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A new kingdom Hearts game

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Ok so this is just my own opinion but I think it would be cool to have a game set like idk let's say 100/150 years post union cross (as we know the time of fairy tales is at least 3 or 4 centuries before kh1 and the main continuity of games we know as "the main timeline" so before bbs and even dark road and just like in bbs how it introduced a new trio it could give us another trio. And it could explore what the world was like post keyblade war but not during the time of "the main timeline" you could say, it would be with totally new protagonists and the villain could be luxu and it could tell us who he used as a vessel during his road through time passing on the no name keyblade. And yeah that had always been my "dream" you could say of my vision of a kingdom Hearts game.

Edited by Vèńťúş_wíņđ_⅔

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I definitely would love to see a game following Luxu, or even just a game bridging the gap of what Luxu was doing between Union Cross and Birth by Sleep. Honestly, though, I'm much more interested in a game exploring the world of Yozora. Either one would make me very happy, though!

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