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Everything posted by Ptolema

  1. I did consider it, but honestly I've never been that confident about dealing with people. Being a teacher would probably mean having even more fear of getting things wrong, especially if it's with children who might look upon one as a role model. I spoke to one of those vocational counselors yesterday. We ended up looking at a bunch of pages, and honestly I think I'm interested in another campus now, one with specialty in graphics design and programming. I'll have to talk to Mom about it, since I'd have to move away to study there, but I'm considering it. I feel more excited about the prospect of trying that out than any classes I've taken so far.
  2. Heath Ledger and Jared Leto are the only one's whose performance I've actually watched, hm. I'd vote Heath Ledger, honestly. I'm not that familiar with the Joker in general, but Leto just comes off as too young and modern for it. Not bad, just strangely modern, compared to what I'd imagine seeing the Joker as. Might just be my opinion, though.
  3. I guess it's been a while since I last posted here, but might as well. I guess I always expected college and adulthood would make me a better me, but I still have trouble keeping calm most of the time. Meh. I just hope everything goes well eventually.
  4. I'm kind of enjoying college so far, but chemistry class is difficult. The professor doesn't give many explanations and the test last week made me cry.
  5. I hadn't been here in a long time and now I'm feeling lost. I see some of my friends haven't been online since 2013. It's nostalgic to me, remembering the hedgehogs and everything else. I miss the people from back then.
  6. My name is not in that database. :sad: I've heard it means "warlike", though.
  7. I act my age, sometimes that just happens to be the age I had 5 years ago, but it's still an age I've had, therefore it's mine. Therefore, I act my age. :tongue:
  8. I'm pretty sure it's been over a week since I requested, lol, and yes, I am still sure.
  9. If possible, I'd like to change my name to Ptolema. I'll be back in a week to confirm.
  10. I started college this semester. Still not even a full week here, haven't really talked to anyone or made friends. Honestly, I'm finding it somewhat hard to focus on classes. I'm going for a Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering, which according to might curriculum would take around 5 years, unless I take at least 4 credits per summer to speed it up. I'm feeling somewhat stressed over this, I don't know how college will go. I rushed my way through high school, skipped a grade, and now that I'm here, I wonder, where did my youth go? I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake. The games I used to play, all the time I used to spend online - I can't do that now, my schedule is more complex than anything I'd ever had to do. It's not impossible to handle, not at all, I know that, but I'm feeling blocked, and honestly, I'm panicking. Life in college scares me.
  11. I'd never thought I'd see art of Xion not wearing black. It's so pretty. :wub:
  12. I surf the web trying to find new books to read or series to watch. Anything that serves as entertainment.
  13. I'm saddened by my acne, both in my face and back. :sad: I have very sensible skin and I scar easily. The worst part is that I can't resist the urge to try and get rid of it, and usually end up hurting my skin. If I manage to get rid of it, I'll have to use some special products to get rid of the dark spots. And it's worsened by exposure to sunlight. To be honest, sometimes I feel ugly. :sad:
  14. Are we sure this is not an intestinal problem?
  15. Probably something to do with the fanfics they found. You just never know.
  16. I'm starting to see a pattern here... Hmmm... Nah, it's probably nothing.
  17. Seems like a lovely place. I wonder where it's located.
  18. In the game, you are randomly assigned a role. My name was I Am A Disguiser and my role was Disguiser.
  19. I don't know if you guys have ever played Town of Salem, but in this game you always get a role. I was disguiser for the mafia, and I don't care that we lost, my name was so awesome it was worth it! I was I Am A Disguiser the Disguiser!!!! I still can't believe this!!!! I'll never live it down!!!! *happiness*
  20. I believe that could qualify as assault of some sort, but I won't give it much thought... why am I getting Game of Thrones flashbacks I don't even.
  21. Curious how I just watched the Lion King Honest Trailer. This is what I get.
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