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(CLOSED) (RE-DO) Athánatos: City of Corruption (An Original RP) - Signups and Discussion

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     "An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast;

a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind."





Be sure to follow this thread for notifications of new posts and such so that no one gets behind! Do the same with the actual RP thread when it is created!



Hello, friends... Tonight, we find ourselves on Main Street, inside of a city called Athánatos. To any average person, they may not know of this city, mostly because it's cut off from the rest of the world. It even has it's own government. But, as of late, the city has undergone a, shall we say, metamorphosis of sorts. One that would change the citizens of Athánatos until their very last breaths. 

Are you ready for the events that will unfold?


Now, follow me as we go down the streets and through the night 

into the world of madness...



Welcome to the revived Athánatos (Meaning 'immortal' in greek) RP Sign-Ups.

Those of you brave enough to proceed shall be thrust into a hostile world and story filled with mystery, surprises, conflict, and war.


Here is a quick background of the history of the city of Athánatos, and its current trials.




 In a dim and distant future, mankind has been altered after a reconstruction of the race. The Earth is now anew and its inhabitants are now vastly different.


How did this occur?


     60 years ago, In the small city known as Athánatos, beasts and humans lived alongside each other. Different variations of these beasts existed, such as vampires, werewolves, incubi, succubi, ghosts, wendigos, and so many more. It was like this for the longest time.


     During that time, scientists produced two prototype serums; one vaccine that would keep the humans immune from the deadly infections and virus of the beasts, and a serum to help humans unlock the hidden powers in their brains, gaining super-human abilities. The government had over 200,000 human participants. It was a monumental success for about 20 days...

Until the of autumn that year.


     The vaccine had failed to fully work, as the human participants began to turn into beasts themselves. Unable to fully control themselves, they lashed out and terrorized Athánatos, and created a bloody massacre. The ones already born as beasts fought alongside and rebelled, the majority of them saying they will one day take control of the city, and eventually, the world. The humans, with their new super-human abilities, as well as some good beasts, fought for peace and power. They fought for almost 5 years straight, and the war spread all throughout the world, until both sides gave up. They regretted diminishing their races, and begin reconstruction of their city and races.


     Now in present times in Athánatos, reconstruction is complete. The city still combines beasts and super-humans, now know as Espers. However, the bias government gives full privacy to the Espers, while the beasts are heavily criticized, monitored, and segregated. The whole government is filled with corruption and lies. At the moment, the city is undergoing a large rebellion because of a string of murders that occurred. All of the murders involve the victims hearts torn out, and having black fangs lodged in their collarbones. Some  rebels are on opposing sides, and some don't want to get involved at all. Who caused the murders, and could the rebellion fix or destroy the city? How will the government reacts.


This story is still unwritten, and so is yours.




Now for character sheets! You can have multiple characters as either an Esper or beast. Espers possess super-human abilities that are controlled by their minds. Examples of the powers of an Esper could be things like psychokinesis, chronokinesis, teleportation, etc. 

Those of you who choose Espers, you can use this video as reference for abilities, or look one up one your own. Make sure it isn't too overpowered.



For those of you who choose beasts, you have a variety of monsters to choose from. Like vampires, werewolves, incubi, succubi, ghosts, wendigos, etc. Choose whatever to your hearts consent. 


Now for some rules!

  • No godmodding
  • Follow general forum RP rules
  • Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13.
  • Keep any possible violence somewhat tame.
  • Have fun!


Here is the character sheet.


Full Name: 



Side (either Esper or beast):

(For beasts only) Species:

(For Espers only) Ability:

Siblings (If any): 
Character Background: 



To prove that you've read the details and rules, list your favorite time of of the day, like morning, afternoon, night, etc.


Anyways, let's begin! Here is my character.




Full Name: Joel Martin

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Esper or Beast: Esper

Ability: Sonokinesis


Posted Image


Occupation(s):  Works at local Music store.
Siblings (If any): None
Hobbies: Playing piano, cello, and singing.
Strengths: Played piano for since he was 5, is very good at it. Is always sweet and kind. Can manipulate sound waves and frequencies.
Weaknesses: Is insecure about his preferences and very shy, despite being a somewhat open bisexual. Runs away from his problems and drowns them out with music. Is a huge scaredy cat. Denies his wants in place of needs.


Personality: Joel is a hopeless romantic, is a bit curious to find what it means to love, and be loved in return. He's old fashioned and tries his best to be mature and collected. Can be stubborn at times, but is also very curious.

Character Background: He is an orphan that lives in the local apartments alone. He wishes to bring peace between the espers and beasts in some way. His parents were killed when he was around 10-years-old by an unruly vampire. He escaped by lighting the house on fire and escaping, leaving the vampire to burn inside. A nice esper named Ellen took him in and raised him like a little brother for the rest of his youth. 
Wants: To bring peace and find love. To become first-chair cellist in the Athánatos Symphony.
Problems: Is in a low-income environment. Is too scared to really do anything.




Have fun, all participants!

Happy hunting!~



Be sure to follow this thread for notifications of new posts and such so that no one gets behind! Do the same with the actual RP thread when it is created!
Edited by Hargleblargleboo

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Full Name: Tyler "Ty" Everson (Would've used Satchel, but I already have two different Satchels out there in the wild! So this is a new OC, first time use!)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Side (either Esper or beast): Esper
(For Espers only) Ability: Apporation (The ability to teleport objects and/or people)

Posted Image

Occupation(s): Actor
Siblings (If any): Only child
Hobbies: Acting and Dancing!
Strengths: Ty is confident and determined! He usually keeps at what needs to be done until he succeeds.
Weaknesses: His stubbornness and curiosity usually get the better of him, often getting him into troublesome situations.
Character Background:
Ty was born into an average family, not much to say on his past. His family loved him like they were meant to, and helped him grow to become the person he is today. He grew up with a large curiousness towards the beasts, but his family never let him get too close, or even study them often. To this day, his interest in them is still at high peak.  His father was a bit ill minded towards his choice of acting, but he grew to become fond of seeing his shows. His mother hadn't lived long enough to see one, bless her soul.
Personality: Ty is quite flirtatious. He often flirts with the older men he works with during productions, be they stage hands or fellow actors. (My first Gay OC, wow. Don't kill me please.) He usually ends up failing, of course, but he was okay with that. He has a cheery disposition, and is very good at talking people into confidence.
Wants: To become a successful actor
Problems: The acting team he works with, The Young Adult Theatre Troupe [YATT] has low funds, thus preventing his dreams to come alive. He works a side job doing lawn/house work for anyone willing to hire him, and donates most of his earnings to YATT.


Edited by Shard the Gentleman

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Full Name: Silas Fester

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Side (either Esper or beast): Beast

(For beasts only) Species: Werewolf

(For Espers only) Ability:




Human form:

Posted Image


With instincts taking over (Not fully transformed)

Posted Image


Wolf form:

Posted Image

Posted Image



Occupation(s): Mechanic

Siblings (If any): Three younger sisters

Hobbies: Hunting, parkour practice and running around the outskirts in search of a possible way out

Strengths: Due to his job, he knows a lot about machinery. He is physically strong even in his human form, has night vision, and has an enhanced sense of smell and hearing.

Weaknesses: SILVER. Silver burns him at touch. His enhanced senses can cause him problems (loud noises and scents affect him much more than it does to people with regular hearing and smell). He can't swim. He doesn't back down from a fight, which ends up getting him hurt badly most of the time. He cannot hold hid transformation in a full moon.

Character Background: Silas is the oldest of four siblings. He lives in one of the districts closes to the outskirts of the city. Due to the discrimination of the beasts, his parents insisted that they should adapt themselves to remain in their human form, and try to adapt without using their werewolves abilities or transforming into their werewolf selves. Using these they have been able to pass themselves as Espers multiple times, Silas' siblings pretending to be Espers to avoid bullying at school, though they cannot win a lie against other creatures who can sense what they truly are. Unlike his siblings, Silas has a hard time controlling his instincts, sometimes letting the adrenaline rush get the better of him (He once ran out of the house, through the outskirts and forest, and came back the next morning sweaty, and bruised from running. This has gotten him in trouble with the authorities in charge of keeping watch over the beasts.). He practices parkour when he's not working in hopes that it will please his urges, but the more time passes, the stronger the urges become. His ultimate wish is to be allowed out of the city and run wild and free, but under such strict supervision, he can't do that without big risks. He has no personal hatred against Espers, however he does hate the government and any high officials or government workers due to the beasts being oppressed under their order.

Personality: He is usually a very friendly person, always willing to help out, as old people have described him as sweet, and young kids have described him as cool. However he is very protective over himself, his family, and whatever meal he happens to be eating at the time. When angered or feeling threatened he becomes fierce and almost blood-thirsty, but always manages to stop himself before causing any strong harm.

Wants: Freedom to leave the city and the eyes of the government. For the current government and its hatred against beasts to be taken down.

Problems: He has a hard time controlling his beastly instincts. When he falls into his instincts, his adrenaline will rush and will lead him to lose control of actions, which can prove dangerous. He already has some record with the police due to this.


Morning. Afternoons are depressing

Edited by Stardustblade358

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Shard, I'll accept yours if you could add a short character background!



Full Name: Tyler "Ty" Everson (Would've used Satchel, but I already have two different Satchels out there in the wild! So this is a new OC, first time use!)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Side (either Esper or beast): Esper
(For Espers only) Ability: Apporation (The ability to teleport objects and/or people)

Posted Image

Occupation(s): Actor
Siblings (If any): Only child
Hobbies: Acting and Dancing!
Strengths: Ty is confident and determined! He usually keeps at what needs to be done until he succeeds.
Weaknesses: His stubbornness and curiosity usually get the better of him, often getting him into troublesome situations.
Character Background:

Personality: Ty is quite flirtatious. He often flirts with the older men he works with during productions, be they stage hands or fellow actors. (My first Gay OC, wow. Don't kill me please.) He usually ends up failing, of course, but he was okay with that. He has a cheery disposition, and is very good at talking people into confidence.
Wants: To become a successful actor
Problems: The acting team he works with, The Young Adult Theatre Troupe [YATT] has low funds, thus preventing his dreams to come alive. He works a side job doing lawn/house work for anyone willing to hire him, and donates most of his earnings to YATT.


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Accepted, yet again!


Full Name: Silas Fester

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Side (either Esper or beast): Beast

(For beasts only) Species: Werewolf

(For Espers only) Ability:




Human form:

Posted Image


With instincts taking over (Not fully transformed)

Posted Image


Wolf form:

Posted Image

Posted Image



Occupation(s): Mechanic

Siblings (If any): Three younger sisters

Hobbies: Hunting, parkour practice and running around the outskirts in search of a possible way out

Strengths: Due to his job, he knows a lot about machinery. He is physically strong even in his human form, has night vision, and has an enhanced sense of smell and hearing.

Weaknesses: His enhanced senses can cause him problems (loud noises and scents affect him much more than it does to people with regular hearing and smell). He can't swim. He doesn't back down from a fight, which ends up getting him hurt badly most of the time.

Character Background: Silas is the oldest of four siblings. He lives in one of the districts closes to the outskirts of the city. Due to the discrimination of the beasts, his parents insisted that they should adapt themselves to remain in their human form, and try to adapt without using their werewolves abilities or transforming into their werewolf selves. Using these they have been able to pass themselves as Espers multiple times, Silas' siblings pretending to be Espers to avoid bullying at school, though they cannot win a lie against other creatures who can sense what they truly are. Unlike his siblings, Silas has a hard time controlling his instincts, sometimes letting the adrenaline rush get the better of him (He once ran out of the house, through the outskirts and forest, and came back the next morning sweaty, and bruised from running. This has gotten him in trouble with the authorities in charge of keeping watch over the beasts.). He practices parkour when he's not working in hopes that it will please his urges, but the more time passes, the stronger the urges become. His ultimate wish is to be allowed out of the city and run wild and free, but under such strict supervision, he can't do that without big risks. He has no personal hatred against Espers, however he does hate the government and any high officials or government workers due to the beasts being oppressed under their order.

Personality: He is usually a very friendly person, always willing to help out, as old people have described him as sweet, and young kids have described him as cool. However he is very protective over himself, his family, and whatever meal he happens to be eating at the time. When angered or feeling threatened he becomes fierce and almost blood-thirsty, but always manages to stop himself before causing any strong harm.

Wants: Freedom to leave the city and the eyes of the government. For the current government and its hatred against beasts to be taken down.

Problems: He has a hard time controlling his beastly instincts. When he falls into his instincts, his adrenaline will rush and will lead him to lose control of actions, which can prove dangerous. He already has some record with the police due to this.


Morning. Afternoons are depressing

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I'll still keep this open even when the actual RP starts. That way, people can read it and finally decide if they want to actually take a part in this or not. This is if anyone cares.


Come on guys, we need more people in this RP! It can't fade again  D: I was going to sign up last time, but I didn't

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Because we needed a girl anyways


Full Name: Kimi Constantine

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Side (either Esper or beast): Beast

(For beasts only) Species: Ghoul

(For Espers only) Ability:



Posted Image


Occupation(s): Student, Hitman-for-hire

Siblings (If any): None

Hobbies: Stealing

Strengths: Enhanced strength, enhanced senses and has a predatory weapon that she uses to hunt as it is part of her body (Like in Tokyo Ghoul). Is a great manipulator.

Weaknesses: She is young and small, therefor not as strong as an adult Esper or Beast used to battle would be, so she sometimes has to run away from a kill or a fight. She is constantly hungry from a glutinous state, making her hunt more than what an usual ghoul would have to. She cannot consume human/normal food. Only beast/Esper/human meat.

Character Background: Kimi was the youngest sibling of a family of ghouls, beings that feed upon human corpses. In order to keep themselves fed and avoid suspicion, they would dig up freshly dig corpses from the cemetery or morgue to eat. However, someone must've caught up to them, because while Kimi was at school, her mother, father, and two older siblings were taken away by the police, never to be seen again. Their existence faded away, and Kimi figured that they had been executed by the government, not a single word of them ever heard from again. Now in her loneliness she hunts humans to eat, and offers to kill people in exchange for money while in disguise. She has made it this far, because who would suspect a little girl of being a murderer?

Personality: Liar and manipulative. She uses her charm to get things her way, and to lure victims into traps. When her sweet facade wears off she is shown to be stoic and ruthless.

Wants: For the Esper race and the government to fall/die. To find out what happened to her parents, and who did what to them.

Problems: She absolutely hates Espers, and will try to kill them out of spite, even if they aren't the target of her hunt. She is impulsive, and that can get her into trouble.



Edited by Stardustblade358

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Alright, I'll try this again.


Full Name: Caesar Mors

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Side (either Esper or beast): Esper

(For beasts only) Species: N/A

(For Espers only) Ability: Hyper Perception and Reaction

​Appearance: Posted Image
Occupation(s):  Detective
Siblings (If any): Older brother, Chandler, 33, currently in prison.
Hobbies: Chess; reading; looking through old cold cases; working out; people watching
Strengths: Is rather smart, and quick witted. He can analyze any situation he's put in extraordinarily quickly, and act in a way that solves the situation just as quickly. He enjoyed learning new things, especially through hands on work, and learned a lot about the workings of machines and the world. He also knows body language, and can read people through that. He is strong, but doesn't like to resort to fighting to solve his problems.
Weaknesses: He is not very good in team situations, due to being by himself for long periods of time. He is very confident in his abilities, so when he makes a mistake, it's a big mistake. He has made a lot of enemies in his career, due to solving a lot of crimes that otherwise would have gone free. Caesar is a police officer, so he is limited by the law in his actions.
Character Background: Caesar has lived lower class his entire life. His parents did their best, providing him and his brother with food on the table and a roof over their head, but trivial things that make children's lives more joyful were absent. Caesar was a slightly odd kid, his hyper perception having awoken at an early age but he was still unaware of it. He learned things in school quickly, was good in social situations, but people just did not like him. So, Caesar grew up lonesome. His parents died when he was 9, so his brother Chandler was forced to carry the burden of the house and his awkward clearly smart brother. He was able to handle it for a while, but it the pressure of doing multiple jobs and helping to care for Caesar was getting to him. So, Chandler quit his jobs, and resorted to crime. Chandler did not tell his brother. Caesar continued life unawares, still without many friends, but good in school and a generally smart kid. He came to gain a sense of justice, and felt called to eliminate crime from the city with his talents. So, once Caesar had graduated high school, he went directly into the police academy, wanting to become a detective. Chandler kept his secret, continued to make his living through things like drug sales and small time robberies. Caesar became a detective, and his first case was a murder. He solved it rather quickly, the case no match to his realized abilities, though he kept them secret, but checked again. And again. He could not believe the results. So, that night at home, he confronted his brother. Finally, Chandler fessed up. Caesar arrested him without hesitation, and after a brief trial during which Caesar did not speak, Chandler was sent to prison. Caesar still feels a little bad, especially since Chandler refuses to see him, but he continues his work as a detective, continuing to solve the most cases as any detective ever. He keeps his abilities secret, not wanting the attention or connotation assigned to them.

Personality: Just, quick-witted, intelligent, quick, cautious, not likable, is excellent at reading others, intuitive in the sense that he relies on his abilities and reacts on those readings, a little lonely
Wants: Forgiveness from his brother, to solve any case that comes his way and to provide satisfaction to the victims, wants to keep the city under control
Problems: His relationship with his brother is bad, whatever case he is currently officially working on is a big problem to him, no real friends

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I want to join but I am in a few roleplays right now and my week KH time is limited so I don't know how active I'd be....

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Because we needed a girl anyways


Full Name: Kimi Constantine

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Side (either Esper or beast): Beast

(For beasts only) Species: Ghoul

(For Espers only) Ability:



Posted Image


Occupation(s): Student, Hitman-for-hire

Siblings (If any): None

Hobbies: Stealing

Strengths: Enhanced strength, enhanced senses and has a predatory weapon that she uses to hunt as it is part of her body (Like in Tokyo Ghoul). Is a great manipulator.

Weaknesses: She is young and small, therefor not as strong as an adult Esper or Beast used to battle would be, so she sometimes has to run away from a kill or a fight. She is constantly hungry from a glutinous state, making her hunt more than what an usual ghoul would have to. She cannot consume human/normal food. Only beast/Esper/human meat.

Character Background: Kimi was the youngest sibling of a family of ghouls, beings that feed upon human corpses. In order to keep themselves fed and avoid suspicion, they would dig up freshly dig corpses from the cemetery or morgue to eat. However, someone must've caught up to them, because while Kimi was at school, her mother, father, and two older siblings were taken away by the police, never to be seen again. Their existence faded away, and Kimi figured that they had been executed by the government, not a single word of them ever heard from again. Now in her loneliness she hunts humans to eat, and offers to kill people in exchange for money while in disguise. She has made it this far, because who would suspect a little girl of being a murderer?

Personality: Liar and manipulative. She uses her charm to get things her way, and to lure victims into traps. When her sweet facade wears off she is shown to be stoic and ruthless.

Wants: For the Esper race and the government to fall/die. To find out what happened to her parents, and who did what to them.

Problems: She absolutely hates Espers, and will try to kill them out of spite, even if they aren't the target of her hunt. She is impulsive, and that can get her into trouble.






Alright, I'll try this again.


Full Name: Caesar Mors

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Side (either Esper or beast): Esper

(For beasts only) Species: N/A

(For Espers only) Ability: Hyper Perception and Reaction

​Appearance: Posted Image

Occupation(s):  Detective

Siblings (If any): Older brother, Chandler, 33, currently in prison.

Hobbies: Chess; reading; looking through old cold cases; working out; people watching

Strengths: Is rather smart, and quick witted. He can analyze any situation he's put in extraordinarily quickly, and act in a way that solves the situation just as quickly. He enjoyed learning new things, especially through hands on work, and learned a lot about the workings of machines and the world. He also knows body language, and can read people through that. He is strong, but doesn't like to resort to fighting to solve his problems.

Weaknesses: He is not very good in team situations, due to being by himself for long periods of time. He is very confident in his abilities, so when he makes a mistake, it's a big mistake. He has made a lot of enemies in his career, due to solving a lot of crimes that otherwise would have gone free. Caesar is a police officer, so he is limited by the law in his actions.

Character Background: Caesar has lived lower class his entire life. His parents did their best, providing him and his brother with food on the table and a roof over their head, but trivial things that make children's lives more joyful were absent. Caesar was a slightly odd kid, his hyper perception having awoken at an early age but he was still unaware of it. He learned things in school quickly, was good in social situations, but people just did not like him. So, Caesar grew up lonesome. His parents died when he was 9, so his brother Chandler was forced to carry the burden of the house and his awkward clearly smart brother. He was able to handle it for a while, but it the pressure of doing multiple jobs and helping to care for Caesar was getting to him. So, Chandler quit his jobs, and resorted to crime. Chandler did not tell his brother. Caesar continued life unawares, still without many friends, but good in school and a generally smart kid. He came to gain a sense of justice, and felt called to eliminate crime from the city with his talents. So, once Caesar had graduated high school, he went directly into the police academy, wanting to become a detective. Chandler kept his secret, continued to make his living through things like drug sales and small time robberies. Caesar became a detective, and his first case was a murder. He solved it rather quickly, the case no match to his realized abilities, though he kept them secret, but checked again. And again. He could not believe the results. So, that night at home, he confronted his brother. Finally, Chandler fessed up. Caesar arrested him without hesitation, and after a brief trial during which Caesar did not speak, Chandler was sent to prison. Caesar still feels a little bad, especially since Chandler refuses to see him, but he continues his work as a detective, continuing to solve the most cases as any detective ever. He keeps his abilities secret, not wanting the attention or connotation assigned to them.

Personality: Just, quick-witted, intelligent, quick, cautious, not likable, is excellent at reading others, intuitive in the sense that he relies on his abilities and reacts on those readings, a little lonely

Wants: Forgiveness from his brother, to solve any case that comes his way and to provide satisfaction to the victims, wants to keep the city under control

Problems: His relationship with his brother is bad, whatever case he is currently officially working on is a big problem to him, no real friends

Accepted, yet again. I'll make sure he actually has the chance to do things.

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Sure. I forget what that's called, though, besides a soul being cursed to be a doll or being possessed. Just go crazy with your imagination.


Okay so instead of being a succubus this time, can I be a doll that was animated to life or something like that? Is there a proper name for that?

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Full Name: Lilith Victoria Naamah
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Side (either Esper or beast): BEAST
(For beasts only) Species: Succubus
(For Espers only) Ability:

 Posted Image

True Appearance: Succubus form only-

 Posted Image


Occupation: Currently working as a prostitute ._. 
Siblings (If any): none, at all
Hobbies: Nothing but seduction and making money
Strengths: Physically strong, seductive, knows how to get her way.
Weaknesses: She is very lustful, for money and sexual actions. She kills anyone she does stuff with though. Oops.
Character Background: Lilith is a demonic succubus, only simply wanting dirty inappropriate things. She started working as a prostitute under age, but only you know that. She enjoys taking her victim's things after her job is done and her mate is dead. She's kinda like a spider, killing her mate. Lilith made it to where she cannot have children around her age of 16.
Personality: A little bit of a female dog (if you know what I mean), very flirtatious, loves picking on uglier guys, doesn't take relationships seriously.
Wants: what do you think she wants she wants dirty stuff, money, and dead men. Also cookies.
Problems: She will do anything for "stuff", and kills anyone whom she does the "stuff" with. She hates ugly guys. Lilith will also steal your money


Just took my old character, to lazy to make new character at the moment. 

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Full Name: Lilith Victoria Naamah

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Side (either Esper or beast): BEAST

(For beasts only) Species: Succubus

(For Espers only) Ability:


 Posted Image


True Appearance: Succubus form only-

 Posted Image


Occupation: Currently working as a prostitute ._. 

Siblings (If any): none, at all

Hobbies: Nothing but seduction and making money

Strengths: Physically strong, seductive, knows how to get her way.

Weaknesses: She is very lustful, for money and sexual actions. She kills anyone she does stuff with though. Oops.

Character Background: Lilith is a demonic succubus, only simply wanting dirty inappropriate things. She started working as a prostitute under age, but only you know that. She enjoys taking her victim's things after her job is done and her mate is dead. She's kinda like a spider, killing her mate. Lilith made it to where she cannot have children around her age of 16.

Personality: A little bit of a female dog (if you know what I mean), very flirtatious, loves picking on uglier guys, doesn't take relationships seriously.

Wants: what do you think she wants she wants dirty stuff, money, and dead men. Also cookies.

Problems: She will do anything for "stuff", and kills anyone whom she does the "stuff" with. She hates ugly guys. Lilith will also steal your money


Just took my old character, to lazy to make new character at the moment. 


Alrighty then. You can make new characters anytime. But for this one, she is accepted,

yet again!

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