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Everything posted by Shazzam

  1. Finaly got the Level Master Riku trophy. Shouldn't have taken as long as it did but I was being lazy. Now I just need to do the playthroughs on Standard and Beginner for both Sora and Riku for the Platinum... whoo

  2. Yep their shallow, shallow movespools don't help either... Especially Meganium! They need some better options!
  3. Thank you!!! This is exactly how I feel! XIII would have been great as it's own game, but then they went and made XIII-2 and LR... I've played (and Platinumed) XIII and XIII-2, and I can honestly say XIII-2 kinda ruined the story for me. I don't even really have an interest in Lightning Returns since it feels like they're just dragging out a story that had an already great ending.
  4. In my opinion, no. DDD is not better than BbS, although I enjoy both!
  5. Hey if you guys haven't heard, the Legend of Korra book 2 finale is up on the Nick website. It brings this amazing season to a close in a big way!!!!

  6. That finale was amazing! I definitely feel like this book renewed my faith in Korra. The start was a little shaky, but it was still very enjoyable especially everything from "Beginnings" to the end!
  7. A game with Mickey, Kairi, and Lea as playable characters. I'll call it... "Birth By Sleep Volume 2"!
  8. Oh yeah! Varrick being a bad guy was a big shocker! He was such a big source of alot of the comic relief, I would have never guessed they would take his character in this direction. I'm curious as to what his full motives are.
  9. You mean by Unalaq? Yeah it is too bad, but I kinda saw that coming though. I'm glad she is slowly but surely learning from her mistakes as well. I thought she would have already been through this phase after everything that went down in season 1, but she's learning!
  10. I'm really glad Korra eventually apologized to Tenzin for ditching him for Unalaq.
  11. In-game name: Sam 3DS name: Shazzam Friend Code: 5112-4819-6643 Friend Safari: Ice type, Delibird, Bergmite, and Piloswine
  12. Kinda meh. Personally I feel like its a little early to be releasing tentative gameplay elements, but I have high hopes!
  13. I'm sorry to say that I almost fell asleep at one point while watching them... Being playable would have definitely been wonderful!
  14. Whoo! Just got that final mix Platinum!

  15. If you have the encounter up ability (which you get from synthesizing a certain amount of items) you can just leave the linked worlds room (the big green room right before final rest) over and over until they spawn, otherwise you have to fight the enemies then go two rooms back or leave the world and return. If you do find them and defeat them you have to leave and return anyway to get them to spawn again.
  16. I loved the interaction Tenzin and his siblings had together. That made the episode for me!
  17. Woo one more playthrough til this Final Mix platinum!

    1. Enmaa



  18. I per-ordered it through Amazon, and they say it'll be here Friday.
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