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Found 18 results

  1. Hey, FFVII fans and bookworms! Anyone heard of or read this? This was an amazing read, satisfying both my interest in learning about different folk lore and mythology but also my craving to understand the expansive story of the VII compilation. It was so accessible that even if I had known nothing about Norse lore I would probably have got on quite happily with it, and revisiting story from games like Dirge of Cerberus and Before Crisis was such a nostalgia trip. I'm quite surprised more people haven't heard of it, so I figured I'd see if anyone else here had gotten their hands on a copy and enjoyed it as much as I have.
  2. AmiAmi is currently taking pre-orders for the Bring Arts Sephiroth Another Form Ver. action figure. The original price of the action figure is ¥9,680 (approx. $89.15) but AmiAmi has discounted the price to ¥7,910 (approx. $72.84). The Sephiroth action figure will release in October 2019. The Sephiroth figure comes with the Bring Arts base, optional wing parts, a Masamune (sword) part and four optional hand parts. The Bring Arts Sephiroth and Cloud figures were previously revealed at the 2018 San Diego Comic Con, both action figures feature their iconic outfits from Kingdom Hearts. Are you going to pre-order Sephiroth? Let us know in the comments below! View full article
  3. AmiAmi is currently taking pre-orders for the Bring Arts Sephiroth Another Form Ver. action figure. The original price of the action figure is ¥9,680 (approx. $89.15) but AmiAmi has discounted the price to ¥7,910 (approx. $72.84). The Sephiroth action figure will release in October 2019. The Sephiroth figure comes with the Bring Arts base, optional wing parts, a Masamune (sword) part and four optional hand parts. The Bring Arts Sephiroth and Cloud figures were previously revealed at the 2018 San Diego Comic Con, both action figures feature their iconic outfits from Kingdom Hearts. Are you going to pre-order Sephiroth? Let us know in the comments below!
  4. Hello I want to talk about ff7 remake info. With Kingdom Hearts 3 development ending soon, I expect by December to hear something or the Japanese release. While I don't agree withholding information for the sake of kingdom hearts 3, it's confirmed to not have info because they want to show the game in a progressive state. The best part I read somewhere it's gonna have massive all in one info release. I think with as big ff7 remake is, I literally think it won't appear at e3 2019. I think a massive ff7 remake event has a high chance of happening since it's the most biggest project in gaming due to influence not just jrpgs, but gaming as a whole. With the walmart leak, I supect it will come as a collection instead of individual episodes. That's all I have to say. 2nd topic: I really do think ff7 remake internet reaction will be bigger than 2015. Your talking about a game youtubers, celebrities, and music stars played. I think without doubt with instagram & snapchat, it will catch even non gamers off guard because it's again gonna go to the limit of the current gen console. Heck I think with recent game studio's showing art with other successful game for ps4, it's possible every game studio will react like 2016 pokemon craze for sun and moon. I just think it's reaction gonna be huge because of the big information. I wanted to start a thread that last awhile, and give people ideas until ff7 remake massive info expolusion. Thanks for reading.
  5. A very nice first fan made trailer by my cupcake, Alicia Maddox! If you like her work, give her a sub! (Been a mighty long time since I made a forum post here LOL)
  6. Will you be playing the original Final Fantasy VII with the remake coming later?Poll suggested by MythrilMagician
  7. Drawing of Cloud as he appears in the latest Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer.

    © David Sobozenski

  8. Okay, today I'll be talking about why I think an FF7 remake is still very possible. You remember what Square Enix did at PS Experience? Now it may have seemed like they were trolling us, but... What if this is just a "testing their waters" move? Maybe they just wanna see if there is still genuine interest in FF7. However, I don't think this port alone would be enough to convince them. I also think FFXV needs to do well. Remember when they said in order to remake FF7, they first need to make an FF that surpasses it in quality? Well, that's a tall order. Anyway, what if FFXV DOES surpass FF7 in the fan base's opinion? Does that mean we'll get an FF7 remake? Well, it seems possible. FFXV is likely to release in 2016, just one year after that will be FF7's 20th anniversary. So, if this port of FF7 sells well, and FFXV surpasses FF7, then an FF7 remake might happen? It would certainly be good way to celebrate the 20th anniversary, and SE would be swimming in cash. It might be wishful thinking, but I think SE might be saving the FF7 remake announcement for the game's 20th anniversary. What are your thoughts?
  9. this is honestly one of the best reading material ive seen in years. http://killscreendaily.com/articles/grown-ass-man-replays-final-fantasy-vii/?utm_content=buffer6b76a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
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