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Gretti Kyla

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Everything posted by Gretti Kyla

  1. Taking Grays word Greyson acted and began to take five silent steps towards back from the locker then crouched down to reduce sound from his foot steps.
  2. After being pressured back Greyson Quickly moves to the left of the crawler, once it Rammed into the locker Greyson move fast enough to become a blur and strike the Crawler with the second baton he had got from Gray. He hit it again then moved back from the crawlers position. 'Shoot that was close. I gotta watch this thing.' Greyson was thinking to himself. "I hope everything is going smooth for you guys" Greyson says to everyone in the equipment room. hoping everything was going more smoothly for them.
  3. "Greyson blocks the sac from biting him "Yeah! I got your back, Free the Officer while me Gray and the other two hold this thing off!" Greyson says to Zaria before she goes blends into the shadows
  4. Greyson catches the Baton and then throws it at the Flesh sac that was going to the officer and hits the sac "We have to save that officer, now!" Greyson says to Gray and Zaria. Zaria hid into the shadows and tried to sneak by the first flesh sac that fell and went after the officer While Greyson ran to hit the Sac for a second time to stun it, but the sac turned and tried to bite Greyson. "Crap!" Greyson said as he prepared to block
  5. "Okay but we have to find a way to distract that Flesh sac, I think It goes off of Sound and will try to hit anything it hears, Maybe the other baton could create a large enough sound or maybe even the metal bat would made a big enough sound." Greyson said to Gray's Plan "It seems good but we need to be in Sync." Greyson says to Zaria and Gray.
  6. That is obsolete for i use only Wireless Controllers Muahahaha
  7. "We can combine our skills together to see what we can do. I'm good at Combat and i can move really fast for a few seconds and Zaria, you are good at Parkour right? Well what can you do Gray? Greyson asks whispering to GrayGreyson looks back at the officer and sees that he is really scared and doesn't want to die. He looks back at his group."Whatever we do we have to keep that officer alive, he may have answers on where are and how far the next town is from here
  8. Picks up a rock and throws it towards the broken tile to see how the blood sack is react. "now we have to work together to get that blueprint. it might have plans for weapons or for our robotic counterparts." Greyson says to Gray and Zaria
  9. As he looks back at Zaria and Gray, Greyson notices the blood dripping on Zaria's shoulder, Looks up and sees the skins sacks.[Whispers]"that's true, But we have to also help that living officer, we can't leave him there to die." Greyson says to Gray then looks to Zaria.
  10. Greyson picks up a batons out of the locker and walks back to Zaria "Nice find on the Steel bat, I have this baton. Hopefully they found some good information." Greyson says. Greyson starts to look for more things to use in the lockers. "Hey I found some Nuts,Bolts and some metal pieces! What did you find?" Greyson asks with excitement to Zaria in hopes that she found something very useful to be used
  11. Greyson started to follow Zaria as they got to the Security and Equipment room Greyson heard some extra foot steps coming from behind them. "There are other people alive? Wow I thought that we were the only people alive in this place. what did you find in the room? anything useful?" Greyson asks Zaria as they were looking for things to use to defend themselves from danger or Death. "I found a Baton in this locker over here, there is another one that you can get and use. but there is no sign of Gray" He says to Zaria as he started to look worried
  12. "Of all the things you can do, you sneak off, really Gray?"Greyson says as he faces Zaria. "You ready Zaria? cause there might be even more of those thing ahead of us and then we can see if Gray is safe and as for Ceres and Huey... Be safe and get as much info that you can. Greyson says to Huey and Ceres and then cracked a smile and looks in the direction of the Security Equipment Room. He had faith that they would meet up with each other soon
  13. "I'll go with you. Greyson say as he looks at Zaria then back to everyone else "We should also look for a nearby city or town as well look for any survivors along the way, Sounds like a a good plan? And if we ever get separated We will find a way to meet up." He says as he walks to Zaria "i want to your adventures" He says before he gets to Zaria
  14. "That was scary Huey, it's fine now we can enter in that room now, but we have to move with caution." Greyson said as he readied himself for anymore monsters to attack, while feeling a bit on edge about what happened just now taking deep breaths to calm down. like he would do for his breathing practices
  15. Greyson looks at Ceres as she put her hand on the door to open it.
  16. Looking at Gray and Huey as they introduced their selves to one another Greyson gets Dressed, He puts on some Black Jeans with a black tank top and light blue Flannel,a blue and yellow bracelet on his left arm with Black combat boots. "The infestation? what are you talking about?" Greyson asks Ceres as he looks concerned. "I'm confused on what's going on here all I know is that we woke up here." Greyson says as he tries to remember what happened to him.
  17. Looking back at the other two walking out he notices that they're not the only two "How many of us are there? Don't touch that door, We should all introduce ourselves instead of standing here and being some strangers you know?" He says to everybody in around the table. "My Name is Greyson Vaile" He says With a Slight smile
  18. Waking up, Stumbling out of the the Vault, Opening his eyes "I don't know." he said as he got to the table. "Any idea on where we might be?" He Asks everybody. As his vision get better from the blur he sees the clothes and food and turns to look at everybody. "Fresh clothes, that's always good but, why did she off herself?" he Says as he looks at everyone. looking back and seeing all the dead bodies and looks shocked
  19. I can't wait to get started in my new RP! :D

  20. -Epilogue- http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzsmfqWdwQ1qbngsko1.mp3 The Year: 2015 A study was conducted called Lazericabyss, On April 2nd At 3:01 pm. Doctor Skeevik developed an Antibody that was nearly able to cure every disease known to Man. Aggressive, Agile, Intelligent, The Antibody could learn inside The Host, Adapting, Reacting, Organizing itself. Here were his Audio notes: 4:52 pm "Patient 001 died Immediately after injection. Cardiac Arrest was expected. Moving on to Patient 002." 9:23 am. "Patient 014.Died Several Minutes after injection. Severe hemorrhaging from Eyes, Ears, Nose, And Mouth." 12:00 am "Gosh Damn it, Patient 073, Bit me. Showing Signs of Intense Aggravation, Going to the medical room to sanitize." 2:00 am Whispering "I came back from the medical room and the door to Patient 073 was open. There's signs of struggle, and forced entry. There's blood marks on the ceiling. Leading to th- Oh god. He's heading for the main laboratory. (Incoherent Audio). (Rustling noises) That was the last of Dr. Skeevik's Audio Notes. Before long, not even 24 hours...The Virus Spread. It was more aggressive, It was smarter.Patient 073, now dubbed Apex, was loose in the laboratory, attacking high ranking scientists those who may have been smart enough to create a cure, are being wasted one by one in the halls they worked in. Nothing they could do to defend themselves. Apex was smarter, faster, stronger. They died, mainly with their backs turned. Eaten alive. The ones who were left unmangled rose back up and for the ones who tried to help them were eaten by the ones who had gotten back up. The Virus carried through contagious bite but if you were lucky enough, you would have gotten it airborne. Some changed through the virus airborne version and didn't show any symptoms until their heart rate reached that of someone going through fight or flight responses. Then...they'll change. Soon it was out of the laboratory and out in the streets. It found it's way to our Schools where our children were. First, mayhem broke out. People were dying. The news called it 'cannibalism'. The church called it 'Apocalypse'. Second, Riots broke out. Man were turning against man. Killing each other. 'Survival of the Fittest' they said. 'Strongest must survived, They willed' Capturing Women and Children. The Surface was no place for a human anymore. There's no place for a human anymore. All that remains now, is Monster. Third, The World went quiet. Countries were no longer communicating with each other. First China, Africa, and Europe ceased all actions with America. Then they began to see The Virus blossom in their own countries. There was nothing they could do. It seemed like vegetation was unaffected by The Virus. And Fourth but not least, It mutated. The Human Husks hosting The Virus became 'Humanoid' More like Beast than Man. More like Demons than Beast. More like Devils than Daemons. The ranks of the dead out rank the living. Now, they were able to hunt. To lurk. To savor. They want your flesh. The Humans that survived lived day by day for Self benefit. Pathetic. And Now, here we are....The year is 2016, January 13th, Wednesday 5:15 am Sharp. You are waking up. You are one of the many that we given The Virus a new form to evolve it. You , The Olympian, has been adapted to handle The Virus. You are immune. You can smell, and sense The carriers of the Virus. You're stronger, Faster. You are The Rival to this Virus. And you will see to it that it burns. I, Camiliana Zoeyline, A scientist in Rest Assured Pharmaceuticals, Assistant to Dr. Skeevik. have released you from your prison. Now Go my Super Soldiers...Save Humanity. Now, as you wake up and open your eyes to look at the monitor infront of you, You see a Scientist woman putting a Revolver with tears in her eyes and the screen goes to static. A glass vault door opens right infront of you, and The restrains like a straight jacket releases you. And you are freed. You pull out a tube out of your throat and stumble out of the glass vault to a white table with clothing and food.
  21. Name: Greyson Vaile Age:20 Gender:Male Appearance: Atomics: Olympian Bio: Greyson is a College student who was working to get in to a University, Him Being a well Trained Martial Artist, people try to pick fights with him to try and get him to show off. After two year at his College he had gotten a letter from The University of Tokyo, giving him a Scholar ship. After transfer to Tokyo University, Going home one day after classes, the next he was Gone. People thought he went home, but know one knows. Skills:Warrior Abilities: Blinding speed and Skilled fighter Lazericabyss
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