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Posts posted by NeoLimitForm

  1. When this came out I was listening to a lot of Utada's discography. I thought Science Fiction was good for what it was. But I find myself going back and listening to the original releases on the albums they were from over listening to this. I don't think any of the tracks are bad, they just feel different and the vibe-switch of some of them is a little jarring when I'm so used to the original mixes.

  2. On 5/8/2024 at 11:08 AM, dairyprods#0 said:

    Imagine every time they dropped new merch they instead dropped KH4 updates

    I feel like the piece-mealed trailers of KH3 content really hurt the game in the long run. I think it's best they started giving updates when they have a release date set in stone to not repeat history.

    Regarding the merch, I really like the Sora and Roxas figures! Where is that Mickey key art from on the cup? I feel like I haven't seen him with the Kingdom Key D over his face like that.

  3. I'd love to see Rindo appear in a future game. They did such a poor job with advertising and pushing NTWEWY that I feel like they almost wanted the game to fail. The cast is going to appear in Reynatis later this year with Nomura having a pretty big involvement. Hopefully it gets a good reception and pushes Nomura to include them in a future KH installment.

  4. I knew this would be coming to Steam once Square announced they focusing on multi platform releases. Didn't expect them to do it so soon though.

    Personally, It's a little too late for me. I would've purchased them if they launched the same time as EGS. But I'm going to wait for a deep sale to add these to my library if I even decide to in the future.

    This does give me hope of future games releasing on launch day on Steam. That was one of my biggest concerns with the series going forward.

  5. I can't wait to give it a try. Depending on how heavily micro transactions are required to progress I may not be playing it too long. But regardless, I'm excited to get more KH lore and content. And as much as I love getting more KH content I do hope they shift away from the mobile market a bit. I thought KHUx was fun for it's time and It's cool that they're trying out a GPS based game. But I feel like anything else coming out after this will have less of a pass for innovative gameplay and just feel like a blatant cash grab.

  6. I feel like it'd be in the latter half of 2024 if anything. Ideally I'd like them to hold off on footage till we get within a year or 2 before the release of the game. I felt one thing KH3's announcement to release window suffered from was an over-abundance of trailers over a long period of time. Too much of the game was shown to us prior to the games release. Which led to some subverted expectations and added to the divide of opinions towards the game.

  7. I agree with FadedSparkle. I wouldn't want any DLC either as I'd like the game to come as a complete package. Though I am a little more lenient towards free DLC since it gives the publishers a chance to amend something lackluster about the game. I think Sonic Frontiers is a good example of how free DLC can enhance the game and amend flawed story delivery. I would've liked Re:Mind to have been something like that too instead of being half the cost of the base game.

  8. Will definitely be giving this a watch in the near future. I've been listening to your Piano Covers on Spotify for years. Whether it be Kingdom Hearts or some other game/anime it's always a treat to listen to. So I know this will be as well. Thank you for sharing! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

  9. As much as I'd love to have other customization features and alternate cutscenes I feel like the co-op option would be my pick. It would be a fun and effective way to interact with other KH fans. I have fond memories with local co-op so I would image online co-op would be handled just as well. So long as they don't follow suit of microtransaction hell I'd love to see some online features. Probably not in KH4 though, it'd be more fitting in an unnumbered entry as I wouldn't want them to divert too much attention to it as it could muddy other aspects of the game.

  10. I love the way this turned out, might have to pick it up later on.

    Interesting choice in enemy cards as well. I'm surprised they didn't use more Organization members aside from Roxas and Axel. I know Roxas has a card in the game but I feel like his presence is very minute in comparison to other potential candidates for the card.

  11. I've been eyeing these music boxes for a while now. Really happy to see Kingdom Hearts added to the mix. I feel like they'd make great gifts, plus I'd love to have one or two for myself. Glad I never caved and purchased one from Etsy. The Etsy ones are nice but these look much nicer.

    Right now I'm looking to get:

    • FF8 - Love Grows
    • FFX - Zanarkand
    • KH1 - Traverse Town

    I'd kill to have any rendition of Dearly Beloved on one of these music boxes, but Traverse Town will have to hold me over for now.

  12. From the little we know about Yozora so far I think he's a pretty cool character. I don't really have any strong opinions on him yet because of how he's been presented so far. I feel like Nomura was just channeling his longing to create Versus XIII into him with everything that was surrounding him. If anything I'd want Yozora to be fleshed out as his own unique character and become a prominent character in the story going forward.

  13. I love both Drive Forms and Form Changes but my pick would have to be Drive Forms. I like that you had to work to recharge the drive gauge and would have to use it a little more strategically since it would be a while before you could use it again. Form changing in itself is very cool. It encouraged me branch out and use keyblades I otherwise wouldn't have. But I felt like it was too easy to change into those forms to the point where it didn't feel as special as Drive Forms.

  14. Yeah I'd have to agree with Frank and Destiny, it's likely the controller. If you were playing on Ps5 I would've said try updating the controller firmware or connecting a Ps4 controller to the Ps5 and see if the issue persists.

    I feel like analog sticks tend to be one of the biggest points of failure. Back in the Ps3 days when I would press R3 on one of my controllers it would occasionally hit the Square and X buttons. And of course we know about the infamous joycon drift on the switch lol  x.x  Did that Canned Air fix destiny mentioned work for you if you tried it?


  15. I like that they're playing around with new colors with the Bond of Flame keychain. I feel like it'd look too plain without it, so definitely a good call on their part.

    I'm still on the fence about the No Name keychain that released a while back. I have the Fenrir and the quality of the keyblade itself is superb but the chain broke on me relatively quickly. Been skeptical of buying another ever since. That was years ago though, has anyone else had good experiences with these keychains lately?


  16. I had close to 10 when the whole funko craze was going around. I got a ton of those as gifts but ended up donating them because I was never too big on them. I kept the 2 that I bought and like 6 others that were sentimental and donated the other 10 or so I was gifted. Now I have 5 KH figs overall.
    I prefer scale figs or something a little more akin to their actual design. I don't have many but that's usually my go-to nowadays :P

  17. 22 hours ago, soraspromise said:

    Sorry for the super late response lol but they rub against the back of my ankle. They're also kinda stiff so it's a little weird to walk down stairs? lol. But yeah the ankle rubbing is the worst part. I was thinking/hoping it was just needing to break them in but it's happened every time.

    No worries at all! :P
    Yeah when boots rub or hit against your ankle it's the worst feeling. Sounds like the shoe was made out of a sturdy material considering the ankle pain and the stair discomfort. Maybe a little too sturdy tbh XD But I'm sure as time goes on they will get broken in (even if it takes a while) and those thick socks will protect you until they do

  18. On 5/1/2023 at 12:01 AM, FadedSparkle said:

    For as much as fans perceive Chain of Memories as a game that tanked and wasn't popular it actually was quite the opposite if sales reports and reviews from when it was released on GBA are to be believed. The PS2 port was a direct response to its success on the GBA. Not giving it full voice acting more so marks product of the time period as back in those days it was a very special occasion for a video game to release as a Full Voice Edition, even then it was rare for the Full Voice Editions to release outside of the game's original territory. Also going from only a few pieces of voice acting on the GBA release to all of the plot relevant scenes being voiced for the PS2 port was already a massive step up when it comes to adding voice acting.

    Did Re:CoM do as well in terms of sales reports? I could see CoM doing well but it makes me wonder how Re:CoM fared. That's true though you're right, I didn't think about it from that perspective. I still play games from the 2000s era rather frequently but I guess my mindset was moreso in the 2010s+ game industry standards when I was cooking up the response

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