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Everything posted by XxBlossomingNobodyxX

  1. Im tired and I have a room to clean. Which means I am logging off now. Bye, Ill see you when I log back in

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      oh dang Gil, I was thinking about posting on this status too

    3. Soul Eater Evans
    4. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans


  2. I want to buy it buy I dont have money Im sorrryyy! I want it so bad
  3. The end: And so, Roxas and Xion lived happily ever after Me:....Somebody please give me a gif for this
  4. Thanks! No pressure! If youre too busy, dont worry about it! I do like your poems though.
  5. I liked Atlantica, but I usually like things that most KH fans dont like lol (Re:coded)
  6. Any you like! Maybe one about Namine? Only if you need a suggestion, because im fine with any poem you would write for me
  7. I really have to clean my room but I dont want to.

  8. No problem! Can you write me a poem?
  9. Theres this inside joke between KH13 members. "KH13 will steal your soul" And it does, and your time, and your sleep, and your feelings, and prettu much everything. AND WE ALL LOVE IT!!! also, im most likely late on this, but happy birthday Aaron!
  10. Omg awesome picture! I wish more people could do this kind of thing. Ah yes I also would contribute if I knew how to draw lol
  11. Omg yes!!! I can finally read it! So glad they're finally putting it in English!
  12. Thank you! Lala that is me! *Begins to try and clap like Sherlock but looks like a dork*
  13. @KH Video Editors in HD, how the heck do you get the subs off? You know what, HD or not, how do you get subtitle less cutscenes?

    1. Sora96


      Here at KH13 we always try to not have subtitles but because division 3 doesn't care sometimes we're forced to have subtitles, in this case you can remove them by simply cropping them.

    2. XxBlossomingNobodyxX


      Thanks, I tried cropping them, but it removed too much of the image to work. Im glad we have such a great video gallery, but I just cant work with the subs.

  14. Someone please give me a good amazed reaction gif for this, so beautiful!
  15. Logginf off now, ill be back..whenever im back lol.

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      DC is logging off

      You're logging off

      Another DC Nort confirmed

    2. XxBlossomingNobodyxX


      Half Life 3 Confirmed lol

    3. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      That will be the day

  16. Yay, I hope you enjoy it! Sadly I dont think Ill be getting a PS4 for a while But yay for you!
  17. Im on the small train of NO FROZEN IN KH3. I really dont want her in Kingdom Hearts, at least, not yet. We have more important movies to add in first. I love Frozen and Anna and Elsa a lot, but just because they happened to be a hit doesnt mean they should cut in line to all the older disney movies that have been waiting first. They can come in like two or more games from now, but not in KH3 big debut. I would hate for such an amazing game to be overshadowed by Frozen's popularity.
  18. Did you say butchered by Kingdom Hearts? If anything I think Kingdom Hearts would be butchered by The Incredibles just because I think of Old Disney when I think of Kingdom Hearts and it wouldn't mix and The Incredibles would ruin it. I care about KH more than The Incredibles, so to me if Kingdom Hearts happened to have TI, I would care more about how well KH would handle that rather then how it would affect TI's image.
  19. Sorry I keep forgetting to log in haha my bad. I dont intend to not do it, I just end up not doing it

  20. Yes, I can really tell! I just love the interaction of the two together I think they would be so cute Like, if Sora didnt exist, those two would be my OTP. Im just thinking how cute they are together! Him not understanding her ways and her trying to help him learn
  21. Im logging off. Im really tired.

    1. Javelin434


      Nighty night Blossom!!!

  22. Reaaly good! He sounds like a group I made up for a story i will never really finish until im a talented author lol (They are protectors too) But it sounds really great. I think those two go well together. So well, i think im gonna cry. So cute... Excuse me for a second. *near tears* *whispers* Adorable...
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