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Found 756 results

  1. What do you think is the best quote of the Kingdom Hearts Saga? Mine is: 'So many are still waiting for their new beginning, their birth by sleep' (secret ending BBS)
  2. okay i wasnt shore were to put this thread is it may get moved anyway there a while back i was playing the simpson game when i got to the japanese game level when i was in that level i notice by the gate to each area there were to dogs by each side of the gate and guess what they had in there mouths thats right a keyblade it was the kingdom key now i just want to know did anyone else notice this
  3. It is amazing how much this cut scene reveals. What is said during this cut scene is said below if you don't feel like watching it. If you want to watch the cut scenes but not the fight, when the first cut scene is finished, go to around 6:45 in the video. KlkSkajpKrM Sora: Who are you? The Unknown: Ah...It seems you are special as well. Goofy: Ansem? The Unknown: That is a familiar sound...You look like him. Sora: What's that supposed to mean? The Unknown: It means you are not complete...Incomplete one...That power...Allow me to test your power. Fight begins. When fight ends. The Unknown: Truly facinating. Sora: Huh? The Unknown: This is going to be enjoyable. Sora: What are you talking about! The Unknown: In your present state you most likely cannot understand...Nevertheless the time when we can meet again will doubtless come. Sora: Wait, what are you...! The Unknown: I am...a mere shell. ____________________ Think about what is said there, yes the events have already come to pass, but when that game was released for Japan, they were given such a big cliff hanger as to what was going to happen next. Thanks to technology and translators we can actually see this, but it would have been awesome to actually experience it for ourselves...That is the only thing that I wish we would get from Final Mixes, those cut scenes that hold valuable information for later games. However this isn't about why we should have Final Mixes, they can have them, I don't want to have to wait for another version of a game so I can get extras, sure it's nice but not really worth it. But what do you think about stuff like this? Do you wish you could see it for yourself by playing the game or are you content with just watching it on the Internet?
  4. i've been stuck on the riku fight after you beat maleficent as a dragon , i know that you use ars arcantum (or something on the lines of that) and you only heal yourself with potions or elixirs. i can get him down to where the pillar things start to appear but i always manage to get hit by one, and if i survive (1 time) i dont know what to do next
  5. Does anyone know who is the figure in a cloak inside the destiny island cave at the start of the game???
  6. hey guys don't you think that theyre over using bosses from kingdom hearts i mean we faught jifar in kh, com, kh2, and were fighting him again in re coded you get what i'm saying? well it's no big deal but i guess i want to see new worlds and bosses like in bbs what do you guys think
  7. Ever since I first saw Riku Kairi and Sora in KH2, I couldn't help but think they grew up...too much! It was only a year, yet it seemed like they grew about 5 years or so. Even their voices (sora especially) are different. I feel like KH1 sora and KH2 sora are like different people entirely! And to some extent his personality changes too. Bummer...
  8. so I'm playing kh1 so I'm in tune for bbs, and on the first fight with darkside, you know, the onw in the tutorial. Kills me. Given I am playing expert since I'm trying out an ar max. I didn't activae any cheats because I was waiting until atleat Traverse Town. But I didn't think I was that lame. I mean I made it through kh2 on expert the first time I played it with just the kingdom key because I never realized I could change keyblades until axel died. and by then I said "screw it" and finished with the kingdom key. Talk about epic fail. It's a good thing that battle doesn't really coun't and they let you continue on with the story even if you loose. My life is quite sad:'(
  9. I was just wondering if the 7 Princesses of Heart only opened the Hollow Bastion Key Hole or if they could open up others too. I mean, if they all got together at Disney Castle by Malificent, could they open up the key hole and let darkness rummage throughout the castle?
  10. how exactly did riku end up on the other side of the door to darkness? i dont see how ansem sod cud've put him there if he opened it wen sora was right there.
  11. During the cutscene that Kairi give Sora the good luck charm she says "That's right. We were together". so does she only remember her grandmother or she remember everything but meeting Aqua? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86yfBBl1bD4
  12. Hello everyone, instead of just making multiple threads about how to beat a boss, how to collect xehanort reports, or stuff like that. This thread will help you. This thread is to help people who are stuck on boss, need help with collecting items, or how to obtain Xehanort reports in KH1. So, if you have any questions about how to defeat a boss, or anything like that, please post it here. Me and RoxSoxKH will help
  13. ok i noticed this wen i was in character veiwer that soras clothes from the 1st game look excakly like pinnochios. check it out
  14. Hey guys SnR here. How's it going? Well it's almost time for Birth by sleep to come out. You fans ready!? I'm sure you are Anyway I was having a nostalgic moment and I am sure by now you guys seen the bbs commercial. Personally I thought it was good, but It can never have the feeling the first commercial had, in my opinion. Here remember this? HJLuQRDm5vM I was eleven or twelve (hmph like I remember) when I first saw this. Actually its almost kh anniversary if you think about it. 12 years, lol, and still no kh3. Well if you look at final fantasy, they are just know getting to 13! or 14 whatever. And FF7 came out on 9/7/1997. Wait! that date is familiar, besides the 1997 lol. So it's not a surprise to me it took this long. Anyway my question is, what did you guys think of kh when you first saw it. Personally I thought it would be total crap lol. I thought it was going to be turn base and not only that, Disney characters were in it and Disney games aren't exactly-well good. I personally love the music.
  15. ok so its my first time through KH1 and i managed to get through Malificent the first time before the encounter with riku/ansem (xehanort for those who want to be specific) and the walkthrough i usually use just said run around in circles hoping not to get hit. any help will be helpful cause i dont even last a minute.(which is very depressing)
  16. Note that I am probably not the first one to notice this. I just thought I would point it out since I ust found it. Okay, you know that balcony Donald and Goofy are on before you face the Guard Armor in the third district in Traverse Town? Well, I was just replaying KH, and I was leveling up in Traverse Town. I went to the roof of the Gizmo Shop in 2nd district, and there's a little bridge to another roof. Keep walking along the roof and there's this door. Go through it, and kabam. You're at that same balcony. I thought it was interesting.
  17. hi everyone this is my first post, i was recently playing KH1 the other day, and saw that when sora goes to traverse town for the first time, he goes into the second district and sees a man getting chased by a heartless and then turning into one. When you return later and Cid no longer works in the accessory shop, the same man (mentioned above) is working their now. when you ask him about it he says that he doesnt know what your talking about. I was wondering if this was a hint of the Nobodys or a joke to show that Nomura uses the same extra characters again and again.
  18. What did you choose when you were in heart station. I chose the sword. What did you guys choose?
  19. hey, people there are 2 things that I didn't understand on KH related to Sora's memories when we are at Deep Jungle, seeing those slides there is the image of a castle. Sora recognizes it but he doesn't really know what is it and when we get to Hollow Bastion, sora says that he recognizes that place, but he doesn't know how what does this all mean?
  20. Remember our good old heartless boss guard armor? Well, when you first encountered with it, what did you think of it and how long ot took you to defeat it? I remember when I first fought the boss, sooo much nostalgia. I had no idea how to beat it back then until later on. On my first try I just randomely attacked it not knowing I could equip the ability to scan its health. That boss was a pain to kill because it took me so many tries to defeat it. I always go for the arms first because its easier to hit then went for the feet. I was soooo pissed off after I defeated it because... well... so many tries it took me to defeat one boss. What about you guys?
  21. If this is not in the right section, feel free to move it mods :P Who thinks that the worlds were harder to get around then in KH2? I thought that it was more harder to go to the necesarry places in the worlds in KH then it was in KH2
  22. That badasses like Cloud, Leon, Yuffie, Tarzan, etc didn't just gawk and laugh their heads off at the ridiculously child like outfit Sora wore. I mean seriously... Sora is a 14 year old dude, and he dressed like a retard! Discuss
  23. I got kh1 instead of an easter egg a few years ago, how did you obtain your copy?
  24. Is it possible to get the PaoPu Fruit in KH1 I spent an hour trying to get it out of the tree is it possible?
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