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About SpideyGaming

  • Birthday 05/06/1916

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  1. I would love to buy more than 8 games but I doubt ill be able to buy them as I still have to buy a PS4...
  2. There is no evidence of who it is only that its a female. But in the end it doesnt actually matter.
  3. I watched season one but it was not that great afterwards. And now it just seems like they throw whatever they can in
  4. RIP my hype for this game I hate multi part (episode) games. Sure they want to get as much as they can into the game but why not just release it on multiple discs...
  5. Fallout (3 and 4), Bloodborne, Mass Effect, Half Life and pretty much every sports game.
  6. I dont have a PS4 yet but Im obviously excited for KH2.8FCP as well as Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I will probably pick up FFXV at some stage when it releases but im not really hyped for it.
  7. 2017 makes the most sense. With 2.8 next year and Nomura saying KH3 will be the next game after 2.8, 2017 is the most likely year and its also the kingdom hearts 15th aniversary.
  8. Well it depends on game and difficulty. If its a boss that requires stratergy could be 3-10 times? but if its Mysterious Figure from BBS with Terra its like 1000 times
  9. When I was younger I had over 200 hours plus into BBS because I was trying to get all abilities and didnt bother looking it up on the internet (cause I was young). But in total I would say over 500 hours?
  10. When people say "Man I cant wait for KH3! Ive been waiting ages for it to release. I never bothered to play the side games they arent important". Those people are will not understand a thing going on in KH3. Also trying to platinum BBSFM is literal torture because you have to do pretty much everything THREE TIMES...
  11. The most thing I am really excited for is just holding the game in my hands.
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