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Found 24 results

  1. Some head portraits of the newly appointed Union leaders in the Kingdom Hearts mobage. Starting from left to right, top to bottom. Skuld - Three Fates Strelitzia - Paradise Glimpse Ventus - Wayward Star Ephemera - Starbright Lauriam - Vain Vines Blaine - Fourth Enigma

    © Fan art by me @ ExusiaSword. Kingdom Hearts belongs to Tetsuya Nomura, a joint franchise between Disney and Square Enix.

  2. I got bored recently and drew up custom Keyblades for the 5 newly appointed Union Leaders. Then... the recent story update sorta put a wrench to that so I had to include Lauriam's. Note: These were all made for fun and based on aesthetics alone so they may or may not reflect their wielders. Especially Lauriam's since we don't know if he has a Keyblade or not during Union Cross.
  3. Iman Nazeerudin

    Dandelion Keyblades

    Custom Keyblades for the newly appointed Union Leaders in Kingdom Hearts Union X. *These designs were purely made out of speculations and aesthetics of each Union Leader and not to be taken as actual material. Ephemera (Starbright) Actually a refinement of the usual Starlight Keyblade seen in the game, it was repurposed to resemble the one Sora wields in Kingdom Hearts 3. Skuld (Three Fates) Designed according to her namesake, being one of the three Fates (or Norn as you prefer) alongside Wyrd and Verdandi. The three streaks of red line represent the thread of fate that the Norn twines; past, present and future. Ventus (Wayward Star) Heavily derived from the Wayward Wind in Birth by Sleep. You know what, I seriously ain't got a clue anymore. Blaine (Fourth Enigma) Ain't got a clue on this one either. Peeps mentioned on how this Blaine fellow resembles Ienzo/Zexion from the past KH games, so his Keyblade was derived from his Book of Retribution in a way. Strelitzia (Paradise Glimpse) Designed after the Bird of Paradise flower as according to Strelitzia's namesake. In addition having bird-like features.

    © Fanmade designs by me @ExusiaSword.

  4. ssceles


    I’m glad to finally be in a stress-free environment so I can draw again. ;3; » You can also find this on my Tumblr!

    © ssceles

  5. Here are some sketches~ After drawing him I was like "no way... I want to draw him more.." But this time I drew him with my KHUx character ( ̄▽ ̄) He's also one of my fave ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Even though my KHUx character looks like a weak mouse (・∀・) And you don't want to know how often I redrew his hair ...(okay after the second try I gave up ;v;) Actually I wanted to upload more sketches but it doesn't rly work idk why.. But u can see it there too (*゚▽゚)ノ http://xs-xs.deviantart.com/art/Don-t-do-that-ever-again-664448239 I NEED TO COLOR IT but I'm way too lazy perhaps on my next holidays _(┐「ε: )_ And I did that for those who are curious about me It only shows my likes and dislikes (´ー`) and sth else.. http://xs-xs.deviantart.com/art/Meet-the-Artist-664305573 And yes this is my new acc I wanted to change it since I've seen some guys using the same artist name _| ̄|○ Well yeah Hope u like it! m(_ _)m
  6. But wait, you wonder, "Pretty sure that Ventus has an established connection with Aqua and Terra right?" well, Sora has two trio's. The Destiny Island trio with Riku and Kairi and the Disney trio with Donald and Goofy. It's not out of the question for Ventus to be connected with more than one trio. Besides, we know little to nothing about Ventus past before he was in Eraqus' care. So, where am I trying to go with this? what's Ventus relevance to Kingdom Hearts X? well, I believe that he's a dandelion. Just like Ephemera and Skuld, he's not tied to a Union, however, I believe that Ventus had strong darkness habouring in his heart during the era of X. Bear with me with where I'm going... Now somehow, Xehanort eventually found Ventus and decided to train him under his wing not only because he was a person that lived during the era of the Keyblade War, but, he also had habouring darkness that had potential for Xehanort. Remember, when we play Birth by Sleep, Ventus is a being of light as Xehanort extracted all the darkness away from him to create Vanitas. How was Ventus truly like before this? He couldn't have been as much of a hero with a dark half (of what would be Vanitas) that's used to make his personality. It could also justify Xehanort's obsession with Ventus and linking him to the X-Blade.
  7. The same picture as last time, just hopefully a little less blurry.
  8. Well, it's taken a while to finally upload it, but here it is! I'm hoping to start posting more fan art on here every once in a while. I've still got a few more drawings to upload so I'll have more drawings coming soon!
  9. I was always curious as to why the Foretellers donned Animal masks... were they the very first furries? All joking aside, I genuinely believe that the respected animals are symbolism towards their nature outside of the respected Keyblades that they wield. Lets take a look at which animal belongs to which Foreteller shall we? Unicornis = Unicorn Ursus = Grizzly Bear Leopardos = Leopard Anguis = King Cobra Vulpeus = Vixen (Female Fox) From this, we could get a better idea as to which Foreteller is most likely to be the "traitor" out of the five?
  10. So after seeing the new artwork for the 3rd anniversary of Kingdom Hearts X, I decided to do a sketch of the art rendered in pencil and adding a KH3 logo to it. http://
  11. ssceles

    Bad End, Dandelion

    Spoilers! Or not... Well, mostly not. This was drawn earlier on before less plot of KHX was revealed and was entirely based on speculation... and that I like being excessively cruel to characters I like the most. (The background is a screencap from an early Back Cover trailer.) [ You can also find and share this from where I posted it on my Tumblr! ] Please do not reupload this anywhere. It is for personal, offline use only! However, it is okay to crop it for use in avatars and forum signatures.

    © ssceles

  12. KairiGolden13


    It been long time since I post a drawing here, but here a drawing of Ephemera. Incase anyone wondering of name on the left corner I do post art on instagram by different username just to set the record

    © KairiGolden13

  13. Master Xehanort Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Xemnas Young Xehanort Xigbar (Wields Unicornis Keyblade) Saix (Wields Anguis Keyblade) Luxord (Wields Leopardos Keyblade) Marluxia (Wields Vulpeus Keyblade) Terranort (Wields Ursus Keyblade) Ephemera Skuld Vanitas Xion (Wields End of Pain Keyblade) I suppose there’s inevitable questions in the way I have ordered the Seeker of Darkness. So, I’ll do my best to try and answer them. 1) Why do some of the Seekers have Foreteller keyblades? Surely they’d have keyblades of their own? Yes, that is a possibility, however, hear me out, the Keyblades of the Foretellers have the Eye of Darkness. Aside the foretellers, Xehanort and people who have closely worked with him or his incarnation (Vanitas/Riku) are only other characters with Keyblades that have the eye of Darkness. My theory is that Xehanort provides these Seekers with their respected Keyblades by using the Eye of Darkness to summon the Foreteller keyblades to them using his ancient Keyblade. After all, it is the initial reason why Braig joined Xehanort’s cause. He wanted a Keyblade of his own. And as far as Vanitas goes, he probably switched his Keyblade as the Foreteller Keyblade is inevitably stronger than the Keyblade that he currently posses. 2) Why is Marluxia in the list? To be a vessel for Xehanort, you don’t have to be willing to Xehanort’s cause to be a vessel. Sora was going to be a Seeker of Darkness at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3D before he was saved. In the Keyblade Graveyard, Terra tried to stop Master Xehanort from using his body as a vessel by deflecting it with his armour, but, it was too late. Plus, in recent interviews, Nomura has hinted that Marluxia is dabbling in The Kingdom of Coronia (as hinted by the nobodies that reside there). Nomura has also said in interviews that the Disney worlds are more linked to the overall narrative of Kingdom Hearts as opposed to being secluded to the movie's narrative. Maybe he's hunting down the King and Queen of Coronia because they have valuable information or has an interest in Rapunzel's healing powers (I digress, let me go back to my initial topic). 3) Why is Ephemera and Skuld members? They never existed during Xehanort's time? Well, there’s one of two hypothetical scenarios in which Ephemera and Skuld could end up being a seeker. Scenario 1 would be that these three may be simulations that enter the real world. In Re: Coded, Data Sora grew a heart when Donald and Goofy tried to protect him from Pete in digital Hollow Bastion. In Kingdom Hearts II, we see heartless invading Radiant Garden that came from Space Paranoids: proving that transference from the digital world to the real world is possible. Scenario 2 is that a version of Xehanort existed during the time of Kingdom Hearts X (presumably delving into the Unchained realm) and somehow transferred his heart to them in order to transform them into Seekers. 4) Why is Xion the final member? isn't she resting in Sora's heart? Yes, she is. However, my theory with Xion is that, during 358/2 Days, when Xemnas was modifying an unconscious Xion, Xemnas placed a fraction of his into her (hence Xion providing the message to tell Roxas to stop Xemnas gaining hearts before she fades). But then that begs the question, why is Sora not norted if Xion is resting in her? Simple: because only Xion mind and heart is in Sora, Xion's body was never a definitive body to begin with: she was a literal puppet. Riku sees Xion's body as Sora and Xigbar sees Xion's body as Ventus. Her synthetic body was the only element of her that never belonged to Sora. Her mind and heart were extensions of Sora's: her body was artificially created from Xion's mind and heart.
  14. When the likes of Ephemera appeared in Chi, people automatically jumped on the bandwagon that he could be a seeker of darkness. I myself was semi sympathetic; semi skeptical. Carrying on when Skuld was introduced again people jumped on the bandwagon. Yet excluding the rebirth theory ( which off topic I'm still not a fan of) or some more complicated time travel rubbish, it didn't add up how they could appear in modern times. However, I think this has changed without the need for Xehanort to be alive during the chi era adding a realistic prospective for a change. In the last story update Master Ava expressed knowledge of the up coming keyblade war and revealed her plans to create Dandelions ( awful name I know- especially since they are weeds) to send a special group of keyblade wielders to another world to escape the upcoming war. If Square did wish to pursue this to modern times; then this could work within the storyline. Time flows differently depending on what realm you are in, so I propose the dandelions were sent to another realm. We've seen the Realms of light; darkness; sleep, inbetween. so it's extremely plausible there are other unknown realms out there; therefore if such realm exists then time would flow differently to that of the realm of light where the majority of the series takes place. We know the keyblade war is a historic fact and I hate to break it to people but our own individual characters will probably die ( cheery thought). We also know the worlds were remade and were not United anymore; however I question whether the dandelions were successful. Kairi's grandmother in her fairytale story refers to the light of children being the cause for this. I do not believe these were the dandelions at all; after all if that was the case; one would expect a lot more wielders to present or a wider knowledge; also as those of you know fairy tales focus on all aspects and there isn't record of a ' key shaped weapon' or ' valiant Warriors'. Thereby I conclude the dandelions are still where Ava sent them. This links to KH3 due to the fact if they are lost; you could have a hunt to find them. The idea of Xehanort knowing about this isn't unrealistic; especially since his master or the master's master could have been around to remember that individuals disappeared before the keyblade war. Thus making them the subject of legends almost like a concept of hidden treasure. To provide a brief summary- consider the dandelions like King Arthur in British folklore, powerful and wise and waiting for a return. The interesting outcome would be how precious keyblade wielders adapt the new world they might find themselves in and that could be exploited to serve the darkness either as an ally to Xehanort or as a future antagonist
  15. aizy-boy

    KHUX (colored)

    (this is not my drawing) this is Nomura's drawing but i colored it. soo yeah...i scribble something alot to make it look like a kh color style. ^^ (DO NOT repost on any website except KH13com.)
  16. tetoucha


    I'm pretty sure he is still alive somewhere... He gotta...
  17. aizy-boy


    this man is the key!! the key to the feels!!!! ;w;
  18. Master Xehanort Adult Master Xehanort Xemnas Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Terranort (Wielding Ursus Keyblade) Xigbar (Wielding Unicornis Keyblade) Saix (Wielding Anguis Keyblade) Marluxia (Wielding Vulpeus Keyblade) Xion (Wielding Leopardos Keyblade) Replica Riku Ephemera Young Master Xehanort Vanitas
  19. It's just a thought that popped into my head. The Master Foreteller gathered six particular Keyblade Wielders, made them masters, and alongside the Master Foreteller: vowed to be the guardians of light hence their obsession with the Lux. One particular Keyblade Master was curious and wondered why there needed to be guardians of light when the worlds were full of light. He started to tamper with the darkness and eventually came to realise that there was an imbalance of light and darkness. Convinced that this particular student no longer fulfilled his duties as a Guardian of Light, the Master Foreteller decided to banish him from the Union, and eventually, the war between 7 lights vs 13 darkness's ensued.
  20. XV Jocxelyn


    Although this was shared on Tumblr, I decided to upload it here, too. I am so in love with KHX because of how intense the story is. Ephemera and the Player are the best, so I made a drawing of them both with dandelions in the background. It was kind of just me mourning over the fact that Ephemera is going to disappear and the Player will be left all alone ;~; [Originally uploaded on theblackheartkeyhole.tumblr.com]
  21. ssceles


    Did this much earlier in the year for my gf's roleplay blog, though her version is sans Starlight. Look how cute he is~~ [Please don't use this image as-is for stuff? You can crop an avatar out of it, but please don't use it otherwise.] [Official Tumblr Post!]

    © ssceles,

  22. Yes, this may be an oddball of a conclusion to make, but, here me out here. This is what I believe will happen. Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover Ephemera has made alliances with all the Foretellers, however, Chirithy's warning about a traitor that will turn the Foretellers against each-other makes them suspect that Ephemera was using them to bring the foretold "envelopment of darkness". So, as a consequence, they all simultaneously agree to banish Ephemera to The Realm Of Darkness. Anguis is the Foreteller that conducts the banishment upon Ephemera. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 At the end of The Realm Of Darkness. Aqua notices a figure (who is Ephemera). She approaches it, however, after approaching it, she comes to realise that it is using the powers of Darkness and is wielding a Keyblade. From Ephemera's perspective, he believes that it is Anguis that has suddenly appeared, and as a means of defence, revenge and blinded rage, he proceeds to battle Aqua! After the battle is over, Aqua and Ephemera exchange conversations. Aqua stresses the pain of darkness that was caused by Xehanort whilst Ephemera cries about the consequences of light after his experience with the Foretellers. They both agree that light and darkness must be at an equilibrium in order for balance to be maintained.
  23. I finally got Paint Tool Sai back! Haven't posted in a while, but I decided to drop this here. Took a few liberties with Ephy's outfit, buuuuuuut the basic idea is still there. Wavy haired, Not-Riku child is gonna get us all killed. DX
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