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Found 11 results

  1. Here is the darkness version of the scene I drew in my vision. I just couldn't pick one to upload because I was proud of both (mainly it is because of the eye color honestly).
  2. Mykaila Shakespeare

    The Only Way

    In honor of HOPEFULLY Dark Road releasing in August, figured I'd dedicate drawing the boy himself in 2 versions of the scene shown in the trailer. I really loved doing this and just love drawing Young Xehanort in general. Looking froward to see where his story goes.
  3. Some head portraits of the newly appointed Union leaders in the Kingdom Hearts mobage. Starting from left to right, top to bottom. Skuld - Three Fates Strelitzia - Paradise Glimpse Ventus - Wayward Star Ephemera - Starbright Lauriam - Vain Vines Blaine - Fourth Enigma

    © Fan art by me @ ExusiaSword. Kingdom Hearts belongs to Tetsuya Nomura, a joint franchise between Disney and Square Enix.

  4. Iman Nazeerudin


    With the way how she stalks the Player, might as well give her a nickname.

    © Fanart by me @ExusiaSword.

  5. Iman Nazeerudin


    More Union X stuff, this time featuring Skuld with a custom Keyblade I made for her.

    © Fanart by me @ExusiaSword, Kingdom Hearts belongs to Tetsuya Nomura, a joint franchise between Disney and Square-Enix.

  6. Iman Nazeerudin

    Dandelion Keyblades

    Custom Keyblades for the newly appointed Union Leaders in Kingdom Hearts Union X. *These designs were purely made out of speculations and aesthetics of each Union Leader and not to be taken as actual material. Ephemera (Starbright) Actually a refinement of the usual Starlight Keyblade seen in the game, it was repurposed to resemble the one Sora wields in Kingdom Hearts 3. Skuld (Three Fates) Designed according to her namesake, being one of the three Fates (or Norn as you prefer) alongside Wyrd and Verdandi. The three streaks of red line represent the thread of fate that the Norn twines; past, present and future. Ventus (Wayward Star) Heavily derived from the Wayward Wind in Birth by Sleep. You know what, I seriously ain't got a clue anymore. Blaine (Fourth Enigma) Ain't got a clue on this one either. Peeps mentioned on how this Blaine fellow resembles Ienzo/Zexion from the past KH games, so his Keyblade was derived from his Book of Retribution in a way. Strelitzia (Paradise Glimpse) Designed after the Bird of Paradise flower as according to Strelitzia's namesake. In addition having bird-like features.

    © Fanmade designs by me @ExusiaSword.

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