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Everything posted by Aang

  1. Its been fun crushing bots for the last 3 years. I've loved the opportunity to mod you weirdo's :P

  2. Alcohol is NEVER a good idea. No matter how much you have of it, you'll still be depressed afterwards. Its a substance, you'll only crave more and risk addiction. Focus on fixing your problems at hand. Recognize the situation, and make the best out of it. Life really isn't as bleak as one might think . Its all in the mind my friend. Get well soon. You'll be in my prayers.
  3. Personally I really don't like the Gummi Ship themes. For whatever reason it irked me.
  4. Nah, I enjoyed KH1 Atlantica too. But I don't see a need for it to come back. Same with Halloween Town and a lot of the worlds that are in the game over and over. Pirates of the Caribbean or Lion King I can see, with Lion King 2 not being used, and the new Pirates film comes out next year as well. But definitely not, or rather I hope no worlds we've seen over and over.
  5. I think its more dependent on whether or not this persons uncle knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guys cousin who works at Square Enix or not.
  6. Very cool! I've always had interest in making one of those. Very nice points. Though for shame, no airbender
  7. To be fair, I never disclosed mine either. For all they know, I could be a Nissan Altima. Its just assumed at this point . And I'd definitely marry myself. Less drama to be had when the only concern is yourself.
  8. They'd never show up for dinner either odds are.
  9. I'm in need of an animator for a short film. Let me know if you or anyone is interested!

    1. DaxtotheMax


      How long does it need to be? and is it like a cartoon or 3D?

  10. Anything's possible in the spirit world, my friend.
  11. Hey, even me ( Lea ) needs a good nap every once in a while.
  12. I have no idea what you're talking about! Lea would never spread misinformation like that!
  13. Its obvious that I, am the realist and most badass Lea of all. Nice try though everyone!
  14. The misconception that Donald cant heal properly. And time travel!
  15. That much is rather obvious. HarLea's nothing short of an amateur impersonator.
  16. Because Lea's got wicked hair! Who doesn't love a red hot hoe and a professional badass?
  17. I believe new persons are called infants. But hey, I don't discriminate! Welcome to the site! Nice to have you here.
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