OkashiraKenrex 251 Posted March 27, 2013 LOL,loved it!!!!!And the pics.!!!!nicely done 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theultimatesorafan 685 Posted March 27, 2013 Pretty great chapter if you ask me. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora's Baby 729 Posted March 28, 2013 Draw Rose! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted March 28, 2013 Awesome chapter! Put a drawing of Rose after the next one. 2 Sora's Baby and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted March 28, 2013 Wow guys, I am loving all of these awesome comments! You’re the best! Hehe, well then, without further ado, here is the next chapter! Remember that this chapter and the next chapter will be from Vincent’s point of view! Chapter Ten: Trust (Start Song Here) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-2IT8rcdj0 Rose and I are surrounded by a gang of thugs. They’re closing in on us, and I look back for an instant to make sure that Rose is safe. Then I whisper to her: “Rose, run while you have the chance.” I hear her giggle in a mischievous way and she says: “No, I’ll stay here and fight. They won’t know what hit them.” For a moment I feel puzzled, but before I can react, she jumps above me and she starts pummeling the thugs like if they were rag dolls. I look at her with half amazement and half shock. For being blind, she sure has impressive fighting skills. I then shake myself off and start punching the thugs. Some of them try to pin us down, but we manage to get out of sticky spots quick enough. Then I hear Rose shout: “Watch out!” I then see her a few feet down, and she throws her knife towards my direction. I duck and the knife hits a thug that was behind me that I hadn’t noticed. I hear the thug scream in agony, as he bleeds from his neck and falls lifeless to the ground. Again, I’m amazed by her skills. Then I run towards another pack of thugs that’s about to surround Rose. I then yell: “Get away from her!” and I quickly dispatch them. Then I catch my breath and crack my knuckles and I make sure that no one else is watching us. I then look at Rose, who goes to pick up her knife. She then cleans the blood from it with a small towel she had in her pocket. (End Song Here) I go towards her and try not to sound like an idiot: “Wow, Rose, that was amazing! How did you learn to fight like that?” Rose turns around and she smiles and places the knife in her pocket and she says: “Well, when one is blind like me, you have to learn to adapt and defend yourself. So that’s exactly what I did. I learned to defend myself, and I’d say the training has paid off.” I nod like an excited little boy and say: “I’ll say. Not even I know how to fight like that. You truly are something else Rose.” For a moment, we stay silent, and then I instantly start to blush. She apparently feels it, as she starts blushing as well. We slowly lean closer to each other, and then closer and closer. But then, one of the thugs laughs weakly, and we both freeze. We hear the thug say: “So, you think you’ve won. Hehe, not by a long shot. Our SPECIAL friend will be sure to take care of you.” I then angrily grab him by the throat and I ask: “Is that SPECIAL friend of yours a relative of Wade’s!?” The thug simply smirks and says: “I’ll never tell you. That’s something you’ll have to figure out for yourself.” I then punch him and knock him unconscious. Then I go towards Rose and grab her hand and say: “We have to get out of here before more of them come.” She nods and we make our way to the car. I quickly turn on the engine and then we drive towards downtown. After a few minutes, we safely arrive at my house, and then we get off the car. After I open the door and we go in the house, I sit on the couch, exhausted, and then I say: “Have a seat Rose, make yourself at home.” Rose then sits next to me and then I chuckle to myself and say: “Boy, that’s some little adventure we had there, huh?” She smiles and giggles and says: “Yeah, it was pretty interesting.” I then close my eyes and take off my glasses and say: “Well, at least we can confirm that Tyler’s murderer is a relative of Wade, or at least someone who has ties with him. Well, let’s call it a day shall we?” I then feel Rose get closer to me and then she asks me in a soft and gentle voice: “Vincent, can I stay here with you? Just for tonight? It’s just…I feel safe here with you.” I then open my eyes wide and blush even redder. I then reply: “Of course. Your welcome here any time you want.” She then smiles and kisses my cheek, and my heart pounds like crazy. I feel like I’m going to melt, and then she asks: “By the way, can I take a shower?” I say yes and then I lead her to the bathroom and give her a towel and one of my pajamas. I shyly reply: “Sorry, I don’t have any women’s clothes, so you’ll have to wear my pajamas.” She smiles and giggles: “It’s okay, I don’t mind.” Then I go to the living room and sit on the couch, and I think of her. Part of me tells me to go in the shower with her…but then I say to myself: “No, I can’t. She’s been through a lot, and I don’t want her to think that I’m taking advantage of her.” I just brush off the thought and lay on the couch. After a few minutes, she goes out of the shower, and when I turn around to look at her, I am dazzled by her. Her beautiful hair shining and flowing perfectly, her perfect face so soft and kind and her body gently moving in a seductive but shy way. I stutter for a bit, and then I say: “So, do you feel better now?” She smiles and says: “Yes. Very much.” I then smile and say: “Hey, if you want, you can sleep in my room, I’ll sleep here in the couch.” She smiles at me and nods okay, and then she hugs me tight and I hear her cry softly. She whispers to me: “Thank you so much for everything. You don’t know how grateful I am to you.” I gently close my eyes and return her embrace, and I say: “Your welcome.” Then I lead her to the bedroom and she goes to sleep, and I go towards the couch and lay there, my thoughts focusing on her. I’m a man that knows how to control my urges, but I say to myself: “Dude, you are way over your head.” I then smile to myself and go to sleep. The next morning, I wake up to the smell of fried eggs and bacon, the smell making my mouth watery. I then hear Rose behind me and she hugs me and says: “Good morning sleepyhead.” I smile and say: “Good morning.” She then brings the plate of breakfast to me and says: “Here, I made this for you. I hope you like it.” I smile and thank her and start eating. I am immediately amazed by how delicious the breakfast is. I mean seriously, this girl can cook! I happily eat my breakfast, and in the corner of my eye, I can see her smiling, and I finish eating and drink a glass of Orange Juice. I then go to her and say: “Thanks for breakfast. It was delicious. I’m really amazed about how you’ve adapted to your other senses. And it’s amazing how everything you do is perfect. Wow, you’ve really learned to live without the need for sight, haven’t you?” I see her shrug modestly and she says: “It’s a gift.” I then smile and wash the dishes. Then Rose sits on the counter and she remains silent, as if thinking about something. Then she says: “Vincent, thank you for helping me with Tyler’s case. I really appreciate it.” I smile and say: “Don’t mention it.” She then replies: “You know, I have to confess, you’re the first man that I can truly trust. After so many years of avoiding any kind of trouble, I’m happy that I’ve met someone like you. You’re not like other men. Your kind and sweet, and you’re an honorable man. And you’ve earned my trust. Thanks to you, I feel more confident about myself, and well, I guess I just wanted to let you know about that.” I stay silent for a moment, letting the words sink in, and I smile and say: “I’m glad that I’m able to make you feel that way. And well, I have to confess, you’re the first girl that I’ve met that I can really relate to. I feel that I can talk to you about anything. And being able to express myself with you is something that makes me feel happy. And so I thank you for that.” For the next few hours we talk and laugh, and we have a good time together. Then I notice that it’s 1:00PM, and then I tell Rose that we have to go down to the police office, because Rufus and Derek have found new clues regarding the murderer. She nods and then she changes into her clothes and I change into my clothes, and we head towards the police office. When we go in, Rufus nods and greets us. “All right, good, you’re here. And Rose, I see that you’re in bright spirits. That’s good to know!” We nod and then I ask him: “So, what’s the evidence that you’ve found?” Rufus then leads us to the basement of the office and there we meet up with Derek, who shoots us a serious glare. Either he’s jealous of seeing Rose with me, or either it’s because of the evidence he’s found, I don’t know. Either way, it’s enough to unsettle me. I nod and shake his hand and he says hi to Rose. Then I ask: “So Derek, what do we have here?” He nods grimly and then he says: “It’s a broken mirror we found, and it has a message written in blood…” Then we remain silent, and then I say to myself: “Oh boy, just what I needed. Another crazy psychotic blood written message. Yippee.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well guys, that’s the end of Chapter Ten! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Remember to leave your thoughts and comments below!!! And as requested, here is a drawing of Rose Everdawn in her battle pose! Enjoy!!! 4 KHLegendIII, Joker, theultimatesorafan and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted March 28, 2013 Good job. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora's Baby 729 Posted March 29, 2013 Oh,man..she looks hot!and I'm a girl! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoraBlade 832 Posted March 29, 2013 Rather interesting. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted March 29, 2013 Great chapter! Rose is an awesome fighter! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theultimatesorafan 685 Posted March 29, 2013 Yeah, keep 'em coming. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted March 29, 2013 Hey guys, I'm going to take a little break, but don't worry, I'll post chapters real soon, so you won't have to wait too long. In the meantime though, here's a drawing I made of Vincent Grace and Rose Everdawn. Enjoy! 1 doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted March 30, 2013 Okay guys, as always, thank you very much for your comments, and I’m glad you all liked the drawings I made of the characters! And thank you for your patience. Now then, without further delay, here is the next chapter, enjoy! And remember that this chapter is with Vincent. Chapter Eleven: Message Rufus closes the door behind us and sits in a corner of the room and looks at some documents, no doubt regarding Tyler. Rose and I head towards the mirror and I analyze it. Derek then says: “We found it deep in the forest, in the same area where Tyler was murdered. We at first found it odd that there would be a broken mirror in a forest, but then, when we saw the blood written message, we knew that it had to be evidence from the murderer. See for yourself.” I nod and then look at the message. It says: “The time will come when all is ended.” I then gasp and think to myself: “Great, another psychotic, end of the world style message. Whoever made this murder sure is a fan of creepy messaging.” I then turn around and then approach Rose and I ask her: “Are you okay?” She nods and says: “Yes, I’m fine, don’t worry.” Then I go towards Derek and thank him for finding this clue. Then I ask him: “So, you guys don’t have any leads on who’s the killer?” Derek nods in sadness and says: “No, none at all. This murderer is very tough to track down. He knew what he was planning. We’re dealing with a criminal mastermind here. We have to take all the necessary precautions and make sure no one else is hurt.” I nod and say: “Yes, your right.” I look towards Rose as she goes towards Rufus, and I smile, and then I feel Derek tug at my shoulder and then he glares at me and says: “Now you listen to me Vincent, don’t let any harm fall upon Rose…because if you do…you and I are going to have to have a little talk.” I glare back at him and say: “There’s no need to worry. I’ll protect her, and she’s proven that she is a capable fighter. You don’t have to worry.” Then Derek and I glare at each other intensely, kind of like how Koga and Inuyasha look at each other whenever they’re fighting over Kagome. But then I close my eyes and clean my glasses and smirk and I whisper to him: “I’m a grown man, I’m not one that participates in childish rivalries, so save your breath Derek.” Then I hear Derek curse under his breath, and then he tackles my shoulder and then he leaves the room. Rufus looks at me with a puzzled look, but then he tells me to come closer. Rose then holds my hand and whispers to my ear: “What was all that about?” I smile and tell her: “It was nothing.” She smiles and squeezes my hand, and then Rufus stands up and paces back and forth and then he says: “Well, so far, we have no leads on who the murderer is, so we’re still at a loss here, giving the murderer a big advantage. Vincent, what do you suggest should be our next move?” I think about this for a few seconds, and then I come up with something. I then say: “Well, I have an idea. Rufus, try to deploy three officers in every section of the city, to keep a close eye on any suspicious activity, and I’ll take care of putting security cameras in as many shady places as I can find. With this strategy, we’re bound to catch a glimpse of the murderer.” Rufus nods and then he says: “Well, that’ll do. We’ll begin preparations at once!” I nod and go out of the room with Rose. After a while, Rufus goes outside with us and then we get in my car and start going to different sections of the city, instructing the police patrols to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity in around the perimeter. Then we go to alleys and abandoned basketball courts and streets and we place surveillance cameras, but we camouflage them so that no one notices that they’re there. Then night falls, and we drop off Rufus at the police office and then I take Rose to her home. I escort her to her apartment, and then, when I’m about to leave, she holds my hand tightly and then she says to me in a sweet tone: “Vincent, have a good night. And please take care.” I smile and gently touch her face and reply: “Thank you Rose, you too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She smiles and closes the door and then I go outside. Just as I’m about to get into my car, I see Derek leaning his back on a nearby fence a few feet away from me. I open my eyes wide and gasp. Good lord, Derek sometimes gives me the creeps. Then, I head towards him and see that he’s drifted off into his thoughts. I then say: “Everything okay?” As I say those words, Derek opens his eyes and throws his fists at me. I quickly block and shout: “What the hell man, it’s me, Vincent!” Derek then stops and he clears his throat and then he says: “Don’t ever get near me when I’m drifting off.” I fix my glasses and I glare at him and say: “Yeah, lesson learned. So, what are you doing here this late in the night?” Derek then looks at me and he says: “Don’t take advantage of Rose. She’s a good girl, and she doesn’t need any stupid guys like you to make her believe in love.” I look at him in shock and then I fold my arms: “You know, last time I checked, I believe my love life is of no concern to you. And as I told you earlier today, you don’t have to worry about Rose. I would never do anything to hurt her. And I do love her, my feelings for her are true!” Derek chuckles and then he says: “Right.” and then he simply walks away. I look at him walk away in disbelief, and then I notice something strange. I notice something fall from his pocket, but he doesn’t seem to notice. Then I look at him again and I notice that part of his jacket sleeve is torn off. I pick up what fell from his pocket and then I think to myself: “Hmm, interesting. Derek, there must be something more that meets the eye with you…I’ll keep my eye on you.” (Start Song Here) As I head towards my car, my cell phone rings. “It’s Rufus.” I think to myself. I then answer the phone and hear Rufus’s voice, desperate and full of fear. I then hear him say: “Vincent, come to the park quick, we’re chasing down the murderer! Another child was murdered!” I gasp and then say: “I’m on my way!” I hang up and turn on my car quickly and drive as fast as I possibly can towards the park. After a few minutes, I see three more cops accompanying Rufus, and I quickly get out of my car and run towards them. I shout: “Where’s the murderer!?” Rufus then says: “Over there, beyond the trees!” We start running as fast as we possibly can, but the murderer is unnaturally fast and gets even farther away from us. Then all of a sudden, the three cops that were accompanying us are struck down. And just like that, the murderer disappears. Rufus and I then go towards the cops and we check them, but they die quickly. Rufus then shouts angrily: “Damn it, this damn murderer will kill anyone that tries to follow it!” I then look at the bodies of the dead policemen, and I extract the weapons with which they were struck down with. I then analyze the weapons and show them to Rufus. I say: “These are odd looking weapons. They appear to be like knives, but they seem to be seeping out some kind of energy.” Rufus observes and then says: “Hmm, your right. That is unnatural. We should-“ But before he’s able to finish his sentence, the strange knives disappear into thin air. Rufus gasps and then says: “What the hell is this!?” I stay silent and then we see the bodies of the dead policemen fade away. We both stand jaw dropped as we see the events unfolding before our very eyes. I then say: “This is strange. How the hell can human bodies disappear like that!?” We stay for a few more moments to see if the murderer appears again. But the murderer doesn’t appear, and so we head towards the dead child and his mother. I kneel down near their bodies, and I feel a sudden swelling emotion of sadness and grief. Rufus stays silent and looks down. I then put my hand to my chin and I say: “They were murdered the same way Tyler was. Now we know that this murderer is indeed trying to signal someone.” I think to myself: “The murderer must be after Rose…” Rufus nods and then says: “We have to call the paramedics so we can take these two to the hospital.” I nod and we call the paramedics, and a few minutes later, they come to pick up the dead bodies. Rufus goes with the paramedics, and then I go to my car and think to myself: “I have to find out who this murderer is, and fast. Otherwise, more people will die…” I then turn on the car and drive home. (End Song Here) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay everyone, that was the chapter! I hope that you all enjoyed it! Remember to leave your comments below! And the next two chapters will be from Rose’s point of view! Stay tuned! 3 Joker, Omega15 and doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted March 30, 2013 What in the world is going on?! Is the murderer, like, not human or something?! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora's Baby 729 Posted March 30, 2013 What in the world is going on?! Is the murderer, like, not human or something?! Ever watch Deathnote? 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted March 31, 2013 Ever watch Deathnote? Actually no, I haven't. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 1, 2013 Thanks for reading and commenting everyone! I love reading all of your comments! Here is the next chapter! I hope you enjoy! Now then, without further ado, here is the next chapter! And remember that this chapter and the next chapter will be from Rose’s point of view. Chapter Twelve: Struggle I wake up in the middle of the night with a gasp. My heart pounds against my chest at lightning fast speed. The first thing I do is call Vincent, and the phone rings and then he picks up. I say: “Vincent, are you okay? Did something happen to you?” Vincent replies and says: “No, don’t worry, I’m not hurt, but I was with Rufus a few minutes back, and we were attacked by the murderer.” I gasp and then try not to sound scared: “T-the murderer? Were you able to capture the murderer?” I then hear his tone get from calm to nervous. He then says: “No, unfortunately, we weren’t able to capture the murderer, because it escaped. But the strange thing is, that it was abnormally fast. It killed three policemen that were accompanying us, and the weapons with which it killed them were strange in design, and soon after, the weapons and the dead policemen disappeared before our very eyes.” I then feel a sudden surge of fear inside me and then I say: “That murderer isn’t an ordinary human…” He then replies: “No. It may not be human at all for all we know. I’m going home now and do some investigation, and I’m going to analyze a piece of evidence I found a few hours back.” I then say: “Evidence? What kind of evidence?” I then hear him sigh and then he talks to me in a very serious tone and he says: “From Derek. Listen Rose, you have to keep your eye out for him. I don’t trust him, and lately he’s been very strange. I may have to classify him as a suspect.” I then nod and say: “Okay, I’ll be careful. Please take care.” He then says: “You too.” and he hangs up. After he hangs up, I lay on my bed, nervous and worried about Vincent. What if something happens to him? I can’t bear to lose him. He’s the only person that I’ve ever trusted, and he’s the only person I’ve ever felt comfortable with. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to him. But then I said to myself: “He knows how to take care of himself. I know that he won’t go down so easily. I know that he’ll be safe.” And with that, I calm down and I fall asleep. The next morning, I decided to head out towards the neighborhood to check on my students. Ever since Tyler’s murder, I decided to cancel our lessons. It’s best if the children stay with their parents. That way they’ll be safe. I walk for a few minutes and then I arrive at Claire’s house, and I hear her call me. I smile and then make my way inside. Then I hear Claire’s mother come outside. She then approaches me and says: “Oh, hello there Ms. Everdawn. How nice to see you, it’s been a while!” I then smile and nod and say: “Thank you. I just wanted to check on Claire, since it’s been a while since I’ve talked to her.” She then says: “Of course, come right in. Claire, your friend Ms. Everdawn is here!” I then hear Claire’s quick footsteps head towards me and then I feel her hug me tightly. I smile and say: “How are you sweetie? It’s been a while since we’ve talked to each other.” I feel Claire’s head dig into my chest and then she cuddles with me and says: “I’m okay. I missed you a lot Ms. Everdawn! I’ve been praying for you every day!” I then smile and touch her face and say: “Thank you very much, that means a lot to me.” I hear Claire giggle and for the next few hours we talk about how everything has been with her family. Then I hear Claire start crying and then I ask: “What’s wrong sweetie?” Claire sniffles and then she tells me: “I miss Tyler. I miss him so much. I wish he was here.” With those words, tears fill my eyes, and I hug her tightly and I whisper to her: “I know. I miss him too.” (Start Song Here) Then, all of a sudden, I hear Claire’s voice change, and it changes from a sweet innocent voice, into a distorted and demonic sounding voice. Then I hear the demonic voice say: “There’s nowhere to hide Rose. Accept your fate and die. Stop struggling and give in to the darkness!” I thrash and kick and scream, hoping that I can snap out of this. I then say: “Stop getting in my mind! My life has already been a living hell, and you’re not helping! Get out of my head!” The demonic voice simply laughs and says: “Your struggling is all in vain, for you are the vessel that shall carry the destruction of all humanity.” I then stutter and say: “What the hell are you talking about? I’ve had enough about your stupid end of the world crap! Leave me alone!” The demonic voice laughs and I feel it’s breath over me, and just when I think I’m done for, I suddenly feel a radiant light shining down upon me. The demonic voice screams in agony and dissipates, and then I hear a familiar voice. Bertram’s voice. Bertram then touches my forehead and says: “For too long you have suffered Rose. But now is the time to fight back. Fight back and destroy those who would destroy you.” I gasp and then I ask: “Why did that demonic voice say that I was the vessel that would carry the destruction of all humanity?” I then hear Bertram sigh and then he says: “Those demons are after you. As I said to you before, there are things at work that are difficult to understand. Tyler’s murder is just a small part of something much bigger, something much more sinister. The demons are after you Rose.” I then cry and ask: “But why me? Why me of all people!?” He then gently puts his hand on my shoulder and he says: “Because you posses light, and you posses the virtues of a hard working human being. You are a fighter, a champion of light. Your daily struggles are what have shaped you into what you are now. They want to take your light and turn it into a darkness too vile and evil to imagine. But, you have hope, because Vincent is your guardian.” I then ask: “My guardian?” He then stops for a few seconds and then he continues: “Yes, your guardian. He doesn’t know it, but his bloodline is of an ancient and royal family, a family that has protected each generation from darkness. These are angels that God sends to Earth as mortals to protect humanity and all of creation. Vincent knows nothing of his bloodline, but his life serves this divine purpose.” I gasp in shock, unable to grasp everything that Bertram is telling me. I don’t know what to say, or what to think. Noticing my shock, Bertram stops for a few brief seconds and then he continues. “You see, Heaven and Hell have been locked in eternal conflict since time immemorial. Many battles have been waged between angles and demons throughout the centuries, and with each century, a Guardian Angel has always been sent to Earth to repel the forces of darkness. And so, this has occurred for all eternity, and now, the great evil that wishes to manifest itself through your soul has taken root, and it is trying to pull you into the darkness. But I know that you won’t fall, because you have a strong heart, and Vincent is there to protect you.” I stay silent and still stay shocked by all of this explanation that Bertram is making. Then I ask: “So if Vincent is a Guardian, then what does that make you?” I hear Bertram chuckle and he says: “Oh, me? I’m merely the messenger. I am the one that watches over the gate that divides the human world from the Afterworld. I merely wander the Earth, and I make sure to guide the souls of the dead to their rightful places.” I then gasp and stutter and ask: “Y-you’re…D-Death!?” He then chuckles and says: “So, you’ve finally identified me. I applaud you for that. Rose, your time of parting has not yet come. Of that I’m certain.” Before I can say anything, I feel a sudden blast of energy and then I feel my head hit the floor. All I can hear is Claire’s voice crying out to her mother, and then I hear her mother call the paramedics. Then, I fall into unconsciousness… (End Song Here) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, not even I was expecting this chapter to have turned out this way! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Make sure to leave your comments and thoughts below! 3 Omega15, doom and Joker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted April 1, 2013 Cue mysterious/creepy music near the end. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 4, 2013 Hey there guys, here is the next chapter. I’m sorry for not posting sooner, but school has been keeping me busy, and since I’m in my final months of high school, you can imagine all the work being given to me. I’ll try to post more chapters as soon as I can. For now, enjoy this one, and remember that it’s from Rose’s point of view! ^_^ Chapter Thirteen: Nightmares (Start Song Here) Darkness. All I can see is darkness…ever since I was born I have only known darkness, and I’ve suffered and gone through many ordeals. My life hasn’t been a normal one…and for as much as I’ve tried to live a normal life, my past keeps haunting me. Even though I met Vincent, the past still has a strong hold in my heart. Now all I know is that I’m unconscious…which means that I have to be extra careful, because in my mind, my deepest fears can take root and manifest themselves to destroy me. But I can’t give in. I have to be strong. I have to do this for Vincent. I keep saying that myself, knowing that I’ll be able to wake up. All I know is that the last thing I heard was Claire crying and screaming, and I had heard her mom call the paramedics to pick me up. After that, I haven’t moved since. I do know that I’m in the hospital, of that much I can be able to make out. But how long until I wake up is still a mystery to me. And so, I wander in my subconscious, searching aimlessly for any chances of waking up. Then I hear evil laughter behind me. Then I hear rapid footsteps approaching me. I freeze and panic, for I realize that it’s Wade…getting in my head again. I hear him chuckle and say: “Mmm Rose, your such a fine woman. I’m going to bang you up so good, I’m going to make you beg for more!” I panic and start running desperately, but to no avail. I know that in my mind, I can’t escape from my fears, and I have no choice but to endure this hellish nightmare. Then I feel my body being pinned down, and I can feel Wade’s hands scratching my arms, digging his nails into my skin. I scream in pain and try to fight back, but then he punches me and he slaps me and laughs maniacally. Then I feel him inside me…ripping me from the inside out. I cry and moan in pain and try to fight back, but it’s no use. My mind is being ripped apart by this horrifying memory. And then, just like that, it’s over. No more maniacal laughter, no more pain, no more abuse. I breathe heavily and slowly stand up, and then I feel something shining on my face. I keep walking aimlessly and then I hear a familiar voice. It calls out to me and says: “Hello Ms. Rose! I’m so glad that you’re here!” I gasp and start to feel tears fill my eyes. “It’s Tyler” I say to myself. I then cry and get on my knees and curse myself for not being stronger. For not being able to do anything to avoid Tyler’s death. I then feel Tyler’s hand on my shoulder and then he says: “Don’t worry Ms. Rose, it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know that I would die like this. You don’t have to feel any guilt or remorse. At least you’re trying to find out who murdered me.” I then clear my throat and say: “I miss you little buddy.” I then hear him laugh innocently and then he says: “I miss you too. Good bye Rose!” When he says those words, I try to reach out to him, but then his light fades away. I then cry for endless hours, mourning at the loss of my poor little Tyler. He didn’t deserve to die. He didn’t deserve to have suffered such a cruel fate. Then, after a while, I think about what Bertram told me…about the ancient conflict between angels and demons. I still try to grasp the concept that I’m supposed to be the light which Vincent must protect. I still feel that sense of shock at the fact that Vincent is a Guardian Angel. It’s something that amazes me and puzzles me at the same time. Before I can keep thinking, I then feel another surge of energy blast through me, and then I can feel an enormous heat making its way towards me. Then I can hear faint screams, calling out for help. I run through the heat and then I recognize the voice….Claire’s. I hear her screaming, pleading for her life. I try to go towards her, but my feet start getting heavy. I try to shout out to her, but my voice is suddenly muted. I struggle to move, but I can’t even do that. Then I hear Claire’s mother moaning and then screaming in pain as she’s being stabbed by none other than the murderer. I hear Claire crying and saying: “Why are you doing this? Why?” The murderer says nothing and all I can hear are strong thuds. Claire screams and moans of pain, and then, after what seems to be an eternity, I hear her neck snap, and then the murderer laughs mockingly at me, but when he’s about to speak, the heat fades away and the screams subside. I get on my knees again and I cry endlessly. My mind is playing the worst tricks on me, and I can’t do anything to stop it. I then lay on the ground motionless, praying that I can be able to wake up. All I want to do is wake up from this nightmare, I want to be able to go to Vincent and cry in his arms and feel him hugging me. But now I’m all alone…with no one to help me wake up from this hell. Then I start calling out Vincent’s name. I call out to him: “Vincent, please save me…” I keep on calling out to him, hoping that he can somehow come into my nightmare and get me out from it. But nothing happens. I then cry and try to force myself out of this nightmare, I try to focus my mind on the happy moments I’ve had with Vincent. But not even that seems to work, because I still feel the heavy fear beating in my heart in this deep darkness. Then I ask myself: “Why did I have to be born like this? If I’m supposed to be the light, why can’t I be able to conquer the darkness!? Why was I born this way!? Couldn’t I have been born with sight? Couldn’t I have had a good childhood? Is that too much to ask? Why God? Tell me why have I had to go through this hellish life!?” I scream and shout, waiting for an answer, but all I can feel is the silence of this enveloping darkness. I then just lay on the ground, clenching my fists and slowly curling into a ball, hoping that I can keep the darkness at bay by taking refuge in myself. But I know that it’s no use. Nothing I can do can wake me up. But my heart tells me that I will wake up, that I will be saved, that I’ll be able to get out of this. I keep telling myself that to comfort my anxiety, and it seems to work for a bit. But then I feel the darkness closing in on me again, and I feel its creeping silence taking over my body. I can feel all of the sadness and sorrow and fear in this deep darkness, and I struggle with all my heart and soul to get out. But then I freeze, and I realize that my body has been taken over. Now I might not probably be able to wake up again. Maybe this is the end for me. Is this how death feels like? Is this how a person feels in their final moments of life? If so, why do these last moments have to be so cruel and full of nightmares? My eyes fill up with tears again, and then I give in to the darkness, letting it cloak me and caress me with its silence. Then I can hear a voice in the distance. Then I hear two voices. They’re distant, but I can be able to make out what they’re saying. One of them, which must be the doctor, says: “She’s not waking up. We’ll have to keep her hospitalized here for further inspection.” I then hear Claire’s mother say: “All right, but please let me and Claire stay here and watch over her. She’s done so much for my little Claire, and now the least we could do is be here for her.” Then I hear the doctor say: “Very well. By the way, I’ll need to call Vincent Grace about this. The police told me that she was helping him solve Tyler’s case.” I then gasp and a surge of hope races inside of me. Then I feel the darkness dissipating, and although it’s still strong, this time it doesn’t have that much of a hold on me. Then I hear the doctor type the number on the phone, and he calls Vincent. I then sigh and smile and say: “Vincent, I know that you’ll save me.” (End Song Here) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for Chapters 14 and 15, which will be from Vincent’s points of view! And please leave your comments below! 3 theultimatesorafan, Joker and doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted April 5, 2013 (edited) Whoa. Wade is just creepy. I hope they bring done his relative. And I like that Vincent is basically Rose's light in the darkness. And little Tyler. I'm glad we got to see him one last time, so to speak. Edited April 5, 2013 by Keyblade101 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theultimatesorafan 685 Posted April 5, 2013 Vincent's cool! Good job on characters and story. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted April 5, 2013 Rose X Derek I ship them too 2 The Transcendent Key and Sora's Baby reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 10, 2013 Hey guys, how are you? Sorry for such a delay on chapters, I haven’t been able to post any lately. School has kept me constantly busy, so I haven’t had the time to write new chapters, so I apologize. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy this next chapter! Remember that this one and the next one are from Vincent’s point of view. ^_^ Chapter Fourteen: Desperation I’m in my office at home trying to decipher the evidence that I have so far regarding Tyler’s murder. I scratch my head and sigh and think to myself: “Well Vincent, this is one tough nut to crack. You’ve really got yourself a hard case here.” Suddenly I hear my cell phone ring, and it has the number of the local hospital. Puzzled, I pick up the phone and hear the voice say: “Excuse me, are you Vincent Grace?” I reply and then he says: “I’m Doctor Kennedy, I just called you to let you know that Rose Everdawn is hospitalized here.” The minute I hear those words, my body freezes and I almost fall face first to the floor. The whole world suddenly blackens in front of me and my vision gets blurry. Then I stumble to the couch and hold the cell phone shaking, still trying to grasp what I’ve just heard. I then stutter and ask: “Why is Rose in the hospital? What happened?” Kennedy then says: “The woman that brought her here said that she had gone to her house to visit her child Claire, when all of a sudden, she collapsed to the floor and went unconscious. Then the paramedics picked her up and now she’s here. I’m going to have to ask you come down here at once.” I nod and say: “Of course…but Doctor, how do you know that I have a connection with her?” He then says: “Well, according to Claire’s mother, Rose kept whispering the name Vincent over and over, and so we deduced that it might have been you, since you’re helping out with this recent murder case of that Tyler child, right?” I confirm his question and then he says: “Ah, then I’m glad we deduced right. Anyways, come down in about ten minutes.” I clear my throat and say: “Right away Doctor!” Then I hang up the phone and I fall on my knees and pound my fists to the ground, screaming in anger and sorrow. The first thoughts that appear in my head are those of that damn killer Wade. He affected her psyche so greatly that he somehow managed to live inside her mind. She resisted for such a long time until she finally collapsed. I kept pounding the floor in anger, trying to channel all my hatred of Wade out of me. I then cry desperately and feel my heart clench. This is the first time I’ve actually had feelings for someone. This girl is so special to me, and after all she’s been through, now she goes through this. She doesn’t deserve this. I don’t know why, but I feel in my heart that I need to be the one to heal her heart. I need to save her. I must save her. I love her! Then I calm down and then start to pray. I utter these words: “Dear Lord God, I know that I don’t often pray as I should, and I know that I don’t think of you all the time, but I’m in need of you. I know that it’s wrong of me to pray to you only in this, my time of need, but I need you to help Rose. You’ve bore witness to all that she’s been through, and you’ve witnessed all the trials she’s had to endure. Please, I beg of you, save her. Make sure that her heart can be shed with light. If I have to sacrifice myself for her well being, I’ll do it. But I just need her to be alive. She has so much to do, and so much to see. I beg of you that you can do me this favor, in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.” I then lean my head up and I get to my feet and quickly go to my car and make my way to the hospital. During the way, my vision starts to blur. My tears roll down as I drive towards the hospital, my heart clenching even more. Then I see the landscape in front of me distort and then all is suddenly pitch black. Then I hear Bertram’s voice and he appears in front of me. I then roll my eyes and say: “What the hell do you want now?” Bertram simply stays silent and points to a man with a jacket on with a hood covering his face. Then everything turns back to normal, and I see the man in the jacket looking at me. I can’t see his face because of the hood, but I know that I don’t like the look he’s giving me. He then slowly walks away. I think of following him, but then I say to myself: “No, Rose is the most important thing right now. Tyler’s case can wait…” I then keep driving and go through the highway. As I make my way to the center of the city, I see the TV’s in the stores broadcasting news reports about the progress that’s been made with Tyler’s case, and then the sky suddenly darkens. A little more up the road, I see many cars scattered, as if an explosion had occurred. Then I see a huge chunk of road hanging on the side of the street with another blood-written message. This time it says: “We shall extinguish the light, Guardian Angel.” I examine the message for a moment but then shake it off. I say to myself: “It can wait until later. I have to be there for Rose!” (Start Song Here) A few minutes later, I arrive to the hospital and quickly make my way through the entrance and, after some few annoying minutes explaining who I am and who I’m here to visit, I quickly take the stairs towards Rose. If you’re wondering why I didn’t take the elevator, let’s just put it this way, I’ve never trusted or liked elevators. Don’t judge me for my phobia, I’m sure you have phobias way worse than mine! Well anyways, I make my way towards Rose’s room, and I find the little girl which seems to be Claire, embracing her mother. I head towards them and introduce myself and then ask Claire’s mother about Rose’s condition. She looks down and replies: “Not good. She hasn’t woken up. She’s still unconscious, but at least thank God she whispered your name, because since we barely know her, it would have been difficult to track down family members.” I then look away and say: “She doesn’t have a family…they’re all gone.” She then gasps and says: “Oh, I’m so sorry. Oh, the poor thing. Well, at least she’s blessed to have someone like you to watch over her. She’s lucky to have you.” I look down and then I say: “Thank you.” and I enter the room. When I go in, I see Rose lying on the bed. She looks conflicted, as if she’s going through a great struggle in her subconscious. I look away for a few seconds and shed some tears and then I approach the Doctor and ask: “How is she doing? How’s her condition?” The Doctor gives a sigh that worries me and he says: “She’s stable, but she shows no signs of waking up. The psychological trauma she must have faced was too much for her to bear. The poor girl is so young, and she has so much to live for.” I then nod and say: “Thank you for calling me Doctor. She means everything to me.” The Doctor nods and then he says: “I’ll give you some time to be alone with Rose.” He then leaves the room and I sit beside Rose and touch her gentle face, and I brush her hair to her side, and I gaze upon her. She looks so beautiful and innocent, and it’s hard to believe that she’s been through a hellish life. She doesn’t deserve all this. She deserves a good life. I then touch her face and then I say: “Rose, please wake up. I need you more than you know, and I can’t stand to lose you. All that’s happened has been horrifying, but we have the ability to be able to change our own destiny. We can overcome whatever obstacles come our way, and I know that we can be able to triumph through everything. Please wake up!” I wait for any signs of movement, but nothing happens. I then lean my head down to her face and I kiss her forehead and I rub her hands gently. I stay for a few hours, hoping that she wakes up, and Claire and her mother come in a few times to give me food, and I appreciate them for that. Then night falls, and still she doesn’t wake up. But I don’t lose faith. I know that she’ll wake up, I know that she’ll speak to me, I know that I’ll see her eyes open up. Then I hear someone open the door, and I see the Doctor come in with a grief stricken face. I try not to sound nervous and I ask: “What’s the matter Doctor?” He looks at me grimly and says: “Vincent, I regret to inform you that Ms. Everdawn…is in a state of comatose. She may never awaken again.” And with those words, I freeze up, and all I can feel is my heart clench tight and strong. But I say to myself: “No, she can’t stay asleep forever. I have to wake her up!” (End Song Here) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And again, sorry for the wait, and I appreciate you all for your patience! Leave your comments below! 4 doom, theultimatesorafan, Joker and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora's Baby 729 Posted April 10, 2013 Welp..writers block? 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 10, 2013 Welp..writers block? Nope, it's simply that I haven't had time to write because of school. But no, I don't have writer's block. 1 Sora's Baby reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted April 11, 2013 NO! Rose wake up! Vincent help her wake up! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites