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  1. WARNING: Mature Strong Language involved. Introduction Theme Song: https://youtu.be/cAhyt2D9B3A. Tagline I: "...A Fantasy...Set...in Space..." Tagline II: "...Destination: The Milky Way, Location: Planet Earth, Mission: Relocation." Synopsis: "...It is the year 3020...over 1000 years ago, Humanity was forced to leave both Planet Earth and the Space Colonies orbiting around it, due to the sudden appearance of a very both strange and mysterious virus plague that the Humans dubbed, as the "Scream", for whoever was infected by the Scream would slowly turn mad and eventually, scream out in unbearable pain until finally, at last, they would simply...die out, one, by one... In order to save the future that are the next generations of Humanity, the Humans fled from their home-planet and their Space Colonies, boarding giant spacecrafts that they had made and they had called the "Titans", named in honour of old gods of their Planet's very ancient mythologies and you see, by using those said giant spaceships, Humanity had left behind their home system of The Milky Way and had traveled across all the way to various other systems, such, as The Horsehead Nebula and/or The Andromeda Galaxy for examples and had set up both new settlements and new Space Colonies there, knowing that Humanity was now free to begin Space exploration across other Planets and seek out new life, new civilizations, new cultures, basically new everything that they could add to their own history, however...Humanity still longs dreams of returning back to its own system, its own, home... Before Humanity had settled cozily into their new homes, there were those that did not take well to their sudden arrival and thus began the ancient "Settlement War", between the Humans themselves and all other "Alien" races, such, as the Human like beings, the "Space Elves", the Humanoid Lion like beings, the "Li" and finally, the Aquatic like beings, the "Aquarians", nicknamed the "Aquari" for short...the battles between the four intergalactic races was long and everlasting, until eventually, one battle where the Space Elves, the Li and the Aquari all banded together, as one despite past differences with one another, trying to drive Humanity back out of their home systems resulted in lots of tons upon tons of casualties, that battle was proclaimed, as the "Endgame", as it had served to finally end the war between the four races living in space and finally create among them a united colony of people that could potentially join hands with each other and help make their shared entire universe a better place... However...there were those among the Li who still did not agree with Humanity's presence among their kind and so they broke off into a rebellious warmongering faction, naming themselves the "True Believers", as they unlike everyone else do not "fall for the lies of Humanity", thus beginning a civil war between the peoples of the Li and an intended conquest over Humanity, this had led to one final war that is still currently ongoing to this day, it is known, as the "Bloodbath", the war has last for oh so very many years until eventually, it seemed like everything was about to come to a close at the Planet of "To", where here, a young Human upstart rising through the ranks rookie soldier by the name of "Ewan" without realizing has just started taking his very 1st step, into a larger world, a larger galaxy, some might even say...a larger "Fantasy"... Here start the Chronicles, of Humanity's Voyage home, back to their beloved Milky Way system and most especially, their Planet Earth...it has begun, the prophesied time of awakening, what we, of the secretive Moogle race believe to be...the "Final Fantasy", Kupo!" Main Theme Song: https://youtu.be/xSXr99WhxDo. Prologue: Planet To-Where War Ends and War Starts Again: "...Soldier...Soldier...SOLDIER EWAN! DO YOU COPY ME!?" "...Huh? wha? !? S-SORRY SIR! YES SIR! READ YOU, LOUD AND CLEAR!" "...Good! that is very good! your quick on the uptake, Soldier! now listen up you maggots! i ain't going to be responsible for what happens to you out there, right now we're facing our last stand against those Lion bastards, the Li and i will tell you now men, they will show no quarter, they will show no mercy, guys like you fledglings, they'll gobble you up and eat you for breakfast! now listen up, cause i won't be repeating myself again after this! ahem: The High Council of the Four Interplanetary Races-"Dumont" have assigned us dogs of the Human militaristic force-the mercenary task force squad "Zantetsuken" to clean up the messes of those Lion wimps, the Li by wiping out their renegade rebel faction, the "True Believers", as they call themselves...APPARENTLY, those ass wipes can't find it within their goddamn minds to accept us "Puny" and "Feeble" Humans without fangs, claws or manes just like they have so now, we're going to show those "Believers" just how "Puny" and "Feeble" we Humans really are! WE'RE going to show EVERYONE that we ain't just dogs to be used in battle both whenever and wherever the higher ups feel like sending us out towards at, no, we ain't just dogs...WE'RE WOLVES! AND WE BITE! YOU GOT THAT YOU LITTLE SHITS!?" "SIR YES SIR!" "I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!" "SIR, COMMANDER CID, SIR!" "Right, now get your asses out there before i have to kick them, remember, we ain't doing all this for honour, guts or glory, none of that shit...what we're doing here, why we're doing this, is so we can get PAID! paid in cold-hard-cash, you feel me? DO YOU HEAR ME!?" "YES! COMMANDER CID SIR!" "Alright! that's what i want to hear now go out there and make papa bear Cid proud! don't come slouching back if you're dead or you haven't earned your pay, MOVE OUT! HOORAH!" "HOORAH!" "Zantetsuken...FORWARD MARCH! MOVE OUT!" "CHARGE!" "..." "Finally, a real mission i can get to prove myself on, don't you agree Ewan? ...uh, Ewan? hello? Earth to Ewan!" "...Earth...huh? W-WHA!?" "Come on Ewan! the fun's already started, everyone has already marched out ahead in front of us! come on! we can still catch up to them! let's show those Lion bastards what we're made of, huh, CHARGE!" "AH HEY! WAIT! ...tch! dammit...dammit all to hell! CHARGE!" "...It was the Planet To, it was rumoured that here would be located the True Believers' primary headquarters, in an effort to finally take them out both once and for all, the High Council of Dumont have sent in a group of mercenaries to sneak into their main base whilst the regular army that acts under the direct orders of the High Council will distract the Believers, giving the mercenary squad Zantetsuken enough time to plant bombs within the base, thereby blowing it sky high, it is intended...as a Kamikaze suicide mission where should any of the mercenaries survive, they will be bestowed with the highest of honours by the leaders of the High Council in person and will especially be rewarded handsomely, however, for Ewan, it was not about making money for himself, rather, making...a difference, he believes that by acting, as a Soldier can he help innocent lives avoid more bloodshed then they have already suffered and he can help himself make one step further to fulfilling his dream, what that dream is...i really don't know, Kupo!" (To be continued.).
  2. Exactly 13 millennium has passed since the events of Lightning Returns, the age of the gods has passed, Bhunivelze is trapped, forever asleep yet awake in crystal stasis in the new Unseen Realm that is governed by both Caius Ballad and the very many incarnations of Yeul that exist, meanwhile, on the world that both Lightning and the rest of humanity live on created by Bhunivelze, a descendant of Lightning's with crimson coloured hair named "Thunder Farron" is living up to his great ancestor's legacy by somehow both strangely and mysteriously becoming a L'Cie, which should not be possible whatsoever, given that the Fal'Cie have all but faded away from the entire universe itself, it is during this time becoming a L'Cie that Thunder meets a Moogle from another dimension calling himself "Mog-13" and that Mog reveals himself to be Thunder's personal familiar and that he needs Thunder's help to save not only Mog-13's world but Thunder's world also, for the two worlds are in grave danger from a threat unlike any other, this threat is revealed to be a Cie'th that is conscious of it's current state yet has somehow been able to control its current state, not rampaging like all other Cie'th before it, this Cie'th calls itself "Vardanders" and that or "Var" or "Vardan" that both Thunder and others call Vardanders is trying to plunge both Thunder and Mog-13's worlds into both complete and utter darkness, it is trying to bring about what it calls "The Merge" and you see, by merging "Terra", the name of Thunder's world with "Gaia", the name of Mog-13's world, Vardanders believes that he can bring about a new age of Cie'th beings somehow and summon forth the return of Bhunivelze from his imprisoned crystal sleep, in order to correct humanity once more, as he was just trying to like before 13 millennium ago, now Thunder must somehow summon forth magic and with it's power, combat the forces that Vardanders sends to Terra, these forces bearing the exact same physical trait appearances and abilities of the creatures and/or monsters that used to live on Cocoon, Gran Pulse, Vahalla, Nova Chrysallia and so on, so forth, etc, despite being a L'Cie, Mog-13 refers to Thunder, as being what is known, as a "Novus L'Cie" and that out of all the Novus L'Cie that exist, there are only 13 of them to exist in existence, 6 in the world of Terra and 7 more in the world of Gaia to protect the latter, in other-words, 6 ordinary people have been chosen to defend Terra from the threat of Vardanders and his forces, they must bare their respective Novus L'Cie brands, appearing in the form of ordinary tattoos over parts of the human body, the benefaction of being a "Novus" for short is that they don't bare a Focus, other then the protection of their respective worlds, Novus L'Cie do not turn into crystal upon completing their respective Focus or turn into Cie'th when they fail the Focus that has been given to them, asides from the tattoos that appear on parts of their bodies, Novus also have inscribed on parts a number, the number indicates the rank in which a Novus L'Cie was made first, however, there is a difference between Terra Novus and Gaia Novus, normal numbers appear on Terra Novus L'Cie to coincide with the English language used on Terra whilst Gaia Novus L'Cie have roman numerals inscribed on their bodies since because they use Latin, as their language, the number of rank that appears on Thunder's forehead is the number 13 and that means that Thunder was the very last person to be made a Novus L'Cie, the very last person tasked with stopping the conscious Cie'th Vardanders and his master plan for bringing about back the return of Bhunivelze, the self proclaimed god of light, now, as the 13th vessel both chosen by and of destiny, Thunder must seek out the other 12 Novus L'Cie and altogether, they must stop the fate that Vardanders is imposing on them at all costs, the question is...where does Thunder start to look? who does he have to find in particular? the question and the adventure all begin...at the number: 13. (The story starts in the small rural outskirts town known, as "Mayhaven", here does technology not really prosper but still, people learn to get by pretty quickly and not to mention especially very easily too, it is here that all our Characters will gather and meet each other for the very 1st time.) Character Sheet: Name: Age: History: Personality: Appearance: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Novus L'Cie Rank: (If you wish to be a Novus, put down the number other then 13 that you wish to be, if you are a Terra Novus then you must put the rank down in English but if you are a Gaia Novus then you must put down the rank in roman numerals, know what i mean?) Novus Number Tattoo Location: (Which part of the body is the Novus number located on? like Thunder's is on his forehead for example.) English Voice Actor: (Just for fun.) Japanese Voice Actor: (Just for fun.) Theme Song: (Just for fun, preferably all songs come from the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy but you can have other songs if you like that exist outside the Lightning saga, however, event songs in the RP must strictly come from XIII, XIII-2 and Lightning Returns only, since this is a FFXIII RP after all.) (Please put down "Fabula Nova Crystallis" to show that you have read the rules and then your Character will be accepted.) (Characters that are still alive and exist within the universe like Caius for example, all video game Characters will only be portrayed by me and those that want particular Characters in mind, if a person calls for that Character first then another person can't have that very same Character, once called you must stay with that Character and if you have called for a Character from the games then you cannot have another one, only one per person each, however, you can create, as many original and new Characters, as you want appearing in this RP, this RP is meant to be called "The Phase Two Lightning Saga" or "The Second Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy", as i plan for this RP to be the start of three all brand new RPs all together tied to the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythology, expanding on its legends and other things like both FF Type-0 and vaguely FFXV did, here's hoping people will join.) Rules: No Godmodding. No Romance above age 16. No Swearing above age 16. Please stay true to the events that had occurred within the FFXIII trilogy. You can create, as many Characters, as you like, just not too many so that you lose track just in case. Have fun.
  3. The Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, dubbed The Lightning Saga is a hugely successful, acclaimed series of games Directed by the legendary Motomu Toriyama and Produced by the legendary Yoshinori Kitase. Rounding out the all-star development team is Art Director, Isamu Kamikokuryo, Graphics & VFX Director, Shintaro Takai and Lead Scenario Writer, Daisuke Watanabe with Composers, Masashi Hamauzu, Naoshi Mizuta, Mitsuto Suzuki and Game Design Director, Yuji Abe with many other talented developers. The games are available on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows PC, iOS, Android & PlayStation Now. A collection for PlayStation 4 & Xbox One is rumoured.
  4. Motomu Toriyama and Yoshinori Kitase's LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII has been released as its own dedicated app for iOS & Android devices. With this you can stream this amazing game to your smartphone or tablet. Today, I installed it on my smartphone and was quite impressed. I am using an Australian Internet connection which are years behind countries like Japan & the United States and despite this I was able to stream the game to my smartphone quite well. At times the graphics did go quite low but generally the game kept looking pretty good. At times I was blown away as the game looked stunning. The controls are stunning. The battle system works perfectly with the touch controls. Way better than a keyboard as I used for the PC port. However since my smartphone isn't that big some controls overlapped with each other but I managed to work around it easily. All audio was preserved and plays perfectly. The Android version runs pretty well on my smartphone so it must run really well in Japan. I hope to see the iOS & Android versions of the FINAL FANTASY XIII series released worldwide one day. 10/10
  5. Lightning, the face of the Final Fantasy franchise for a generation and star of Motomu Toriyama's Final Fantasy XIII series is now officially a model. She is appearing in the new Louis Vuitton advertisement campaign, titled as “Series 4”. There is also a new video created by Visual Works. More will be available soon.
  6. Motomu Toriyama and Yoshinori Kitase's LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII was released on Windows PC via Steam recently and I've checked out the port. I've already said it before but this is an amazing and very unique game that everyone should play through to completion. And while people might not have time, it's definitely a game you get to appreciate more after more time with it. It's definitely not for everyone but there are some great ideas here that you can have a lot of fun with. Everything was set against this game from the very start. It's an experimental sequel to two diverse games that saw critical acclaim in Japan. Legendary developers, Motomu Toriyama & Yoshinori Kitase, two people who have led the now diverse franchise through the start of the last 3 generations knew this was going to happen and I'm so glad they did it anyway. The game has sold over a million copies at retail alone easily making a profit for Square Enix. The port runs great. I was able to easily reach high frame rates and did not notice any low frame rates. The game also looks noticeably better than the PlayStation 3 version. Everything looks and sounds great. There are plenty of settings/options in regards to graphics and controls as well. You can also change the language between English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean & Chinese for text. As for audio, English or Japanese. All of the DLC is included for free with the exception of the Aerith DLC. The Steam achievements are of course based off the PlayStation 3 trophies & Xbox 360 achievements. There's also Steam Trading Cards. After playing it for awhile I found myself wanting to play more. Haha. The Windows PC version of LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII is a great port, easily Square Enix's best yet and it doesn't cost much at all. 9/10
  7. Final Fantasy XIII: Reminiscence -tracer of memories- is a ten-episode novella set after the events of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. It takes place after the game's ending and leads into the game's epilogue. It was released last year in Japan via Famitsu and Dengeki. Since then, seven of the ten episodes have been translated into English which you can read here. I am excited to announce the amazing goldpanner is translating the missing three chapters. Please be excited. Additionally, goldpanner has found through the early translations that this novella set was planned by the legendary Motomu Toriyama, who was of course the director of the Final Fantasy X and XIII series along with Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings & Blood of Bahamut and has also contributed to various other Square Enix titles since 1994 including Final Fantasy VII where he was behind the Cloud & Aerith romance. Daisuke Watanabe, the lead scenario writer of the Final Fantasy XIII series who has also written for many other Square Enix games including the Final Fantasy X series planned it with Toriyama and is also the writer.
  8. Motomu Toriyama and Yoshinori Kitase's FINAL FANTASY XIII was released on Windows PC via Steam a year ago and today I checked out the port. I have been running it on my laptop that is nearly 3 years old and has a fan in poor condition. My laptop is running Windows 10. The port looks amazing and runs pretty well. The Visual Works movies are perfect. Regular cutscenes and gameplay look great and run well. Audio is also perfect. The PC version looks amazing overall and noticeably better than the PlayStation 3 version. There are plenty of settings/options in regards to graphics and controls as well. You can also change the language between English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean & Chinese for text. As for audio, English or Japanese. The port also supports 60fps while I did not check the frame rate, it did go quite high at times. It did drop below 30 at times but this was was no annoyance. I understand other people have issues with the frame rate but I personally did not and I repeat, my computer is nearly 3 years old with a a fan in poor condition. The Steam achievements are of course based off the PlayStation 3 trophies & Xbox 360 achievements. After playing it for awhile I found myself wanting to play more. Haha. The Windows PC version of FINAL FANTASY XIII is a great port and it doesn't cost much at all. 8/10
  9. Motomu Toriyama might have sold the most games ever in the history of Square Enix by a director. The Final Fantasy X series sold over 14 million copies worldwide on PlayStation 2. Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings has sold over 1.04 million copies worldwide. The Final Fantasy XIII series has sold over 11 million copies worldwide on PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360. This alone is enough to place Toriyama with 26.04 million however he's games have continued to sell through re-releases. Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2 have sold quite well on Windows PC with XIII close to half a million copies sold and XIII-2 about 1/4 of a million. Numbers are obviously unknown for iOS & Android. While Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster exceeded Square Enix's expectations selling over 500,000 copies in Japan in less than a year and getting itself a PlayStation 4 bundle in China after becoming a best seller. It's only natural that the very man he's the successor of, Yoshinori Kitase is the only other person with a case to make for best selling director in SE history. Final Fantasy VI has sold over 4.43 million copies worldwide. Chrono Trigger has sold over 3.44 million copies worldwide. Final Fantasy VII has sold over 11 million copies worldwide. Final Fantasy VIII has sold nearly 8.5 million copies worldwide. + close to half a million for the Steam version
  10. Motomu Toriyama and Yoshinori Kitase's FINAL FANTASY XIII was released as its own dedicated app for iOS & Android devices earlier this year. With this you can stream it to your smartphone or tablet. Today, I installed it on my smartphone and was quite impressed. I am using an Australian Internet connection which are years behind countries like Japan & the United States and despite this I was able to smoothly stream the game to my smartphone and after extensive testing of over an hour the game only stopped a couple of times and very quickly worked again. At times the graphics did go low but generally the game kept looking pretty good. At times I was blown away as the game looked stunning. The controls also work quite well, I was able to control Lightning and win battles with little issue. However since my smartphone isn't that big some controls overlapped with each other but I managed to work around it. All audio was preserved and plays perfectly. The Android version runs pretty well on my smartphone so it must run really well in Japan. I hope to see the iOS & Android versions of FINAL FANTASY XIII released worldwide and versions of FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 and LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII for iOS & Android as well. 8/10
  11. The open beta for PlayStation Now in the UK has launched. All the details here. Final Fantasy XIII and Tomb Raider Underworld are among the titles currently available.
  12. Final Fantasy games directed by Motomu Toriyama have sold a combined 29.1 million copies worldwide as of December 27, 2014. This is not including digital and as such doesn't include PC/Steam sales. These numbers are all thanks to VGChartz. Final Fantasy X = 8.05 Final Fantasy X International = 0.27 Final Fantasy X-2 = 5.29 Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission = 0.29 Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings = 1.37 Final Fantasy XIII PS3 = 5.25 Final Fantasy XIII 360 = 2.10 Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3 = 2.66 without digital Final Fantasy XIII-2 360 = 0.72 without digital Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII PS3 = 1.01 without digital Lightning Returns: Fantasy XIII 360 = 0.22 without digital Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster PS3 = 1.19 without digital Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster PS Vita = 0.68 without digital = 29.1
  13. Motomu Toriyama along with other directors and producers at Square Enix and other companies were interviewed by 4Gamer.net. Motomu Toriyama's piece stands out as he mentions his new title. “My next title is in well underway in development. We'll be able to announce it in 2015, so please look forward to it!” For those don't know, Toriyama has quietly built up a very impressive resume at Square Enix. He started off as an event planner on Final Fantasy VII before Yoshinori Kitase (the director of Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII & Final Fantasy VIII) selected him to be the new director inside Square Enix's #1 division. He would go on to direct Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. He also supervised Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster and directed Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. If you hadn't noticed, that gives him the honour of having directed more Final Fantasy games than even the creator of the series, Hironobu Sakaguchi who directed Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy V. Hopefully we see this new title soon. Anyone want to put money on Final Fantasy X-3?
  14. I asked Square Enix Europe why there aren't digital versions of Crisis Core and XIII on the PlayStation Store. This was their response.
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