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About Pyrostarninja

  • Birthday 10/14/1999

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  • Member Title
    The Non-binary In the Corner.
  • Gender
  1. What if Riku brings Chirithy back... i don't know if anyone else has said something on this topic. But it would be AWESOME if they brought him back in the game since he could help tell them more about the keyblade war.
  2. for some reason this topic actually got me a little sad. I think it tis a great theory though. but sad. :sad:
  3. okay i read through all these comments and uh... if it was still in the darkness... how come in kh 2 kairi was on destiny island and stuff. Also i hear a lot of stuff on ansem the wise being Kairis father... Kairis parents= idk Soras parents= idk oh and his dad cant be cloud. I HAVE FACTS Rikus parents= i think riku dose have some traits that look like Sephiroth. ( Maybe a somthing after kh 3.) but who is his mom.
  4. I must visit this page at least once.

  5. I must visit this page at least once.

  6. this channel was made to discuss and help other people who are stuck in games and to make new friends! our opinions could help!
  7. i know! SO EXCITED

    1. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      I don't know! STILL EXCITED!

  8. kh 3

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise


    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      *Sniffle* it was so innocent, but alas, the release date is set to 2069

    3. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun


  9. Olivia hinton on youtube... not Olivia Hinton with mlp on the front

  10. What if terranort, Ansem, and Xemnas aren't the same person. They all have different faces and hair. this is just something i wanted to through out there
  11. i need a new book series to read!

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