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Found 5 results

  1. aizy-boy

    Kingdom Hearts 2.8!

    KH2.8 Japanese release! on man finally! BUT! i must wait for the English! i don't wanna nosebleed myself!
  2. Heya. This is a question that's been on my mind for a while, and I wanted to see what others think. I would be on board for an individual release for 0.2, but at the same time not really. IMO, it would be a good option for those that don't want to throw 60$ for what is basically a demo, a remaster and a movie, but then it would be pointless since for some 0.2 is the reason to get 2.8. I would probably go for a digital release and have it go for either 20 or 30$. Anyways, what the title says.
  3. Before I dive into this thread: I'd like to apologise for being absent for so long ( university etc). Anyway now back to the topic. Today I'd like to discuss memories and illusions in 0.2 and express what I feel the connections will be to the plot and gameplay. I predicted on the day of trailer as well as others did that Terra was a mere illusion and wasn't real. Now I feel that 0.2 will centre around this completely and will lead to certain revelations. For some reason; I have a ' layers of fear' feeling for this game. Where the deeper we go ( the more worlds we visit) the clearer the picture will be to us; however the character Aqua will dive deeper into despair ( I hope the pun was appreciated). If this is the case; Castle of Dreams will end with Aqua moving on from the Terra illusion to what I feel strongly will be the Enchanted Dominion. I have a feeling here; we'll see Aqua see Ventus similiar to how she saw him in BBS. He'll fade away; Aqua will become more and more disillusioned and we'll see the effects of being in the RoD. I'd also have Aqua visit Destiny Islands ( before Sora saves the world) and have her explore the islands in darkness and then have her hear Sora and Riku in child form ( as she remembers them) before seeing them fade away too. By this stage Aqua will be close to being mad; with the memories not being safe and her seeing events differently. This is where I'd have her run into Mickey; where we see her thinking he is an illusion and despite Mickey's attempts to save her see her run away. I'd then end the game; with Aqua preparing to wander another world; when all of a sudden she spots a figure in an organization coat walking deeper into that world and have the player know it's a real person; but have Aqua remain convinced she is only seeing Illusions and dismissing the hidden identity. End the cutscenes with Mickey saying she needs to be found and that before Aqua left him she was convinced the secret to rescuing her friends was somewhere to be discovered. Whilst slightly dark; I'd have no issues with 0.2 following this pattern and it would be unique in the series and would prepare us for a more dark KH3
  4. Hey guys we recently just finished Episode 2 of the Kingdomcast its up and now available on iTunes, Android and If you have a computer we even have an RSS Feed. To Subscribe on iTunes/Iphone/Ipad/Itouch/Ipod - iTunes To Subscribe on Android - Android To Subscribe via RSS or Email(if you don't have a cellular device) - RSS , Email To watch the Youtube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyHHBF7JqPA Description of Episode 2 - In this episode we talk about the recently announced Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and Also the news given out about Kingdom hearts 3 in Tetsuya Nomura’s most recent interview! Noel and Jason also discuss various topics including the KH battle system and how its evolved and What disney / pixar worlds may or may not appear in KH3. In addition we have returning members such as Aaron from Episode 1 and new members including Aliahsan, Gilbert, NB, and Holo Fantasy!. Wanna be a part of the next KingdomCast Episode? Its simple just message either Jason(Masterfreakse) or Noel(Noel Hearts) on KH13.com. Alternatively you can Message me or noel on our respective twitters. Jason(@thedailyhype1) Noel(@NoelSenpai) or even at @Kingdomcast13. We hope to hear from and hope you enjoy being a part of the community!
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