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Posts posted by Psychic_Ketchup

  1. As cute/cool as Undertale seems, I refuse to get it, even if I could. Something about the game basically forcing you to be a good guy just makes me sick. Do I typically play the good guy in video games? Sure, of course I do. And even if it's more of a linear game, at least the game gives me the option of how I want to play. But in Undertale, you can't even kill anything without the game halting you in your tracks. I can understand why people like Undertale, and I am a MAJOR fan of the RPG-style gameplay mixed with bullet-hell. However, once again, I refuse to get it for myself.


    Just so you know, you can play the game anyway you want. Not killing anyone and being nice gets you the pacifist ending, while killing everyone and being a complete monster gives you the genocide ending. Anywhere in between will get you the neutral ending, but how you interact with the NPCs and enemies will change certain things.

    Of course you're still free to choose whether or not you purchase the game. :)

  2. Its... pretty bad. Its not the worst cartoon ever, but its close. Then again, they had an episode where they flat out said girls are superior to boys in every single way possible (sexism goes both ways guys), and not one but two episodes where the creators responded to the negative criticism they recieved rather unprofessionally. And the characters act nothing like how they originally were; Cyborg and Beast Boy are complete idiots that don't give a crap about anyone except themselves, Raven is a sterotypical goth girl who's also a closet brony, Starfire is a complete bimbo that knows nothing about Earth or its customs and they upped her odd speaking patterns to the nth degree, and Robin is a massive, arrogant prick.But I haven't seen too many of the episodes. This is all I gathered from what I've seen and heard others say.No, what pisses me off the most is that CN shows it all the time (although luckily this week TTG is only on for three hours a day; its normally on between six and eight hours a day) That, and CN has commercials constantly showing TTG and saying its 'your new favorite show'. Don't tell me what my favorite show is! Its completely arrogant and pretencious to say this is everyone's 'new favorite show'. Don't do that!


    It is a disgrace to Teen Titans. Bigtime.





    I see, thanks for the heads up :)

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