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  1. Hi, everyone. Vaude here with a new roleplay that I hope everyone will enjoy. There will be action. There will be romance. But, chiefly, there will be cooperation. This roleplay takes place as two parts: within a safe haven where you can discuss things with your fellows and test your unique strengths in arena matches, and within the multi-universal worlds where you combat creatures both sentient and animal with your fellows. Your purpose is unknown, but staying inside the safe haven without doing anything for too long (three weeks) causes you to disappear. With every disappearance, however, there is a new appearance. Another unlucky, or lucky, person is brought to this safe haven, again with unique abilities that can help his or her comrades. You must fight or at the very least assist to survive. You are given food, shelter, robotic assistants that rebuild themselves, and ample amounts of time to improve yourselves and others, but you must prove useful to your community or risk being removed. Three weeks is your allotted time before you must visit the many worlds that lay outside the gate to this sanctuary. A job board will be provided in this RP to give people adventures and, thus, fun. They are rated along the following tier system from lowest and least difficult to highest and most difficult: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Alexandrium. Go as a group for the more difficult tiers, unless you like a challenge. Your imagination is the only limit when fighting enemies. Be as powerful as you'd like. MAP OF THE HAVEN: RULES: JOB BOARD / QUEST LIST: SHOP LIST: CHARACTER CREATION (for both new and active players): CHARACTERS CURRENTLY ACTIVE: CHARACTERS RETIRED: THE MAIN AND SUB STORIES THUS FAR: [[Edit on 9/14/18: Added age and race to the character sheet as optional possibilities. Made tweaks to powers and weapons. Added the rule of having two characters at most. Added a directory to existing characters. Edit on 9/15/18: Finalised name for the RP and was changed on 9/18/18. Edit on 10/21/18: Edited links for characters due to server transition and appended the job board. Edit on 2/6/19: Changed layout and added shop list. Edit on 4/29/19: Changed layout due to lack of working spoiler labels and made "CHARACTERS RETIRED" list. Edit on 5/19/19: Added titles for quests which were removed by the renovation of the site. Added "THE MAIN AND SUB STORIES THUS FAR" blurb.]]
  2. Welcome to the Haven, a place where peoples of all kinds have been gathered chiefly in an effort of universal survival. Within its thick metallic walls lies a promising hive of individuals who have experienced much in their young (and seldom old) lives. At the entrance lies a gate leading to nine discovered worlds, programmed to open to call beads as well as voice commands for the Haven's inhabitants, but in those worlds are as many promises of survival as deadly threats. Discoveries occur very frequently, but death is common to those unprepared for the dangers that lie beyond. Fifty-seven individuals exist in Haven now, and with every death another individual is brought in to take their place, sometimes ripped from another world unwillingly, and in rarer cases willingly. The wish for greatness, for adventure, for fame, and for glory--to the strong having this wish, often a choice is given, and if it is accepted they are brought to Haven. Job postings are issued from the higher-ups to deal with the situations. No one currently alive in Haven has seen a higher-up, but they speak through the automated machines that work alongside the fifty-seven, and provide free food, drink, and services. The job postings range from matters of low importance and danger to profound importance and danger, and parties are designated to seek out and complete these missions. While Haven is a paradise in and of itself, rules are set up to prevent stagnancy, and rewards of high caliber are given to those who complete job postings. The rules are as follows: 1.) Those who do not work outside of Haven will disappear in three weeks until they do so. 2.) Those who betray their allies unto death will not be suffered to live. 3.) Those who seek vengeance upon another must combat through words or the arena. Open fights within Haven are punished severely. With this introduction in mind, this story begins with the death of a party of six assigned to an Alexandrium-class quest. The job still lies open, but six fresh-faced individuals have been reborn as inhabitants of Haven. You may be among them or one who has been there longer. Now, let the adventure begin. ~~~~~ A public announcement was broadbanded through every speaker in every room about the deaths of six great adventurers in Haven that day. The elegant berserker Harold Ironfang, the proud druid Grindra Ulfrichter, the timid rogue Kimball Oakfast, the heaven-sent pugilist Ilyana Ivory, the metal-shaping sorcerer Roderick Corrin, and the all-fair cleric Isabel Clearwater all lost their lives to the most important job Haven had to offer, a job that was thought to be one only for them. Now the greatest known evils of the multiverse lay uncontested, and six newcomers were spat out into their respective rooms, awaiting retrieval. Those who were new typically had their stomach lurch from the dimensional shift, and they vomit onto the wooden floors. Some of the folks who already were in Haven come to accept them. The others are allowed to mourn their fallen brothers and sisters in arms. Pang was in mourning still, saddened by the deaths of three friends he trusted dearly. His white-furred tail drooped as he looked down at the floor, but he dried his tears as he headed down the extensive halls of Haven. Numbers on the holoscreens at every door indicated where new arrivals could be found, and he was aiming for Room Number 44. Who was this newcomer going to be? What was he or she going to be like? He had no idea, but he hoped that seeing their senses of wonder, excitement, eagerness, or all of the above would cheer him up.
  3. Cobica smiled to himself as he sauntered alongside the other Sins, hands held behind his head. King Ultime, as their first mission, had ordered them to go to the Camelot-Liones border where the incident yesterday had occurred. Rumor had it that Camelot forces were gathering along the border, and their job was to confirm whether or not this was the case, report back, or, should they attack, defend the border until actual defenses could be set up. Now, Cobica did not particularly care about whether or not Liones fell. But they said they'd execute him (or try to at least) if he didn't join this group and complete these missions or whatever. Besides, might be fun. If his lifespan was going to be this long, he might as well at least try to have some fun with it. And maybe Camelot would have some nice things. Cobica liked nice things. He glanced towards Wrath (he hadn't memorized everybody's actual names yet), who seemed the most uptight and actually in control of them all. "How much longer till we get there Anger?" He asked playfully, mock yawning. "I might drop from exhaustion at this point. And if I just pass out, then the rest of you guys will stand no chance when the fighting actually starts." Cobica continued, attempting to drum up some kind of response. The journey thus far had been incredibly quiet. Cobica wasn't much a fan of quiet.
  4. Helloooooooo, friends. :lol: I'm back again with another interest check and I promise that this premise will actually be interesting this time. I've been kicking around this idea for a bit and I think it's finally ready to show off and see if I can garner an audience. Either that or it's shit, but hey, that's why we're here to test it out. :tongue: Without further ado, cue the synopsis that I totally didn't think up off the top of my head in less than five minutes!!~ The world is a wondrous place, isn't it? This, our world filled with imagination and excitement... connected by the force of Light and the strength our Hearts. Where humans and animals, knights and magicians, fairies and spirits, and all other beings of all shapes and sizes live in harmony. Truly, this is paradise. But there is still such a thing as "trouble in paradise" after all. Where there is Light, there is Darkness. Where there is Darkness, there lies those who have no Heart... those who are Heartless. Those who will do anything to destroy the Light and take the Hearts away, who thrive in conflict. In treachery. In war. So you might ask yourself: how can I, a follower of the Light, do what I can to protect what I hold dear? Am I really that capable of becoming the beacon of hope in which the Light will shine through upon those who wish to bathe our world in complete and utter Darkness? And the answer is... yes. You can. -- PLEASE OPEN -- And there we go. Seems simple enough right? ... okay, maybe not. Let me shed some more light on the situation then, heh heh-okay fine, I said "light" too many times... As the premise should have hinted at, this is an alternate universe take on Kingdom Hearts that has a Keyblade academy in it... I didn't say it was original, alright? :lol: There's more to it though: every world that we know in the Kingdom Hearts plane of existence is not separated into various worlds that require a spaceship made out of Lego blocks to enter through (barring the ones I don't like or make up for the purposes of fanservice) They're all connected into one single world, kinda what we imagine the universe was like before the events of the games in the "Age of Fairy Tales". And in this realm, the place we know as Daybreak Town is the central hub where all the original characters live... well, most of them. There's some secrets here and there that I don't want to spoil just yet. But to make things easy, here's all you need to know: AU, Academy, make your own student, make your own Keyblade with your abilities and junk, and embark on an adventure where all the worlds are connected from the start and feature characters that were introduced after we knew the worlds were disconnected i.e. Mickey Mouse. So don't be surprised if you see a certain protagonist crop up and be one of your classmates as well as a few other students that you might know from different time periods... Sooooo, that's it. Please let me know what you think below. Stay frosty-oh wait, I'm a fire guy... uh... flaming? Wait, that doesn't work either... just comment, dammit!
  5. Ahoy, motherf*ckers! So, I've been fiddling around with this idea for a while now. It's especially come to an head recently as I am still on my seemingly endless quest to catch up with the One Piece anime. (Still about 300 episodes to go, if you're wondering... yaaay...) But yeah, a One Piece RP is just something I thought would be fun to do. I actually tried doing something like this a while back when I randomly made a sign-ups thread for a OP crossover with DragonBall and Naruto but... in hindsight, I realized that maybe that wasn't such a good idea, at least in terms of how I went about it. This is a lot more simplistic, let's say. If you're wondering what I have in mind for a story... well, I have a couple of ideas, but nothing set in stone. This is an interest check in the most bluntest of ways as I'm just seeing how many role-players are in fact also One Piece fans or at least interested in the sort of thing a OP RP would provide before setting things in stone. It's just a regular precaution I take with most of my RPs because well, why go through the trouble of building your set-up if nobody cares, right? Still, in any case, here's what you can expect: you'll be a pirate, have your own nickname and bounty, assign yourself either a Devil Fruit power or any other type of unique fighting style, and you'll join a completely original crew with your own role. I of course will be the captain, but hey, that's a given. Of course any of this might change once I start getting the wheels turning, but there you go. So yeah, anybody who likes One Piece and roleplaying, lend me your ear. And even if you're a roleplayer who's not really into One Piece, I encourage you to at least give it a try. It's a very diverse and fun environment to put yourself in and you might find some enjoyment out of it regardless.
  6. Update Log: >>>As of 1/6/15 at 1:40am Central US Time, this page has surpassed 1,500 views!!! But I'm pretty sure 1,499 of those are from me Thank you for the views!<<< >>>As of 2/5/15, the view counter was reset! On the bright side, at least now it gives a realistic view of how many people frequent this page. -This RP Guide has been mentioned on the Timeline! Yay! -Fast Link to Roleplay Character Repository Thread here If you want to see the basic rules for forum interactions/Roleplaying, click here! Need to rant and want your voice to be heard? Or, want to find out how not to RP? Want to find out why this guide is here in the first place? Head on over to this other guide to find out!!!! This post‘s intention is to serve as a very generic and basic assisting reference guide to text-based roleplays [Whether or not this will be on the same level as GURPS (Generic Universal Role-Playing System), well I hope it doesn't reach that level...] and is not, by any means, a hard-line 'rule book' that should be followed to a tee... With this in mind however, this post does intend to address many common issues found in text based, online roleplaying in a manner so as to not piss off both established and new-coming roleplayers here on the site [otherwise, I would have done this in that other thread...] Text-based online roleplays can be a fun and exciting way to not only burn time [anything to take your mind of that math homework right in front of you, amirite?], but also make new friends, develop your writing techniques [by being critical of your own handiwork and/or analyzing other people’s writing style] and gives you an opportunity to add your own twists and plot-points into an ever expanding story. This guide is not just about giving new roleplayers an idea on how RPs work, but can also be used by veteran roleplayers to help refine their techniques and can also give everyone involved new ideas and facets for RP development that will help contribute to the overall story. Now I know what you’re all thinking: Who the kupo does this guy think he is for making a guide for roleplaying? I can roleplay better than this nutjob! Well… Hear me out on this. I've been involved with several roleplays here on this site and in reality. Yes, I’m talking Dungeons and Dragons, and I've been playing many different types of it, including: Star Wars RPG [Pilot; Edge of the Empire], a classic medieval RPG [Paladin; Dungeon World], and Warhammer 40k [Heavy Gunner, Only War] just to name a few. Mind you, this user doesn't necessarily have that vaunted ‘holier than thou’ mindset [ok maybe a little...], but rather wanted to share the knowledge of basic RPing that isn't covered by THE grand-mack-daddy-master site administrator DChiuch, former roleplayer Kaiso, and veteran roleplayer Silver Kuroi, and wants a little more direction on how to roleplay without having to pay like $59.99 for a general rule book and needing several 20 sided dices to determine what happens next. This guide can be relevant only if the community [you] contributes to it and actually reads it lolwut. If you have a bone to pick with this guide, have any suggestions on how to improve this guide, have a great example to replace the ones that are used to demonstrate some RP concepts, or have general pointers/questions/personal methods that you wouldn't mind sharing with the community, please post on this thread! I'll be sure to credit/respond to you and/or the references suggested if it ends up being used within this guide. General Rules for Online, text-based Forum Thread Roleplays: Subscribe to the thread. This allows everyone to be notified when there’s a new post in the RP, and reminds players that they’re involved in that roleplay to begin with. Not a hard rule, but really handy: Have the initial sign-ups thread also be the out-of-character/roleplay thread [OOC Thread]. This prevents players from filling up the main roleplay with garbage posts and allows discussions of the RP in another dedicated thread instead of within the main one. Create the actual RP as a separate, new thread. Not exactly a rule but a suggestion: Type out your posts in third person. Afterall, an RP is like weaving a story, but with more people involved. Always be involved within the roleplay! A surefire way to sink a good roleplay is by having either the players or the host not post within the RP. If some players are no longer interested in participating or cannot post for any variety of circumstances, kindly let everyone in the RP know so the creator of the RP can off the characters and continue the story. If the creator no longer wishes to participate in their own roleplay say what now?, then sorry to say but the RP is as good as dead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do You Want to Make A Roleplay? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RolePlay Mechanics (I know what you're thinking... No, not those hot hunks with monkey wrenches and blue overalls that's looking at you seductively. Sorry to disappoint you.) [Please note that you don't have to read it all. It's divided into sub-sections for a raison. Stop yelling at me! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ ] The Fundamentals: Character Creation: Heroes and Villains Character Creation: Characteristics, Skill Statistics, Specializations, and Morality [The Nitty-Gritty Stuff...] Assembling and Maintaining the Storyline Using Character Descriptors to Influence the Plot World Building Getting to Know Your NPCs Getting to Know Your NPCs: The Shopkeepers: Acquiring Items and Other Stuff Within an RP Making Enemies/Random Encounters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roleplaying Making a Good Roleplay Post: Length vs Quality and Character Immersion Player Interactions: Dialogue and Control Adding Character Depth through Actions or Thoughts Character Development Arc: General Character Development Arc: Relationships Character Development Arc: Death lolwut? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battles For Text-based, online roleplays, the focus should be more on the story-telling aspect of it, like painting the scenery, and hearing about the player character's struggles and triumphs over their challenges within the RP. But lets face it: Fights and all out battles are gonna happen sooner or later (it wouldn't be fun without it). Special Note for RP Hosts Against Players Combat: The Basics Combat: Advanced Combat: Etiquette Combat: Damage Combat Scenario: Player vs. Player/Host Combat Scenario: Player NPCs vs. Host/Player NPCs Remember, roleplaying is more than just about how descriptively awesome someone can destroy their enemy. It's about interacting with others in a fun, exciting way on a familiar realm as everyone involved weaves their own story into a much greater one. If pulled off correctly, the results is nothing short of spectacular, where everyone involved will walk away awestruck at the thought that they were involved, and participated in, a fantastical tale of possibly epic proportions. Or not, depending on how good of a story-writer the Host is… Hope this guide helps!!! Again, if you have any ideas/suggestion to help improve this guide, or would like to suggest example posts by roleplayers here that would perfectly showcase some concepts, post on this thread and I’ll see what I can do! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’ll see you on the other side.” ~ Roleplay Character: Zero-Four. Kairi's Nocturnal Guardian.
  7. || INTRODUCTION || The layout of a large school campus decorated with skulls and other gothic architecture is showcased as an unidentified voice speaks: "Shinigami Buki Shokunin Senmon Gakkō... or in simple terms: 'Shibusen'. Though regarded as a powerful organization, its more well-known purpose is as a school, where young hopefuls who have been gifted with the power of transforming in the Death Weapons may come to learn how to control their powers and partner with Meisters, those who can utilize their weapon forms." The voice is slowly revealed to belong to a young boy with black and white-striped hair, wearing a black cloak and standing directly in the center of the main entrance of the school facing the arduous stone staircase in front. "Most students attend simply for the chance to better themselves through their knowledge of Meister and Weapon capabilities, but others are assigned specifically as combatants who protect the world from the dangers of Madness by collecting the souls of evil beings. There was also a policy where Death Weapons could transform themselves into a special blade called a "Death Scythe" if the Weapon and Meister pair could collect 99 souls and the soul of a witch, but due to recent events, this has been abolished. I would go into further detail, but it is quite a long story really..." "Uh, Kid, could you hurry this up, this is getting kinda boring," said a young woman standing a few steps from the boy's right. "Yeah, nobody wants to sit through this stuff, they just wanna get to the action!" said another young woman standing a few steps from the boy's left. "Liz, Patty, I've already told you, this information has to be present so that nobody gets confused..." Kid said, at first speaking firmly but then growing noticeably irritated. "And anyways, why is that you two are off position again? This speech can't be right unless you stand at least 3 inches at both of my sides!" "Alright, alright, yeesh!" Said the woman on the right, moving into position. "Whoopsie! Sorry Kid!" Said the woman ont he left, doing the same. After dusting off his coat, Kid began speaking once more: "Now then: the world as we know may be living in a period of peace ever since the defeat of the Kishin and the truce made between Shibusen and the Witch Order, but there will always be new challenges that arise for the world, and the existence of Madness is eternal in the hearts of even the purest person." Kid raised his arms up as the two girls transformed into a pair of guns and fell into his hands. "However, the biggest question is: are you ready to undertake such a challenge? If the answer is yes..." Kid spun the the two guns in his hands and pointed them both towards his front. "Then let's get busy," he finished, grinning. - - - - - || "SPARTOI INITIATION" Arc -- START || A typical, brisk afternoon of training, learning and fighting arose for the students of Shibusen's EAT Class, and all seemed to be going exactly as they always did as the students settled down for the next class with their usual teacher Marie Mjölnir. However, after settling into their seats, they noticed that their teacher Marie was running late. Before many could ponder the reasoning for this, they were interrupted by the sound of what seemed like the screeching of wheels on a wood surface, and through the door came the source: a gray, heavily stitched man with a giant screw in his head riding an rolling chair backwards only to promptly hit his wheels on the edge of the front door and fall directly onto his butt. The man said nothing, proceeded to enter the door in the same fashion once more. Though the students were familiar with the man in question, as well as his chair antics, most of them could not help but blankly stare at the man in both unimpressed confusion. He, of course, was Frank N. Stein, one of the best Meisters to ever graduate from Shibusen and a semi-active teacher and direct affiliate to the headmaster Lord Death, while also being regarded as an overall oddball for his eccentric and downright horrifying obsession for experimentation. After repeating his folly, Stein quickly got back on the chair and rolled down towards the teacher's desk, adjusting the glare of his glasses while also cranking the screw lodged into his cranium. "Good afternoon class. For today's lesson, I will be stepping in as your instructor in place of Miss Mjölnir." Various mutters from the desks emerged, some merely surprised by Stein's appearance and others now frightened at the possibility of Stein making them dissect another endangered animal as he regularly did for his impromptu lessons. "I'm sure you're all wondering why, so I'll let you know right away: this lesson isn't going to be part of your regular curriculum. Instead, it is going to be centered around a very important aspect of Shibusen's structure, something we like to call... 'Spartoi'." Even more murmurs arose, but none of them were laced with fear, and instead all were composed of pure wonder and excitement. One such student, bearing a head of white-hair and a scar across his right eye, grinned feverishly at the words of his teacher. Spartoi, huh? This is perfect. Looks like all my years in the Academy are gonna pay off in the biggest way possible... he thought. "Spartoi? I don't think I've heard about that," said a girl sitting right next to the white haired boy, who chuckled at her response. "Doesn't surprise me. You were probably too busy practicing some silly ball-lut act," he said. "It is called ballet, Shiyu, and it's an important aspect of my choreography," the girl huffed. "So what is Spartoi anyway?" "Only one of Lord Death's biggest faction of Meisters and Death Weapons from the EAT class, assembled directly for the purpose of taking on high-risk missions of utmost importance for the entire world. That same group had Lord Death himself at the helm, as well as his partner Mr. Evans and the rest of their classmates, including the Thompson Twins, Tsubaki Natsukasa, Maka Albarn, and my personal favorite, Black☆Star, the Warrior God." "Wait, really? Wow, that is impressive. Ah, to imagine Lord Death in his prime, fighting alongside such other accomplished people. It must have been absolutely dazzling," the girl said, posturing herself as if she was going to break into song.
  8. I was wanting to see if some people would want to start a Pokemon RP that would work with a dice rolling system. I would be the DM and all I would need is 3 players Not including myself), No more no less. The story would take place in Kanto and basically follow red/blue (fire red, leaf green) events. But it will be different; the player will have more choices and alternative routes available. I will be constructing a map for dungeons that will be available in some shops. Which may result in a blind walk through your first time thru or maybe you can be prepared. I want player's who are creative and can come up with some clever ideas for what their character may do. If you want to know more just ask.
  9. Once, long ago, the Gods helped the world. They often visited from their home above the clouds to interact with the Elves, Humans, and Greys that lived short and fragile lives on the surface. They helped them develop into their very first villages and cities and nations. There were the Elves, regal and graceful, one with nature, that lived in the deep forests of the east. They built their lifestyles to revolve around the planet, harmony being the core principle. Elves with their attunement to the world, developed a natural skill for magic. The Gods loved the Elves because of their harmonious nature, and their wish to protect the planet on which they all lived. The Greys on the other hand, lived in the fiery lava fields of the south, inhospitable to the other races, but pleasantly warm for the Greys. The Greys were a people bound by war. They lived separated, loyal to their clan. They were battle-hungry and blood-thirsty, almost all obsessed with the idea of getting stronger. The Clans often warred with each other for pure enjoyment. The Greys are an incredible people, naturally stronger than the other races. The Gods loved the Greys because of the bold and prideful way they acted. Humans are the most common. They have a thirst for exploration, a natural curiosity. They rapidly filled the rest of the world, adapting to each surrounding with no problem, filling the tropical west, the central plains, and the freezing north. Humans are naturally skilled with their hands, being the best craftsmen as well as the best adventurers due to their instinctual exploring tendencies. Humans are incredibly varied as well, coming in all shapes, sizes and colors. The Gods loved the Humans because of their variety and pluck. For hundreds of years, the Gods have been nearly non-existent in the world. They so rarely interacted with the inhabitants of the world that they were often thought of as legends. The Gods were disconnected. The only ones that continued the ancient tradition of fervent god-worshipping were the Dalians of the West. Technology and civilization advanced to new states without the Gods, and all thought that we no longer needed them. Even elderly elves who remembered still the time of Gods decided that the world had been abandoned, and that there was no point to looking up to them any longer. The races rarely interacted, keeping to themselves mostly. Three individual nations of humans formed, the Imperial Xha of the Northern Plains, the Dalians of the Western Coast, and the Kingdom of Kele of the Central Desert. The world did not stop for the gods. But now that has changed. Two years ago, the gods came back in a sudden and furious way, that of the warpath. They swiftly conquered Xha, the whole empire falling in just a few days. Soon after that, revolutions spread across the whole world. The Dalians, joyful that their gods had returned, swiftly turned the leading of their government and forces over to Dayben, the King of the Gods. The country from thenceforth became known as the Theocracy of Dayben. The King of Kele was assassinated by his brother, Aleksandr, and the heir Nikolai was forced out. Soon afterwards Aleksandr essentially allowed Dayben full authority, though Aleksandr was left in his position. The Greys in their warlike clans could not be so easily crushed. But regardless, clan after clan fell to the infinitely more powerful gods. The Greys were enslaved and put into labor camps for no other reason than to crush their rebellious spirits. Only the most powerful clans remain unsubjugated, and there are whispers of a demonic cave that might provide the answers that they need. The Elves had already been embroiled in a time of terrible political tension, and it took only a few whispers and some strategic moves and the Elves were all at each others throats, divided into factions of rebels led by Vey and traditionalists led by Queen Trisn. The elderly elf Shub has been making efforts to convince them that they are fighting for no reason, but has had no luck yet. ~The Beginning~ The ruins of Xha echo with the past splendor. Rats scurry underneath some debris. High above, flying through the sky, three young Gods are laughing and enjoying themselves. One shoots a bolt of fire at some vermin that didn't quite crawl fast enough. Roast rat baked on the unmaintained road as the God whooped and did a loop in celebration. When he returned to their level, he high-fived his two friends. A young girl looks out from the shadows. Her mother had gone away to go get some food, and told her to stay put. If she stayed quiet and in the dark, she could maybe, just maybe, stay unnoticed. Unfortunately for her, Hak was a Goddess who happened to enjoy the power of incredible senses, and as soon as she got over celebrating Infern's hot shot, she took notice of the little girl. She smiled easily, and called down below. "Little girl! Why hide from us! We mean no harm!" But her tone was malicious, and she could scarcely keep the laugh from leaking out. Infern and Iuit, her other companion, had no self control, and upon spotting the cowering girl burst out laughing. Humans were pathetic. The girl, not knowing what to do, but certain that if she didn't do something she'd be like that rat, hesitated for several seconds before bolting. "Awh! Come on! We just wanted to offer you some cookies!" Infern called out. Iuit snickered as the three Gods pursued the girl, very slowly. If they wanted to, she'd be very easy to catch. Infern lazily tossed a bolt of flame that shot past the girl and landed a few feet in front of her to her left. ~~ King Aleksandr was having a feast for his loyal subject. The royal was older, in his late forties at least. He had a stylish and well trimmed beard and mustache, and close cropped hair. It was still dark, but streaks of grey could be seen if one looked hard enough. Still, Aleksandr seemed happy enough to float an entire continent upon his head. He had everything he'd ever wanted. The Kingdom of Kele was finally his, torn from his half brother, who'd been named heir rather trivially in Aleksandr's mind. It had been years since he'd gotten his throne, and though the Gods still toiled in the Elven Woods and Grey lands, Aleksandr was confident it would not be long before all the world was under their control. And loyal subjects like him would continue to be rewarded. A few Gods were by his side now, behind him, their use as bodyguards never going challenged. They were after all the strongest. How else would they have taken over the world like they did. Guests continued to pour into the ballroom. He'd opened it up a bit more liberally this time. Some of the more middle class had been allowed to seat their poor bodies among better company. Aleksandr saw it as generous, and many of the merchants who saw it as a chance to get higher in the world did too. Things were set to go well. Maybe... ~~ A volcano erupted a few miles off as Gods and Greys collided on the field of battle once more. This eruption was slow, not violent. Lava would leak down here, but slowly. Certainly enough time for a victor to come about. The Greys had been caught off guard, and the once mighty Fire Clan was now falling one by one to the incredible power and vitality of the Gods. Off in the distance, some of the imprisoned, beaten and abused Greys craned their necks to get a good look at the battle, praying to something, obviously not the Gods, that the Fire Clan might find some savior, or something that could help turn the tides of this battle. ~~ In a bustling part of the canopy near the Capital, a few Elves wandered inside a particular building. This particular building just happened to be the Treasury of the Realm, a place where much of the money that funded Trisn's campaign and kingdom. And well, these few elves happened to not have the best intentions for this building. They split up as they came inside, and unknown to everyone else, they all had masks and weapons stowed beneath their cloaks. This strike might hurt innocents, but it was more important that Trisn be hurt. The Elves that had entered this building had entered knowing that. Though, one man, by the name of Fierro, was beginning to doubt himself. There were so many people milling about... Could he really put them in harm's way for his cause? He'd liked Trisn once upon a time. Things had changed oh so drastically. But this was the way things were. Now that each of the infiltrators were in their positions. One pulled a gun from their breast pocket. It wasn't very useful, being a gun and all, but it was incredibly intimidating. The explosion that rung out when the Elf, this one by the name of Mack, pulled the trigger caused immediate chaos. It escalated further when the gifted mage of the party, Phato, locked down the entrance with a massive ice wall spell, crying out "Glacius Barrio!" as the smell of frost began to permeate through the air. Mack smiled, and began to call out over the commotion. "If you would all calm down, it would be much easier to keep things under control, and prevent any accidents. We don't want to harm any of you. All we want is to take down this building. We have a plan, and if any of you would like to join us, stand now and walk to us. If any of you would like to stand in our way, raise your hands so we know who to look out for." The elf yelled, demanding attention from everyone. His tone was arrogant. He knew his cause was righteous, and as long as that was true, they could not fail. Right? ~~ This is the state of the world. Make your place in it.
  10. (Note: This RP is a reboot of an older RP idea that has been given a go a few times now. No prior knowledge of the past iterations will be needed, and I encourage new people to join in this roleplay if they would like to! The same goes for everyone that was in it before: let's make this the attempt that we can conclude!) In the past, a battle was waged between the seven Guardians of Light and the thirteen Guardians of Darkness. This battle would determine the fate of the many worlds and their inhabitants. In the end, the Guardians of Light were victorious, vanquishing the threat against the worlds and restoring peace. After this battle, it was decided that future generations of Keyblade wielders would be trained in order to defend this peace. While some Masters trained their own pupils privately, others formed schools to train larger groups of wielders in a diverse array of combat styles. These schools, known as Keyblade Academies, were founded in a few different worlds. One in particular, the Radiant Garden branch, was governed by Masters Sora and Riku. It is here that our story begins… While the peace brought about by Sora and the others lasted some time, it began to be threatened years after the establishment of the academies. A group of warriors that harbored a deep hatred for the darkness had formed far from the reaches of the Masters. This organization, the Seekers of Light, planned an attack against the Keyblade Academies. On one night, they launched the first of their attacks on Radiant Garden... Rules/Additional Information: 1. No godmodding or controlling anyone else's character(s). This will result in a warning, or potentially an immediate removal from the RP. 2. I have a limit of up to two characters for each participant. If you only want to create one character, that's also fine, of course! Exceptions might be made based on the situation. 3. Please keep content in this RP at a PG-13 rating. If you have any questions about the content of your post, feel free to ask me ahead of time! 4. Please use a character that fits the universe well. A character with ties to a Square Enix or Disney series is fine, but please avoid bringing in a character or major references to something outside of those categories. 4. While I intend for everyone to make a hero character, I will allow a few people to make members of the Seekers of Light as well. However, this will be limited, and I will probably be more strict about these characters. If you'd like to make a villain, send me the sheet in PM. I will make an announcement when we have enough members in this category. 6. If you go too long without posting, I may give a warning. I understand if you are busy and forget to post (I often fall into that same boat), but if you know you will be busy ahead of time, please let me know so we can figure out what to do with your character while you can't post. 7. As the host, I will inform anyone if they do something against the rules. Also, Sabre Lily is the co-host, and as such, he is also allowed to give warnings. Character sheet: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Bio: Keyblade: Spell: (Up to two at the start; an advanced level spell ( Fira, Cura, etc.) counts as an additional spell) Light/Dark: (Which element does your character use in battle?) My sheets: Name: Indy Caelum Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Face and build: Clothing: He typically wears a red jacket with a blue shirt underneath, and blue jeans. Bio: Indy was born and raised in Radiant Garden, along with his twin sister, Allitt. At a young age, it was discovered that the two could summon and use a Keyblade in battle. As a result of this, they found the Radiant Garden Keyblade Academy and trained there. The two were incredibly gifted with their new weapons, although Indy was typically more serious about studying and training than his sister was. Despite making a few friends in his classes, he still spent a lot of time with his sister. However, he eventually noticed that the two were getting more distant. Allitt seemed to have developed a distaste for darkness, which somewhat upset her brother. Eventually, this drove her to leave the academy to join a rogue group of warriors fighting the dark. Indy attempted to stop her, but failed horribly. He blamed himself for being unable to stop her, and since then, ended up being much more serious about improving in his skills. He desired to go travel the worlds in order to find his sister once again, hoping he could bring her back to the academy... Keyblade: Indy wields the Burning Ambition, a keyblade with length similar to the Kingdom Key. The guard and teeth are red, while the shaft is black. The teeth are shaped like flames. This Keyblade allows for greater offensive power. Spells: Fire and Aero Light/Dark: Dark
  11. Many years ago, a young man by the name of Io was out and about, digging for gold. As he dug, he discovers a mystrious orb enaminating with power. Upon contact with the mysterious mineral, Io gained godlike powers and was gifted with slight immortallity. But at the same time, the orb knawed away at his light, causing him to become insane. Throughout the centuries, he has been living in secrecy while eliminating people who he views as worthless and inferior. In response to this bloodshed, an alliance called S.W.O.R.D. assembles and begins searching for powerful individuals to put an end to Io's wrath. A young man named Jynn Venas, undergoes extensive training and has been assigned to recruit more warriors to help him defeat Io, and to retrieve the mysterious orb. But unfortunately, Io has began growing a team to eliminate all humans (or any race with human-like intelligence) from the world. Rules -All KH13 RP rules apply here -No god modding, the villain is not a god, so there is no need for a divine entity -Do not dominate the plot -No auto hitting or mass slaughter -Romance and different sexualities are allowed in this RP, but keep it PG13 -You may use characters from other KH13 RPs, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Disney if you wish -Have fun Character Sheet Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Weapon(s): Powers (If any): Personality: Bio: Here's my first character. Name: Jynn Venas Gender: Male Age: 21 Appearance: Stands 5'8" with brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a black short sleeved hoodie with white lining, black gauntlets with the fingers covered. He also wears brown breeches with black tall boots. He finally wears a black waist cape with white lining that drapes around his right leg. Weapon(s): Wields a long katana that is flowing with power. The most dangerous feature of this sword is the fact that when fully charged, the blade separates from the base, causing so much friction that the blade gains lightsaber-like sharpness. This effect only lasts a few minutes and takes hours to charge. He also carries a revolver that can fire magic projectiles and ordinary bullets. Powers (If any): Can command heat based attacks (fire, thunder, and light) with amazing efficiency and at will. He is able to fire projectiles from his hands, forge a wide variety of weapons with his powers, and has some immunity to fire, thunder, and light attacks. When enraged, his powers multiply. So much so that all his powers are converted to darkness. But due to this incredible increase of his powers, this mode wears out quickly. Personality: Intelligent, brave, kind, selfless, determined, fearless Bio: Jynn was born to a wealthy family and lived happily with them until he turned 5. Unfortunately, his happiness was destroyed when Io killed his parents, and he was left in his own accord. A few days after the incident, the director of SWORD finds the helpless boy and takes him in. It turns out that Jynn has a lot of potential into stopping the evil Io, and he began his harsh training. Thankfully, training was over when he turned 19, thanks to his ability to learn fast. Will he accomplish his goal? Anyone who wishes to play as Io must PM me the next day or two so I can give you some of his details.
  12. Many years ago, a young man by the name of Io was out and about, digging for gold. As he dug, he discovers a mystrious orb enaminating with power. Upon contact with the mysterious mineral, Io gained godlike powers and was gifted with slight immortallity. But at the same time, the orb knawed away at his light, causing him to become insane. Throughout the centuries, he has been living in secrecy while eliminating people who he views as worthless and inferior. In response to this bloodshed, an alliance called S.W.O.R.D. assembles and begins searching for powerful individuals to put an end to Io's wrath. A young man named Jynn Venas, undergoes extensive training and has been assigned to recruit more warriors to help him defeat Io, and to retrieve the mysterious orb. But unfortunately, Io has began growing a team to eliminate all humans (or any race with human-like intelligence) from the world. S.W.O.R.D has sent Jynn to search for the new recruits and return them to the S.W.O.R.D stronghold for further instructions. (I'm just starting the RP thread, I'll post for my characters after work.)
  13. Welcome to the official Pokémon: Region of Darkness RP thread! If you wish to participate in this RP but are not signed up yet, click here to get to the Sign Ups. Sides Team Valor Jynn Venas (Founder/Leader) Utopia Electra Selene Alana Ray Team Yami Quirinus (Leader) Team Yami Grunts Noirtier Bonheur Kai Gervais Regulator Dawn Neutral James Rainfall Spark Aaron Lexy Locations and Map Traverse City (Green Square) The main hub city of Team Valor Susista City (Pink Square) A city that holds a lot of battle competitions Pyro Town (Grey Dot) A small town that is known for mining coal and other minerals Ernesto City (White Square) A city that is a prime target for Team Yami's goal Timeless Ruins (Purple Dot) An old destroyed castle that seems to slow down time in the area, could it be a Pokémon? Maelstrom Cave (Yellow Dot) A cave that is sometimes visited by Kyogre and Groudon The Badlands (Red Dot) A desert that constantly has strong sandstorms. Team Yami's base is located here Tamara Pokémon League (Red Square) No comment necessary In the region of Tamara, Pokémon and their trainers lived in perfect harmony together. There was nothing that was bad enough to disturb the peace, until a bunch of very shady individuals called Team Yami formed. They were a bunch of power-hungry beings that wish to rule the region. Their leader, Quirinus, wishes to figure out how to control the power of Primal Evolution in legendary Pokémon, and use them to inflict fear into civilians until they submit to Team Yami. In response, the Tamara region's Champion, Jynn, assembles a group of powerful Pokémon trainers called Team Valor. Team Valor's goal is to drive Team Yami out of the region. Currently, Jynn has called for a meeting with the new recruits in Traverse City, while Quirinus is back in his secret base at the Badlands, discussing his own plans to his grunts.
  14. This roleplay is being hosted by myself and Superior Kunivas. This is the sign-up thread (and yes, we are still accepting new players!), whereas the actual RP thread is here: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/93574-ashes-of-a-fallen-empire-rp/ . Note: we are currently only accepting new players for the Seraphim Order or New Empire. A year has passed since the fall of the Korbenic Empire. A war had been waged between the empire and its rebels, promoted by surrounding territories free from the empire’s reign. The late emperor, Korben, sought to create a world filled with law, rule, and justice, but at the cost of so many lives. Those deemed inferior were slaughtered or experimented upon, and magic by birth was considered a curse rather than a blessing. Elves and those possessing magic were raided and slaughtered, or brought into the imperial labs for experimentation. The world had already been faltering, and it only plummeted further at the development of tanzynite: a chemical substance produced by imperial labs that had the power to sustain one’s life, augment their abilities or create them, or, in some cases of prolonged use, kill. The dawn of the Korbenic Era was one filled with oppression, blood, and poverty; the world cried for this tyrant to reach his demise, a calling to which was answered. Eclaire Tonnerre, ex-general of the Empire, organized and orchestrated the Order of Lux to battle the Korbenic Empire. She was a brave warrior who fought for true peace and justice, wishing to recreate the government into a republic rather than an empire. Unfortunately her army was weakened during the war, and traitors lived within her midst that she was not privy to. Now she resides with a smaller group than before, her kingdom and order being taken over a rebellion follower, Yevgeni Malachite. While the empire had indeed fallen, a new world power came to take its place. Oryx, a god of power, seized the Korbenic Empire and sits upon what once was Korben’s throne, his rule hardly any better than that of the late empire. The war, however, has left the world in ashes, a state worse than it had been before. Langerdon, a city once flourished, now is trying to recover from the war that devastated them a year ago, though they are not succeeding well. You may choose a character from either the New Empire or Yevgeni’s rebellion called The Seraphim Order. There are many races available for you to choose from, though I request that no new divine deities are created to prevent power-creep from occurring. Your world is a dying one filled with chaos after a devastating war, and, while technology was once at its prime in this futuristic era, very little of it is left in working order after the damage that had been done. 1: No Godmodding/Meta-Gaming. This includes controlling another person’s character under ANY circumstances. 2: All KH13 RPing rules are in effect here. 3: There is no character limit, but I would request that you only take as many characters that you feel you can properly handle. 4: If any rules are broken, you will be given a warning. Should you break them again, and under the same violation, you will be asked to leave the RP. 5: Feel free to contribute to the story. This is an RP, after all. : ) However, I would ask that you do not dominate the entire plot or massively change the direction in which all players are going without prior approval. A good example of this would be to make a character use unearthly powers to just terrorize and distract all characters, making their initial goals impossible. This is destructive behavior, and in doing so I will issue you a warning. There’s a difference between contributing to a plot and dominating one. 6: Keep everything PG-13, including violence, romance, language, and all that good stuff. This includes themes as well as explicit content. If it’s something that you won’t see in a PG-13 movie because it’s considered inappropriate in content or visualization, don’t do it. 7: For non-human races, you can pick practically anything you please. Be creative! However, please be mindful of over-powered characters. I’m no longer accepting any new divine deities, as we already have plenty. 8: You may choose from the tanzynite list provided should your character desire them. However, you may request custom tanzynites be made via PM and I shall evaluate them. 9: Auto-hitting and mass slaughter are highly restricted here. Auto-hitting is when your character lands a strike in combat without prior approval from the other player or RP host. Mass slaughter cannot be done on a whim, only if asked for and we shall evaluate. To ensure that you’ve read the rules, please state your favorite color below your character sheet. 10: For those of you who will be continuing with the same characters from Tainted Blood, please copy-paste your character sheet with a revised biography reflecting what happened over the past year, as well as their role in Tainted Blood. I will be more lenient toward existing characters pertaining weapon limits, magic, et cetera, but any new characters must strictly abide by the rules. To show that you've read the rules, please state your favorite color below your character sheet. Tanzynite options (instigator): Tanzynite tonics: Experimental Tanzynite (not for everyone--only one each available, and must receive prior approval before use): Character sheet: Name:
 Side: Race:
 Weapon (limit of two): 
Tanzynite tonics (limit of three):
 Tanzynite Instigators (limit of three--experimental Tanzynite has a limitation of one, and only with prior approval):
 Race abilities (nothing too great or powerful, please: basic enhancements preferable): Magic (if any--I’m not providing any strict limitations, but please don’t have every possible magic available. If I feel your choices are too strong I may ask you to reduce them):
Backstory: World map: New Empire side: Leader is Oryx (Male Ancient Demon God) Yltriss Hyulli (Female Elf Tanzynite User) Dex Marthur (Male Human host to Oryx) Tiriel (immortal Female Fallen Archangel) Zane (Male Zanzia) Zack (Male Zanzia) (KIA) Kinzoku (Female, Human? Metal Mage) Isaac Farbenion (Male Human Tanzynite User) Indy Caelum (Male Human Tanzynite User) Rebellion (The Seraphim Order) side: Leader is Yevgeni Malachite or Yev (Male Human/Angel Tanzynite user with Angelic Magic) Vortludo Prince (Male Human Magical Artifact Wielder) Cobica Quinn (Immortal Male Demon/Angel Hybrid) Ava Peltiere (Female Human Tanzynite user) Yagyu (Female Human Ninja Mage) Jynn Venas (Male Human Mage) Kaspar Ulrich (Male Human Mage/Necromancer) Messiah (Eclaire's small group) side: Leader is Eclaire Tonnerre (Female Human/Succubus Mage) Ciriel (Female Fallen Angel Tanzynite user) Ryonne Neyelmnik (Male Human Tanzynite user/Divine Swordsman) Doctor Julius Verstand or The Doctor (Male Human Monstrumologist) Mikhail Drak (Male Witcher) Gabriel Stross or The mute or Omega (Male Human Mechanical lord) Jeremy Tobias Hunter (Male Human/Angel) Rika Hunter or Chrysalis (Female Human Experimental Tanzynite User/Divine Warrior) Victoria du L'ete or the Goddess of Victory (Immortal Female Minor Goddess) Sasha Valentine (Female Augmented Human) Jadis Sorein (Male Elf Mage) Maxis or Prime (Male? Tenno Ancient Ninja Warrior) Fiora Tonnerre (Female Human Mage) Ace (Male Human Razgriz Air Command Squadron) Edge (Female Human Razgriz Air Command Squadron) Bladedancer (Male Human Razgriz Air Command Squadron) Reaper (Male Human Razgriz Air Command Squadron) Allitt Caelum (Female Human Tanzynite User) Zion de Wynter or Goddess of Light (immortal Female Goddess) Criminal Underworld side: Serves under Oryx (Male Ancient Demon God) Cyler (Male Human Tanzynite User) Die (Male Human Tanzynite user & Leader of the crow's eyes gang) Scherp (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Lan (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Heksen (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Naja (Female Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Kol (Female Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Dark Heart (Female Zanzia 2nd Gen) Sahail (Female Human Gunslinger Mage) Neutral side: No Leader Rufus Contralto or Captain (Male Human Mage) Neena Mors (Female Elf Combat Mage) Henry Hansees (Male Human Dread Lord or dreadnaught) Arian Vondrin or the gust (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Nalia Gallagher (Female Human & part of Orient Trading) Deuce Gallagher (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Garret Reuental or Grim (Male resurrected Human & part of Orient Trading) 
Dorian Bittenfeld or Gray (Male Cursed Human & part of Orient Trading) Johathan Heaton or ghost doctor (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Ariana Cabret (Female Human Experimental Tanzynite user) Keyes (Male Tenno) Rei or Blue Heart (Female Zanzia 1st Gen)
  15. Year: 3XXX Date: December 15th Location: Serenita; an island near the land Arete. In small town called Niphad. An outbreak of ‘Insanity’ has taken a hold of most of the town. Mission: Find a cure, survive, find sanctuary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the distant future on the island of Serenita, the tiny snow-covered town of Niphad has been undergoing a change. First, a little history about Niphad. It is a highly technologically-advanced town, despite it’s size, more so than Arete and the tiny Fiiyavic Isle. It’s home to both humans and various types of androids, and they live in peace and harmony in the town. Following the footsteps of a certain closed-off city in the main land of Arete, scientists had began development of a type of serum to revolutionize the health of both humans and androids. While working, they kept the serum in a large, old container for storage as they worked out the kinks on the samples. However, because the container was old and unstable, it erupted with a loud explosion, and the contained serum spilled out and covered everyone on in that room, the liquid getting into their eyes and mouths. The serum infected them, and made every scientist slowly lose their minds after some time. They all became mentally unstable, and suddenly developed strength beyond that of a human, and only sought to infect others with the deadly new sickness that was literal ‘Insanity’. The RP takes place right after the accident happened, and the cast of characters have to find a cure as well as find sanctuary from the town and not get infected by ‘Insanity’. First symptoms of ‘Insanity’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hearing voices in head at random times. Mild headache Mild twitching of the eyes Mild Aching all over the body. Short, random, and mild fits of rage. Severe signs of ‘Insanity’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Huge fits of violence Memory loss Rabid nature Delusions Hallucinations Blackened Eyes Heightened strength and agility ​The process of infection is very slow and stressful, so be sure to keep an observant eye out! You might have to team up, too! Here is the character sheet! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Your character can have the choice to be a human or android. FUN FACT: This RP and my old 'Athanatos' RP share the same universe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full name: (Optional) Pronunciation: Nickname(s) or Alias: Gender: Species (Android or human.): Age: (Optional) Birthday: (Optional) Sexuality: (Optional) Languages spoken: (Optional) Native language: (Optional) Relationship Status: PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Fears/phobias: Hobbies: Talents/skills: BACKSTORY: I'll post my sheet in a bit. Have fun! DA RULES: -No godmode, or else you will be kicked from the RP. No salvaging. -No massively overpowered characters. -Controlling the characters of other people is strictly forbidden. -Romance must be the same as the site - PG-13. -Don't be overly detailed about violence, blood, or gore if it happens to pop up. -Please use proper grammar and syntax. - No one is above the rules. If you want special treatment from me for the RP, too bad. Everyone is treated equally as a player. -Please don't make your character the center of attention in the story. All of our characters are in this together. ONE MORE THING. PLEASE FOLLOW THIS THREAD SO THAT YOU DON'T MISS ANYTHING. I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH.
  16. I'm not sure how many people have played and enjoyed Monster Hunter, but I have an idea for an RP, as I have nothing else to do. I will also allow people who are not familiar with the Monster Hunter series to join.
  17. (Before we begin, I feel like I should bring this up: This is a reboot of an older RP I hosted that ended up dying, which was in turn a reboot of another old RP. For those who were in the original Fade Into Light, this is going to have a similar plotline, although I've changed some things around to keep it fresh. Also, this isn't just for the people who joined the original. I'd love to see some new people join in, too! With that out of the way, let's get on to the main event.) Long ago, the seven Guardians of Light faced the thirteen Guardians of Darkness in a battle to save the worlds as we know them. This battle ended in a victory for the Guardians of Light, bringing about an era of peace for the worlds. After the battle, the heroes who saved the worlds went off to train new guardians to retain order. Some took on pupils and trained in private, while some other masters joined together to train larger amounts of students. These organized groups of students and masters, eventually dubbed "Keyblade Academies" by those involved, worked to protect the worlds they had been founded in. New Keyblade wielders learned of their powers, and worked together to maintain the balance between light and darkness. Since the first time in many years, true peace had been found... However, this did not last long. A small group of warriors harbored a deep hatred for the darkness. This hatred continued to grow, until they decided that the world would be best with just light. These radical warriors dedicated their lives to eliminating the darkness. They viewed the old masters and their students as the enemy, as they advocated for the balance between light and darkness. The warriors remained in hiding to avoid detection by their adversaries, and continued to induct new fighters for their cause. Now, they intend on striking against the academies and darkness under the name of "Seekers of Light..." Rules/Additional Information: 1. No godmodding or controlling anyone else's character(s). This will result in a warning, or potentially an immediate removal from the RP. 2. I have a limit of up to two characters for each participant. If you only want to create one character, that's also fine, of course! 3. Please keep content in this RP at a PG-13 rating. If you have any questions about the content of your post, feel free to ask me ahead of time! 4. While I intend for everyone to make a hero character, I will allow a few people to make members of the Seekers of Light as well. However, this will be limited, and I will probably be more strict about these characters. If you'd like to make a villain, send me the sheet in PM. I will make an announcement when we have enough members. 6. If you go too long without posting, I may give a warning. I understand if you are busy and forget to post (I often fall into that same boat), but if you know you will be busy ahead of time, please let me know so we can figure out what to do with your character while you can't post. 7. As the host, I will inform anyone if they do something against the rules. Also, Sabre Lily is the co-host, and as such, he is also allowed to give warnings. Character Sheet: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Bio: Keyblade: Light/Dark: (This isn't good/evil, but relates more to which element your character uses. For example, Riku was a hero, but used Darkness) Spell: (I will allow each character to start with one basic level spell, such as Fire or Ice. Over the course of the RP, each character will gain more spells to use, or have the option to upgrade their spell. I will allow participants to choose what spells they learn) Name: Indy Caelum Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Indy has black hair reaching down to his eyes, partially covering them, and blue eyes. He typically wears a red jacket with a blue shirt underneath, and blue pants. Bio: Indy was born and raised in Radiant Garden, along with his twin sister, Allitt. At a young age, it was discovered that the two could summon and use a Keyblade in battle. As a result of this, they found the Radiant Garden Keyblade Academy and trained there. The two were incredibly gifted with their new weapons, although Indy was typically more serious about studying and training than his sister was. Despite making a few friends in his classes, he still spent a lot of time with his sister. However, he eventually noticed that the two were getting more distant. Allitt seemed to have developed a distaste for darkness, which somewhat upset her brother. Eventually, this drove her to leave the academy to join a rogue group of warriors fighting the dark. Indy attempted to stop her, but failed horribly. He blamed himself for being unable to stop her, and since then, ended up being much more serious about improving in his skills. He desired to go travel the worlds in order to find his sister once again, hoping he could bring her back to the academy... Keyblade: Indy wields the Burning Ambition, a keyblade with length similar to the Kingdom Key. The guard and teeth are red, while the shaft is black. The teeth are shaped like flames. This Keyblade allows for greater offensive power. Light/Dark: Dark Spell: Fire Name: Allitt Caelum Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: Allitt has blonde hair reaching down to her waist in the back, and down to her eyes in the front. She also has blue eyes, similarly to her brother. In a contrast to her brother's clothing, she would typically wear a simple blue shirt with black shorts. However, this has changed since her time with the academy, and she now wears the uniform of the Seekers of Light. Bio: Allitt enrolled in the Keyblade Academy at the same time as her twin brother, Indy. The two were both talented fighters, but Allitt spent more time messing around than her brother did. She eventually became known as a bit of a clown, and not many people took her seriously. Indy was the only person she really called a friend at the academy, and the only other person who seemed to view her as a competent fighter was her self-proclaimed rival, Raidyn. After a few years at the academy, she learned more about the battle between light and darkness. She viewed darkness as the cause of this conflict, and began to harbor a hatred for the darkness. This hatred grew, and she was eventually met by a member of the Seekers of Light. She battled her brother, and left the academy to join the Seekers of Light and destroy darkness... Keyblade: Allitt's Keychain is known as the Deep Freeze. It is similar in appearance to Aqua's Rainfell, but with a lighter color scheme. It offers a decent balance of strength and magic. Light/Dark: Light Spell: Blizzard
  18. This is the RP thread for Ashes of a Fallen Empire, a sequel to Tainted Blood taking place a year after its events. For those of you interested in signing up please visit: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/93439-ashes-of-a-fallen-empire-rp-sign-ups-and-discussion/ Also, please subscribe to this thread so that you may be kept up-to-date with its activity. Subscribing to the sign-ups is recommended but not entirely necessary. I know this is a lot to read, but I would request that everyone read this main post through before posting, as it contains some very useful information for getting started in the RP. The map may also be useful to refer to. It is in the heart of December in what little remains of the world. What once was a planet that flourished is now dying from its own society, very little of the earth remaining, predominately dominated by the New Empire itself. Over the past year a massive war has been waged, one that cost many their lives. Among the lives lost was the dark emperor himself. Consumed by power, glory, and darkness, Korben was defeated at the hands of his enemy, the rebellion group started by his ex-general: the Order of Lux. The Order's leader, Eclaire Tonnerre, sought to create a republic for the remaining nation, striving to end the oppression that was slowly killing their land and its society. She was going to end the destruction of elves, the experimentation on adolescents, and create peace and true order. However, things did not go according to plan, and a new evil lurking within the shadows struck. At the time of victory for the rebellion, Oryx and his men attacked. They had been waiting for the opportune moment, and arrived it had. He forced Eclaire to retreat, many believing her to be dead. Instead, she rallied the remains of her loyal comrades, as well as a few newcomers, to her cause: the Messiah. A small group working silently, they plan to somehow get things straight, from a new government that treats its society worse than before. Oryx, the demon god, has now taken his place upon Korben's throne, ruling a crippled Langerdon in the New Empire. The criminal underworld has aligned themselves loyally, though many seek their own means rather than the good of their nation. After the war, much was lost, including many of the highly advanced weapons and technology that Gabriel Stross had built and designed. Tanzynite production has slowed, if not halted, at the loss of Doctor Julius Verstand, causing the deaths of many who were dependent upon Tanzynite. Now the price of the chemical has skyrocketed, driving people to desperate and drastic measures to acquire the funds for their survival and addiction. Upon Eclaire's absence and the news of her death, Yevgeni Malachite, human in appearance and part-angel in blood, seized the base of the Order of Lux, disheartened by all of the many lives lost from the war. So much blood had been shed, and now he is determined to right the wrong and have equal blood shed by the empire. Renaming Eclaire's rebellion to the Seraphim Order, Yevgeni is the leader of the new rebellion, their symbol one of peace and a union between humans and mages. Yevgeni's motives and actions are entirely unique and his own, and while he empathizes heavily with losses, there is an odd glint in his eye that makes one wonder if he's enjoying it. Perhaps you are of one of these conflicting sides, or maybe you have chosen to remain neutral and watch the conflict from afar. Many of the members of the Seraphim Order are currently leaving Rhasolvich, after a charitable contribution to the rebuild of their village. Meanwhile, the New Empire is in a conference, with Oryx at their head. What they shall discuss is up to the Emperor himself, though perhaps the movement of the Seraphim Order, or even Messiah, is of great alarm to them. Most, if not all members of Messiah, are likely aboard the ship Oathkeeper, doing whatever it is you're doing to keep alive and plan your next move, likely awaiting Eclaire's orders. If you are neutral, I wish you luck surviving the streets of whatever city or town you're in. You can be anywhere on the map, but Langerdon is heavily guarded as is the Forgotten Isles: (All red territories are imperial, whereas blue are loyal to the Seraphim Order and have not yet been seized by the New Empire. Langerdon is the Imperial capital, while the City of Ruin is the Seraphim Order's base. Further descriptions of these towns and villages will come shortly, courtesy of Vaude for taking the time and dedication to writing them.) Note: when posting, I would like to request that everyone use the following format (or something similar) Character Name -- Side Body of post. Because we have a lot of characters I realize this could get very confusing for those trying to keep up with the RP and it might make that extra step of memorization easier. Finally, here is our cast (courtesy of The Unversed for its compilation--I just added the links): New Empire side: Leader is Oryx (Male Ancient Demon God) Yltriss Hyulli (Female Elf Tanzynite User) Dex Marthur (Male Human host to Oryx) Tiriel (immortal Female Fallen Archangel) Zane (Male Zanzia) Zack (Male Zanzia) Kinzoku (Female, Human? Metal Mage) Isaac Farbenion (Male Human Tanzynite User) Indy Caelum (Male Human Tanzynite User) Rebellion (The Seraphim Order) side: Leader is Yevgeni Malachite or Yev (Male Human/Angel Tanzynite user with Angelic Magic) Vortludo Prince (Male Human Magical Artifact Wielder) Cobica Quinn (Immortal Male Demon/Angel Hybrid) Ava Peltiere (Female Human Tanzynite user) Yagyu (Female Human Ninja Mage) Jynn Venas (Male Human Mage) Messiah (Eclaire's small group) side: Leader is Eclaire Tonnerre (Female Human/Succubus Mage) Ciriel (Female Fallen Angel Tanzynite user) Ryonne Neyelmnik (Male Human Tanzynite user/Divine Swordsman) Doctor Julius Verstand or The Doctor (Male Human Monstrumologist) Mikhail Drak (Male Witcher) Gabriel Stross or The mute or Omega (Male Human Mechanical lord) Jeremy Tobias Hunter (Male Human/Angel) Rika Hunter or Chrysalis (Female Human Experimental Tanzynite User/Divine Warrior) Victoria du L'ete or the Goddess of Victory (Immortal Female Minor Goddess) Sasha Valentine (Female Augmented Human) Jadis Sorein (Male Elf Mage) Professor Cornelius Kreed or CK (Male Shape shifter) Maxis or Prime (Male? Tenno Ancient Ninja Warrior) Fiora Tonnerre (Female Human Mage) Ace (Male Human Razgirz Air Command Squadron) Edge (Female Human Razgirz Air Command Squadron) Bladedancer (Male Human Razgirz Air Command Squadron) Reaper (Male Human Razgirz Air Command Squadron) Allitt Caelum (Female Human Tanzynite User) Zion de Wynter or Goddess of Light (immortal Female Goddess) Criminal Underworld side: Serves under Oryx (Male Ancient Demon God) Cyler (Male Human Tanzynite User) Die (Male Human Tanzynite user & Leader of the crow's eyes gang) Scherp (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Lan (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Heksen (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Naja (Female Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Kol (Female Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Terath Zilver (Female Aracnae) Dark Heart (Female Zanzia 2nd Gen) Sahail (Female Human Gunslinger Mage) Neutral side: No Leader Rufus Contralto or Captain (Male Human Mage) Neena Mors (Female Elf Combat Mage) Henry Hansees (Male Human Dread Lord or dreadnaught) Arian Vondrin or the gust (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Nalia Gallagher (Female Human & part of Orient Trading) Deuce Gallagher (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Garret Reuental or Grim (Male resurrected Human & part of Orient Trading) 
Dorian Bittenfeld or Gray (Male Cursed Human & part of Orient Trading) Johathan Heaton or ghost doctor (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Ariana Cabret (Female Human Experimental Tanzynite user) Raines Ryker or Kid (Male Red Wolf) Keyes (Male Tenno) Rei or Blue Heart (Female Zanzia 1st Gen) Malikai Khaos or Mr.Khaos or Lt.Khaos (Male Akuma/Raijin)
  19. So I was thinking about doing a Pokémon RP; table top style. Using mybdice, the actual Pokemon formulas for battle, experience, even the percentage of what Pokémon you will encounter. If I would do this I would also keep track of everything (unless someone volunteers) including Pokemon Stats, Experience, Items, Badges, Locations, etc. It would be like the game except for some things like Pokemon don't forget attacks, all skills are allow outside of battle, you can start anywhere providing vareity for your choice of a starter. Another thing, I was planning for us each to start with one player in the kanto region then after our players would move to johto and we can start a new player for johto then move on to the next. What do you think?
  20. Hello and welcome to my and KHUndertaleFan25's RP of Kingdom Hearts and undertale with the characters you can pick any character you want your OC in the RP you can but they must be human or you can have a undertale or Kingdom Hearts characters and things can be secret but not everything but to have a character you must fill out this. ~Character Sheet~ Name: Age: Title: Abilities/powers: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Bio: This is my Character Name:GatserSans no last name Age:100000 Title:????? Abilities/powers: Unknown but all that is known is that his eye changes to multiple different colors. Gender:Male Appearance: Personality:Vary Lazy and loves puns and is like a father and protects the weak and kills the evil weak or strong and is even more protective over his brother. Bio: Past unknown all that is rely known about him beside his personality is he is in love with a human named Kairi but his brother the only one how knows that. Story:The monster barer of underground is broken and the keyblade masters and some humans see that monsters poring out of the underground the keyblade masters are keeping the monsters back by threatening them thinking there some sort of horrible human killers but the monsters refused to fight until another human child approaches from the monsters and enplanes that the monsters are peaceful the keyblade masters are still dont trust them so the keyblade masters take it upon themselves to watch them so they take the monsters to a top secret facility that the keyblade masters must watch them until the government accepts the monsters into society were we are now is the first day of the facility. We will start the role play once 4 to 5 people are in the rp so invite people that you think that they would like to join and Hia Rules: No leaving the facility unless the government allows it No invincibility No unlimited lives NO KILLING during the first few days.(evil laugh) NO powers that are realy op
  21. I dunno if I posted this in the right place, but if I didn't, you mods can move it to the appropriate spot. Here's the previous interest check. Hey. It's Hargle again, barking out some more stupid ideas for RPs again. Here are some of the things that have floating in my brain. - Reflections - A thriller/fantasy RP about the concept of the Mirror Realm. It could take place in said Realm where the barriers are broken, and the characters reflections start to somehow make reality fall apart in the real world. (Inspired by that one episode of Star Trek...kinda.) - Hunt For The Horrors - A Horror/Supernatural RP about a group of characters possibly on a harsh witch hunt to kill off the ruler of all monsters before it escapes from Hell and invades Earth. (Obviously inspired by Supernatural. Added inspiration includes the Underworld films, and Tales from the Crypt.) - Gobbledygook - A Comedy RP about a Ouija Board game gone horribly wrong and the most obnoxious ghosts, spirits, and poltergeists spring out from the depth of Hades. The players have to work together to solve this dilemma before the ghosts make the mortal world explode. (Inspired by my Choose Your Own Adventure story, Ghost Hunt, and the films Jumanji, and Ghostbusters.) - [Melanophobia] Action/Thriller RP where an outbreak of literal insanity takes over the world and the characters try to survive, find a cure and/or find sanctuary.(Inspired by PROTOTYPE and 28 Days Later.) These are all I've got for now. If I remember more, I'll probably post them here. Any questions or adjustments are appreciated! ~HBB
  22. The first thing I want to say is that this is not a continuation or inspired by or anything related to any concepts directly attached to the Soul Eater anime. There are no Kishin Eggs, no Death City Robot, no Weapon/Meister Hybrids, and no lame "Falcon Punch" ending. None of that. Everything in this roleplay is a continuation of the original Soul Eater canon, i.e. the manga (with ties to Soul Eater Not! as well.) So yeah, if you're an anime only fan... you're gonna have a bad time. So either leave now or go catch up with the manga. For those of who stuck around, here's the rundown: Shibusen and the Witch Order are lobbying to pass a new law, the "Witches Equality Act", which will ensure that witches all around the world are allowed to live comfortably in the realm of humans without fear of discrimination. At the same time, rumours have been spreading around about the activity of Demon Tool Gopher, last seen fleeing the moon after the battle with Ashura while making off with various Noah Icons. Now, here's where we come in: Kid has decided that since many of the original Spartoi members (including the Thompsons, Soul Evans, Maka Albarn, Black☆Star, and Tsubaki Nakatsunasa) will become part of his new "Eight Guardians" faction, various EAT students (that's us, one Meister and one Weapon per player) will be evaluated to form a brand new unit to fill the ranks. What will they be doing exactly? Well, you'll have to sign up to find out... And there you have it. I know it sounds a little simplistic, but trust me, I've gone ahead and already wrote up a lot of details. I just want to see if the concept as-is garners any attention.
  23. The backstory Disclaimer and Rules Character Template Universe Atlas Character Gallery Fusion Gallery
  24. == DexLabs HQ == == Before The Invasion == It started off as a normal day... well, as normal as you could call it that is. After successfully campaigning to gather young civilians to join in the impending war against Fuse, Dexter, the Boy Genius, announced that he would be needing some volunteers to participate in a test of his newest invention: the Time Capsule. The invention was, of course, an attempt for Dexter to harness the power of time travel, something he felt would be a good asset for battling Fuse. Five of these kids took the offer, and then were asked to join Dexter and his assistant Computress in a section of the main laboratory. There, the five stepped into the capsule, while Dexter fiddled with the controls from the outside. It all seemed fairly simple, but knowing what goes down in Dexter's laboratory, some trouble was bound to happen... x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x Each of the five were instructed to simply stand in the capsule and wait, as well as keep their newly gifted communicators, in the form of bluish gray wristbands, on standby, as it would be needed for later. After the doors automatically shut and sealed the capsule, a blue hologram of Dexter, as well as Computress, appeared before the volunteers. Dexter was typing away at the off-screen computer in front of him while Computress hovered by his side with a cybernetic clipboard in hand. "Excellent. Your bio-scans are completed and fully registered and your information has been filled in," Dexter said, feeling content but then pausing and studying the information once over again. "Although, there seems to be a mistake with one of the profiles... who is, um, 'Ay-Jay'?" "That's me, Dex!" One of the volunteers said, a young boy with a huge pompadour and a red-and-white jacket. "Oh yes, 'Arthur', I remember now..." "Nah, nah, I'm gonna stick with 'Ay-Jay'. I prefer being called by my nickname rather than my boring real name. I hope you don't mind, I just think it fits better. Plus, I'd want Fuse and his goons to know that they're messin' with a supercool dude and whatnot." Ay-Jay said very colorfully, causing Dexter to raise an eyebrow. "Well, alright then. Do as you wish... ah-hem, now let's see if your communicators are working," Dexter said, going back to typing. "All communication systems are functioning, Dexter. I will be able to reconnect with the volunteers upon arrival in the future," Computress said, checking her clipboard. "Affirmative. Things are going just as planned," Dexter said, clearly enjoying the current progression of his invention. "Now, is everybody ready?" Dexter asked the five. "I'm ready as I'll ever be, Dex!" Ay-Jay said, giving a thumbs-up to the holograms. Oh man oh man, this is gonna rock. I'm finally getting a chance to do something great! Watch out, slimeball, I'm comin' for ya! He thought.
  25. -- Night Raid Hideout -- A group of individuals sat outside in the brisk cold of the evening wind. Tonight, these seemingly harmless children and young adults were going to be officially inducted into a group called Night Raid, an assassination squad part of the Revolutionary Army. Everyone of these people were also told that they were going that certain "preparations" needed to be made in order for them to officially join. What these preparations were, nobody knew; the group was just told to wait outside Night Raid's hideout and wait for instructions. All of them had been waiting for at least ten minutes now... One of these individuals, a young and well built man with tan skin, blue hair, and strangly, an old branding iron strapped to his back with a rope, was actually fine with the wait. He was very interested in joining Night Raid, of course, but just not impatient to join. He preferred to take things slowly anyway. The boy, named Seelo, standing with his hands in his pockets and chewing on the straw in his mouth, looked around the area, eyeing the others that were with him. He wasn't much of a conversationalist, so he really did not have it in himself to start talking to them. Considering their strange wear and looks, Seelo could tell they probably never lived on a farm either, like he did. Man... buncha of colorful characters that I'm hangin' 'round... I wonder what they're like... Seelo thought to himself, his country boy tone deep set in the words he spoke in his head. If anythang, they're probably pretty good at fightin', like I am, 'r else they wouldn't be here lookin' to be a killer for these Night Raid folks...
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