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Derek Abraham

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About Derek Abraham

  • Birthday 02/19/2001

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  1. BROOOOO, that's mad improvement the detail is reaaalll
  2. Heya guys! I'm kinda down since school is starting tomorrow and the weather is so craaaaapppp. So could you guys recommend so funny comedy sketches. My personal favourite is Substitute Teacher by Key and Peele. Nearly all there sketches are gold. What about you, Hit me Up
  3. Hey Ace, hope you enjoy your time here
  4. Gave him 500, always good to help a brother
  5. Thanks for the friend add, mate. (:

    1. Derek Abraham

      Derek Abraham

      All good man, I love making friends ( even on the internet :) )

    2. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      Friends are friends, no matter what. :)

  6. Well... People thought that Derek was too long a name and called me Der.... On a more serious note I was called Dozza. Here in Australia, people have an uncanny way too nickname people, they just have to shorten any name.
  7. I saw this on TheGamersJoint's video, What if KH3 releases on July 13, that way it would be 7/13...y'know 7 lights and 13 darkness or maybe July 7 if the date format is different, If KH3 actually comes in Q3 next year that date would be reasonable and very smart.

  8. I always put my expectations lower so I never get disappointed
  9. You don't know the pain of never of playing the REMASTERED KINGDOM HEARTS because you upgraded, how ironic because I upgraded I'm missing out on games,
  10. Yeah bro of course i know it gets tireing but its just the nostalgia of playing the game as a child and it hitting you right in the feels. I cant play the game as i don't own a PS3
  11. Hey guys, just wanted your opinion on what Kingdom Hearts game had the best cut scenes. Its holidays here and I thought what better way to spend it than watch a Kingdom Hearts movie.
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