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Everything posted by Spiney

  1. I'm back again! :D I just got done with an internship at disney world....;.; I'm so sad it's over!

  2. Yoooo, what's up?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      sho go home. yer durank~

    3. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      Go drunk Soul, you're home!

    4. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      i m telll you...


      mska is wer the home is. ''

  3. If it helps, I'm not a huge FF fan myself. However, I did love FF12. I'm not sure if veteran fans would recommend this one but I thought it was good.
  4. Here's some trivia: Every time I put kh13 into the google search engine, I always get results for a cargo flight in Hawaii named Kh13.

    1. Geotrix


      I get this all the time aswell.

  5. Hi guys, what's up?

  6. In my opinion, the pirates also didn't fit into the KH universe...and well...it's in there
  7. I never got to play birth by sleep b/c I didn't have a PSP, but I did watch the videos on youtube. Honestly, I think one of the reasons why it's such a fan favorite is because the story is simple and easy to follow. I'm not saying that's bad, it's actually works in the game's favor. By having a simple story line, it allowed me to connect to the characters and become invested in them. Thus, when the plot reached it's emotional climax, I remember crying. Personally, I think one of the main issues with KH games is the fact the storylines can be confusing at times unless you're very well versed in the game's lore. I remember when dream drop distance first came out, it took me awhile to REALLY understand some of the major plot points (not that it was super complex, it was just confusing). So, it's nice too see BBS has a story that's relatively easy to follow and has a mixture of great characters and drama.
  8. ....did you a review about this "game" by any chance?
  9. I can see the tangled+frozen theories as plausible...heck, I can even agree with the Ariel one to an extent. But the Tarzan one? Eh, no.
  10. You what's fun? Grading papers. You guys should give it a try.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WakingDawn96


      Two things,


      Silver that reminds me of The Fairly OddParents


      And Spiney, do you know what's even more fun? Saying the word know before saying what's fun.

    3. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      Maybe an occasional C

    4. Spiney


      hahahahaha, Xev, I totally didn't notice that xD Crap. Oh well, too late now. I will forever be known as idiot. :P



  11. Girl meets world trailer?! O_O COOOL!

  12. Males are so hard to draw. T~T Any advice?

    1. Zola


      Look at pictures of males while you draw them until you are used to drawing more masculine features.

    2. Kishira


      What zola said. Use lots of references to help you. :)

    3. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      From the shoulders to the groin is like a triangle. That's all I can say.

  13. For all of u disappointed with the finale, a new one is going to come out http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/how-i-met-your-mother-to-release-alternate-ending-20140405 YAY! Hopefully this one will be better.
  14. ....Don't ask me why I looked this up. And I am not saying these stories are bad...I didn't read them...but...Harry Potter and the Land before time? O_O Why? https://www.fanfiction.net/Harry-Potter-and-Land-Before-Time-Crossovers/224/648/ You guys have any weird ones you'd like to share?
  15. It would be the most dramatic k-drama series ever.
  16. I am so sick of tests...I cannot wait for this semester to be over. T_T

    1. Zola




  17. Is it me or does all the fun stuff seem to happen the night before an exam?!

    1. xoblivionx13


      Story of my life xD

    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      That's why I tend to do poorly on my exams

  18. .....if they don't add sofia, I totally want someone to make a hack so you can b/c that sounds so ridiculously hilarious. I have to a May I ask why were u watching sofia the first? lol
  19. That would be interesting to see for sure, but I'm not sure how much "justice" disney films have gotten with KH Please don't take this the wrong the way. I love kingdom hearts, I do, but honestly, what always felt like the weakest part to me (besides the lack of Kairi development) was how they portrayed the disney films. I'm not ever expecting prefect and precise representation of the movies, but they always just feel so watered down and EMPTY. Omg, EMPTY. Srsly, each world has like five residents in them. I hope if they do frozen, or any movies, they make the worlds they live in a little more lively. PS--sry for any grammar issues, I'm exhausted
  20. How I met your mother? Thoughts?

  21. HOLY CRAP. I've been here for two years, really?! Wow...well...yay! Happy belated two year anniversary to me xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      ♪ For he's a jolly good rookie ♪

    3. Spiney
    4. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Lol my bad- those are just the original lyrics xD


      ♪ For she's a jolly good rookie ♪

  22. I hate group projects! T_T especially when ONE person has all the information you need to finish a report.

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