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Lol I only said that cause every time there's a like, new popular Shonen hero, or show for instance, or even not anime related- some how, someway, be it Saitama, or, a Jedi, or Sora, sooner or later, in every fanbase you'll always get that one ass who's like

"mmmm but can they beat Goooookuuuuu???"

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I want to like AEW but theirs just way to much gymnastics in it. HHH y fave wrestler taking over creative in WWE has me excited though\

Also in AEW this 'forbidden door' as cool a concept it is, I hardy get to see AEW guys... Anyways sorry to go off topic back to KH

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AEW is great, at times; I love the style of wrestling but, they really botched Forbidden Door.

Those New Japan guys are some of the best wrestlers in the buisness and barely anyone walked away knowing that; people that didn't know them before, I mean. WWE is in a good spot but, they really need to modernize their matches- give the guys more freedom. Let them move around more, hit harder.

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