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Everything posted by Javelin434

  1. It will happen eventually, donchu worry. I just need to find an excuse Except for Spectre. He has his head on straight
  2. I saw the chance. I took the chance. And it is beautiful... Thanks Rikunobody for giving me an excuse. I missed it
  3. (Technically, all of Spooky Squad is a fan of Talion. They just need to experience his hamminess firsthand. Ghost already has.) "Beautiful, isn't it?" Ghost could only look at Talion in awe, unsure how to respond to such an innocent question. Maybe it would be ok to give a short reply, or maybe he should reply with something boisterous and rousing, like what Shadow does for his character, something along the lines of "MY FELLOW TALION, THE RADIANCE OF THIS BLUE WORLD IS NOTHING COMPARED TO THE LIGHT THAT SHINES IN ALL OUR HEARTS! ONWARDS BROTHER!" Nah, that would be insulting... Ghost thought to himself before finally finding the proper words to say to Talion Glandur The Glamorous PaladinTM. "It sure is, Talion. Hopefully we can return to this world once again for leisure, rather than for a mission." Crap, that sounded stupid! After the exchange, they all exited the ship. "You should probably activate a cloaking device while we're off. We can't let locals take off with the ship." Susan advised the squad. Ghost nodded. "Don't worry, Susan. She's a smart ship." After everyone exited the Vigilant, the hunk of gummi slowly took to the skies, did a lazy circle to gather some last minute data, and then promptly screamed towards the ocean. There was a large splash, and then nothing. None of the team seems to be bothered by this... "Last one on the beach is a sad crab!" "Can crabs even get sad?" The sight of Ina laughing and enjoying herself in the azure waters made Spirit and Ghost smile. There was just something about it that made their hearts feel all warm and fuzzy. Maybe it was the twinkling drops of water in her hair that gave her a beautiful radiance, or maybe it was her carefree smile, that innocent look that can melt even the coldest of hearts. Whatever the reason, the two could only stand there, and for the first time ever since their indoctrination, they felt... alive. The two decided to indulge in that rare feeling while it lasted. Spectre, upon seeing the dumb look on their faces, promptly smacked the two on the back of their heads. "We're on a mission here," he politely reminded them, "get your heads on straight. You can admire the views later. Now where's Shadow?" As if on cue, Shadow emerged from the waters right next to Ina, playfully roaring as he started splashing her. How he got there without anyone noticing, no one knew; it is a special ability of his after all. "I'm a shark!" he exclaimed gleefully, "omnomnomnomnom!" "SHADOW GET BACK HERE!" Spectre yelled out, only to be ignored by his comrades as Spirit and Ghost started bolting towards the water, giggling and laughing all the way. Spirit kneeled in the shallow waters and collected a couple seashells before splashing some of the water onto his face, while Ghost dived into the waters just to get soaked. Shadow started swimming towards Ghost and promptly splashed the keyblade wielder. "Aaaah! Shark!" Ghost laughed, "Run away!!!" "Back towards the meanie!" Spirit giggled as the trio started their way back towards Spectre. Spectre couldn't be angry at his boys letting off a little steam. He was pinching the bridge of his nose, snickering when they returned to him, thoroughly soaked in ocean water. "We're done playing!" Shadow exclaimed, "Onwards to the mission!" Spectre sighed, then smiled at the trio. "You guys are completely hopeless. C'mon. Lets get going." "Guys get back, someone's coming!" Susan exclaimed. Jynn was the first to act as he disappeared behind a bush. "Disappear, boys!" Spectre commanded, and the squad did just that. In less than a minute, the four boys went prone and had buried themselves into the sands, with just enough of their eyes uncovered to spot the large sailboat. Their weapons were buried in their ready position too, not only to mask their location, but to allow a quick response should the need arise. Ghost decided against using the rifle since he was more familiar with a keyblade, and buried himself with his arms out to the sides so he too could respond quickly if need be.
  4. 6 pages in and we are already at the beach episode. This is gonna be sweet! Now if you'll excuse me I need to determine which of the squad members become star/lovestruck at this sight
  5. What do I think about Story Mode? Please pay $5.99 to purchase an Opinion Loot Box for a chance to unlock my opinions... At least this way once you do unlock it you'll have a sense of pride and accomplishment! /s
  6. DON'T GIVE THEM ANY IDEAS Spirit: Shoot 'em? Spectre: Shoot 'em. Shadow: SHOOTING! Ghost: GHOST SMASH!!!
  7. >IFF: Active. Gummi Ship Vigilant >Current Status: Armed, transiting. >Report: Spectre. Have made contact with individuals with keyblades. Transiting to Polynesian Sea. Will send coordinates for database update. Sending names now, requesting declassified dossier on names. Stephen Osiemi has bounty, please advise. Also coffee reserves low. End. >>>Transmission Sent<<< >>>Incoming Transmission<<< >Location: Command HQ >Authentication Code: Verified >Message: Available dossiers on names sent. Confirm landing for Polynesian Sea; ship will do the rest. No available information for Stephen Osiemi bounty on file; handle at squad's discretion. Quartermaster has sent a resupply box for coffee and yumyums, ETA 3 hour. Out. "Man it feels good to be back!" Ghost stretched as he plopped his keyblade armored butt on the pilot's seat, "though it feels weird having people we barely know in our living quarters." Spectre had just finished reading the reply from command before offering a retort. "Well, Master Susan is a confirmed keyblade master, so it shouldn't feel too weird. The only thing that's weird is the fact that we don't have this Polynesian Sea world in our databases. Oh well. Hopefully she's right on this navigation instructions." He had pushed all the information he could get onto the squad's personal tactical pads, and while in transit, they poured over the information. It wasn't much to begin with; only those who trained under the masters were the ones with actual dossiers. Even then, it only contained their name, age, gender, the names chosen for their keyblades and a few words about their observed personalities. Spirit chuckled as he scrolled through the basic files. "It's like reading a really crappy character sheet for some Castles and Nobodies session, eh?" "At least it gets the message across," Spectre replied back. "Oi," Ghost smiled, "wanna do Saros a favor and send a 'change of information' request to command? Have his nickname officially recognized as Whippy by all the masters and apprentices?" "That would be cruel. However, his nickname is none of my concern so I won't intervene." "You were his only hope, man!" "Wait," Spirit interjected, "Who's Whippy?" Ghost smiled mischievously. "Saros! That's his nickname now!" "I'm strangely ok with this." Spectre sighed. "Spirit... I expected better from you." "But Whippy though!" "Yeah! Whippy!" As Ghost and Spirit were chanting 'Whippy' playfully, Spectre pondered how to look up information on Stephen. Part of him wanted to just punch his name into MoogleTM and see if anything pops up in the search results, the other half thinking to just leave it alone. I mean, he has a bounty on his head. There's gotta be a reason for that. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Spectre punched in the name into the popular search engine and started reading on any articles about "Stephen Osiemi knight of osiris," thankful for having the name and title. The more specific the name, the better and narrower the results from a search engine... Shadow had been watching Stephen the whole time during the transit; since they weren't engaging with heartless, there was no need for his role as fire controller. He was just leaning against a nearby wall, quietly putting his other role as scout to good use as he observed everyone's behavior and interactions, but mostly watching Stephen to make sure he didn't do anything bad as he was ordered to. I wonder what this guy did to have a price on his head? Every now and then, he would read the dossier files that was on his pad, but otherwise joined in on any conversation when appropriate and maintained a keen eye on Stephen. [Eventually...] "Hey," Spectre notified the group, "I got something on radar." "It's... An uncharted world! She was right!" Spirit gasped. Ghost reached for the nearby mic on his console. "Attention all passengers, this is your pilot speaking. We are currently approaching a new world and are starting our landing procedures. Since there are no seatbelts for any of you to fasten........ Yeah... Find a seat or something." Admittedly it wasn't necessary: Ghost was the team's best pilot. The ship descended onto the world, and eventually the clouds in the upper atmosphere gave way to the serene looking oceans below. "Hey look. Maybe we could land there." Ghost looked over to where Susan noticed the island. "Right away, Master." He pulled on the control stick smoothly, causing the ship to gently roll and descend onto the island. As they approached the island, the rest of the team were glued to their screens and were typing furiously as they requested a sensor frenzy from the ship, gathering as much information as possible about the world below since it was uncharted. Radar, sonar, Doppler, anything and everything that could be used to map out their surroundings were being utilized to the fullest extent possible to give them an information picture of what to expect once they landed. "Does this ship have any scanner or anything that can detect possible abnormalities in the worlds?" Alin asked the squad. "Sorry," Ghost replied, "our ship isn't capable of that. It's a gunship, not one of those fancy flying scanners." "This is an uncharted world," Spirit added, "So I'm sorry to say we're going in mostly blind on this one. The ship can do local scans such as terrain, buildings and points of interest around us, but not the entire world. If there is open skies above us or not too much of a ceiling, the ship can be used to support us, otherwise we're out of luck. At least its wide open waters here, so our cannons might be useful this time around." Spectre was confirming the location to later send out to his superiors, but was otherwise just as dazzled about the views as everyone else that was looking outside. It wasn't long before Ghost made the ship gracefully and gently touchdown onto the island, and the engines quieted to a low idle. They had finally landed The boarding ramp lowered, allowing everyone to exit the craft. Only after everyone left and a thorough sweep of the ship would the squad exit and join the group, allowing the autopilot that Ghost programmed to take controls and have it fly high in the skies above them in a lazy circle. Even before they would leave the ship, the views of the azure ocean stunned all of the squad members; they had never seen anything like it before. Except for Spirit, who had only seen pictures of it while reading through a geography book. "It's a lot more beautiful in person," Spirit breathed, "Lets get out there and check it out!"
  8. I have not watched Moana at all. I know it exists, and is about Hawaiian people or something like that, but nothing else. Shadow: Also... Whoopie WhippyTM kthxbai!
  9. "Spectre what should we do about this creep?" he heard Stephen say behind him as he heard the characteristic sound of a keyblade being drawn. "You. Stay. Still." Spectre growled in the most 'don't screw this up' tone that has ever escaped his mouth. Alin's intervention of the whole situation didn't help either since she is now in direct line of fire for both him and Shadow. At least her comments kept this situation bearable, although he wasn't sure how to interpret the 'they're just gonna waste ammo' remark. "Enough with your drama or cryptic speech, as FireMan said, just speak your intentions else you are just wasting your, and everyone else's time. I'll ask you again. What the hell do you want. You and...your drama queen friend." "We mean no harm to you," Saros chimed in, "nor we have qualms against you. Unless you want to get to the point and tell us what is it that you want, we are quite busy with stuff to do. Like Talion said. Unless you're here for his bounty, then to which I guess we could find a compromise. Don't give her an excuse to actually fight us. We have better, more important things to do. Seriously." "He's right," Spectre added, "if you're here for the bounty, then by all means, go for it. My boys will stand aside, since it isn't our problem. I apologize for any miscommunication." He had a completely serious tone, with no hint of deception whatsoever. He really had no regards for someone with a bounty on his head that then decided to drag his sorry butt, and thus his friends, into because of being at the wrong place at the right time. At least this way, I won't have to worry about someone going rogue because 'I can't trust you' and all that shenanigans. "I'll like to know more about that something else," he heard the boy with the bounty on his head say, "What the hell do you even want right now, like you just show up out of nowhere with your weird eyes and cryptic messages just stop and tell us! ATLAS give me a thermal scan of the creepy lady." In a break of discipline, Spectre actually cackled. "You're in for a treat..." he growled again, this time with a sadistic grin. Amateur. "There are no heat signatures operator!" "What the hell?" And this is all the information I need on the guy. Threat level: Minimal. Relies on a weird looking helmet that can talk. Has a bounty, but also a keyblade, yet lacks knowledge on darkness. What are you, really?" "You could at least keep your voice down, young man. You're lucky I'm on your side, not an ally of Xavier's." Seeing the orange-eyed girl sigh, Ghost relaxed his stance as he let his right arm fall limp. Spectre and Shadow however were still on edge, but at least Shadow dissipated the energy cone of his rifle. As it turned out, he was intending to use it as a really nasty bayonet if things went south. "Look, I apologise, but you must understand, while I said that if I were in his place you'd all be dead, it doesn't mean Xavier is incompetent. He cares not for your moods or convenience." "Apology accepted," Spectre, Shadow, and Ghost announced in eerie unison, "you are cleared to approach." "To be fair, this was my idea. It was a test. I wanted us to see if you were at all impulsive, easy to anger or capable of judging someone beyond their cover." "Well then," Spectre smirked as he stood aside for her to enter the ship, "I hope my boys and I passed. Ditto on the rest of the group. Now get in." "Excuse her, she's not wrong, but she has no filter, so sorry if she insulted any of you." "We can all have a good apologetic discussion and introduction later. Right now, we have a job to do. Now get in the ship, Arwen. I will take full responsibility of anything that happens, just let her in." Noting Arwen's name, Spectre nodded. "Request approved. Welcome aboard, Arwen, Talion Glandur THE GLAMOROUS PALADINTM." "That's Arwen Nestarial, Bright Lady of Radiant Garden. I've heard of her in my travels and she is a Wraithbound. Very powerful, very kind, very, very compassionate. She was almost drowned in the Darkness of Radiant Garden's Keyhole, but she somehow pulled through, mostly the same, but the Darkness is still in her, it's bound to have effects, but let's discuss this further later. Now, all of you here, might I kindly suggest you all do one thing: Get in the Gummi Ship." Spirit had watched the whole spectacle from the cockpit, and was relieved to see the whole situation resolved without anyone getting hurt. As the group started to board, Spirit started the ship up, spooling the gummi engines up and reading the dazzling array of screens and numbers that danced around on the console as the ship became operational. Only after everyone boarded would the gummi ship take off to wherever destination that would be decided by the group in the main living area. While everyone was boarding, Spectre grabbed Saros and Stephen by their shoulders. "You," he gripped his hand a little tighter on Saros, "I need your name, since you only said 'Susan, Ina and I.' Tell me what it is, and you're free to go." He looked over at Stephen and then gripped his shoulder a little tighter. "As for you, no exceptions. Depending on how this trip goes, you're gonna have to get acquainted with the brig pretty quick if we're all needed in the cockpit. You know, having a bounty and all that. The talking helmet is icing on the cake though. I needed that laugh." "Oh, him?" Ghost chimed in from behind his leader, "I remember overhearing an exchange between him and Alin. It's Saros. Or Whippy, as Alin calls him. Your choice." Spectre sighed, and released his hand off Saros. "Welcome aboard, Saros." "Go on in Whippy!" Ghost smiled. "Whoopie Whippy!" Shadow giggled, happy that the standoff resulted in no casualties on both sides.
  10. I'll post within three hours. Also Thundaga, since everyone will be boarding the gummi ship, which is a vehicle, and you are the RP host, it is your authority to declare when we all arrive at a world in one of your posts. Just a friendly reminder.
  11. "Escalation of Force Protocols? Seriously? How about I just write an angry letter to the enemies when we're engaged? We'll fall the same way, but at least they'll know in writing what we think." "If you shoot first at anyone that you think 'looks' or 'feels' scary or darknessy, you're worse than the monsters we face, because you're the ones with the rifles... Now drop until I say stop, all of you!" "Oh..." Alin spoke, "That ominous aura. Menacing look. And bright, glowing eyes. You are already three times more menacing than that cuck Roxas." Spectre was mentally rejoicing at having a girl saying what the whole squad was thinking, but were professional enough to not admit nor say aloud. "If I were in Roxas's place..." the orange-eyed girl started, "I wouldn't have bothered taunting. I would have killed all of you, I would wipe your names from history, ensure you were forgotten, your deeds forgotten, nothing left but your ashes..." Behind Spectre, the characteristic pssssh sound of the energy cone activating on a rifle gave him some comfort; Shadow had mentally declared her a threat. His gaze hardened, but he still kept his rifle lowered. Discipline is the only thing holding him back at this point. Spectre was quick to raise a fist off to his side; the usual motion of 'don't shoot yet.' The girl changed appearance, this time spooking Ghost since he was closer to the girl. "And for fighting such a pitiful enemy, we would promise no mercy to anyone else looking to put a stop to us. No quarter given!" "So then," Ghost cautiously spoke, "since you're not in Roxas's place, what's your story?" "Now you decide: What am I? Friend, foe or something more? What happens next is on you." Spectre gritted his teeth hard as he had to make a decision fast. Everything about this girl just screams 'super darkness heartless girl.' Her vivid threats teetered on the edge of what the leader could call her intentions, but this girl wasn't actively engaging anyone. There's not enough for him, Ghost, or Shadow to strike first and allowing them to engage on their terms, and they know it. The tension only heightened as Ina warped in nearby, forcing the trio to factor in her possible moves into their battle maneuvers should the situation break into combat. It could be a trap, trying to force someone to come a little too close so she could strike first, or a really depraved joke that only the most sadistic would get a kick out of. Spectre didn't enjoy either of those possibilities. Spectre sternly gave his reply towards the orange-eyed stranger. "You are... being a pain in the buttstock. Since you haven't taken this time to attack us, you're not a foe just yet. Now I say again, state your name and your intentions, please. Why have you approached us?" Back in the gummi ship, after giving the tour of the ship to their new 'allies,' Spirit went into the cockpit and saw the standoff below. This doesn't look good. He remained in the cockpit, hands hovering over the controls to start up the engines, just in case they needed to bail everyone out really fast.
  12. The squad noticed; they’re just following procedures. Check the last paragraph of my last post
  13. You’re not wrong; since it is a gummi ship that’s EXACTLY what it is IN MY SLEEPY STUPOR I FINALLY THOUGHT OF A NAME FOR THAT COFFEE MACHINE: KINGDOM KEURIGTM: The choice of champions! Shameless product advertising, right up there with them trusting MoogleTM as their primary search engine
  14. "That's me. I could be down for some side quests." "It's nice to meet you, Ina," Spectre smiled, "Saw your handiwork from above. That was pretty cool what you did." "I don't know about you," Saros smiled, "but limbo goes pretty well with conga, and I can go pretty low." Spectre's fleeting smile disappeared at the thought. "How about no?" "Thank you. The meeting went smoothly. They should arrive soon, actually." Amazing. Does this beauty have a name?" Saros asked when they were in view of the gummi ship. This time, it was Ghost and Spirit's turn to smile. "Vigilant," Ghost replied, "I suggested it, and since I'm the main pilot of it, they didn't get a choice in naming it." "Here we go," Spirit sighed dryly, "we all voted for a name. Yours just sounded the coolest so we went for it." "Same thing basically!" "Spirit, correct? You wouldn't happen to have an interstellar map, would you? I suggest we should all agree on which world to go to instead of going in blindly." "We have a map, yes. Ghost, can you project it up in the main hold for everyone when we all board?" "Sure thing!" "So this thing takes us to other worlds?" Jynn asked, "What a powerful piece of machinery. Is it safe? Sorry......... My world is not advanced with this kind of stuff." "Safe?" Ghost and Spirit asked in unison, then promptly laughed ominously. "Buddy, depends on which side of the cannons you're on! If you're with us or the light, totally safe! If you're on our bad list, nowhere is safe from this thing!" As the newly identified allies boarded the ship, Spirit acted as their tour guide, making sure they don't do anything dumb like pulling a conduit wire while the rest of the team stayed at the boarding ramp. The interior is oddly luxurious given the aggressive exterior; there was a spacious living quarters with a kitchen, fully stocked fridge, heck even one of those fancy coffee machines that uses those single use plastic pods much to Spirit's dismay about recycling. Near the back were the bedroom quarters and a single master bathroom, also oddly luxurious given how the ship looks. Everything, from the furniture to the coffee machine, is secured to the floor or to whatever surface its on, since their 'home' tends to do barrel rolls in the event of being engaged with the heartless. Towards the front of the ship was the cockpit, boarding ramp, barracks for the boys and the brig for prisoner transport. Meanwhile, outside the gummi ship, Shadow, Spectre and Ghost were doing their walk around the gummi ship while listening in to Zion, Susan, and Talion Glandur THE SUNBREAKERTM. It was standard procedure for them as they surveyed the surface of the ship, watching for any signs of sabotage such as loose panels or a sticky bomb near the engine. Just as they finished, the trio spotted Stephen and the Saros clone. Spectre stepped forward from the group. "So you're the guy," he said as he suspiciously eyed the stranger. "This is Stephen," the Saros clone introduced, "Come, maybe you could share some information on the surrounding worlds too. We're just about to plan something out, hopefully." "I don't know what stunt you were trying to pull, or why you're actually here. We're about to take off, and apparently you're willing to help us with this Xavier problem. You're cleared to board, but you better be within sight of one of my boys at all times. Failure to obey will result in your immediate detainment." The sudden appearance of a pink-haired catgirl caught Spectre's attention. The trio heard her name, saw the initial interactions with Jynn and dismissed her as a threat in a relatively short time. It was the sight of bright orange eyes in the distance that caught the trio's attention. Ghost, having sense the darkness, stepped forward from the group. His keyblade was unsummoned, but his arm was poised in a way to quickly call it in and use it in a moment's notice. Realizing what his friend is doing, Spectre calmly placed his right hand on the pistol grip of his rifle, but didn't raise it. Instead, he had it hanging from the straps on his shoulders, with the barrel facing the ground to his left. Behind him and off to the side, Shadow had his rifle lowered but shouldered, ready to respond in a moment's notice. "Attention approaching personnel," Spectre announced loudly so he could be heard from the distance, "identify yourself and state your intentions immediately. Stop where you are, and do not proceed further. Failure to heed this warning will result in lethal force being used." [Reference for those curious...]
  15. No. You can not just post one line like this. You need to edit this and add more details of some sort. This is too little. For starters you did not even describe or detail your character heading towards the group.
  16. That's 4 clicks of my life I'm never gonna get back. Thanks a lot
  17. The team nodded quietly at Saros's observation, letting the weight of the idea of darkness snuffing out the light sink in. Spectre voiced what the team was thinking, "I'd rather it not get to that point." "Aaaannnnnnddd... Done!" Spirit announced as he smacked the enter button on his wrist mounted tactical pad, sending the message to Stephen. "I gotta admit though, that was weird getting something like that out of the blue. What's next, some rightful heir to the throne of another world needs us to wire some munny with a promise that we'll get more once they can access their account?" "I still can't believe you almost fell for that, Shadow," Ghost snickered, "thank goodness we were around when you were at the computer." "How was I supposed to know!?" the raven haired scout cried out, "it looked pretty convincing!" "Well for starters," Spirit added, "you were on the public, open access internet. Never trust that system!" "Do you have the exact coordinates?" Spirit grinned as he showed his tactical pad to Saros. "Exact coordinates? I would accept nothing less for my gear. I got 4 transponders plus a gummi ship to work off of. Here you go, have a look-see. The last numbers correspond to Z-axis, so basically we will know what level a signal is coming from. My handiwork, at your service." As Saros's shadow copy went to work, Spectre quietly resigned his role of squad leader to become akin to one of those service pets he's heard about, helping those who are blind, or have some sort of physical disability. Not even 5 minutes into meeting a master and already we're treated as exploitable units. I swear, once they deem us 'disposable,' I'm pulling the trigger, Oath to the Masters be da- Hearing Ghost and Shadow giggling behind him halted his train of thought as the leader turned his head around. "What's so funny?" "Seeing you like this!" Shadow exclaimed with glee, "you usually aren't the one to start a conga line." "Yeah... I guess not. Maybe the stress of all this is starting to get to me." "Nah," Ghost chimed in, "you're doing it wrong. C'mon now! Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha- CHA!" At this point, even Spectre started cracking a grin. Well, at least I have them with me... It wasn't long before they finally arrived at the giant double doors that separated the landing zone from the first district. "Well, here we are," Spectre announced to the group as he slowly came to a halt for Saros's sake, "beyond these doors is our gummi ship, and access to the other worlds. If you're ready, step on through."
  18. Yo Mate, you don't have to wait for Zion to respond. In your post, you can deliberately write "While [my character] awaits for [other character]'s response, [my character] noticed [events of RP]." This way you can continue to interact with the RP without needing to wait for another player. Trust me, it works storywise. Check the guide, Roleplaying section for details on the do's and don'ts of RPing mate. It looks like you need a crash course. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/84271-the-politically-correct-sorta-kinda-ever-updating-guide-for-ultra-cereal-online-roleplaying/
  19. Upon hearing Susan's reply, Spectre's mood and tone changed in an instant. "I apologize, ma'am," the leader bowed his head slightly, "I was not aware that I was addressing a keyblade master." "We can't just sit here and think about it," the one called Jynn protested, "We need to go now if we want to prevent Xavier from plunging more worlds into darkness." "Alright then," Spectre motioned the group to follow him, "the gummi ship is parked at the landing zone just outside the first district." As they started their walk, Spirit and Shadow were the first to notice something was wrong. Shadow stopped dead in his tracks and stared towards the second district; Spirit stared at the tactical pad that was mounted on his wrist. Soon enough, the squad's tactical pad started to light up as well. "I heard something from the second district," Shadow cautiously announced, "It sounded like... screaming. The bad kind." "Er... guys?" Spirit added in, "incoming message. Open frequencies though." The entire squad stared at their own tactical pads as a message was broadcasted. "My name is Stephen Osiemi knight of osiris I am here to help you in the battle against Xavier I can be trusted. But I will only help if you take that bounty off my head I hope we can come to an understanding." "Woah there," Ghost chuckled, "I never knew you were the kind of guy to place a hit on someone, Spectre. What did he do, steal your sweet-roll?" "I honestly have no idea," Spectre defended, "what this guy is talking about. And he wants us to take off his bounty? I mean if he holds still and makes it easy for us..." This time, the whole squad burst into laughter. "C'mon Spectre," Ghost managed to say between breaths, "that's just cruel!" "Sorry, the punchline was already set up. Spirit?" "Way ahead of you," Spirit replied while wiping off a tear, "triangulated the signal. It came from the second district. Should we investigate?" "Nah. We got bigger issues to worry about. And solving someone's bounty problem is... not our problem." "Alright. Shall we send a response? Or should I mark this as spam? I'm saving this either way because this is gold!" "Erm... Tell him we can't help with his little bounty problem. But... Thanks for the offer?" "I'll leave that part out." With the team in a more cheerful mood after the spectacle, Spectre once again motioned the group to follow them. "C'mon, the ship is this way. Unless some of you want to check this out?" Meanwhile, Spirit sent a message back to the one called Osiemi. >Hey mate, sorry about your bounty issue, but that is not our problem. Best of luck on your endeavors.
  20. Just be aware of the response, since nowhere in the RP do my characters nor their backstories mention your character in the slightest...
  21. Do I... Should I respond to this? Cooperation is vital ya know
  22. Your favorite KH characters... I will burn so much gas trying to catch All versions of Kairi, Namine and Xion it’s not even funny
  23. >>>Incoming Transmission<<< >Location: Command HQ >Authentication Code: Verified >Response: Due to the nature of your assignment, general declassification is unauthorized. Please give a list of name when possible. Out. >>>End Transmission<<< "Why do you need to know?" Spectre sighed heavily as he crossed his arms. So it's gonna be these kinds of people huh? This will be more difficult than I thought... "Ok fine," he calmly replied, "at the very least, I need names from everyone here. You're Alin, that much I got." "I'm here cuz I don't have a world to come back to anymore, its gone. Because of that Jackass we saw earlier... Don't know about them but Im willing to tag along. What am I to do if I stay here anyway?" Spectre nodded quietly, hoping others would contribute to the introductions. “Sorry man, i can’t answer you. Cuz i don’t know. I just... woke up here a while before all this mess, and i don’t remember about anything that happened before i got here. It was just me and my keyblades. So… Would it be a hassle if i stick with you all? I will help with your mission. I can fight, and it’s not like staying here would help me.” "Sure," Spectre replied, "you got a name?" Ghost piped up behind the inquisitive leader. "From what I overheard, it's Kalm." "Alright then, Kalm. Now you can tag along." "Susan, Ina and I were sent here to spread the search for Xavier and to find clues on his whereabouts. Needless to say, we got more than we expected to actually find. Not that it's a bad thing." Once again, Spectre nodded quietly at Saros's response. "Alright then," Spectre replied, "So who's Ina, and what's your name?" It was at this point that Ina teleported right besides Saros. "I'm guessing you're Ina?" "Think you'd be willing to make a detour from your duty for the sake of helping us track down an insane criminal?" Spectre and Spirit pondered the question for a while, weighing their options and risks of cramming combat capable strangers that they just met into their gummi ship without any reason other than 'bad guy was here. We gon' git 'em.' Spectre scratched his head, then turned to his comrade. "Spirit? What do you think?" "Well," Spirit started as he walked forward to stand besides his leader, "this world is a known refugee world for those who lost their own worlds. So..." he looked over to Kalm, "I think that answers why you're here. You're a refugee. This place is supposed to be a safe haven from the darkness, but apparently that's not the case anymore. I suppose we can take you and the others along. As for taking a detour," he looked over at Saros, "tracking down a criminal sounds fun, and may possibly be tied with our mission. I wouldn't mind playing a game of cops and robbers. Spectre?" "I accept," the leader responded, "we'll help you out. Just in case we haven't introduced ourselves properly, I'm Spectre, over there is Spirit, Shadow, and you all met Ghost. So, do you have any idea where to go first?"
  24. >>>Incoming Transmission<<< >Location: Traverse Town >IFF: Active. Gummi Ship Vigilant >Current Status: Armed, engaging. >Report: Shadow. Contact with other keyblade wielders. Gathering names now; Request dossiers unrestricted. Roxas identified hostile. Continuing support. Out. >>>End Transmission<<< Ghost lowered his rifle slowly. He was seething with anger at the audacity of Roxas, or whoever that was, talking smack to people then disappearing behind a portal before anyone could give him a piece of their mind. Or weapon. Ghost doesn't discriminate. He noted Alin's and Jynn's introduction, and sighed heavily as he watched Zion's reaction. For someone of her power, she seems... Uncontrolled. No, I think... Unrestrained. He was getting visibly distressed at seeing Zion's desperation; there was nothing he could do to fix it. Fortunately for the keyblader, Alin's remark allowed him to shift his attention elsewhere. "And now we have to find a way to travel between worlds. Maybe that ship might actually be useful for something." "Useful is an understatement," Ghost replied on behalf of the gummi ship and its crew, "that thing does more than circle the skies looking pretty." He looked at the ship, made an OK sign with his hand, then twirled his index finger in a circular motion. "Looking useless was the best option it had. Give it a minute." "Ghost is calling us to regroup!" Shadow remarked to the crew as he stood up. "You got it," Spirit calmly stated, "starting approach now. I suppose after a battle out in the open, stealth is no longer needed. Switching to full automation, prepare to fast rope!" Spectre was making his way towards the undercarriage of the ship after sending out a message to his superiors. He felt the shifting momentum of the hunk of gummi as Spirit gave the controls to the onboard computer. The side bay doors opened, revealing its handsomely lethal cargo to the outside world, plus the three different cannons on both port and starboard sides for maximum fire support. "Here we go..." Spectre mumbled to himself, not that it would matter as his voice was drowned out by the noise of the engines. He felt the footsteps of the other two behind him, and turned around to confirm that Shadow and Spirit had their gear on. Smiling, he along with the others clipped their own ropes to the hardpoint meant for this task, and started their quick decent towards the group. Seeing his friends was a welcoming relief for Ghost as Spirit, Shadow and Spectre landed nearby and started their walk towards him. The ship above hovered for a moment, retracted the ropes and proceeded to fly off to the landing area that leads into the first district, as it was the only safe place to land in this cramped area for a ship that big. "Hey guys!" Ghost waved, "so... it looks like the group behind me needs transport for between worlds. Think we should help?" Spectre eyed each of the members of the group for a moment. "If they are allies, it would be wrong to deny them." "We all fought the heartless, so I guess they are. Oh, she's Alin, she's Master Zion, she's Susan, he's Jynn and that's Talion Glandur THE SUNBREAKER!TM " As a wide grin formed on both Spirit and Shadow's faces, Spectre walked a few steps past Ghost, and addressed the group. "My handle is Spectre, and we've been watching all of you from that ship that was over us a moment ago. I'd like to ask, for those of you wielding keyblades, if you are training under a master, or are a master yourself. I need to know why everyone here is... well, here. We got our reasons. What's yours?"
  25. Best. Recap. Ever Spooky Squad's reaction if they all were there:
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