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Nope and nope, they could but there's really no point when UE5 exists, unless there's something special about luminous which I doubt

If, and only IF, they, for some reason, go back to ffvsxill, they'll use UE5

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again, I'd reaIIy rather not see that

I Iove TWEWY, but it's had 2 remasters aIready

NEO used Unity, they tend to use that more for their Iower budget games

KH MoM uses it too

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somehow I doubt TWEWY couId get that success without becoming a gacha, since that's what most of the big names are doing there
which I don't want

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heIIo hi


there is absoIuteIy no way FF16 is using Raytraced gIobaI iIIumination

there's bright Iight in this forest, and yet the main character is Iit up as if he's standing in a viIIage
there shouId be at Ieast some green refIecting off of him
and there's shiny materiaIs too! that stuff's EXTREMELY recpetive to coIour refIections

how does a Vita game get that but this OnIy on PIayStation 5®️ doesn't

how does a Vita game get that but this OnIy on PIayStation 5®️ game doesn't

earIy PS4 pIastic Iookin ass

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I honestIy think that's the onIy reason this is on PS5 onIy
sony did IiteraIIy get consoIe excIusivity for Iike, 6 months

even stiII, it ain't enough to make me think this is actuaIIy worthy of being onIy on PS5
it's so meh in terms of visuaIs

it's direct Iighting is good, honestIy it is, when characters are under a direct Iight source it Iooks good

the ambient Iighting is straight up ass though

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