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About jjennway

  • Birthday March 11

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  • Member Title
    The King of Memes
  • Gender
  1. getting pumped for otakon tomorrow :D

  2. Too soon to call, maybe if KH1.5 got a day-1-digital(or just a regular digital edition later on) you could buy it off PSN
  3. Anyone else going to Otakon this weekend? :)

  4. "From the first flag captured to the final kill cam, from creating a character to creating an empire. Every spell cast, every grenade thown, every fatality, every adventure all meant something or everything. All the times spent raiding, grinding, learning combos or trying to shave those precious seconds off your record. We've all had games that we've loved, hated, obsessed over and rage quit from. No gamer wants to admit it but.... There will be a time where you log off for good.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shulk


      I refuse to log off for good. D:

    3. EternalReckoning


      I have to much here to never log in again :)

    4. jjennway


      Well looks like it chopped of the end there. This was commented by SodaAddict619 on an r/gaming thread in reddit that I felt like sharing

  5. Finally hit the point where there are so many Japanese song in my library that chrome tries to translate the entire page. First.World.Problems.

  6. If a person is born deaf, then what language do they think in?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tigerruss


      They probably don't think in audible words, but in pictures, though I haven't researched it. Though it isn't like they can't communicate and tell us.

    3. Oishii


      Language is not required for thought. That said, if they learn sign language then they probably think in sign language.

    4. Saber Lily
  7. Anyone else really wish there was a New Game+ in KH2FM

  8. Don't feel left out this is the internet
  9. My friends and I play chess all the time
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