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Found 18 results

  1. You gained 5 cinematic experience points. Level up! You have unlocked the ability to wear 3D-glasses.
  2. Watch out Donald, you'll end up in Davy Jones' belly
  3. I do hereby declare this season the Summer of Kingdom Hearts! Go forth play KH my bro and bras
  4. Ok, I’m not making another Roxas joke. Jeez. Let’s talk about something fun. My summer vacation is...over.
  5. Here is a sneak preview of what is to come with Incredibles 2.
  6. It's officially summer here in Cali. It was 108 yesterday! Seriously!
  7. It's almost officially summer, Ice Cream season. And sorry not sorry, if you say 'I don't like ice cream', what the hell planet are you from?
  8. It has already begun. The Biscuit Hammer is looming above us
  9. What Summer 2016 anime are you most excited to watch? If anyone is interested in what are the other animes coming out this summer, check it out here!
  10. Ladies and Gentlemen!!! I bring to you the new revised edition of my KH13 Summer Vacation Scenario! (Ha! He said it! ) Last year, I did this little thing where I asked the members here that if they were entrusted with a beach house for a whole summer, who would they choose from this very forum to bunk with them during that time. But they could only choose 7 people. Strictly 7. No more. (original thread: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/77577-kh13-summer-vacation-scenario/) Now, since the season of Summer is approaching the Northern Hemisphere (for some people, it's already arrived ) I thought this would make a nice little random and fun activity. So basically the same hypothetical scenario applies like last time, however I have increased the amount of people you can select this time around. Now judging from the title, you'll definitely be able to tell what the number will be. That's right, it's 13! You're allowed thirteen people to bunk with since the house is now bigger. As the host, I'll start things off: So yeah, that's mine. It was definitely hard to decide, and I can't please everyone. Now to put you people through this torture. x3 *points to you* Show me what you got! The fun has just begun! Peace!
  11. And it's gonna burn the whole world... Really badly. Nah. Just kidding! It's gonna be fun and exciting, full of adventure and awesomeness! What are YOU going to do during the Summer?
  12. Okay, so here's the ( ) sitch: You are the organiser of a vacation to a beach house you have recently been entrusted with for the entire Summer. You plan to invite heaps of people to crash with you from KH13. However you discover that the house can only accommodate 8 people, yourself and 7 others from this site. So my question to you lovely people is: Who would those 7 people be? And why (optional)? You're allowed to pick anyone you wish on this site to bunk with you for a WHOLE Summer! And only 7 others! No more. 7 is the maximum, but you can have less. As for my 7, they would be (in no particular order): 1) Zola <----- TEAM 2) Xiro <--- XIRO FTW 3) TheWayToDawn (Movie night and writing buddy!) 4) Weedanort (Non-stop dueling! ) 5) Aqua7KH (MOVIE NIGHTS!) 6) ventusluv006 (She's just cool and part of the movie night gang) 7) roxasrikuterra13 aka Princess Roxie (As her loyal subject, how could I not?) Believe me when I say it wasn't easy to decide There's just so many awesome and cool people, but the above 7 are people I feel I can really connect with here. And when deciding your 7, if you're on my list, please do not feel obliged to put myself on yours. It is ultimately your decision! But if you do list me, great! I'd feel honoured Okay enough of me rambling. *points at YOU* It's your move! Peace!
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