Video Game to first get to know one another, as they would in real life and be aware of what consequences going on a Online Game, even just going Online the Internet at all are like, involving disastrous results, hence the code he created is deeply embedded into Hearts and Bonds' primary core programming and cannot be removed whatsoever, even if hacking was used, players had to play, as though they looked like their real selves and real ages back in real life, it was one of the safety protocols that Professor Kizuna had included to ensure Hearts and Bonds did not end up just, as any other careless and reckless Online Video Game, players that were 15 in real life had to play, as 15 year old Characters and players that were 10 years old had to play, as 10 year old Characters, this was the one solemn rule that Professor Kizuna had made sure would never ever be broken even if people possibly tried to break it, Professor Kizuna took precautions such, as this into consideration before finally completing and finishing creating the final completed version of Hearts and Bonds before his suicide. The vast world of Mythologica can be explored through cities levitating high up in the sky using Saga Stones to levitate them or create air pocket bubbles underneath the ocean to create cities where people live underwater and have had their Characters adapted to that setting so much that they can evolve to become like Mermaids for example and breathe underwater, exploring places normal Characters that players create can't even explore and collect rare items, hence why parties are formed from all sorts of species, Human, Vampire, Werewolf and other Mythological creatures, by creating say like a Minotaur Character, you can traverse volcanic landscapes and not have to worry about your HP going down so very quickly, which can happen in the case of ordinary Human Characters, parties are recommended to be formed of all types of species and not just a group made up entirely of Human based Characters, also, there are Guilds that Accept only certain species Characters like say a Guild for Vampires only and/or a Guild for Werewolves only, these Guilds are called "Mythos Guilds", named in honour of Mythologica and besides traversing dangerous terrain, you can also visit casinos, nightclubs, chapels, underground cities you name it, anything and everything can be explored within Hearts and Bonds, the Game that contains it all, as the Board of Directors at Kokoro and Kizuna call the Game. The Game was released in Japan on the year 2018, in the month of March and on the date the 17th, among the players trying out the Game for the very first time is a young 16 old teenager named The Protagonist (Temporary Name), the Protagonist decides to create a Samurai class type Character that he calls within the Game "The Protagonist/II" (Temporary Name), the Protagonist/II wields a Human sized Katana, as long, as his very own body, the Protagonist/II starts off in Hearts and Bonds in the hub world central city of the Kingdom of Aurachalcum, here, his story, begins... (What does everyone think of the premise? please reply before i do the Character Sign-Up Sheets and Rules.).
  7. Inspired by both the title and the premise of the video game Lost Odyssey, although the story is called "Lost Spirited Odyssey", it is not related to the former title bearing the name Lost Odyssey, instead, it is its own story but does bear similar aspects to the video game title which you will see in this story. " ...8 Worlds...8 Individuals...all shattered... This is the story of 8 people who have different but a shared connected destiny with one another, soon...very soon...their individual paths will cross over with each other's and their destinies intertwined, as one... The World of "Ayoka", a land where all both superstition and fantasy bare both shape and form in one way or another, here...the world is divided up into two continents: Both the "Taiken" Federation and the Republic of "Ishama", the latter prefers to follow the ways of both peace and harmony, however...the former, fearing that this is simply just a ruse to plot invasion against their own country decided to strike first and attack the Republic, thus erupting into all out war that has become known throughout the ages, as "The Creation War"...the war that has taken place since both the Federation and the Republic's formations of their respective homelands. The capital city of the Republic named "Eikolo", despite having an army of its own, since the very beginning of the Creation War...up until now, its forces have started to drain thin, not being battle prepped and ready, since the army of the Republic is mostly made up of common folk, volunteers and farmers from the countryside of the land, how they have managed to keep an 80 year long war against their enemy, the Federation, made up of battle hardened, strong warriors that have been keeping their skills honed day after day, night after night, never faltering, never waving...is a mystery, however, the Republic still refuses to submit to their foe and will keep up their almost religious belief that peace must be maintained, no matter what, even if it is won through war and so...seeing the dedication that these people have shown in the last 80 years since the Creation War had first started, an elderly aged man from the Federation defects from his side, a strategist...his name is "Ramos"... Ramos pleads directly to the "Council of Eight", the rulers of both Eikolo and the overall Republic, begging that they grant him both sanctuary and immunity, as he in return says that he will provide a plan that will help the Republic win the war against the Federation...the Council's members are skeptical but their young leader at the age of 14 named "Keido", son of the previous leader of the Council who died earlier on had passed on his leadership role of succession to his young teenage son just a year earlier, wanting the war to end...without hesitation both accepted Ramos into the Republic and had wished to hear what his plan was of both defeating the Federation and bringing a both swift and quick end to the Creation War, despite being against the Council's wishes, furthermore...Keido even made Ramos the 9th new member of the Council of Eight, believing that he would become vital to the Republic's next move on how to end this war against the Federation, the sooner...the better... Four years have passed since then and the Council of Eight have now become the Council of Nine, Keido is now 18 years old and with the ever aging Ramos now by his side, Keido has become a stern tactician, using whatever means necessary to get the job done in order to save the Republic from downfall at the hands of the enemy, Ramos meanwhile has earned the full scorn of the other Council members, as he is valued both greatly and highly by Keido for making the Republic the battle prepared army that it is today, even though the Republic are winning more battles then they have ever done so in the past beforehand, they feel like that the Republic has become corrupted through Ramos' military influence, believing that this was secretly his goal all along and that he was sent by the Federation, disguised, as a seemingly frail old man to infiltrate the Council of Eight and corrupt Keido who was young at the time's views on how the Republic should be run, although the Republic's desire for peace remains the same, they have become far too militant in the last few years and are even taking their militaristic views out on the Republic's people, forcing taxes to wage more funding for the war profit and even drafting young folk through force to join the army, even using blackmail behind Keido's back without him knowing in order to do all these horrible things, the Council would have normally spoken up in the past but unfortunately, Keido has made Ramos his most trusted adviser among the Council of Nine's members and even looks up to him like a both mentor and father figure, Ramos is now technically the 2nd in command over all of the Republic itself and again believing that the Federation had sent him to fulfill this mission, to put it in simple terms, basically: the Federation now has both full and total access to both the Republic and all of its resources...to put the icing on the cake, as it were...there are even talks of the Federation now going to communicate peace talks with the Republic despite having both started the war and putting it up for so very long in the first place, if Keido blindly accepts this near obvious farce of a peace treaty, the Republic will have no hope whatsoever and will forcibly become apart of the Federation, accepting their dictatorial views both on and of reality itself, truly...will both peace and harmony die out and the Creation War...will come to an end...thus, the Council have augmented their very own strategy against this... In a both very shocking and very sudden turn of events, the rest of the Council members have declared a Rebellion against the Republic that they call "The Resistance for the Republic", its name is meant to imply that it is for the Republic, by the Republic and with the Republic but it will not allow the Republic to fall into the Federation's hands and thus, despite Keido's wishes, the Council of Nine have officially disbanded and are trying to overthrow both Keido and especially Ramos in order to return the Republic back into its very own hands, even if it means inciting Rebellion in order to do so...the former Council leaders are now headed by a man by the name of "Gwyle", the former Council's 3rd in command and of whom, unlike Ramos, truly wishes for both peace and harmony for the Republic, knowing that he cannot change young Keido's mind so long, as he is under Ramos' influence, to save the Republic of Ishama from the Taiken Federation, to save what they believe to be all of Ayoka itself, Gwyle has banded together all of the Republic citizens that know something is wrong with its inner workings and oppose the leadership of Keido, secretly being manipulated by Ramos from behind the scenes, to save the Republic, Gwyle believes that the Resistance for the Republic must first strike one of the Republic's most vital weak points in order to get their message across, their message is to attack "The Kyula-Kyula Water Dam" that gives the capital city of Eikolo all of its water supplies and electricity, by taking the Dam out, the Resistance will be able to deal a heavy blow to the Republic's army, depleting them of their energy both based and enhanced weapons, stopping them from stopping the Resistance to mount a full scale invasion upon Eikolo and take Ramos hostage, to force him back into the Federation and keep their militaristic hands off the Republic that still wants to pursue both peace and harmony, the Dam is located right at the very end of Eikolo's borders and so Gwyle, wanting to strike both swift and smoothly, sends in a team of young recruits, ready for battle, to perform a sneak attack operation on the Dam before the rest of the Resistance can then both fully move in and charge the Dam themselves, in order to both take control of it and hopefully make peaceful negotiations with Keido straight afterwards, this team consists of a young woman and two men, the rest of the Resistance will act, as a diversion, taking the Republic's eyes off from the Dam and straight towards them, to give the young recruits a fighting chance at the Dam, thus a full scale battle begins at the fields near the Kyula-Kyula Water Dam called "The White Grass Fields of Emtempola", here, soldiers of the Republic and soldiers of the Resistance are both dressed in the very same armour with the very same colours though having opposite reflections, the Republic wear both black and white whilst the Resistance wear both white and black, it is here that one of the aforementioned eight, the eight people that would share a connected destiny appears, a young man, age 17, he is already the rank of general of the Republic forces, his name...is "Vahnhart "Vahn" Ligerheart.". This is where the story, truly begins. Prologue: Fate of the World-Concluded. (What does everyone think about the Prologue :]?).
  8. (Hello! I urge you to follow this topic and this one [ http://kh13.com/forum/topic/91648-armonia-an-original-rp-sign-ups-and-discussion/ ] so that you do not miss a thing!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rain was gently as it dripped down from the Armonian sky, and many genres were beginning to take shelter from the weather as well as the entities known as the 'Noise' The 'Noise has been hellbent on the destruction of the genres of this land as well as their deity: The Composer'. The noise were lead by a ruthless and hideous lead called the 'Mains Hum'. They just came out of nowhere a few months ago, and have already claimed the sounds of many genres and amalgamations. ~Charlotte~ In a distant shelter, an older woman by the name of Charlotte walked alone in the rain, trying to find lost and scared genres or amalgamations. She was a genre of Chamber Music, a fairly common sound. She called out for them, shouting without mercy in the drizzle of the rain. She had just had a ghastly encounter with a White Noise and was frantic to bring others to shelter or to worn them of the danger. "Hello?!", she shouted. "Hello?? Oh, please do come out! The noise are coming and I want to bring you to a shelter nearby!" ~Bit~ Meanwhile, a young amalgamation was at the hands of a White Noise, trying to rid it away by throwing saw and square waves at it. "Ha! Think you can get past us, huh? Think again!", he yelled, throwing a final wave at it before it was destroyed. Proud of this victory, he went about his way to find a place to continue his journey to mountain of the Composer. The amalgamation rest there for a bit, however, little did he realize that a Red Noise was tracking the amalgamation, wanting to pull them apart...
  9. Armonia (This RP was inspired by the Silly Symphonies short, Music Land.) NOTE: Be sure to follow this thread so that you don't miss any important info! Since near the beginning of time, music has been a crucial part of civilizations and cultures from many walks of life. In the world you’ll be a part of, that is all that exists; Music. This story takes place in the land of Armonia, a land inhabited by literal music. However, what rules over everything in general is the deity in the heavens known as ‘The Composer’. The Composer is said to keep Armonia in balance, and it’s said it can be summoned, but nobody truly knows how. The inhabitants of this land are various forms of music genres. The powers and songs that they possess create energy for the land as well as keep it safe from danger. Special to all genres is the power of amalgamation. Amalgamation is when two genres merge their powers with one another to create an entirely new form of music, either separately or becoming one whole genre altogether. For example, pop or classical could merge together to create a mix of the two, which would become something like Classical/pop. If two of the same genre happened to merge, they just become way more powerful then they were before. It’s usually triggered by them successfully dancing or playing a song together. The possibilities are endless. Most do it make their powers stronger. However, some do it for other reasons such as representing friendship or affection . Most of the time, genres don’t need to amalgamate, for danger is usually non-existent. But lately, that has been difficult to do so. In the past month, Armonia was suddenly invaded by entities known as the ‘Noise’, and they want to rid the land of all music and sound. The Noise come in many forms, Such as White, Pink, Violet, and Red. They are all lead by the entity known as the ‘Mains Hum’. They all look to be bipedal while their entire bodies look like they are made of static. The types of noise and what they do. It is now the time for genres of all kinds to get to the top of a mountain called ‘Eclatant’ to call upon ‘The Composer’ for help and defeat the Noise and Mains Hum. The story starts out with the genres in a safehouse as they plan what to do and express opinions and their motivations. If your character is a type of noise, they lurk and hunt for the music. RULES: NO Godmodding. Keep it PG-13 with any potential romance, violence, or language. Be nice. Do some research and use your imagination. Have fun! To prove you’ve read the details and rules, tell me your current favorite song. You have a variety of genres to choose from. Like I said, use your imagination. Or, if you’re up for it, you can even be a type of Noise! Here is the character sheet! Mains Hum will have a sheet later. CHARACTER SHEET Name: Age: Gender: Genre: (If they are an amalgamation, specify if it is.) (For Noise) Noise Type: Appearance: Instrument / Weapon(s) [if any.]: Personality/Attitude: Skills/Talents/Abilities: Favourites/Likes: Most Hated/Dislikes: Goals/Ambitions: Strengths: Weaknesses: Fears: Hobbies/Interests: Religion/Beliefs: Occupation (If any): Theme Song (Optional): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are my sheets. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RESERVED GENRES: -VGM(Aqua7KH) -Chant and Techno (Stardustblade358) -Baroque (Become) ​-New Age (Kingdom Key D)
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