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Found 13 results

  1. As the title says, I've been trying to find people who'd join my party for almost a year now with no luck. It's just me and my girlfriend playing, but I mostly do the work since she has Uni to worry about. Our party always ranks around the 300-500 everytime, we don't bother much about pvp and I finish pretty much all the weekly goals (Sometimes I can't reach 150 raid bosses myself, but the rest I do on my own.) I'm active every day, I never skip one day even if it's just a couple mins and I have a discord account, so we can talk and chat there if needed.
  2. If you are viewing this topic, you have decided to join the Leopardos union in the North American version of Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ! Getting to know the members of your union is important because, periodically, the game will host contests between the unions for in-game rewards! The contests usually involve being in the union that collects the largest amount of Lux between its members. In this thread, feel free to introduce yourself to fellow Leopardos members and answer a few questions: What is your game ID Number/Nickname? What level are you? Why did you join the Leopardos union? Are you a member of a party? If not, would you like to join one? What is your favorite medal? Have fun, and be sure to keep the discussion to strictly the Leopardos union!
  3. Hey guys! I'm looking for a new party to join in on KHUx. I'm currently level 208 and I'm a pretty regular player. I usually rank in the top 3000 each week. I did start my own party with my friends when the game started but unfortunately I'm the only one still playing My ID is 1396604 and I'm on the international version and play evenings in the New Zealand time zone. Thanks everyone'
  4. After I theorised that Ventus is a potential Dandelion, the first thought that immediately popped into my head is that, the Reincarnation theory is shot down... but then again, the connections between the heroes and Fortellers are too coincidental not to make obvious comparisons. So I considered how else the Foretellers could be connected to the heroes, and then it dawned upon me: what if the heroes are spiritual successors as opposed to literal reincarnations. and Way2Dawn provided the perfect explanation. "Is it possible that we have the reincarnation theory completely backward? The Book of Prophecies projects images and illusions of the future, so is it possible that the Fortellers clothes were stylized based off of the Heroes of today that they felt closely connected to? So someone like Ava saw an image of Kairi being projected by the Book of Prophecies and felt a connection with her, so her robes are styled to fit Kairi's image?" Way2Dawn. Now only does this theory give a more simple and plausible explanation with the Fortellers and heroes, but, it doesn't have to diminish the uniqueness of the Foretellers in the process unlike the Reincarnation theory. So, here are the Kingdom Hearts X characters and the heroes that they molded themselves by using the Book of Prophecies. Master of Masters = Ansem the Wise Master Ava = Kairi Master Ira = Riku Master Aced = Terra Master Gula = Ventus Master Invi = Aqua Master Luxu = Axel
  5. I was always curious as to why the Foretellers donned Animal masks... were they the very first furries? All joking aside, I genuinely believe that the respected animals are symbolism towards their nature outside of the respected Keyblades that they wield. Lets take a look at which animal belongs to which Foreteller shall we? Unicornis = Unicorn Ursus = Grizzly Bear Leopardos = Leopard Anguis = King Cobra Vulpeus = Vixen (Female Fox) From this, we could get a better idea as to which Foreteller is most likely to be the "traitor" out of the five?
  6. After the identity of the 6th Apprentice being revealed, I decided to see what his name meant, this is the result that I got for typing the name Rushu. "The king of all Shushus. A fiery demon, he is in another world, one that has mostly been destroyed down to rock and ash. He is looking for a way to enter the world of light and life so that he and his demons can keep destroying things." What's everybody's thoughts on this? do you think that this meaning will influence said character?
  7. Started this party recently there are no requirements except to be active some time in the week. Post your ID and name and i'll add you.
  8. Leopardos party, Wonderland, is recruiting. Looking for active members to start taking out higher level raid bosses as well as improving overall party rankings. My IGN is Alice, and I'm currently in the top 10 of the Coliseum and play everyday. All I ask is to be active, and to have a good medal to share. You can either search for Wonderland or put your ID here in the thread and I'll add you. Have 4 Open slots right now. Recruitment Closed for now.
  9. So yeah, I'm already leaving the game, I'm bored of it, it's repetitive and it takes too much of my time away, plus, it takes most of the space in my mobile phone, which limits it quite a lot. That's basicaly why I'm uninstaling it. I made a party and it got fairly far (40th place in the first week and 57th in this one), it's name is KH13 Leopardos, and I was it's leader, but since I'm leaving the game I'm giving the leadership away... Congrat the new party leader, Felixx! He was the one who was going to make the party in the first place but I started it in the end, so I think it's fair if he takes my place as the leader! I'm sure you'll do an amazing job Felixx! Although I'll uninstall the app, I'll probably reinstall it later on, especially if there's more story updates (although I haven't reached quest 200 yet ). I think that's all I wanted to say, cheers and see you around here! EDIT: I've backed up my character, so I'll use the same one when I come back!
  10. Me and Felixx have created a party in Kingdom Hearts Unchained X! Whoever wants to join, just tell me through this topic! I would rather if you were European because of the name of the party, but that can be changed if we want more players that aren't from Europe EDIT: No need to be European
  11. I believe Kingdom Hearts 3 will end with the death of all 7 Guardians of Light... ...Okay well maybe not "dead" dead, but here me out... There has been a lot of chatter that the 5 "Lost Masters" are actually: [it is believed these are the lost masters due to color scheme comparison, height equivalents, and the use of the same voice actors, I would recommend looking into this more yourself if your skeptical (Rebirth Theory w/ Pics = http://forums.khinsider.com/kingdom-hearts-iii/194630-rebirth.html and GamersJoint voice comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rGI_Yzr2cI ] Aqua = Anguis Ventus = Leopardos Riku = Unicornis Terra = Ursus Kairi = Vulpeus ...with the sixth lost master being missing It is also believed that the missing final page in the Book of Prophecies is also the page that states that darkness will triumph over light... Now here's where my theory begins, what if the Book of Prophecies was written by "people" from the future in order to try to prevent the outcome these "people" had faced (darkness defeating light)? So as to say, the Book of Prophecies is actually less of a prophecy written by the foretellers, but more of a recollection of past events the foretellers/"lost masters" actually experienced? This would mean that the "people" who wrote the Book of Prophecies only knew what happened up to the point of darkness defeating light, NOT what happened afterwards. I emphasize this because it seems as though the Book of Prophecies is incomplete and limited (the prophecy ends at a point that I can't possibly see as being the ending) and I think that's because its not the ending, but rather, just as far as the "lost masters" were able to make it before getting sent back in time! (Maybe through the power of finally achieving Kingdom Hearts) Now I want to quickly focus on the term "LOST masters". What makes the masters "LOST" and if the Lost Masters are the Foretellers, why are the Foretellers LOST??? I believe its because after the great war/clash between the 13 SoD and 7 GoL, 6 keyblade masters in the fight disappeared, not to a new location, but to a different time. So what if, at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, Xehanort had finally captured Kingdom Hearts and the world fell to darkness, but as this happened, somehow Aqua, Ventus, Terra, Riku, and Kairi were sent back in time (along with the other unknown master) and became the foretellers. [Here's where the theory becomes a bit difficult to explain since we dont know who the GoL or the missing foreteller is, soooo from this point it's more random speculation than a theory backed by context clues] The crazy thing here is that Mickey, Axel/Lea, Sora, and Xehanort (not accounting for Vanitas, as I believe he may be defeated prior to this point) are all unaccounted for. I speculate that it could be possible that Mickey, Axel/Lea, and Sora are presumed dead by Xehanort, who finally achieves Kingdom Hearts. I speculate Sora and Axel/Lea "die" first. Then Mickey, in a last ditch effort, somehow manages to send Aqua, Ventus, Riku, Terra, and Kairi to the past to prevent the future, and "dies" doing so. Thinking they are all dead, and knowing the 5 were sent into the past, Xehanort goes into the past as the 6th/final foreteller(lost master) to steal the page from the foretellers as an attempt to prevent the world from knowing the truth that the events in the Book of Prophecies would lead to Xehanort's victory (so as to prevent anyone that were to read the full Book of Prophecies from ruining his plans). This would allow him to orchestrate a long drawn out plan manipulating even his younger self into following in his footsteps by mentoring Young Eraquas and Young Xehanort as his pupils. He would then use his ability to time travel to points in which he existed to return to the battlefield at the end of the game to finally sit on his throne ruling over the darkness in the world. However, I believe Axel/Lea will have died shielding Sora again (but this time he dies for real), and Mickey isn't dead but seriously injured and can't move. This would leave Sora and Xehanort to battle it out for one final showdown after the annihilation of the entire crew, the Book of Prophecies to have been fulfilled and for the Xehanort saga to be entirely tied up of loose ends. This would also account for Sora continuing on in his journey in the next installations of the game as the main character (as Nomura had stated would be the case) and would leave Kingdom Hearts X as more of a "side story" with the final page within the book of prophecies to actually be fully canon (which is what Nomura had stated would be the case of Kingdom Hearts X in relation to KH3). I also recall Hashimoto or Nomura, earlier in KH3's development, saying that they planned to make the ending sad, but Disney told them it was too sad and that they wanted a happier ending. And I believe this ending is sad enough for Disney to speculate it. OKAY SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? Do you guys think this is plausible? Do you think this makes a lot of sense but maybe a little different? (such as Axel/Lea actually being the 6th Lost Master, but is Killed by Xehanort and framed as a rebellious lost master?) (Or even the 6 Lost Masters are the 7 Guardians of Light minus Sora?) Am I missing anything such as the use of the X-blade in KH3? Is there anything you'd add or subtract from this theory? Please let me know!! ^_^
  12. Master Xehanort Adult Master Xehanort Xemnas Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Terranort (Wielding Ursus Keyblade) Xigbar (Wielding Unicornis Keyblade) Saix (Wielding Anguis Keyblade) Marluxia (Wielding Vulpeus Keyblade) Xion (Wielding Leopardos Keyblade) Replica Riku Ephemera Young Master Xehanort Vanitas
  13. It's just a thought that popped into my head. The Master Foreteller gathered six particular Keyblade Wielders, made them masters, and alongside the Master Foreteller: vowed to be the guardians of light hence their obsession with the Lux. One particular Keyblade Master was curious and wondered why there needed to be guardians of light when the worlds were full of light. He started to tamper with the darkness and eventually came to realise that there was an imbalance of light and darkness. Convinced that this particular student no longer fulfilled his duties as a Guardian of Light, the Master Foreteller decided to banish him from the Union, and eventually, the war between 7 lights vs 13 darkness's ensued.
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