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  1. This is the roleplay thread for Overworld, my original RP. Please read this initial opening post before posting, as it will explain a lot of unanswered questions, initial scenarios, how to post, as well as how to translate the world map and the existing territories. Also, please subscribe to this thread so that you can remain up-to-date with notifications. : ) Prologue There exists, beyond the visible world we see, a place where the impossible is indeed possible. A place where magic isn't merely a dark art whispered among sorcerers and beggars, but rather is flourished by it. This place, as grand as it may seem, is referred to the Overworld: home to the creatures of legend and all fey imaginable. Far above the world that we know and live in, these fey have a paradise of their own, with gardens, beauty, riches, and marvelous kingdoms in a more advanced society than that of our world. They lived in peace and harmony, with few crimes ever heard of upon the kingdom of Kilkes Seres. That is, however, until three friends severed the bond of trust and ventured into the world below, implanting a terrible idea into the minds of greedy humans that would never cease. It has been several years since the three fey friends arrived in the world below within the Medieval era, befriending many and antagonizing others. Many humans were indeed frightened of these magical beings, fearing that they were demons from the underworld or accursed sorcerers performing witchcraft. Their rumor leaked to the ears of King Alderon Niles, a man who recently was grieved by his daughter's infliction of a terrible curse. In hopes that these three friends could cure his daughter, Alderon had other plans in mind for these fey, along with those who reside in the world above. Many wars have stained the earth with blood, and Alderon's very kingdom was threatening to split in two if something wasn't done. Something tremendous, extraordinary . . . . And that's when he realized it: if he could somehow channel magic into his war there would be no way that his enemies could touch him, let alone defeat him. It would indeed be a sacrifice of a splendid and marvelous race, but these were hard times, and Alderon would do what it took to do what's right for his daughter, his kingdom, and, most importantly, himself. Realizing that they would be used, the three friends fled the Kingdom of Sondon, attempting to escape back to the Overworld. One of their friends, Ren, managed to return, while Helios and Ariana were captured. Both were used in Alderon's terrible, inhumane experiments, transferring their magical blood into that of a human and performing rituals only whispered of among sorcerers. After infusing ten soldiers with Ari's blood, only three surviving (including Henry), the fey expired, leaving Helios alone to fuel Alderon's experiments. And to this day he still lives, fueling a limited supply of men while Alderon perfects his ultimate device that will provide him with all of the fey he desires: the flying machine. War is brewing, and the cogs are now in motion. The fey above are aware and preparing for this battle against the augmented human race, and very soon the rest of the world below will too experience a catastrophe they could hardly imagine. Today your journey begins, and you play a vital role in the outcome of this conflict that is rising. Your actions will determine the fate of all humanity, as well as the world of the fey. It all starts here, where you will arrive at the scene. In the Kingdom of Sondon, Alderon has prepared a feast for his most loyal scientists, engineers, and soldiers. A very closed group with high security. An orchestra is playing for the occasion, and everyone is dressed in their finest. King Alderon sits at the head of the table, overviewing a scroll while speaking with his royal advisor. Guests are filling in, and if you are a member of the staff you are likely attending this meeting. Helios has also been invited as a guest, one of his first times outside of the bleak prison walls that he is normally surrounded by. During that same evening a small private council has gathered in the meeting room of Queen Shiva, ruler of Kilkes Seres and a great portion of the Overworld. Apparently a small city independent of Kilkis Seres, called Mystras, has shut themselves off from them, keeping to themselves and doing strange activities, including frequent visits to Ispolis. Queen Shiva won't disclose what is there, but she is displeased by the activities and fear Mystras may be aligned with the humans. If you are fey you may be at this council, or you may be enjoying the evening doing whatever you please. The entire map of the Overworld is open to you. When posting please include your character's name and location at the top of your post, so that way we can keep things more organized and know at a glance where you are. : ) Below are the maps to the two worlds that our legacy takes place in: The Kingdom of Sondon is all red territories on the map, with the capitol being Sondon itself. The pale-blue and lime-green territories are other neighboring kingdoms, the pale-blue country being named Helvadoria (will update the map eventually), and the Kingdom of Augustus. King Augustus is one who keeps to himself often, not often involved in the battles between the Kingdom of Sondon and Helvadoria. Kilkis Seres is the capitol of the main territories of the Overworld, while Mystras is governered independently by a lord that reports to Queen Shiva of Kilkis Seres. There are other territories beyond the ones aforementioned on these two maps, but the ones which are shown is where the story is going to take place and where you will predominately be traveling/reffering to. Capitols are indicated by larger dots. And finally, we have our character roster, courtesy of The Unversed and Endless Thundaga (because I can never keep this updated myself for the life of me): Dwellers of the Overworld: Ruled by Queen Shiva (Female, Fey-Eidolon) 'Eliltari' among Elves & 'Rabiyu' among others (Female, High Elf) Rufus Contralto (Male, Fey) Elia Cabret (Female, Fairy) Yevgeni Malachite (Male, Elf) Helios (Male, Fey) Jynn Venas, Heir of Overworld (Male, Fey-Eidolon) Pracia (Female, Scralose) Alicia Kross (Female, Fey) Aqua Lumen (Female, Elf) Machiav Froisis or "Alastor" (Male, Fey) Maxis (Possessed Armor, Likely Fey) Bherna Lao (Female, Fey) Eclaire (Female, Valkyrie/Succubus) Morana (Female, Fey-Wedigo) Soren Monroe (Male, Demonic Fey) Typhon (Possibly Male, Cyph) Rhaedyn Thane (Possibly Male, Ithurian) Those within the World Below: Ruled by King Alderon Niles (Male, Human) Effie (Female, Demon-Zanzia) Raleigh Marin (Female, Human) Aura Aeternum (Female, Human) Aurion Aeternum (Male, Human) Arthur Gancelot (Male, Human) Visco Niles (Female, Human (Cursed)) Midnea (Female, Fey-Fairy) Henry Hansees (Male, Human (Augmented)) Draksis Gunther (Male, Human) Curvis Sourati (Male, Human) Roger (Male, Human) Everyth Castanova (Female, Human)
  2. In a steampunk era of an alternate 19th century, order within the land of Regalia has been ordained by the power of the four courts all following a unified law: Ignis, Somnum, Vivifica, and Umbra. The high priestess, Mabel, acts as an intermediary between them, passing upon her blessings and represents the non-magical folk of Regalia. These four courts are run by mages: individuals gifted with the forbidden art of magic that is both a mystery and a curse to those within Regalia. A mage either lives a life of success and luxury, exalted by the masses within one of the courts, or must struggle to survive in the world on their own, unpracticed and unwieldy. The courts aid a mage in harnessing their raw magic and potential. An untrained mage is both useless and dangerous, and it is very hard for a mage to thrive on their own without a court to affiliate with. If one is found with a lot of magical potential, a court may come and present an offer to the mage, or this individual may go to one of the courts and prove themselves worthy of joining their ranks. For centuries the land of Regalia has known naught but peace and prosperity, thanks to the order driven by the four courts, but what happens when one of them goes rogue? The Vivifica court has cut ties with the other three courts, and has been abandoning the laws and teachings that all the courts have vowed to uphold to. Further, Vivifica has been found dealing with Itika, raw mana found within the Valley of Magic that has been banned from Regalia. What reason could they have for doing this, and will the court have to be abolished? As you dig to answer this question, more questions may begin to unravel, causing you to question the very foundation that you have always known. Technology abounds in Regalia, though it is powered via steam, and it is within the limitations of the 19th century. Guns (and gun blades) are present, as well as electricity, trains, and telephone booths, though cars are yet to be invented. You can be a mage from one of the courts, or perhaps you are a mage who has decided to try to fight the odds and remain independent in the world. You may also not even be gifted with magic, living a normal life in Regalia until something about the courts causes you to change your mode of living for a bit more excitement. Each mage court has its own set of characteristics. Depending on what sort of a mage you are and your morals, you would be best suited for one of the following. While one mage court may specialize in a certain type of magic, it is not required that you be in that court. If your personality, say, fits Umbra but you have healing magic, you could choose Vivifica and not fit int, or you could choose to stay in Umbra because it suits your nature, yet you will not be proficient in healing magic because you are untrained in it. If you are uncertain where your character would best fit you are welcome to leave this field blank and I’d happily choose a good fit. Descriptions for each court are as follows: Ignis: The only court that believes in balance and actively teaches the art of the sword. The Ignis court is among the most duty bound, desirous to bring justice to the world and always do the right thing. Mages in the Ignis court specialize in fire and earth magic, often used to enhance their physical abilities and strength. Umbra: Well-versed in necromancy and dark arts, the Umbra Court believes in living life to the fullest. These mages tend to be more self-centered and cater to their own needs as opposed to helping others. They tend to focus on the pleasures of life rather than have ambitious goals to aid in their society. Vivifica: The mages in this court specialize in white and holy magic, though have skillsets in wind, lightning, and earth magic as well. Their slogan is to bring life to the world through love, and many mages within these houses will go above and beyond to help society, even if it bends or breaks tradition. Somnum: A group that is calm and believes in a life of beauty and restoration. Some believe the Somnum court to be lazy, though this is not particularly true. Somnum possesses some of the most potent mages, specializing in lightning, water, and ice magic and have mastered the art of hypnosis. Status ailments come ready to these mages, making them unseeming yet deadly adversaries. While it is not required that you are affiliated with a court, I would recommend that, unless you have a specific reason why your character isn't in one of the courts, you are apart of one. The reason for this is the central plot will revolve around members of these courts, and it may take a bit of additional work to get your character into the thick of the main plot without an affiliation. Special note: You are welcome to affiliate yourself with Vivifica, and you do not have to be an antagonist to do so. I will be providing additional information to players who are choosing this court, so that they know what your character knows concerning the court's decisions. Below is a character sheet for you to fill to tell me more about your character(s). There is no character limit at this point, though please only create as many characters as you feel that you can handle. Quick note: I am hoping to get characters affiliated with each court. If it seems that too many characters are in one court and not enough in others, I may close out the possibility to join a specific court. Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): Weapons: Magic: Personality: Background: And last but not least, here are the rules for this game. Please review them, and if you have questions or are uncertain about something feel free to ask. 1.) No god-modding. 2.) No auto-hitting or mass slaughter. This means if you are battling someone don't make your hit automatically meet its target, but rather have it aimed at a player and they choose whether the attack hits or misses. No mass slaughter means don't kill off a bunch of NPCs without permission. 3.) No meta-gaming. This is particularly important for the layout of The Four Courts. Essentially the players and characters know different things from each other, and it is important for the knowledge of the player not to cross over to the character. Having a character possess knowledge of the player and/or make assumptions based on the player's knowledge is considered meta-gaming, for example. 4.) Go with the plot, and please choose a character that fits well with the world and setting. 5.) Original characters only. If you would like to use a canon character please modify them until they are your own creation, and rather inspired by a canon character. 6.) When in a group of other people, please post after everyone in your group has posted, or within one week from your last post. I don't want anyone to fall too far behind. 7.) Keep everything PG-13, please. 8.) Romance is permitted, but again please remember rating restrictions. 9.) Please don't have invincible characters. While you get to choose whether your character is hit by an attack, don't make them avoid everything or else it seems like god-modding. 10.) Some overpowered characters are acceptable in some circumstances. If you have specific questions please ask. I intend for there to be very powerful characters, along with weaker ones, though if your character is too powerful in a fight I may ask you to tone it down. 11.) All KH13 rules apply. 12.) Please try to post at least once a week, though if you will be away please let me know and we will make arrangements for your characters. Should you remain absent for an extended length of time, I reserve the right to utilize your characters as I deem fit for the RP’s progression. 13.) Have fun! If you know me you will know that I love roleplaying, and that I really enjoy seeing stories unfold and characters grow. I try to find ways to incorporate the entire cast into the plot, though you are also welcome to get creative and build your own story as you go along. I have long-term plans for this roleplay and hope to see it flourish, so please expect a long journey should you come aboard The Four Courts. I will draft up some maps, but I want to make them look nicer than the others that I’ve lazily thrown together for previous adventures. I will try to get these up prior to the start of the game. Current players: High Priestess Mabel (Mystics Apprentice) Ignis Maester: Daruk Mordem (Vaude) Ephraim Myrei (EchoFox23*) Vincent S. Watson (Stardustblade358) - non-magic user Arun Roshan (Stardustblade358) Lev Noirtier (Endless Thundaga) Soren Monroe (Nero Kunivas) Henry Heid (Scrapmaster) Shiroo Chickori (NPC - Mystics) Somnum Maestra: Thea Nero Leviathan (Elrandir) Jari Coriander (Vaude) Mellark Crowe (Mystics Apprentice) Kagura Sumeragi (Saber Lily) Luka Rabbi (Heart of Ferria) Mako Koyle (rikunobodyxiii) Vivifica Maestra: Aislinn Nosferi (Mystics Apprentice) Jynn Venas (Endless Thundaga) Zion (Saber Lily) Richter Vanis (Scrapmaster) Elliot Luxmore (Nero Kunivas) Vallery (rikunobodyxiii) Umbra Maester: Gerik Lockford (rikunobodyxiii) Eclaire De Wynter (Saber Lily) Pali Noirtier (Vaude) Eleanor Le Doux, Fierce Shadow (Nero Kunivas) Arkane Gravemore (Stardustblade358) Morpha Gallant (Endless Thundaga) Indies: Arno Cross (Scrapmaster) Gabriel Woods (Nero Kunivas) Tibarn Llang (Mystics Apprentice) Saffron (HeartofFerria) World Map
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