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Status Replies posted by Merilly

  1. I really hope that Bring Arts of the Kingdom Hearts villains are made soon. Cuz it's criminal that we only get the heroes. Let's show the villains some love, too! :D

    1. Merilly


      Couldn't agree more. I love Sora but it's a bit unfair that he is getting so many Bring Arts and PAKs while so many other characters have yet to receive even one decent figure. >_<

      I'm also still waiting on the Ven and Terra PAKs to go with my Aqua... I think KH is big enough to produce more characters, especially those who are popular. It might even be a good idea to give licenses to other good Japanese companies instead of having yet another shabby Diamond Select figure line. =_= Disney is so prone to do that somehow.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Detective Pikachu might actually become a case of a movie being so hilariously bad that it's good again.

    I think it's hard to take a live-action movie of Pokemon seriously, especially with how terrifying/weird some of them look. However, if they take that to their advantage and actually don't try to be serious about it, it can still be a great and fun movie.

    Movies like Sharknado were successful because they were so badly done you had to laugh. But that wasn't the only reason because there are many movies like that and they're just bad. The reason Sharknado was actually enjoyable to me was that you could feel that all parties involved did not take it seriously but rather just as it is: a bad movie with a ridiculous plot and fairly bad CGI. And that makes it good because the moment you feel that, it becomes a parody of itself without trying to be mean or being upset about the fact that it will never be a truly profound piece of art.

    If Detective Pikachu does it right, it can also do it like Deadpool. (And not because Ryan Reynolds is also Pikachu's voice actor. This different, a bit less child-friendly image of a caffeine addicted Pikachu is refreshing rather than trying to copy a game.)

    Let's be real. Live-action movies based on an anime or games with an anime-esque look have rarely ever worked out, apart from romance dramas perhaps. Having Pokemon, the epitome of child-friendly, translated into such a setting would likely be off-putting if they attempted that with a serious mindset.

    The best they can do to appeal to adults (which make up a considerable amount of Pokemon fans even if Nintendo tries to ignore that at times), is to be aware that some of this just looks ridiculous in a realistic style and act on that. And it seems like they actually did that so far. I think there's a reason Detective Pikachu was chosen and not one of the main games or even a movie/the anime series. It's a spin-off with arguably a less grand fanbase while still having a story to follow and the potential to make it adequate for both adults and children.

    I think I will actually watch it with the expectation that it will be a horrible movie but also with the potential to be a great horrible movie. And if not, I will at least have seen around an hour or so of a fluffy Pikachu with a Deadpool voice.

    1. Merilly


      Not yet. Her facial features creep me out a bit because most of the other characters are our standard of normal. ^^' But I think I'll give it a try once it comes out on DVD. :D

      I'm usually not so fond of these adaptions because they often fail to capture the charme of their source material to a lack of understanding, but it can also be done right with enough innovation that honors the source as something equal to other genres.

      I always despised the idea of Pokemon getting a live-action movie or series, but I now think they may have chosen the right game to base it off on without trying to be too serious, too childish or too disrespectful. It seems they're treating this with care while still making it available to an older audience and not taking it too earnestly or as so much better than the source.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Ladies and gents, we'll be getting Critical Mode! Sweeet! X_X

    1. Merilly


      I'm happy for those who want it! :D I'm more interested in the story expansion myself but I can understand why people would want the challenge.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)



    1. Merilly


      Exactly. Stores all over Europe are allowed to and usually we aren't exactly the favored part of the world in terms of games. From what the employee told me, the permit came from Square Enix Europe themselves, so I don't see an issue to make that a worldwide thing.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)



    1. Merilly


      While I am happy I got my copy today (or yesterday here), I don't really get why they don't just greenlight it for all retailers. GameStop Germany received permission and it's a part of an international chain, I don't really see what's so problematic. It can't be marketing as initially assumed since they wouldn't have allowed it to be sold then...

      At this point they should just get it over with...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. My mind is getting weaker and the leaks are getting stronger...KHIII needs to come out now.

    1. Merilly


      I'm suffering with you... The last days are stretching on like chewing gum but eventually, we'll also be done with that. :)

      8 more days, a little more than a week. It's not worth it to ruin the experience for that for sure. Though we have to be careful with the leakers trying to compete against each other for a fleeting moment of attention and with more and more people getting the game early.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Seems like more and more people are getting their copies early, which is why I'm probably avoiding Twitter, Youtube and the like earlier than originally planned.

    To be honest, I could probably get it through connections as well but I don't see a point in this case. I want to finish the game when the epilogue is already out and not before and then having to wait a few more days to complete the experience. It would feel lacking without the epilogue included and not really satisfying.

    When I start on the 29th (or maybe a day earlier), I likely won't be finished by the 30th (if I am, then the game is too short xD) so that's fine but if I were to start now, it's possible for me to get to the ending before.

    1. Merilly


      If critical is even available from the start...

      But that's not a difficulty I'll start with. I like my first experience to be a balanced one without too much frustration, especially because the game appears a little more difficult than usual if I take the demo into account. I want to have a relaxed and fun time, so standard all the way for the first playthrough.

      Though you are free to choose your own of course. There's nothing wrong with wanting a challenge right of the bat, I just prefer to experience the story first without too many interruptions to that. xD


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. My mind is getting weaker and the leaks are getting stronger...KHIII needs to come out now.

    1. Merilly


      Stay strong! 9 more days to go. Always remember that we waited years so 9 days are nothing in comparison. xD


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Saw a YouTuber who is leaking gameplay for KH3 on YouTube mobile. Luckily I didn’t see anything on the thumbnail because I scrolled down as soon as I saw it for a split second. It makes me sick seeing leaks of this game on YouTube. For this reason only, I don’t recommend you guys looking at the home page for YouTube. Stay on your subscription page>.<

    1. Merilly


      Everyone is free to decide to watch these leaks, indulge in discussion, etc over them. I couldn't care less if they do that in their own little corner. Of course there's no denying that the way the copies were received is not acceptable but it's true that people are overreacting to this in particular when people buy stolen goods all the time, sometimes without even knowing it, and there's no huge blow-up over that if it's not KH.

      It is still illegal and I'm not condoning whatsoever but in terms of leaks in general, no matter the source, I'd be fine if only people were fair enough to stay in their spoiler corner and maybe not post it on Youtube before release. Of course they aren't and that's why it's problematic. There's no reason to share it on Youtube with diliberately spoiling thumbnails and titles.

      As you said, I'm kinda sick about this whole debate of who is a true KH fan and what makes them true. There is no true or false fan since by a most simplistic definition a fan is someone who likes the series, regardless how he acts toward other fans. No one can strip anyone off the title of fan because of them doing something that person deems unworthy of a fan by their own established standards. Quite frankly, what they believe makes a true fan doesn't matter and this elitist thinking is terrible, especially when they alleviate themselves above others by giving themselves the right to determine who's worthy of being called a true fan.

      It's deplorable to force spoilers on those who do not wish to see them. Not gonna justify that. But I also believe that witchhunt some people keep doing with threats to a leaker's life, joke or not, are just as illegal, if not more, and not funny. Legal action could be taken against anyone commencing to hunt people down, insult them or post death threats. Just because this is the internet doesn't mean everything can be said without consequences and attaching an edited photo with Sora holding a gun, while fairly harmless on its own, becomes a death threat by law if it's below a caption addressing a person.

      Sorry for derailing your status like this, Zeldablade. You did absolutely nothing wrong and I support your helpful advice to keep the fanbase safe. I'm glad you weren't exposed too much to leaks and could avoid them in time and also warned others about them again since they've begun flooding the internet excessively now.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Saw a YouTuber who is leaking gameplay for KH3 on YouTube mobile. Luckily I didn’t see anything on the thumbnail because I scrolled down as soon as I saw it for a split second. It makes me sick seeing leaks of this game on YouTube. For this reason only, I don’t recommend you guys looking at the home page for YouTube. Stay on your subscription page>.<

    1. Merilly


      I feel you... It's really getting worse by the day. I've never considered myself endangered to be exposed to leaks to such a degree since I'm not even the most active and did a lot of precautionary measurements, but seeing that it even happens to those who've not done much to invite it makes me nervous...

      I don't want to go dark this early to be honest. I can't really afford it right now but staying on the subscription page is probably the best option for Youtube.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. KH3 releases in one month in Japan... Kinda crazy to see how fast time flies. Only a week left until the new year and then we only need to get through January.

    It will also be a tough time for a lot of us. At least I imagine so, considering there might be more leaks to avoid and spoilers from early received copies revolving around the internet to block as well since each day closer to release makes it more likely. Not to forget those 4 days in-between the Japanese and global release date.

    It's always strange how the last few weeks are perceived to be the longest and time still flies by so fast, as if December is over before it even began.

    I will miss this hype after KH3. It will probably be a while until a new game will be announced and even then it might not generate the same excitement as Kingdom Hearts 3 did. Which is why I want to cherish this last bit as much as I can, even if the wait will become more and more painful.

    In that regard, a Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it and to those who don't I also wish you the best for the last week of 2018.

    1. Merilly


      I think that would be good, especially with how he's been built up in the last two years, especially through Back Cover. Also, Nomura stated in an intergiew that he won't appear in KH3. That was oddly specific to just limit it to KH3, considering we already know KH will continue.

      Though I'd also enjoy a version where he's not exactly evil but something in-between and the main antagonist is actually extremely focused on the supremancy of light. That could also result in interesting interactions since light was often depicted as the good side and it might put a different perspective on it while also creating some conflict between those who had closer ties to darkness than others.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. KH3 releases in one month in Japan... Kinda crazy to see how fast time flies. Only a week left until the new year and then we only need to get through January.

    It will also be a tough time for a lot of us. At least I imagine so, considering there might be more leaks to avoid and spoilers from early received copies revolving around the internet to block as well since each day closer to release makes it more likely. Not to forget those 4 days in-between the Japanese and global release date.

    It's always strange how the last few weeks are perceived to be the longest and time still flies by so fast, as if December is over before it even began.

    I will miss this hype after KH3. It will probably be a while until a new game will be announced and even then it might not generate the same excitement as Kingdom Hearts 3 did. Which is why I want to cherish this last bit as much as I can, even if the wait will become more and more painful.

    In that regard, a Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it and to those who don't I also wish you the best for the last week of 2018.

    1. Merilly


      Sure it is and I'm not saying the next title will have fewer surprises. It's just that people tend to be a little more excited for the final of a saga, be it a book, TV/movie series, games, etc. because it's the conclusion and what everything so far leads to.

      I'm sure the next games will still have the excitement of a KH title but subjectively, it feels like games such as DDD and 0.2 did not have the same amount of hype. Which doesn't mean they'll be worse games, I'm just talking about the visible excitement of the fans as a whole. :D

      Another factor is that the sequel will probably already focus on something else and we don't have the same built-up and knowledge as we have prior to KH3. Which likely adds to the excitement.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. So I saw on a tweet that Tron was announced only a month before KH2 was released. So it's not impossible for another Disney world to be announced. It would probably just be a less popular or not a mainstream one.

    1. Merilly


      I don't think it's impossible either. 2 worlds are less likely but 1 is still within reason. They could potentially show more than 1 too in a really long trailer, but I'd be fine if it's just one more. I mean, it's just wishful thinking at this point but as you said, it's not entirely out of the question either. But I consider it good that people's expectation have decreased a little and that they've started to accept the possibility that this might be it.

      I kinda wanna see something from the hand-drawn era and not another Pixar movie though. Nothing against Pixar but there's no need to use up all the suitable movies in one game. A returning world would also be fine as long as it has another color scheme.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14.  I saw someone write that the quality of the KH3 opening is lower than in the 0.2 opening. I don't know if it's due to the darker tones and the haziness lingering over the scenes, but it does seem a little more similar to some of the pre-rendered cutscenes rather than the 0.2 opening. Which I wouldn't mind. Maybe it does lose some details but on the other hand, it's closer to what we see throughout the game.

    A good example would be the eyes. They look a little flat in comparison to 0.2's opening, where they were more glossy and had more depth and detail overall.



    Especially the iris looks drawn on and the eyeball not really embedded into the skull. Of course that isn't so obvious in this shot but in others more. Still, you can see Sora's aren't as glossy, not as detailed and look flat in comparison. It's not that bad but noticeable in my opinion and I wonder where the change comes from since it looked subjectively more expressive before.

    1. Merilly


      It's not something which completely upsets me but it is kinda noticeable, especially in close-ups and I preferred how the eyes had more plasticity in the 0.2 opening. It's not a deal breaker at all but subjectively, they put a little less attention on the fine details. The eyes are especially important to me since they carry emotion and especially Sora's eyes look exceptionally flat in some shots, probably due to too little reflections, lighting and the iris being too prominently encircled by a black border. They're also a little too round from this side view.

      Yeah, it's not terrible but I wonder why they decided on that. It's a subjective thing but the eyes looked much more expressive in 0.2 and a lot more focus was put on them since they are important to get emotion across. They just appeared to be more alive? 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. looks like KH3 on base PS4 is going to try its best to stay at 30 FPS. I'm so happy the game is going to be this way!  :) source: https://www.reddit.com/r/KingdomHearts/comments/a46eie/kh3_got_to_play_kh3_demo_here_in_the_philippines/Dt6XtDdUwAAV0Dl.jpg


    1. Merilly


      That would be absolutely fine by me. 60 FPS aren't really important to me as long as the game runs smoothly most of the time. Since I play on consoles a lot, 30 FPS is more common on the older ones anyway. Some frame drops are to be expected but that's neglectable in my opinion.


      Btw, Happy Birthday since it's already the 9th here. :D


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. So it’s been confirmed a trailer will be releasing on my birthday. I’m so happy right now!

    1. Merilly


      I hope so too but you're right, it would be no big deal if they had to postpone it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. So it’s been confirmed a trailer will be releasing on my birthday. I’m so happy right now!

    1. Merilly


      On mine too. :D Though it is still a tentative schedule, so they could potentially change it last minute.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Am I the only person who wants to see base PS4 gameplay of kingdom hearts 3 to see how smooth it runs on the base ps4 console? Sadely, I don't see that happening anytime soon because SE wants to show off kh3 in its best performance on the PS4 pro and Xbox one

    1. Merilly


      It would be nice to see, though I understand it's as you said... They want to show it off in the most advantageous way possible. Though to be honest, I won't upgrade to a Pro either way because it's still expensive and I have a working PS4.

      However, it may be a good thing for those who have neither yet and are trying to decide if it's worth it or are debating to upgrade in the near future.

      Though I'd be fine with it if it works like 0.2. While the game wasn't smooth sailing all around, I did not experience any major frame rate issues. The only thing I'm worried about is a potential input lag persisting, though it seems like that's more of a general problem.

  19. Quick question. Does anybody happen to know if the KH Ultimanias are important? If so, does there happen to be any English translations around somewhere?

    1. Merilly


      The Ultimanias contain a few snippeta here and there in the interviews and I'm sure those can be found online and translated. However, most information is worded really ambiguously and often in the form of questions so we sometimes don't exactly know.

      Other than that, most Ultimanias are basically guides which contain no exceptionally important information but tell you where to find what, enemy stats and the like. They also contain character info and sketches, etc.

      I'd personally search for the interviews. I'm sure most of them are either fully translated or at least have a summary/abridged version.

  20. It's somehow really hard to type off my fanfiction... I've only finished 20 pages out of 55 so far. Granted, I was sick again and my head felt all woozy but I wanted to have it done by the end of last week... It doesn't help that I'm unhappy with so many passages and want to rewrite them a second time but then I'm just brooding over it without actually improving anything. My long absence has really made my works worse and my register seems non-existent.

    1. Merilly


      I think a lot of people are under the impression that everything needs to be highly original to be good and that cliché tropes are to be avoided, but they often forget that there's reason these themes became so well-known in the first place. People like them and can relate to them and even though they're not new, a lot of them will still be well received in the end if they occur. Especially if they fit into the narrative. It will forever not be funny when a character is prompted to remove all weapons and spends the entire evening emptying their pockets. :D Or similar tropes.

      That's always a bit hard to predict since I feel like there's a lot of luck involved to become a popular author. Considering what is popular, I don't think it's always good, creative writing, though that's only my opinion. I'm not too fond of Harry Potter, Twilight and the like since their main characters are really dull and Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu. It's not always the story which bothers me but also character portrayal and general writing style. For example, I enjoy reading about emotions. I don't need elaborate descriptions of environments like Jane Austen tends to do. That's what my imagination is for, unless it's vital. These works all are world-driven and don't focus much on actual emotion. My readers actually like my style because I focus a lot on the psychological aspect. But that's always a matter of taste.

      I also don't think characters need to evolve drastically unless there's reason to. If a character is balanced from the start, there's no need to force a development through tragic events. That's what I like about Sora for example. He virtually stayed mostly the same. He became a bit more snarky, but he's still the happy-go-lucky type who cares about everyone, but most of all his close friends.

      I don't mind xD We all have phrases or words we tend to use more often than others. I've actually gotten used to seeing it from you and immediately connect it to you when I see it, regardless of actually seeing your name. :D

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. It's somehow really hard to type off my fanfiction... I've only finished 20 pages out of 55 so far. Granted, I was sick again and my head felt all woozy but I wanted to have it done by the end of last week... It doesn't help that I'm unhappy with so many passages and want to rewrite them a second time but then I'm just brooding over it without actually improving anything. My long absence has really made my works worse and my register seems non-existent.

    1. Merilly


      From what I can deduce, it sounds like a good concept. It's not too original to feel foreign to readers and only appeal to a small niche but original enough to stand out among other works.

      I don't have something against extreme originality, it's just hard to relate to at times. Cliché concepts are often belittled quite a bit although there's a reason there are common tropes. They are well-liked and not too strange and hard to understand. It's what you make of it that makes the difference.

      I also enjoy that it seems to be more set on the actual forging of the blade and not wielding it (though that's of course the part that usually comes after if it's not ceremonial.) That's the original part that makes it different from other fantasy novels. Depending on how it's thought through, fhat can be a very interesting concept to explore.

      I think fanfictions are a good method of writing, especially for practice but also for fun. You don't have to create a whole setting and lots of characters on your own if you don't want to. Admittedly, I don't read that much KH fanfiction since I'm so invested in the series. It may sound odd, but the more invested I am, the more reluctant I am to write or read about it. Probably because I don't want to disturb the canon too much? I don't even know why.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. With all the trailer hype, I'm still immensely bothered by those glowing walls. It feels like nobody is talking about this anymore as if it's suddenly fine. It's not. It's super distracting and honestly, I don't need the game telling me that. It can establish that once in a tutorial stage but that's it. Tell me I can run up almost anything flat and I will try that if nothing else works. There's nothing wrong with letting people figure out things by themselves, especially if a game is rated 10+. It's not like someone would suddenly miss a wall to progress, considering Sora is running up on his own without pressing any buttons.

    This isn't like other games that tell you which objects can be taken with a subtle, more outstanding color or other hints, especially when they're easy to miss otherwise.(Although that can often be adjusted.)  But if the 3 walls caging me in all glow then this would be a major deal-breaker. They're doing a great job with the environments and burying that beneath a layer of an unnatural wavy glow destroys that. That is especially noticeable in Toy Story and also BH6. It simply doesn't fit into the surroundings.

    I sincerely hope that this can be turned off in the settings. I'm not 5 anymore, I know how to use environmental techniques if the game tells me once. Had no problems with Flow Motion either. I don't need to be taken by the hand to such a degree that I won't figure out how to move on if all the walls don't scream at me to push against them. Imagine if games like Mario 64 did that. The entire game would be shining.

    1. Merilly


      To some degree, I don't even mind it if it doesn't disturb the overall experience. I agree that KH1 wasn't the most child-friendly, considering 8 year-old me put it on hold for a while after I couldn't get through Wonderland well enough.

      But the newer games are rated a bit differently and nowadays, there're so many guides available everywhere that it's done a little bit extremely. Of course KH isn't the only game which does it, but it makes a difference if the game tells me I need to go this way or that, or explicitly makes everything glow to show me the way. Though the glow doesn't even do that. It just tells you that you can run up that wall. Which should be known at some point since it feels like you can run up almost any flat surface.

      I'm just bothered they have to indicate something that seems to pertain to anything with such an outageously noticeable effect since it's anything but subtle and really disturbing with all the sparkly effects which are already present.

      This type of hand-holding is an abomination, like people can't figure out on their own anymore what to do. That's like telling you how to solve a puzzle without letting you try on your own. And it's such a simple mechanic too. I know Flow Motion also had objects stand out to show where you could hang onto at times because it wouldn't have been that clear, and even then it was subtle and mostly present ahen you used it, but otherwise people knew what they could use after the introduction.

      I know I'm ranting but this type of flashing really aggravates my eye migraines. My eyes can't deal with such an overwhelming information very well if it's a constant factor.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. It's somehow really hard to type off my fanfiction... I've only finished 20 pages out of 55 so far. Granted, I was sick again and my head felt all woozy but I wanted to have it done by the end of last week... It doesn't help that I'm unhappy with so many passages and want to rewrite them a second time but then I'm just brooding over it without actually improving anything. My long absence has really made my works worse and my register seems non-existent.

    1. Merilly


      Wah, can you give a summary what it'll be about? :D And good luck with that!

      I mainly write for other people and only fanfiction because I'm otherwise too lazy. I'm not a good writer nor do I aspire to be one. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. I'm not really sad FFXV's DLC got canceled for the most part except for Episode Ardyn. Apart from the fact that I'm not fond of DLC and we all know that the main game's development was a train-wreck, I of course pity the losses that resulted from that.

    However, I am glad that this might show what people think about adding crucial story elements to an RPG through paid DLC going on for over a year. In FFXV it couldn't be helped that their development time was greatly reduced due to the director change and the general change of direction. They basically tried to make the most of what was left without keeping it in development hell for another three years or so.

    That still doesn't excuse the practice of delivering story elements through DLC to patch up the numerous plot holes though. RPGs are often story-driven and making money out of the fact that they failed to present a coherent story due to time issues after 10 years of development is not excusable for me. Yes, they need to make up for the loss but it's still their fault.

    I'm fine with DLC as long as it's mainly cosmetic or add a few things here and there where you think that's not necessary for the understanding but nice to have. But that was not the cass for FFXV or even other games and when paying so much for a game, one can expect to get a full game. This practice of delivering content later is an abomination. Though not only developers are to blame for that with how impatient people are. They want the game and they want them now and perfect.

    I'm not going to turn this more into a rant than I already have, but it's probably better to put a lid on FFXV now. It's not a terrible game at all but it's obvious that it's neither what it attempted to become and won't get a rehab with more DLC.

    I hope that sets an example though and the same thing won't happen to KH3 or other SE games because they spent too much time on countless mini games for example. Cutting actual content for space should only be necessary when nothing else can be cut.

    I feel like FFXV couldn't live up to the expectations and instead of moving on, they tried to revive it with countless gimmicks, games, etc. that won't magically erase its shortcomings. It's better to stop now and focus on different projects.

    I'm not too worried about SE's financial department though. The mobile games alone should make up for a good portion of their loss.

    1. Merilly


      Yeah, though to be honest, I find every DLC pertaining to story questionable. It would really make me angry for KH3 for example. Not because I don't recognize the work that went into it but rather that I fins it inexcusable to cut content in the form of story to include even more mini games. Apart from my fundamental dislike for them as a whole, they serve little to no purpose except for prolonging the game. I'm fine with a few since they're also common practice but KH3 has so many that I'm beginning to wonder if they didn't focus too much on those and running out of space lead to them cutting actual content.

      Just for a brief overview, we have 100 Acre Woods as a whole world dedicated to them, then there's probably at least one more in each of the Disney worlds at the very least, the gumi ship can also be considered a mini game and to top it all off, there are an abundance of Classic Kingdom mini games. I feel that's a little too much, especially those which are mandatory, because they cheaply prolong a game. If there's some understandable context I can overlook them, I just don't know why we need an entire world then. I'd rather trade them for some cutscenes showing the characters bonding or little spars between them.

      Though to come back to the main issue, I think it's balance that matters for DLCs. It's better if there aren't any at all but I can also understand the need since game development has become more costly and not any easier. It just depends on what is offered. For example, I wouldn't mind a multiplayer mode being added as a DLC since one of the directions always suffer. Either the multiplayer or singleplayer campaigns. But with a DLC, they have enough time to work on this once the game is done.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  25. It's somehow really hard to type off my fanfiction... I've only finished 20 pages out of 55 so far. Granted, I was sick again and my head felt all woozy but I wanted to have it done by the end of last week... It doesn't help that I'm unhappy with so many passages and want to rewrite them a second time but then I'm just brooding over it without actually improving anything. My long absence has really made my works worse and my register seems non-existent.

    1. Merilly


      Thank you for the encouraging words :D The long break impeded my style quite a bit but I'll probably just need to get into it again. Compared to my other chapters, it's a little worse but I'm at least almost done now. Then I can perhaps change a few things here and there ans adjust some of the more boring syntax issues.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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