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Found 31 results

  1. What up everyone! How's it going? Well today I decided to another fan-made KHUx medal, but this time I decided to dd a Rapunzel medal. My main reason why I decided to do Rapunzel was that I'm very excited to see a Tangled world in Kingdom Hearts 3! Plus not to mention I watch the movie a few days ago, and I was like, "Oh yeah! That's right a Tangled world is going to be in Kingdom Hearts 3." And I really Rapunzel and I'm very curious about what her interactions would be like when she meets Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Please enjoy this Rapunzel Medal and see you later with my next fan-made KHUx medal!!!
  2. So you guys remember the "Make Your Mark" event in UX where if you get a high enough score, your name will be in KH3 somewhere, right? A lot of people thought your name would be somewhere in the Keyblade Graveyard as one of the fallen wielders. But i was thinking that maybe it's not the Keyblade Graveyard where they'll put your name but actually Scala ad Caelum! From the wide shot we got of the world, it looks like it might be the biggest world of the game with plenty of buildings and hills. I was thinking maybe your names would be on the different buildings around the world or maybe there will be one specific place in that world where,after you beat the game, unlocks and you see basically a memorial of the fallen weilders and it would be the players, or it could be unlocked by finding all the Hidden Mickeys! What do you guys think?
  3. Just a picture of my KHUx character and Master Ava.

    © Movies798 Jan 16, 2017

  4. What up everyone! I decided to draw my own Kingdom Hearts character from Unchained x with Master/Foreteller Ava. Plus, since there's no backstory to our characters in Unchained x, like where they come from or how they ended up in Daybreak Town? I decided to draw a picture of Master Ava and my character Bronz falling in love after the Keyblade War. Please enjoy latest drawing!
  5. As the title states, this is a non-spoiler theory, so why have I came to such an unusual conclusion, well, this is the factor that came into play. Artificial Dream Eaters The Master of Masters created Chirithy. A Dream Eater. As everyone knows, Dream Eaters can only exist in the Realm of Sleep. Artificial Dream Eaters are an exception to the rule because they were created and birthed in the real world. But what has this got to do with the Fortellers? well, what if the Master of Masters artificially created them too? Here are a couple of things to note with regards to the Master of Masters. In the trailers, the Fortellers rendezvous point is like a lab of sorts. With flasks, test tubes and books on books on books. He may have wanted to create the Fortellers as a means of better understanding the context of future events. After all, he does have the all seeing eye that can see into the future, and so he may have wanted to create the Fortellers as future-proofing himself for the inevitable. Plus, if we look at the Fortellers, what's the key element that stands out? their masks. They're symbolic of animals. Now, it's easy to connotate those masks with the Seven Deadly Sins, but I think a more simple explanation is that they're Dream Eaters. Now with regular Dream Eaters (with the exception of Chirithy, Riku and Ventus Nightmare), the majority are a mix of two animals or more. The Fortellers can still fit that category? why? because they're a mix of a human and the mask that they wear, for example, Ava is a human + fox Dream Eater. With Dream Eaters, you have a Spirit and a Nightmare. Well, here are our Spirit Dream Eaters from X... And here are our Nightmare Dream Eaters from X... Plus, it makes contextual sense of why the Unchained Realm exists in the first place, Spirit Dream Eater Ava has created it to let the Dandelions live on outside the Keyblade War, and as a Dream Eater, her and the other Fortellers' can also survive the Keyblade War as "Lost Masters" if the world where the Keyblade War took place stayed in slumber.
  6. Hello all! This game seems to be getting a little more difficult so I think we should have a series of ~Discussions~ in order to get the best out of our medals and Keyblades. We are all hardcores here, so lets lend everyone a helping hand! My first ~Discussion~ I wanted to talk about is Keyblade layouts. As I'm sure you all know, in a recent update we were awarded the ability to make Keyblade stacks rather than having to constantly switch our medals. Each Keyblade has 3 stacks that we can now use, which is a tremendous improvement. For those of you who arent sure, Im talking about this: So how do you best utilize these 3? There are so many strategies in this game, I want to know what you do and what you feel like is a great strategy to help some players manage this a little better. For me, I like to put my best medals in the corresponding place (for example, my 6* Marluxia goes in the Speed/Reversed space on Lady Luck) for my 1st Keyblade, Then do all AOE medals in my second blade, and all single target for my third, with an Illustrated Kairi in the first spot of all blades and stacks. What do you think? How do you best utilize this feature? What Buff/Debuff medals should people use if they have them? Leave a comment below Cheers!
  7. Just as the Title says. I'm not sure how it could happen, but do you think it will happen? Would you be surprised? Happy? Upset? Confused? Irritable? Hungry? Sleepy? Dizzy? (sorry, I'm on hour 13 of work I'm out of it...) Anyhoo, what do you guys think?
  8. Last night I reviewed the Kingdom Hearts III E3 2015 trailer (because I was bored) and found something very interesting about the chess pieces. You know how Eraqus' pieces represent the Guardians of Light and Xehanort's pieces represent the Seekers of Darkness? Yeah, and each piece represents a character in the series. So I studied these two: (Credit to Soraalam1) So obviously because of the goat shape one of the pieces is Xehanort. But the other one... is Luxu. Think about it. Luxu was the original owner of Xehanort's keyblade. It would only make sense. Let me know what you guys think about this in the chat! I'd love to hear opinions on this, if it hasn't been covered yet
  9. In the Kingdom Hearts X secret ending, we see that Maleficent from Kingdom Hearts canon is present in the Kingdom Hearts X era. My personal theory is that, Maleficent was able to time travel after the end of Kingdom Hearts and before her revival in Kingdom Hearts II. Specifically, after she was defeated by Sora in Kingdom Hearts, she wasn't completely eliminated, but rather, she was nothing more than a spirit. By default, she discarded her body and was given the ability to time travel. Now, she must have had the knowledge of The Book of Prophecies before Kingdom Hearts as she may have been intelligent enough to travel to the Kingdom Hearts X era as she realised that her world appeared as a "hologram", and because a version of her existed in the hologram, she could travel to that era (unlike Xehanort).
  10. But wait, you wonder, "Pretty sure that Ventus has an established connection with Aqua and Terra right?" well, Sora has two trio's. The Destiny Island trio with Riku and Kairi and the Disney trio with Donald and Goofy. It's not out of the question for Ventus to be connected with more than one trio. Besides, we know little to nothing about Ventus past before he was in Eraqus' care. So, where am I trying to go with this? what's Ventus relevance to Kingdom Hearts X? well, I believe that he's a dandelion. Just like Ephemera and Skuld, he's not tied to a Union, however, I believe that Ventus had strong darkness habouring in his heart during the era of X. Bear with me with where I'm going... Now somehow, Xehanort eventually found Ventus and decided to train him under his wing not only because he was a person that lived during the era of the Keyblade War, but, he also had habouring darkness that had potential for Xehanort. Remember, when we play Birth by Sleep, Ventus is a being of light as Xehanort extracted all the darkness away from him to create Vanitas. How was Ventus truly like before this? He couldn't have been as much of a hero with a dark half (of what would be Vanitas) that's used to make his personality. It could also justify Xehanort's obsession with Ventus and linking him to the X-Blade.
  11. After I theorised that Ventus is a potential Dandelion, the first thought that immediately popped into my head is that, the Reincarnation theory is shot down... but then again, the connections between the heroes and Fortellers are too coincidental not to make obvious comparisons. So I considered how else the Foretellers could be connected to the heroes, and then it dawned upon me: what if the heroes are spiritual successors as opposed to literal reincarnations. and Way2Dawn provided the perfect explanation. "Is it possible that we have the reincarnation theory completely backward? The Book of Prophecies projects images and illusions of the future, so is it possible that the Fortellers clothes were stylized based off of the Heroes of today that they felt closely connected to? So someone like Ava saw an image of Kairi being projected by the Book of Prophecies and felt a connection with her, so her robes are styled to fit Kairi's image?" Way2Dawn. Now only does this theory give a more simple and plausible explanation with the Fortellers and heroes, but, it doesn't have to diminish the uniqueness of the Foretellers in the process unlike the Reincarnation theory. So, here are the Kingdom Hearts X characters and the heroes that they molded themselves by using the Book of Prophecies. Master of Masters = Ansem the Wise Master Ava = Kairi Master Ira = Riku Master Aced = Terra Master Gula = Ventus Master Invi = Aqua Master Luxu = Axel
  12. So after seeing the new artwork for the 3rd anniversary of Kingdom Hearts X, I decided to do a sketch of the art rendered in pencil and adding a KH3 logo to it. http://
  13. So I saw a picture of the 6th Apprentice, Luxu, and saw that his Black Coat zipper is triangular. The person who was speaking to Ira, the Unicornis Foreteller, was speaking to an individual who had the triangular zipper. This implies that Ira was not speaking to the Master of Masters, but Luxu, indicating that they meet sometime before Ava, the Vulpes Foreteller. catches up with him. I'm still new to this site, so if anyone can pull the pictures from the trailer for comparison, and one from Luxu's page in the KH Wiki, I'd appreciate it. That said, we just learned something new. Go wild, people.
  14. What up everyone! How's it going? Well here's another fan made KHUx medal, and this time it features my two favorite Studio Ghibli characters and couple (sort of), Ashitaka, Last Prince of the Emishi Tribe and San, The Wolf Girl. You know even though Disney was one of their distribution till 2014, but I though it would be cool to see some Studio Ghibli worlds in the Kingdom Hearts series. Especially Princess Mononoke because is one of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies of all time. Doing this fan made medal was very fun and I think it's one of my best works yet! I had trouble trying to figure out if I should make this medal a power type or a magic type? But in the end decided to make it a power type, because in my opinion the scene where Ashitaka was holding San back after the death of Spirit of the Forest was a very powerful moment, so I though a power type would make sense. I hope you all enjoy this and have a good night!
  15. What up everyone! How's it going? First off I would like to give a shout out to Transcendent Key who kindly requested me to draw this secret boss, Lingering Will!!! Drawing the Lingering Will medal was the most challenging and hardest I ever done, BUT it was worth it in the end. The only downside I had was that I didn't have some of the colors I want, but I think I did pretty good with the colors I have! Also, as much as I love this drawing but I have to say that drawing the Lingering Will's body armor was very hard, so I think I won't draw any Ventus, Aqua, Eraqus or Master Xehanort's keyblade armor. Unless I can find it easy to draw them. Anyway please enjoy this very rare KHUx medal!!!
  16. Hey everyone! How's it going? Well today I like to present my new and rare fan-made KH: Unchained x medal, Shego, from one of Disney Channel's beloved series Kim Possible. Okay the reason why I consider this drawing rare because ever since it was confirmed that Disney's Gargoyles was considered to be part of the Kingdom Hearts series (until the idea was scrapped). I thought it would be cool to see one of my favorite Disney Channel's animated characters making an appearance in the KH series, like just walking around in Traverse Town or Radiant Garden or in Disney Castle as regular citizens. I know it might not happen but hey a fan can dream of seeing my favorite Disney shows in my favorite Disney game. Anyway here's another drawing of one my favorite Disney characters, Shego or should I say one of my favorite Disney Channel's villains! Please enjoy!
  17. What up everyone! How's it going? Well I'm back to show off my other fan-made Kingdom Hearts Unchained x medal creation. This time I decided to draw my other favorite Disney character Silvermist from the Tinkerbell Movies. You see I have little cousins who are very into Disney like my self, but my cousins love the Tinkerbell movies and sometimes I would watch the movies with them. And after watching the whole movies series Silvermist turn out to be my favorite fairy (sorry Tink!). She's sweet, bubbly, caring, very optimism, and very funny character. Plus I love Lucy Liu and hearing her voice was a huge plus for me, her voice totally fits her character. Anyway here's my Silvermist medal and I hope you love it. Also I want to hear your guys opinions about the chances of seeing a "Pixie Hollow World" in the Kingdom Hearts series? In my opinion I would like to see Pixie Hollow because I think it would awesome to Sora as a pixie fairy and I would love to see Tinkerbell becoming his party member. That would be awesome to see more Neverland places. And here's a link to see my other fan-made KHUx medal, Nala. Have a great everyone! http://kh13.com/forum/topic/96513-khux-nala-medal-my-creation/?do=findComment&comment=1809959
  18. [Luxen Vulpies] *Old Thread: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/90343-vulpeuskingdom-hearts-unchained-x-english-party/ Members *Those who have not logged on in the past 30 days must relinquish their spot to a new member if there is no more space left [JPN SERVER] Current Member Count: 30/30; Spots Available: 0 {MAXED} [NA SERVER] Current Member Count: 26/30; Spots Available: 4 Once the NA game is released, or if you want to join the Japanese party, post below with your Player ID if you wish to join! Our Party's Ranking for 5/1/2016: [JPN] 185 [NA] ... Proof in posts below Welcome to our party's official thread! We started out as an English speaking party on the Japanese servers to aid players in playing the game in a foreign language. However, now that the game is having a North American release, we are expanding with a second party in the NA servers! You are welcome to join the NA and/or the JPN server parties, just note that both parties mainly speak English. Group Activities! Our party is avid at Raid Boss Events, with plenty of active players who aim to rack up the Lux for our party! Along with chatting in the in-game chat box, we also offer a lively out-game chat using the messenger app 'Whatsapp', where members can do anything from co-ordinate Raid Boss attacks during the 'Golden Hours' to having casual conversation. Participating in this chat is purely optional, as we keep the in-game chat up-to-date with all of the party's announcement. Rules: 1. Just as stated above, if you don't log in for 30 days or more, you risk losing your spot in our party. You will not be removed if the space is not needed. 2. If you need help understanding the Japanese or are confused about some new news post, ask. If you see someone else asking a question, answer if you can. This isn't so much as a rule as it is our purpose. Our party is made for helping everyone out, so don't be afraid to ask questions! 3. Having casual conversation in the chat is encouraged, you can use it for more than just questions! Beginners guide for the Japanese server made by our wonderful member, Rinax: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/95381-khux-beginners-guide/ Despite the language changing, the UI should still be the same for the NA version.
  19. What up everyone! How's it going? Well for starters, I wanted to thank Toominator's Keyblade Design contest, the contest has inspired me to draw some Kingdom Hearts Unchained x medals of my favorite Disney Characters. So shout out to you Toominator! Today I wanted to show my KHUx's Nala speed medal. And I decided this ability would be Sonic Blade, because while Simba is the power medal I think Nala would be the speed medal. I'm quite proud of myself but I must admit, drawing this fan-made medal was hard and challenging, but it was fun and worth it! Please enjoy!
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