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  1. Man... I had totally forgot about this place after almost 8-9 years since I last logged in. I remember it use to be booming with all kinds of posts years ago. I guess it died down a bunch since then. 1.) Introduction and Explanation Anywho, for those who don't know me. I'm the crazy guy that attempted, Raged hard, raged some more, almost lost my sanity, completed, and proved to everyone on gamefaqs over 8-9ish years ago that it's 100% possible, and legit to be able to complete BOTH (Well... Now 3 is added as well, so more than 2)(NAMELY 2.5, and reasons will be listed next) Kingdom Hearts games at Level 1 Proud Mode for KH1.5(which, if you DIDN'T know, because of the way the mechanics work, Proud mode is actually the harder difficulty for a Level 1 run in KH1.5 instead of Critical because you ALWAYS do chip damage in Proud. Critical is actually a little easier because Sora can do more damage in that difficulty) and Critical Mode(2.5 + 3), but not just complete them at Level 1; (that's been done by a handful of people. However, everybody that has completed the Lvl 1 run always labels their run "complete" Yet, they all stopped at SILVER Crown.) But, I decided, and wanted to take it all a step further, and be the standout of them all. As well as debunking the most ridiculous, yet shockingly widespread belief beyond the masses: the before thought "Impossible" Holy Grail of Kingdom Heart challenges: Completing Level 1 critical mode... AS WELL as obtaining 100% completion in the Jiminy Journal, including completion of EVERY Mushroom XIII challenges, and actually having the GOLD Crown! Which was considered literally impossible. (Yeah, I know. Insane, isn't it?) 2.) The False Rumor And The Mission To Prove The World Wrong To actually 100% the Jiminy Journal, and Obtain Gold Crown in 2.5 which involves the Mushroom XIII challenges. Everybody, and their momma back then swore, and pushed the notion of "You can't complete atleast 1 or 2 of the mushroom challenges (most notably, Agrabah mushroom, Twilight Town, and Port Royal mushroom, respectively) without leveling up, it's totally impossible" As well as the old fable of "It's impossible to get Ultima Weapon in 1.5 at Level 1 because you don't get lucky strike abilities to grind synthesis materials without leveling" etc. Nah, it's all do-able. A huge pain in the ass? Yes. Definitely. But, achievable. 3.) Hype Yourself Up/Believe In Your Ability Like myself before attempting, I'm sure most people would just shake their head, and say to themselves "nope. Never. Cant do it" I was that guy. Then one day, I told myself "Hey... they put the option to void any EXP gain.. I'm gonna try it.. Let's see what happens, and how it goes at level 1. I mean, it can't be IMPOSSIBLE; They obviously added it as a feature for a reason." 4.) The Beginning of Doubt Of course, I begin. I start treading along, beginning my journey into my first attempt into a Kingdom Hearts game without leveling up. Everything goes smoothly, up until you start getting demolished left, and right every second, and the bosses annihilate you in a single hit. Making you re-evaluate, and question your ability, and if you can do it. 5.) Opening Your Perception/Total Realization The KH series, AND the series' difficulty as a whole; drastically, and dramatically changed for me once my eyes opened, and I seen the blatant "slap you in the face" obvious, and stopped trying to play Kingdom Hearts like an Action/Adventure RPG like a normal/casual playthrough would basically literally be. Instead, gaining the Square Enix perspective, and knowing their past; made me realize that it's supposed to actually be played like, (and get ready for a mind blown moment) a friggin' Turn Based RPG... Honestly, I think once you guys get this realization, and mindset in your head like I did while you're playing through; every one of you, and I mean EVERYONE of you guys, no matter how "gud" you ARE or AREN'T at the Kingdom Hearts games in a casual, normal playthrough. You can be absolute dirt at the (falsely assumed random, seemingly "unpredictable", ever-constant flow of combat) but start trying to take a slightly different approach/('s) towards the way you actually play games like this, and even open up your mind, and perceive, and acknowledge the gameplay in a different way altogether than what you, and probably, most people normally would have absolutely no idea or even fathom that there's more to, and many more ways to go into a Kingdom Hearts game than the basic, "normal" DmC-esque style combat that we all experience/('d) and most of us, are even conditioned to. 6.) Breaking Old Habits/Adopting New Ones However, once you change the perception/habits you have of the game already, and change the rules ever so slightly, and subtly to merely change towards a playstyle that of the old-school, traditional turn based views, and start planning strategies, and changing your playstyle around a "turn-based rpg mindset" instead of our pre-conditioned, already accustomed, and comfortable free flow combat that most of us are already "comfortable" with or use to. 7.) Acknowledge Game Mechanics/Learn Everything Any of you guys without a doubt in my mind would be able to Level 1 the game as it then becomes almost trivially easy once you decide to perceive KH in just a slightly different way (Turn Based instead of Free Combat) and start to play in an entirely different way accordingly (Having a turn based view/play style really helps not only by helping you learn to better/more accurately time your attacks, guards, dodge rolls, reflects, and etc. But, also makes you a lot more aware, and attentive as you're going to be learning to take it slow, and not rush battles, but to stay on your toes, closely watch for any, even if very subtle visual clues: motions with an enemy's hands, AND their body language. As well as listening for any audio clues or catch phrases; these are everything you are looking for to expect, and anticipate the next move of your opponent. Get a hit in when you can, and defend all the counter attacks that will be delivered back afterwards. Learn the timing to perfect guard; it's going to be the key to your survival, and the timing of each attack you learn never changes. So you don't have to ever expect or assume that a certain attack is ever going to be slower/faster than when previously used. You finally learn the timing for perfect guarding an attack, and you'll always be able to perfect guard it, as it will never be change the rate of speed. 8.) Truth of Developer's 100% Intended Game Design And The Public's Blindness So yes. After stating this, and the way certain mechanics work. Know it or not, even believe it or not. Even though it does EVERYTHING to make you "think" it's an action RPG. Which is semi-true, and fully the case to the masses. It was fully meant, and intended as a Turn Based RPG, and I'm going to open your eyes, and convince you. 9.) How The Kingdom Hearts Series Hides It's True Intended Design, and Disguises Itself As An Action RPG Any casual player gets the action RPG style in a normal playthrough. Just as every first time, 2nd time, etc. player always does. Nothing about the gameplay comes off as "turn based". And is more than often considered the polar opposite of a Turn Based game. Which, was presented this way to appeal to a wider audience such as younger aged, Disney lovers who didn't grow up with RPGs, or just jumped into the game world. As leveling makes it where you literally never have to learn or even use guard, reflect or parry the counters you receive if you really never even wanted to. As taking damage is hardly worrisome, or trivial, and easily tended to with a Cure, and Potions. You can even just carelessly attack, and attack anytime you want. Even if it isn't the best time, and you take a hit. You can still beat the game, and everything in it regardless. - No Turn Based Elements seen/felt whatsoever 10.) Awakening Into Reality/Acknowledging The Hidden Truth: Turn-Based Gameplay In comparison, Level 1: Any hit you take can 1 shot you. If you get caught in a combo attack, you WILL die. There's no possible way to constantly spam attacks, and tank hits. You gotta learn how to properly utilize things that you probably hardly, if ever even used: Guard, Reflect, Dodge Roll, Aerial Recovery, etc. and to learn timing. All this coupled along with the Revenge Counter mechanic (Which, I will explain in more detail below) is how it becomes a Turn Based game; as there is only a certain amount of attacks you can deliver before the enemy counters. - Turn Based RPG 11.) Notice The Signs/Process Everything/Uncover The Veil The first mentioned; is the game probably 90% or more of the masses experience, and perceive. People just don't see the alternative, and it's funny because I just seen a thread on another forum where the OP literally posted "I absolutely love Kingdom Hearts, because it's not just another cliche Turn Based RPG. I despise them." That was almost laughable, and cringe to read, and goes to show just how many people can overlook major things that are hidden in plain sight. However, if one is to attempt a Level 1 run, and play Kingdom Hearts the true way the developers intended; fact is, it's nothing more than a regular Square-Enix FF style "TURN BASED RPG" with complete movement, and control of character at all times. 12.) The Main Mechanics And Physics: The Enemy's "Revenge Counter" Seriously, when you get down into the physics, mechanics, and all the equations that go into every single boss fight, you begin to see it. Just ONE example is this: You're in the middle of a fight, let's say with Data Roxas; just for an example. Soon as the battle begins, and you gain control of Sora, you need to cast a reflect to counter Roxas' Keyblade Spin. After the successful reflect you are granted a small window where you're allowed to attack, and land up to (and let's just say for instance in this example, maybe 3-4 hits) 3-4 hits on Roxas before he is scripted to automatically counter attack. These counter attacks are termed "Revenge Counter" or just simply "RC" abbreviated. if you ever see the term in guides or posts, or in future research, but didn't know what it meant. 13.1) Explaining "Revenge Counters" And "Revenge Values"/Looping Bosses And Minimizing Danger Ah, Revenge Counter. The key to winning, and main mechanic of a level 1 run tbh. Every enemy has always been scripted to counter attack after a few hits, and this was so everybody at level 100 with Sora couldn't just endlessly wail on an opponent non-stop, and make it even easier than what it already was to begin with. Now, once you actually learn about, and study the revenge counter mechanic, and how each enemy works; you actually can use it 100% in your favor in completing, hell, I'd even go so far as to say even almost cheesing a Lvl 1 crit run. As in, learn to read the small signals before attacks. Nothing is unpredictable. There's ALWAYS a signal/warning. Learn how many hits you can throw before they counter attack Sora. 13.2) Deeper Breakdown Of "Revenge" Mechanics/Examples Of "Baiting" Attacks These hits, the attacks, the number, whatever you're most comfortable calling it; for future reference or research of your own are termed "Revenge Values" or simply "RV" if abbreviated. After you learn how many hits you can land (the number of hits it takes to bait an RC is the opponent's RV) learn the timing to guard the counter attack/(s) after, and retaliating in the enemy's small, brief recovery window. All you do is, count your hits, after you land that 4th hit (or whatever number of hits the current boss' Revenge Counter activates) you need to automatically hit guard so you can negate his RC, and guard his other 2-3 hits he dishes out before leaving another open window to land another 3-4 hits on him. It's literally rinse, and repeat: Attack 3-4 times to force or "bait" the enemy to counter attack-> Guard incoming revenge counter attacks from the enemy -> Throw another 3-4 strikes to hit his Revenge Value again to force another auto-counter. And it's just repeat steps over again. Essentially, what you're trying to do is put an enemy into a neverending loop that you can fully predict. You will see evidence of this in every fight in every video I'm going to post below. You pay attention, and you'll notice that I'll always hit an X amount of times (factor of X is the actual RV. Determined differently with each enemy. Could be 6 hits, like Marluxia's RV. Could be only 4 hits like Roxas' RV) but I ALWAYS land no more, and (hopefully) no less than the exact number of attacks needed to bait them into a RC, and guard it. 14.) Always Land The Exact Revenge Values. No More Any attempt to, or if you accidentally deliver an extra attack that is higher than the actual RV, you might as well retry; because you're not going to be guarding that counter, get caught in a combo you can't escape, and face the 1 hit death. Just follow those simple steps, and it then repeats the pattern if you're doing it correctly, and won't be unpredictable. What you're really trying to do is just try to keep everything in a never-ending loop so any unpredictability, and danger is eliminated. 15.) Explanation of "I-Frames" and How To Use Them For An Advantage Also, another biggie is learning I-Frames. Or, "Invincibility Frames" meaning the tiny few frames where Sora is invincible for instance: when you use a Drive Form, there are a few brief seconds of frames where you will not take any damage in the middle of using a form. Or using a skill like Donald's Duck Flare, and using it to your advantage, as you will see me do a bunch against Lingering Will at Level 1 to avoid being skill/attack/item locked, whip locked, and to stay safe during his DM or "Desperation Move" (Every boss has a DM which is expressed by the screen going dark, and the boss does their "finisher" per se.) 16.) The Biggest Slept On/Underestimated Skills In The Game: Reflect/ra/ga And Guard To probably over 90% of the KH community that sleeps on, and probably have never once used the spell Reflect-Reflectga. You have no idea just how busted, how necessary it is, and how brokenly powerful that spell is. Especially in a Level 1 run. It's pretty much an absolute MUST in it to do any real damage at that level. Not only that, but if you're not a master or not use to timing your guard precisely yet, Reflect/ga is an alternative that is safe, and don't need to be facing any particular direction to guard anything. Only downside to spamming reflect constantly instead of mixing up guards, and reflects is that if you don't rely on using guard, and spam reflect instead; you're going to be struggling to keep, and have MP when you want/need it. 17.) Short Summary/Review Of Everything So Far/Convinced Yet? Convinced yet? Literally. Turn-Based RPG. Except think of each of your 3-4 chain attacks as a "turn" and you know that as soon as you land your 4th keyblade hit, your turn is over, and it's automatically going to be the opponent's "turn", and since you're expecting this, and know this, you block perfectly in time with his counter attacks, and learn their pattern. The key is to try to just keep it in a constant, simple, loop-ish kinda fight. Making sure to force the counter attack yourself so you know precisely when to guard; rather than having to randomly guess/pray when their next attack is going to be, and if you're going to be able to read it quick enough. 18.) Opening Up Your Mindset/Perception/Planning Strategies Toward The Hidden Turn-Based Gameplay Is Key This was the biggest, and most obvious "eye-opening" realization that helped me tremendously once I started looking at it as a Turn Based game. Respectfully like most of Square Enix's works prior. Which, I believe if most people started having that mindset of playing it like it's turn-based, just about everyone that truly wanted to would be able to complete the level 1 challenge a lot easier than ever initially thought. Literally every boss has their own respectful number of attacks they can receive before being scripted to auto-counter attack. Don't matter who you're facing. Don't care if it's a regular ol' Heartless, and Nobody, or if it's the friggin' One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth or the "Seemingly impossible, even at Level 100" Lingering Will himself... They all can be read, and baited into an auto-counter. All of them. 19.) Outro/Final Messages/My Video Proof If anyone is interested in watching a few of my Level 1 Crit 2.5 Organization fights for entertainment or maybe to study for your own future level 1 run, I'm going to be posting links to them below. I just wish like hell that I had a good camera back then... I'm so sorry, and apologize from the bottom of my soul about the quality, but... It's literally all I had. My crap phone camera, and setting it up to point directly at my TV while I'm actually playing live in the moment, as you can probably tell by the noise of all the button mashing but, at that time, all I was worried about was having proof so all the board back then stopped saying that I was a liar, and showing that I actually did it... Recorded most of the highlight battles anyway Level 1 Crit Run .vs Sephiroth - https://youtu.be/GtBcldOxgIg Level 1 Crit Run .vs Marluxia - https://youtu.be/mDz2O8CZxFo Level 1 Crit Run .vs Larxene (THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE...) - https://youtu.be/nf684D52Mwc Level 1 Crit Run .vs Axel (w/ Restrictions) - https://youtu.be/vztQYNIeT4U Level 1 Crit Run .vs Lexaeus (No Damage) - https://youtu.be/ad58PWJmt80 Level 1 Crit Run .vs Roxas (w/ Restrictions) - https://youtu.be/TTaMJpxxxJM Level 1 Crit Run .vs Lingering Will + Silver Crown (Evidence of me using I-Frames to my advantage, and how you can utilize it) - https://youtu.be/dTm215sIhmI Obtaining Crown From All Data Battles Lvl 1 - https://youtu.be/IydQ7qub5-w Obtaining The Elusive and "Impossible" Gold Crown Lvl 1 Proof - https://youtu.be/YdbUuJd5JM8 Then the creme de la creme. 100% Jiminy Journal At Level 1 Proof - https://youtu.be/I0d1_Ec_UdY Bonus: My proof of getting Ultima Weapon on Level 1 PROUD Mode (Ultra Difficult) in KH 1.5 (Was hilariously, also considered impossible at first) - https://youtu.be/ye2ZsgQWI_Y 20.) Final Words Of Encouragement/Faith In You All Hope others may find help, and for others, even courage to attempt this challenge. If anyone is interested in trying it, and maybe have questions, I'd be more than happy to help out in any way that I possibly can, and any feedback, comments, questions, and anything is welcome, and wanted. Thanks guys! Like I said earlier, don't ever doubt yourself in anything. If myself, of all people can beat every KH game at Level 1; then I KNOW for a FACT anybody at all can. I promise you. As for the brave souls that will be attempting this seemingly impossible task anytime in the upcoming future, I leave you all with 1 final, and important message: "May Your Heart, Be Your Guiding Key"
  2. this wallpaper is cool

    © Disney, Square Enix

  3. The next of the side games is the prequel to KH1, Birth By Sleep! I hope you all like it! Instagram: chris.arts5 Twitter: Arcanekeyblade5
  4. The Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files has received more story translations. These translations are courtesy of goldpanner and provided by Kingdom Hearts Insider. For those unaware, the Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files features over 200 characters from the entirety of the series thus far, with several short stories from Tomoco Kanemaki (the writer of the Kingdom Hearts light novels). You can purchase the book for ¥3,080 (approx. $28.03) from the Square Enix e-Store directly or from AitaiKuji, who deliver official and exclusive Japanese pop culture items! We have covered translations for: Xion's Story Saix's Story Naminé's Story Riku Story Riku-Replica's Story Roxas' Story' Larxene's Story Marluxia's Story The story of Daybreak Town Sora's Story Kairi's Story Xigbar's Story Luxord's Story Demyx's Story Axel's Story Aeleus' Story Dilan's Story Ansem the Wise's Story Ienzo's Story Vexen's Story Aqua's Story Terra's Story Ventus' Story The translations for Terra-Xehanort's story "Golden Eyes" and Vanitas' story "Vanish Into the Blue" can be viewed below! View full article
  5. The Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files has received more story translations. These translations are courtesy of goldpanner and provided by Kingdom Hearts Insider. For those unaware, the Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files features over 200 characters from the entirety of the series thus far, with several short stories from Tomoco Kanemaki (the writer of the Kingdom Hearts light novels). You can purchase the book for ¥3,080 (approx. $28.03) from the Square Enix e-Store directly or from AitaiKuji, who deliver official and exclusive Japanese pop culture items! We have covered translations for: Xion's Story Saix's Story Naminé's Story Riku Story Riku-Replica's Story Roxas' Story' Larxene's Story Marluxia's Story The story of Daybreak Town Sora's Story Kairi's Story Xigbar's Story Luxord's Story Demyx's Story Axel's Story Aeleus' Story Dilan's Story Ansem the Wise's Story Ienzo's Story Vexen's Story Aqua's Story Terra's Story Ventus' Story The translations for Terra-Xehanort's story "Golden Eyes" and Vanitas' story "Vanish Into the Blue" can be viewed below!
  6. Looking for anyone to be Vanitas; I have two plots in mind. One where half canon is thrown in; meaning you must have finished KH3; the gang is all happy and smiling, enjoying their day at destiny's island; but someone else on the island is watching them from the shade of one of the tree's. Roxas bumps into Vanitas while getting something; and he tries to get him to play, but Vanitas just says no and that he's fine where he is, so Roxas decide's to stay with him and chat till it's dusk, then in the summer they form a good friendship and maybe romance along the way when they start high school. The 2nd one is with Vanitas and Roxas being high school actor's, the game is a show; and during high school they're boyfriends; Vanitas likes causing trouble wherever he goes, can almost charm his way outta any solution; but not with Roxas, although he tries; they share a room together, Vanitas could also be a murderer; in between the lines of normal and psycho, sometimes slipping up just a bit.
  7. Yeetus Vanitas enters this Quiz of the Day
  8. A story about 4 boys named Sora, Roxas, Ventus, & Vanitas. Where they are stuck into the zombie apocalypse, where they constantly trying to survive and finding the place to keep themselves safe..(which i'm using the main Left 4 Dead 2 characters to combined KH for the first time.) Or maybe trying to see if they aren't any other survivors left whom seemed to be alive...Will they survived? will they escape? Honestly I don't know what to do, since I'm starting to make some edit of Left 4 Dead 2 & Kingdom Hearts..and newing to this site. I just replace the main characters in L4D2 into the kingdom hearts characters of Sora, Roxas, Ventus, & Vanitas.
  9. Hello everyone, My name is Void Gear Vanitas. I have been working on my youtube channel for the past three to four months and have been slowly growing. I create Kingdom Hearts content every day and have various types of videos from Gameplay, crafts, collectables ect. All dealing with Kingdom Hearts. I would highly appreciate it if you checked my channel out. Thank you and let your hearts be your guiding keys. Here is a link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjPwhRWIltk0U7VNt3qaVig
  10. Mark Arceo


    Vanitas fan art i made Digital Painting on Photoshop

    © https://www.artstation.com/artwork/a2YO2

  11. Hey what's up everyone.Im new to this site but have a Kingdom Hearts youtube channel that I've been working on. We are also doing a giveaway at the moment. Would appreciate it if any of you checked it out. My channel is Void Gear Vanitas Here's the link:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjPwhRWIltk0U7VNt3qaVig Thanks and let your hearts be your guiding keys!
  12. Famitsu have recently posted their full interview with Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura online! This interview was previously published in the July 5 issue of Famitsu Weekly; however, it was not published in full. We have already translated some parts of the interview (which you can read here and here); find the rest below! Translations have been provided by KH13 Staff Mio-chan and NihonScribe, and Katie Armstrong and Keytotruth. You can read the rest of the interview in full below. In the light of these new remarks, what are you most excited about in Kingdom Hearts III? Let us know in the comments!
  13. Hello everyone. I'm pretty new around here and only skimmed through a couple of topics. I wanted to introduce myself with a topic I dont see discussed that much. How do you think Vanitas has returned? We do have confirmation from Nomura himself that our boy has been revived. How? https://youtu.be/ZjHpCyEi6kE I've compiled a theory into a video, but I want to hear from some veterans too. I'm looking forward to the ideas discussed in these forums and thank you for having me!
  14. I didn't really gave much thought why Vanitas would be a Luxio in my book. I just speculated Sora would be Litleo and then Roxas would be shiny Shinx, then Ventus would be a regular Shinx and since Vanitas is his own incarnated darkness, would be a messed Luxio cuz.....cool? I dunno, made easier about the hair lol
  15. Famitsu have recently posted their full interview with Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura online! This interview was previously published in the July 5 issue of Famitsu Weekly; however, it was not published in full. We have already translated some parts of the interview (which you can read here and here); find the rest below! Translations have been provided by KH13 Staff Mio-chan and NihonScribe, and Katie Armstrong and Keytotruth. You can read the rest of the interview in full below. In the light of these new remarks, what are you most excited about in Kingdom Hearts III? Let us know in the comments! View full article
  16. Tagline: "Water...Lost, in Darkness...so too...is both Wind and Earth...hear the stories, of both Wind and Earth respectively, the stories...of Ventus and Terra." ???-"...Hmm...they should be located, right, around...HERE! AH HA! FOUND ONE OF THEM!" Looking over a very both shocking and surprising unconscious sleeping Ven, laying on the ground was a both strange and mysterious Rabbit like creature, of whom resembled a certain friend of Ventus' back within the Realm of Light. Theme Song: https://youtu.be/cYow0rJXhj4. Opening Description: The Opening Intro Video starts off with a Recap of Terra, Aqua and Ventus falling down their shared Dive to the Heart towards Ven's Station of Awakening, afterwards we see Ven, as a shooting star within the sky that soon abruptly lands within the Realm of Darkness, awaking from his long slumber, as Ventus is immediately attacked by Unversed that proceed to knock him back, even when after summoning his Keyblade, the Wayward Wind, seen gloating over Ventus is his Dark counterpart Vanitas unmasked, summoning his own Keyblade the Void Gear to prepare to destroy just exactly like when he tried during their very 1st encounter crossing Keyblades with one another, it is then saving Ventus from his demise was a silhouette of King Mickey revealed to actually be Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, wielding a Keyblade of Darkness called the "Shadow Chaser" ("Phantom Chaser" in Japanese), using his Dark Keyblade, Oswald heals Ven and together they both take on Vanitas, only for the scenery to suddenly change with Ven all by himself, seen looking at straight right in front of him the Lingering Will, in other-words, the mind of his very best friend and older brother like figure Terra, preparing to lift its Keyblade, the Ends of the Earth from the ground and suddenly engage Ventus in combat, as Ven tries to dissuade the animated armour but sadly to no avail whatsoever, he is knocked back by the Will and shatters into behind him what feels like a wall made of glass, afterwards, Ven enters another Dive to the Heart once more, as he falls, he sees down below his other very best friend and older sister like figure Aqua smiling weakly towards him, as she tries to reach out her towards him, only for Ven, upon coming into contact with Aqua's hand, causes her to fade away into particles of Light, leaving behind only a floating Heart in its place, Ven lands safely on the Station and holds the Heart within his hands, he accepts the Heart, as part of his own, as it enters his Body and he then lastly recalls a vision of himself floating around in Heart form being accepted into the Body of a young 4 year old Sora, finally, Ventus back in Human Body form awakes to find himself being cradled in the hands of Oswald... 0.2: Birth by Sleep-A Fragmentary Passage: Wind and Earth. Ven-"...Ah...ugh..." ???-"Keep still, your still dazed from entering this Realm." Ven-"...This...Realm?" suddenly, Ven recalls his final confrontation with Vanitas. Ven-"!? TERRA! AQUA! GAH!" ???-"See? i TOLD you! the more you fidget like that without having properly adjusted to the miasma of the "Wasteland" will cause you both severe and utter pain, i should know, i am this Realm's very 1st resident..." Ven-"...Huh? ...? ! !? M-MICKEY!?" ???-"Mickey? NO YOU BIG DOPE!" The rabbit like being smacks Ventus on the head. Ven-"OW! HEY! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" ???-"Oswald." Ven-"Huh?" ???-"My NAME is Oswald! Oswald..."sigh", the "lucky" rabbit, at your service." Ven-"...Os...wald? what a strange name." Oswald-"PFFF! not, as strange, as Ventus of all names!" Ven-"Hey wait, i don't recall ever telling you my name, how did you-" Oswald-"You didn't need to, the Realm of Memories told me your name." Ven-"...Huh? Realm of...Memories?" Oswald-"..."Sigh"...a bit slow on the uptake, aren't ya kid? welp, come on, get out of bed, there's much to be a showing you around these here parts..." Ventus-"Ah! hey! wait up!" Ventus chased after Oswald outside of his house to find that he was located in a completely utterly barren location of a Wasteland, hence the Realm's name. Ventus-"What!? where-where is this place!? just-WHAT IS THIS PLACE!?" Oswald smacks Ven on the head once more. Ven-"OW! hey! quit doing that! its getting REALLY annoying!" Oswald-"Ah shut up, no good complaining down here, why, its practically empty." Ventus-"!? Wait-what did you, just say!?" Oswald-"LIKE-I-SAID, THIS-PLACE-IS-PRACTICALLY-EMPTY, only lost beings and forgotten Memories end up here in the Wasteland..." Ven-"...The Wasteland?" Oswald-"Yeah, its where people who have been lost to Darkness yet for some both strange and mysterious reason haven't produced a Heartless and thus find themselves here, basically all the way out in the boonies and i quote on that: "not just in name only...", ahem, you see, its basically a place where the "special cases" of Human beings and/or any other types of beings end up in when they have met with a "Dark" fate or have become involved in any again and/or all ways relating to the Darkness whatsoever, so in other-words, YOU my friend, A-K-A Ventus, formally of the World known, as the Land of Departure are now officially a new resident of the Wasteland!" Oswald sarcastically claps his hands at a very fast speed. Oswald-"...Congratulations, no no, no need to thank me, i'm just doing my job is all-" Ventus-"WHAT!?!?" Oswald-"...Ow, that nearly burst my eardrums, there there, my poor rabbit ears..." said Oswald, softly stroking his giant rabbit ears, as Ven replies: Ven-"TELL ME! HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE!?" Oswald-"...Uh, "buddy"? i hate to break it to ya but the main, primary fact is: you can't, many have tried...and have all failed, believe me, i know, i have been keeping track score of all of the records." Ventus-"Fine! then i'll just have to find a way on my own! i gotta get back! back to...Terra and Aqua! hup!" Ventus left Oswald behind in a hurry, as the latter was left behind, sighing to himself before deciding to chase after Ven for some reason, Ventus ran, as fast, as he could whilst thinking to himself the words: Ventus-"...Terra...Aqua...guys! please! be safe! i'm coming! i'm coming right now! i won't let them, i won't let them lay a single finger on either of you!" Ventus recalled facial images of both Master Xehanort and Vanitas inside of within his mind before doubling his running speed, running towards the edges of the far corners of the Wasteland, it was here, Ventus' journey into Darkness...had begun. Meanwhile... Seen at the Dark Meridian was a young man in a Black Coat, starring out to sea, saying to himself: ???-"...Aqua...Ven..." said the young man before deciding to take off his hood to very both shockingly and surprisingly reveal that he is none other then...Terra! Back to where both Ventus and Oswald were, Ventus ran to the outskirts of the Wasteland, trying to find a way out of its Realm, only to no avail. Ven-"...Huff...huff...huff...where-where is the exit around here? doesn't this place have an exit at all!?" Oswald-"Nope." Ven-"Ah! you again!" Oswald-"...Its Oswald kid, at any rate, you won't be able to find a way out of the Realm of the Wasteland, given currently the status your actual physical Body is in." Ven-"...Huh? what-what do you mean?" Oswald-"Have you forgotten? you gave up your Heart in order to save your friends, don't you remember? what happened?" Ventus-"! ...Ah! ...yeah, your right, now...now i remember...it was, Vanitas...he was or, STILL IS: my Dark side, i...i had to stop him, before he threatened to hurt both Terra and Aqua..." Oswald-"Hmm...so you do recall your Memories, interesting, at the very least, your able to make sense of what happened to you and how you got here, tell me, do you know...what happened, to your Heart? the part that left you i mean..." Ven-"...The part that...left me?" Oswald-"Ahh, i see, so you can't remember beyond what happened after defeating your Dark side, i guess that's understandable, your Heart basically went into a coma and in order to recuperate itself, it went into hiding, trying to find the nearest Light possible in order to survive, without that, you probably...wouldn't even be standing here." Ventus-"...Wait, i don't understand what your saying, what do you mean?" Oswald-"..."Sigh", to put it simply, beforehand, back in the Realm of Light, your Heart was already divided into two, your Light half stayed inside your original Body which is who is standing in front of me right now, the one called "Ventus" whilst your Dark half created an entirely new Body in order to sustain itself, the one you called "Vanitas", you see, upon the birth of Vanitas, his Heart's creation triggered a mutation that was able to create beings that feed off the negativity within peoples' Hearts, especially including Vanitas' own Heart, they were the Unversed, all of this which you already know, however, upon the destruction of both Vanitas and the Unversed when you had destroyed the Chi-Blade, born from the combined union of both your Hearts, reintegrated with one another but not fully whole, as one anymore, seeing, as how Vanitas became his very own existence, your fused Heart was damaged and a small fragment of its Light was lost to the Darkness of which had tried to take over the Light when the Chi-Blade was still in the process of being forged, that Light was divided into two halves, the half standing in front of me here, now whilst the other went somewhere else, unfortunately i do not where, all i know is that that half of your Heart's Light, namely in other-words, you yourself Ventus are now safe somewhere and it is because of that that the half that is standing in front of me now has ended up in the Realm of the Wasteland within the even bigger Realm of Memories, here where all kinds of Memories end up in, either locked safely away within the Light of people's Hearts or lost to the Darkness when people's Hearts become consumed by the Heartless and those people when they become Heartless are forgotten about, if so, in the latter case then they end up here in the Wasteland, where Memories have either been tied to Darkness or lost to its shadows...all very complex and confusing i know but still, in a way, it does make sense...sort of." Ventus-"...Heartless...what are, Heartless?" Oswald-"! Seriously? that's what you took from all that? oy vey, looks like we have a lot of work to do, anyways, what i want to explain to you now is absolutely vitally crucial towards the destiny of your Heart, if the two halves of its Light are to reunite and rejoin with one another, thus completing the fully reassembled formation of the Light being known, as Ventus..." Ventus-"Ven...tus." Oswald-"Yeah, you buddy, fully whole again once more-! uh oh! looks we've got trouble!" Heartless Shadows appear surrounding both Ventus and Oswald, preparing to bombard them with their massive amount of numbers, Oswald quickly summons his Keyblade, of which shocks Ventus: Ventus-"! A Keyblade!?" Oswald-"Yeah, sorry, no time for questions right about now, first, we've got to take care of these guys here first!" Ventus-"R-Right!" said Ventus, as he summoned his Keyblade, the Wayward Wind, together both Ventus and Oswald joined forces and had teamed up with one another against the Heartless Shadows, destroying them one by one until eventually, one Heartless Neoshadow appears, trying to surprise attack Ventus, because Ventus remembered having encountered Neoshadows before, he was taken aback by its sudden appearance and was frozen stiff, Oswald tries to help Ven but is too distracted by the Shadows in front of him, as it seemed like just about Ven was going to be struck down by the Neoshadow, suddenly, very shockingly and surprisingly coming to his rescue was the black coated Terra, wielding his Earthshaker Keyblade, destroying the Neoshadow. Oswald-"!?" Ventus-"!?!? T-T-T..." Terra-"..." Ventus-"TERRA!!!!" Terra-"...Terra?" Ventus-"Terra! its me! Ventus! i'm so glad your safe! your okay! nothing bad happened to you!" Terra-"..." Ventus-"I can't believe it, i'm not dreaming, am i? if so, either way, i'm so glad to see your safe Terra! but...what are you doing here? what's with the black coat? more importantly, where's Aqua!? do you know where she is!?" Terra-"...Aqua..." Ventus-"? ...Terra? what's wrong?" just then, Terra raises his Earthshaker Keyblade, pointing it dead straight towards Ventus. Ven-"!? T-Terra?" Terra-"...That's not...that's not my name, i'm not, Terra...i'm...!? GAH!" Terra suddenly drops the Earthshaker, holding his head in both hands, writhing in agony. Ventus-"TERRA!?!?" Ven tries to help Terra, only to get suddenly knocked back by him, as he quickly makes a sudden retreat through a Corridor of Darkness, leaving Ven behind with Oswald, as Ventus ponders his friend's sudden behaviour just then: Ven-"T-Terra..." Oswald-"..." Deciding that this was too much for Ven to bare at the moment, Oswald had decided to take Ventus back to his home, where there, they could figure out what to do next... (To be continued.).
  17. A sort of DmC: Devil May Cry inspired rework of our Dearly Beloved Kingdom Hearts franchise, The Kingdom of Hearts or TKoH for short is the story about all brand new main, primary protagonists of this new version of Kingdom Hearts trying to protect the aforementioned mythical, ancient, omnipotent and omniscient Heart of all Worlds from the clutches of both Darkness and all other sorts of evil forces...the premise behind The Kingdom of Hearts is that it not only explores both the Light and the Dark within everyone's Hearts but rather also both the Good and the Bad, the White and the Black, the Yang and the Yin, so on, so forth, all the kinds of things that represent balance itself, the theme of TKoH is balance and the story focuses on parallel versions of Sora, Riku and Kairi, as they soon get dragged into a fight for their very lives and must now at the very same time, master the arts of the Keyblade granted upon them...in this Role-play, Sora, Riku and Kairi are named "Sky", "Land" and "Sea" respectively and they are currently being taught under their mentors and foster figures of each one of them respectively named "Wind", "Earth" and "Water", the parallel versions of Ventus, Terra and Aqua...in the story of TKoH, long, long ago...in what was once called the Age of Fairy Tales, now called the "Age of Modern Man", there was a demon, a demon so powerful that it could feed off of the life force of other peoples' Hearts until eventually, nothing at all had remained of them, this demon was referred to by all, as the "Heartless Xehanort", basically Kingdom Hearts' version of Calamity Ganon from The Legend of Zelda's latest recent release Breath of the Wild...the Heartless Xehanort was once said according to legend to have been thirteen individuals each, however, upon completely surrendering their Hearts to the Darkness for whatever reason, power, fame, fortune, you name it...these 13 individuals' Hearts had been completely swallowed by the Dark and had then merged into one, which had become the evil monster, the Heartless Xehanort...in order to stop the Heartless Xehanort before it could wreak havoc upon the "World of Light", seven princesses from seven different kingdoms were chosen due to their royal bloodlines and the magical powers bestowed upon their Hearts due to those bloodlines and by combining all of their powers into one, they crafted a door leading to eternal Darkness, there, they had banished the Heartless Xehanort, hoping that the seal would forever remain intact and the evil beast kept locked away under lock and key forever...however, there are now those in the current present times who seek to revive the Heartless Xehanort, they call themselves a "Cult of Nobodies" and now this aforementioned cult are seeking new ways to revive the beast for whatever diabolical schemes they are hatching and are plotting, they have even gone, as far, as to conduct experiments, trying to mimic the original Heartless Xehanort itself in the forms of miniature beasts, more or less taking on the gargantuan monster's form, now, in order to save the World of Light and all of the smaller Worlds within its larger sphere of Worlds, Sky, the apprentice of Wind, Land, the apprentice of Earth and Sea, the apprentice of Water must now unite, as one and band together to face off against the Dark forces and machinations of the Cult of Nobodies before they even have the chance to revive the Heartless Xehanort, however...they must also learn the bonds of teamwork and friendship in the process if they are ever to have a standing fighting chance, for the three apprentices do not exactly get along so well with one another and now this is where balance fits into the story, they must learn to put aside their differences, work with each other, as well, as other people dedicated to the cause of stopping the Cult of Nobodies and the monstrous Heartless Xehanort and both use and unlock the true powers of their weapons, the "Keyswords" and thus with Keyswords in hand, the three set out from their home-worlds, as ordered by their masters and begin journeying to the smaller Worlds within the World of Light, hoping to learn new things and experiences in these Worlds before joining together, as one by meeting at the fated place and once there, the chosen three will prove themselves not only to all the people of the Realm of Light and their masters but also to themselves especially for a strong lesson in life is self reflection...another form of balance but now, enough talk, let the journey commence and the story begin, for this is TKoH, The Kingdom of Hearts. Rules: No Godmoding. No Romance above age 12. No Swearing above age 12. Please use proper grammar. This is a parallel universe setting of the Kingdom Hearts games so although it shares certain and similar themes and aspects with the games, the Role-play itself is meant to be an entirely original story more or less with borrowed ideas from both DmC: Devil May Cry and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, in the senses that it shows new versions of our favourite Characters and that they must combat a deadly nemesis that was once Human now more monster then the former respectively. Hints can be made to the original Kingdom Hearts games but not outright connections to the actual games, this is a different setting and universe that can be considered on the other side of the mirror of the Kingdom Hearts universe where the games take place, know what i mean? You cannot create Characters based on Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra and Aqua but other versions of Characters such, as Axel/Lea for example are available and just to put any person's mind at ease about the Cult of Nobodies being this universe's Organization XIII, they are not, they are merely a group of worshipers and followers that are trying to resurrect the ancient evil being, the Heartless Xehanort, anyone can create their own groups based on the Organization if they so wish to, however, monsters such, as the Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed and Dream Eaters will not appear in the story, instead, new monsters will appear that will be introduced when the story first kicks off hopefully. Keyswords are what the Keyblades are called in this universe and, as for X-Blades and Ultima Weapon Keyblades that appear in the Role-play, they are combined, as one in this universe and are called "Ultima Xs", Ultima Xs are what is referred to, as the final transformation and form of a Keysword once it has reached full maturity alongside its chosen wielder, they basically function like the Starlight Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts Chi does in terms of they can change shape upon a Character leveling up, each time a Character levels up upon reaching the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and so on, a person can change the shape of their Keyblade if they so desire or just stay with its regular appearance, whichever suits the Role-players' preferences. Characters from other franchises, Final Fantasy can appear in the Role-play but they are parallel versions of their normal Kingdom Hearts selves which who of are parallels to begin with but the unique thing upon their inclusion is that they can be portrayed however they like, for examples, Sephiroth isn't a villain and is instead a hero and Cloud is not a brooder but rather a more sociable person, that's the fun in how these Characters can be portrayed within the Role-play, Final Fantasy, Disney and Kingdom Hearts Characters all alike, we can see new sides of them that we have never seen before. Please put down "One Destiny, Different Sky" to show that you have read the Rules at the end of your Character Sheets. You can have up to, as many Characters, as you can portray. Have fun! :]. P.S: The starting point for all Characters to meet up is the World known, as "Lux Town", it is the central hub World for the Role-play and where the Tutorial will take place, revealing how travelling to other Worlds is possible and is performed, how people fight with their weapons, especially Keyswords and where the heroes will learn of what the villains, the Cult of Nobodies are currently plotting, other Characters that are villainous may choose to align with the cult or not and work towards their own agendas, like Maleficent and Pete do in the games. Character Sheets: Normal: Name: Age: History: Personality: Appearance: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Home-world: Species: Alignment: Japanese Voice Actor/Actress: English Voice Actor/Actress: Theme Song: (The last three don't need to be filled in necessarily.). Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy/Disney: Name: Parallel Version of which Character from the games: Age: History: Personality: Appearance: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Home-world: Alignment: Here is the Character Sheet for the demonic being: Character Sheets: Normal: Name: The Heartless Xehanort. Age: Over 10,000 years. History: 13 individuals filled with both complete and utter Darkness within their Hearts combined, as one to form this abomination of creation...during the very early years it was rampaging across the World of Light, it was initially known, as the being with "No Name", however, over the course of the history of time, its violence and terrorism have earned it the nickname "Heartless" and the name "Xehanort" was also bestowed upon it, as it was apparently the name of a both fallen and corrupt angel of legend, thus came to be, the Heartless Xehanort, a giant behemoth of a monster that has been mentioned in storytelling nightmares to children living in the current present era, as a means of getting them to behave, the Heartless Xehanort was ultimately defeated by the combined unification of seven pure Hearted princesses of seven kingdoms each and was sealed away supposedly forever behind a giant sealed door that led to a bottomless pit of eternal Darkness, there it sleeps, waiting, to be one day be awakened and the seal broken, to destroy the World of Light and this time succeed, so that nothing is left and only Nothingness remains behind... Personality: Cruel, Sadistic, Monstrous, has no Conscience and a mind to think on its own with, its only purpose in life is the instinct to kill everyone and everything baring a Heart until Hearts no longer exist at all... Appearance: Resembles Calamity Ganon from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild but with Master Xehanort's signature traits, his gold eyes, pointy ears and silver hair, has X shaped claw feet. Weapon: A Keysword shaped Scorpion like tail. Sub Weapon: A Crab like right handed giant claw. Home-world: Unknown. Species: Unknown. Alignment: Pure Evil. Japanese Voice Actor/Actress: Has none, communicates through beast sound effects. English Voice Actor/Actress: Same, as above. Theme Song: https://youtu.be/gKVtc3ePX6g. "One Destiny, Different Sky.".
  18. Tagline: "...Our battle is over...but the war...has only just begun." Synopsis: Three and a half years have passed since the events of KINGDOM HEARTS III, in which Sora, aided by his fellow Guardians of Light had defeated both Master Xehanort and his Organization XIII comprised of various incarnations of himself and now, the Worlds are at peace, however...that does not mean that peace lasts forever, for now a both strange and mysterious new threat is attacking the universe and it is up to both Sora and friends to stop it, along the way they meet both old and new friends alike, exploring various and vast new Worlds unlike which they have ever seen beforehand, mastering new spells and abilities and also for Sora, gaining new Keyblades to fight with, as Sora begins this new adventure of his, he soon discovers that this new threat that is trying to destroy the galaxy is related in more ways then one to the legendary Keyblade War, of which Xehanort was trying to restart and had ultimately failed to do so, thanks to Sora and the others' efforts, at any rate, this new threat may very well be trying to get its hands on the one true χ-Blade, in order to unlock the mysteries of its counterpart, the one true Kingdom Hearts, to in turn become a god above both everything and everyone...in an attempt to stop this evil menace, Sora travels with both Donald Duck and Goofy once more to find out more about the enemy that they are currently facing whilst both Riku and King Mickey Mouse don the Black Coats of Organization XIII once more and travel across the Worlds through the Corridors of Darkness, attempting their own investigation into matters from their side, meanwhile, Master Yen Sid has both Kairi and Lea undertake the Mark of Mastery Exam, in the hopes that just like Sora and Riku beforehand will the two master new powers to combat this new threat, aiding in the training of the two are Merlin and the three good fairies, as requested their help by Yen Sid, in the meantime, Maleficent and Pete are up to their no good tricks again and are attempting to reassemble the council of Disney villains from the original KINGDOM Hearts to further their own goals of universal domination, Ventus, Terra and Aqua are on standby at the newly restored Land of Departure until given further orders by the revived Master Eraqus, Roxas, Axel, Xion and Namine are also on standby with Pence, Hayner and Olette in Twilight Town at the old mansion, finally, the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee, along with the somebodies of Dilan, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo and the redeemed Isa, as well, as Ansem the Wise, having been restored to the wise sage and ruler of Radiant Garden are currently looking into matters regarding research on this new foe that everyone is now faced with... This new foe is said to be just about, as dangerous, as Xehanort was...maybe, even more so...aided by four henchmen, this new enemy and his servants don white versions of Organization XIII's Black Coats and all together call themselves the "Illuminati", the Illuminati lead creatures that feed off positive energy and vibes that they refer to, as the "Versed", said to be the exact opposites of the Unversed themselves, the Versed are easily identified by having the very same symbol, as the Unversed do upon their bodies, the only difference being that the colour for the Versed is white instead of the Unversed's black, a possible hint into the identity of who these new enemies are, namely their leader, as he bares a Unversed symbol zipper on his white coat, he calls himself "χ-Super" and under his white coat's hood, he is shown to wear a variation of Vanitas' helmet but with a large X across the helmet's face, whatever his intentions are currently unknown but he states that he will bring about what he calls the "Versus XIII" and whatever this means, most people tend to take it, as to him meaning that he is going to form another Organization XIII like Xehanort previously did in the past twice and is attempting to recreate the Keyblade War, now, on a mission to stop this possible raving lunatic, Sora and friends, old and new battle Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, Dream Eaters and these new Versed monsters across all of the realms a person can think of and finally, the story that began with Xehanort's ambition will end once and for all here, at least that is what is going through Sora's mind at the moment but still he ponders, is there more to this Versus XIII? what exactly does it mean? all will be explained... This is KINGDOM HEARTS IV-The free Role-Play for everyone where they can experiment on what life would be like after the events of the Xehanort/Dark Seeker Saga have ended, please share with me your opinions on the story before i continue making the Character Sheets and Rules.
  19. Alright, so I've searched the forums and haven't found anything like this, but I do apologize if it has been posted here before. I know the topic has come up before about why Vanitas was shown beside Young Xehanort in DDD as well as where he may be now, but I think I may have an idea/theory to answer this. Ok, so we know from Nomura in one of his interviews he states that Vanitas showed up because it was Ventus' heart reacting inside of Sora. Now, I still see some confusion here from other fans, so I just want to clear one thing up. Sora did NOT see Vanitas, only Ventus did (and us as the audience, of course). What Sora saw and heard was YX saying, "Hypocrite, you are the one that has made your heart a prison... Even if you are not the prisoner." Ventus (from what we can gather) saw and heard the same thing but with Vanitas saying it instead. That is why after it was all said and done, Sora asks, "My heart's a prison? :huh:" instead of questioning why there was another boy standing beside YX that looked exactly like him. He didn't see Vanitas; he saw YX and that was it. Now continuing from this, I think there could be a double meaning behind the line "Even if you are not the prisoner." YX said it to Sora and was talking about Ventus being the 'prisoner' inside his heart. But what if the same could be said about Vanitas? What if Vanitas said the same thing because it was also true that HE himself was also a prisoner inside of Ven's heart? Looking back at the end of BBS with the resolution of Ven and Vanitas' fight within their dive to the heart, Vanitas fell into his pillar. Now, I was with a lot of people in first taking that as a way of saying the two finally joined back together, but obviously that's not the case since Ventus went into a state of suspended animation like a Princess of Heart would when they lose their hearts. Meaning, his heart still only consists of light. Going off of this, could it be said that Vanitas fell into Ven's heart and got stuck there still as a separate entity and became his 'prisoner'? If this is the case, then Vanitas is trapped inside of Ventus' heart which is trapped inside of Sora's heart. And this kind of matches up with what YX said from the newest trailer featuring the Toy Story world. YX states, "There is a darkness we are missing and must reclaim." Now, it's really just an opinion here, but I think he's talking about Vanitas-which is why I said it kind of matches up. If he is talking about Vanitas, then them [the seekers] trying to find clues as to how hearts connect... this could be why: If they want Vanitas, they'd first have to get Ventus out of Sora's heart and then get Vanitas out of Ventus' heart. That's some crazy heart extraction going on there. Anyway, that's pretty much all I have to offer. Let me know what you guys think.
  20. This theory was originally developed by derekscorner and revised last night. I delve into the theory a little bit myself and came up with something pretty incredible. Again, most of this theory is in credit to derekscorner. All I’ve done is branch it out a little more. You can read the original post along with what I came up with here. Kingdom Hearts is never entirely clear on how it’s universe works. The only trustworthy information you can get is spoken by characters in cut scenes, usually rather vague and said with symbolism, or it’s hidden somewhere in the “Reports” you recover throughout all of the games. Because of this, the game can constantly flex it’s rules to bring about more scenarios and fix discrepancies it might have had in the past. But assuming, with the release 1.5+2.5 for the PS4, all of those discrepancies were fixed and the game is official, theories about this game will now become all the more relevant. And sensible. Most things in Kingdom Hearts can be explained away in a rather convoluted essay. However, there are still select few scenarios that fans can’t seem to tackle because it wouldn’t make sense for how the game’s universe operates. One of these leading scenarios is the issue of bringing the lost Nobodies back into existence. I’m talking about Roxas, Naminé, and Xion. “But it’s easy!” You say with excitement. “Sora just needs to release their hearts and they’ll be here!” Well, in a sense, you’re right. But it also wouldn’t make sense regarding how the game works. Not many people remember them because they weren’t really relevant until now, but the Secret Ansem reports obtained in Kingdom Hearts II describe how an individual being works: Secret Ansem Report #4Three elements combine to create a life: a heart, a soul, and a body. But what of the soul and body left behind when the heart is lost? When the soul leaves the body, its vessel, life gives way to death, but what about when the heart leaves? A being does not perish when its heart leaves its body. The heart alone disappears into the darkness. The body is quite obviously the body of a person, which is just their vessel. Their heart is basically their personality and memories, as well as “power”, which is stored inside their body. And the soul is not really their spirit, but rather just the life-force or energy used to make a body living. This is where things start to get confusing. Regarding Sora releasing the hearts of Roxas, Naminé, and Xion, it could only POTENTIALLY work for Roxas. It’s best if we explain what each character’s scenario is. Roxas, even though he doesn’t look like Sora, nor even has his voice or personality, is still Sora’s Nobody. His creation was brought about by Sora’s sacrifice. Sora’s heart was cast into the darkness, reforming as a Heartless, whilst his body and soul reformed in the Realm Between as Roxas. Roxas had Ventus’ heart within him because Ven’s heart didn’t leave Sora’s body upon him stabbing himself with the Keyblade. Because of this, his body reformed to somewhat compare to Ventus. Though there still isn’t an explanation as to why his clothing isn’t identical. Maybe we’ll never know. So Roxas was created from Sora’s body and soul and could only be recreated if Sora became a Heartless again, giving up his body and soul for Roxas’ possession. Naminé is something different altogether, but somewhat similar in how she exists. She was created when Sora released Kairi’s heart from within him, but she doesn’t actually have the qualities of a Nobody that normally others do. Because Kairi has a heart of pure light, she literally can’t create a Heartless. When her heart was stolen, her body kinda just slumped over like a sleeping puppet, kinda like what happened to Ventus. But it’s the fact that her body DIDN’T reform as a Nobody, but stayed in the Realm of Light. What ACTUALLY created Naminé was Sora releasing her heart from within his body. This leads me and some others to believe a fraction of him went off to form Roxas while another to form Naminé. It also kinda adds up as to why Naminé has blonde hair, because Ventus’ heart influenced her appearance slightly. And why her appearance is so basic, because it’s not a real body whatsoever. So Naminé doesn’t have any body or soul, but she was created from borrowed fragments of Sora’s and influenced by Sora and Ventus’ hearts. Xion is a pretty straightforward one. She isn’t an actual Nobody, but a puppet that had a soul stuffed inside it. She also has memories of Kairi from when Vexen “tested” Sora in Chain of Memories. But because Sora’s memories of Kairi were being shadowed by Naminé, she appeared like a shadow of Kairi. Her entire existence is dependent on these memories remaining inside her body. But because she decided that Sora needs to awaken, she willingly gave them up to Roxas and her body perished without its fundamental core. And without that core, all memories built on top of it crashed down and the chain was destroyed, leading everyone to forget Xion ever existed. The links of her memories were buried in Sora’s heart. So Xion’s entire existence was dependent on Sora’s memories of Kairi and without them, her body couldn’t stand. And because all of her memories are broken in Sora’s heart, she is woven into his being. “But wait!” You say with confidence. “Sora returned to the Realm of Light without his body and soul when Kairi brought him back!” And there you are, calling out the holes in the theory. Hate it when people do that. This is best explained by looking somewhere completely different in the series: the creation of Vanitas. Oh yeah, our mean bean who wants to murder everyone and gave Haley Joel Osment the time of his life getting to laugh so deviously. Vanitas’ creation isn’t too hard to understand: when the darkness of Ventus’ heart got ripped out of his body, it reformed as a being of darkness, Vanitas. And this is the cool part: Vanitas DIDN’T use Ventus’ body to form himself, but rather the power of darkness itself. He created his body through sheer force of manipulating the darkness within him, or perhaps Xehanort did it. My point still stands either way: if a being of pure darkness is capable of creating a body of pure darkness, could a being of pure light create a body of pure light? Yes, you heard me. Kairi didn’t bring Sora’s body back from the Realm Between, but rather made him a new one out of the light within her heart. This did, however, make Sora an incomplete person. Because he no longer had a real body, I would think his life would be more on the line than ever. He is literally a floating heart surrounded by light at this point, making Darkness all the more lethal to the boy. But that’s not too important right now. Because it’s dangerous for Sora to just be a heart surrounded by light, especially with Xehanort still trying to turn him into a vessel, him just giving up his body for Roxas would be rather dangerous. Even if Kairi pulled him back from the darkness, there’s no guarantee the same thing would happen again. And you can’t repeat the actions for Naminé without somehow hurting Kairi in the process. So our issue here is lack of body and soul. Roxas can’t just take Sora’s body again, it would leave Sora in harm’s way. Naminé being created out of fragments of a body, or even just sheer nothingness, won’t work again. And recreating Xion would require that they know where this puppet lab is and how everything there works. Each of these situations, each person is under special circumstances. But there has always been one definite and constant thing that has been able to manifest itself in the real world without harm: the data used in Ansem’s computer. Yeah. Data. Just the 1’s and 0’s. Need an example? 1) The munny pouch that belonged to data-Olette in Twilight Town. Riku was able to retrieve it from within the data-world and BRING IT INTO THE REAL WORLD. He handed it off to Mickey, who gave it to Sora for them to buy train tickets. See, that always bugged me. Really badly. That train we just took is a MAGIC TRAIN that’s ONLY HERE FOR US. Why in the world would we need to pay for tickets to go on this train that Yen Sid sent for US? There’s no one on the train checking for tickets! YOU CAN TELL BECAUSE THEY JUST WALK RIGHT ON WITHOUT ARGUMENT. There wasn’t any reason for that munny pouch to be handed off to Sora unless they wanted to make it BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that DATA CAN BE BROUGHT INTO THE REAL WORLD. 2) The Heartless invasion by the MCP. This one is the less obvious, but complete giveaway. Those Heartless used during the invasion were, quite obviously, not meant to be in Radiant Garden. The MCP was spawning them there using data. Yes! He used data to spawn the Heartless. Their models and code already existed in the computer, so he just turned on the Heartless Manufactory and went to work. And also, THE HEARTLESS MANUFACTORY! It literally CREATES BEINGS FROM DATA! This is a dead giveaway that data can be used to CREATE REAL LIFE THINGS! And in Dream Drop Distance on the Grid, it’s constantly hinted at the fact that the device used to bring Sora and company in and out of Space Paranoids can work BOTH WAYS! In the actual movie, IT HAPPENED! A data person was brought out of the Grid and into the real world! Data can be made into real, physical objects. And evidenced by the ending to Tron:Legacy, they can be alive, as well. Now, how can I truly persuade you that this theory is correct? I was pondering this for a long time. While I first read about it, I was thinking to myself that this is completely bizarre and there’s no way the games would go this route. But as I looked into things myself and stared at the wall of Kingdom Hearts theories I’ve had over the years, it clicked. This was meant to happen. Allow me to explain. The data version of Ansem and his research that was discovered inside Sora’s heart. This is huge. It seemed like a random thing that Nomura and crew threw into the game because… reasons. But it’s not. What if I told you that this data Riku found was actually research about how data can be brought into the real world and, in turn, can be used to recreate a person? Ansem was researching the Nobodies and must’ve discovered something about using the data to make bodies for them. He must’ve told Naminé to some degree about this, giving her hope that she and Roxas wouldn’t actually disappear. This is what leads to Coded (Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded). “WHAT?! CODED?!” Yeah, I know! Coded is ACTUALLY RELEVANT? Incredible! Anyways, it starts like this: Naminé placed a data version of herself, as well as the memories inside Sora’s heart, in the journal. Because these weren’t supposed to be here, the journal got all messed up. After repairing it, Data-Riku was able to find this hidden data and Data-Sora was sent to investigate. He found the hidden memories as well as Naminé telling him that Sora needs to call these memories to the surface in order to awaken their hearts. From their, the Keyblade to Return Hearts, as mentioned in previous games, would be used to extract their hearts from within Sora and return them to existence. “Okay, cool. So Coded is hardly relevant.” OH, BUT I’M NOT DONE! Coded gets way more important. It’s actually the fundamental base for this part of the theory. And it’s mind-blowing how well this fits into place! I’m gonna break away and give you guys a little lesson on 3D printing. In order to actually 3D print you need something that can fabricate what you’re trying to print. Once you have the device, you need a model. A good example of a model is like a ring. That ring was initially created or scanned into a model file so that the printer would be able to create it. You essentially make something out of data. So I’ve been thinking… The transfer device in Ansem’s lab is basically a 3D printer, but it works both ways. It’s for someone to enter or exit the data-world. It’s MEANT to transfer atoms to data and data to atoms. It’s how they’re going to fabricate the bodies of data for Roxas, Naminé and Xion. It doesn’t even matter if you’re thinking of the lab in Twilight Town or the lab in Radiant Garden, because BOTH were built by Ansem! But then comes the issue of the model they must “print” out. We need to create models of each of our little Nobodies from scratch. Huh? “Use Ventus as a model for Roxas?” Haha, well, you’re onto something. I’d completely agree with you to use Ventus as a basic model for Roxas were it not for the fact that we already HAVE a model of Roxas that’s already been created. The same can be said for Xion and Naminé. We have them already. The models are already present in the journal in Coded. Don’t believe me? Well, take a second glance at the Re:Coded HD Remaster from 2.5! HE’S THERE! Roxas already has a FULL MODEL of his body in the journal, complete with voice and body build, as well as his face and his hair, as seen underneath the hood. All you need to do is drop his heart into it and export the data using the terminal in Ansem’s lab! Naminé PLACED all of this data inside the journal, not just for Mickey and company to find it and inform Sora about the memories inside him, but so they could USE the data to CREATE BODIES FOR OUR LOST FRIENDS. “Wait a second! This is really cool and all, but wouldn’t Ansem’s computer already have some of this data then, effectively making Coded useless again?” Man, we all really hate Coded, don’t we? My answer to that is: no, Ansem’s computer wouldn’t have this information on it nor would the models exist there. Why? Because, as BLATANTLY SPOKEN by Ansem and Riku themselves, and clearly evidenced multiple times throughout the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II, their data-Twilight Town has been completely compromised. Nobodies are everywhere and searching for Roxas. If the Organization found any of this information that Ansem and Naminé had discovered, everything would be over. So, in a panic, Ansem wiped his computer of anything having to do with data in correlation to Nobodies and hid it inside Sora, hoping they would find it. Naminé would hide the information about Sora’s hidden memories and the models that could be used inside the journal to be discovered later. Because Naminé was taken somewhere safe by Axel, she never got the chance to tell Sora about it. And seeing how Ansem immediately felt the need to begin his revenge scheme against Xehanort, he just left the boy to his own devices. Seeing the main plot of Coded be revealed with Castle Oblivion in the end, I have no doubts that this theory is correct. The focus of the game is to figure out what Naminé hid in the journal. I feel like data-Roxas’ role in the journal is important here. He was meant to get Sora to understand the painful memories inside him and that it was Sora’s role to wake them up and return them to existence. I’m still not entirely sure how he can tie into this theory, but I know he’s a strong point of it. But in short, here’s what we came up with: Data can be used to recreate bodies for the Nobodies who disappeared. The data transfer device in Ansem’s lab can be used to fabricate these bodies. The journal informs Sora on how to wake up the hearts inside him. The journal holds the models required to fabricate the bodies.
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