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Everything posted by Otti#8624

  1. This is really hilarious First a sequel, then a prequel and now another sequel They really won't let this IP die, at least for a while
  2. Oh nice, using music from the games
  3. But Creature Commandoes does look fun, Suicide Squad but with monsters
  4. They went old school with it
  5. I mean, all the shows recently have done that Harley Quinn, My Adventure with Superman, the new Batman
  6. https://vxtwitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1816954436448813267
  7. https://x.com/invinciblehq/status/1816929576565768233?s=46&t=zYJxVHVO8YmG2lXSxWn35w https://x.com/invinciblehq/status/1816930657068802278?s=46&t=zYJxVHVO8YmG2lXSxWn35w
  8. He is right and Dragon Quest 11 is a huge example of it He watches his home burn up, sees his grandfather sobbing at his parents grave and so many more and dude just has a dead face And in some of the examples you gave the protagonist doesn't matter as much Bloodborne, along with other souls games, barely has a story and even if it does it's just through flavor texts by NPCs and stuff you find around. Your character interactions is through killing things. Smash is just a fighting game, Animal Crossing doesn't need a talkative character as you only need some quick info from NPCs and you do what you need to. Mario games is told through grunts and body animation, the same with Crash Bandicoot Zelda depends entirely on the game, in some Link is a deadfish and in others very expressive with the body but he also does talk and the NPCs just help with the info delivery Persona games is on the same level as DQ when it comes to silent protagonists because they are supposed to be this massive charisma magnet and they barely do anything Your dialogue options doesn't mean anything either I would even argue it might even be worse than DQ simply because the characters do have some personality but aren't allowed to show it with acting in any way Silent protagonists can work but it has to do something more than just being a dead fish, especially in a very story heavy game that the character plays a big role in Or at the very least make them very expressive like Wind Waker Link
  9. Not sure it's going to be any better now > Voice actor Steve Blum, known for roles in “Cowboy Bebop,” “Mortal Kombat” and “God of War,” responded to the union’s X post about the agreement, stating: “Nobody in our community approved this that I know of. Games are the bulk of my livelihood and have been for years. Who are you referring to?” > > Greg Baldwin, a voice actor from “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” said the union “betrayed” voice actors in an X post, adding he would refuse to sign his own “pink slip.” > > Samantha A. Morrison, a voice acting casting director, accused the union of “straight up spreading lies” over its claim the agreement was approved by voice performers. “No voice actor would willingly approve this. AI has no place in voiceover, or the arts in general!” Morrison posted on X. > > Veronica Taylor, whose voice credits include Ash Ketchum in the “Pokémon” anime and Cosmos in the “Final Fantasy” video game franchise, questioned how the agreement passed without notice or a vote among SAG-AFTRA members, stating: “Every job brings a unique opportunity for an actor to …act. Encouraging/allowing AI replacement is a slippery slope downward.”
  10. Yeah that would be nice and all but Sagaftra screwed over voice actors during the previous strike and let AI be a thing for them then https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2024/01/10/video-game-voice-actors-criticize-sag-aftra-over-agreement-with-ai-company/
  11. I am not expecting anything good from this
  12. The contract they signed for movies and tv was a joke
  13. That was Osamu Tezuka Ah wait you said anime
  14. Not Crybaby, the original Devilman
  15. I think in this case it goes hand in hand
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