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  1. A new update for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue has launched out of seemingly nowhere. This update, version 1.05, simply states that "Various issues have been fixed." The specifics of these fixes are unknown as of right now. This could be preparation for this title becoming more compatible for the upcoming PlayStation 5, or it could just simply be bug fixes. What do you think these fixes are? Let us know in the comments below! View full article
  2. A new update for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue has launched out of seemingly nowhere. This update, version 1.05, simply states that "Various issues have been fixed." The specifics of these fixes are unknown as of right now. This could be preparation for this title becoming more compatible for the upcoming PlayStation 5, or it could just simply be bug fixes. What do you think these fixes are? Let us know in the comments below!
  3. The official Japanese site for the Kingdom Hearts —III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross] —Original Soundtrack has been updated to reveal the tracklist from all 8 discs. You can check them out here. DISC 1 DISC 2 DISC 3 DISC 4 DISC 5 DISC 6 DISC 7 DISC 8 Along with this you can also take a closer look at the CD book and jacket, along with the eight discs in the gallery below. What do you think of Kingdom Hearts —III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross] —Original Soundtrack's tracklist? Let us know in the comments below!
  4. The official Japanese site for the Kingdom Hearts —III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross] —Original Soundtrack has been updated to reveal the tracklist from all 8 discs. You can check them out here. DISC 1 DISC 2 DISC 3 DISC 4 DISC 5 DISC 6 DISC 7 DISC 8 Along with this you can also take a closer look at the CD book and jacket, along with the eight discs in the gallery below. What do you think of Kingdom Hearts —III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross] —Original Soundtrack's tracklist? Let us know in the comments below! View full article
  5. The artwork for the Kingdom Hearts III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross]- Original Soundtrack has been revealed, you can view it in the gallery below Both the physical and digital versions of the soundtrack are set to release November 11, 2020. What do you think of the album artwork? Let us know in the comments below! UPDATE: It has been revealed on the Japanese Square Enix website that pre-ordering both Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory and the Kingdom Hearts III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross]- Original Soundtrack will reward customers with a bonus disc containing two new arrangements from Melody of Memory! No word of this promotion has been announced on the North American Square store or any other regional stores as of yet, as the soundtrack is still not purchasable from any of the non Japanese stores.
  6. The artwork for the Kingdom Hearts III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross]- Original Soundtrack has been revealed, you can view it in the gallery below Both the physical and digital versions of the soundtrack are set to release November 11, 2020. What do you think of the album artwork? Let us know in the comments below! UPDATE: It has been revealed on the Japanese Square Enix website that pre-ordering both Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory and the Kingdom Hearts III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross]- Original Soundtrack will reward customers with a bonus disc containing two new arrangements from Melody of Memory! No word of this promotion has been announced on the North American Square store or any other regional stores as of yet, as the soundtrack is still not purchasable from any of the non Japanese stores. View full article
  7. It's been awhile since I was here but decided to post it here anyway to give a excuse to visit this site. Anyway... This is a showcase of every unused keyblade in Dream Drop Distance. If I'm aware, almost every unused keyblade except for one never had any footage online to view. So I decided to do that along posting the stuff as well onto TCRF. The only real problem is the keyblade I talk at the end of the video, which I'm having trouble to bring up. Otherwise, have fun knowing what keyblades that could have been in the game. The footage as well is from the 3DS version, which I recorded via Snickerstream via a CFW N3DS.
  8. Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover is a telling of the Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] story, included in the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue compilation exclusively released on the PlayStation 4 in Japan (January 12, 2017) and the rest of the world (January 24, 2017).
  9. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- is an epilogue to Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep exclusively released on the PlayStation 4 on the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue compilation in Japan (January 12, 2017) and the rest of the world (January 24, 2017).
  10. Hey guys. So I'm at work right now (don't judge me; it's insanely dead and I'm suuuuuuper bored) and I was just browsing on the Kingdom Hearts wiki to pass the time when I learned something interesting. Apparently both Ava and Luxu from KHUX both have names derived from the latin words for two of the seven deadly sins (greed and lust, respectively). This intrigued me, and after I did some digging I learned that all of the Master of Master's apprentices have names like this: Invi is envy, Aced is sloth, Ira is wrath, and Gula is gluttony. Even more interesting is that apparently each foreteller's union has an animal that is associated with each sin (with the exception of Gula for some reason). This blew my mind, and I immediately suspected that the Master of Masters' true name must be derived from the latin word for pride, because that is the only sin missing here. This got me thinking: do Sora and his friends mirror this trope? Maybe each guardian of light will represent a different deadly sin like the foretellers. What do you guys think? Have you noticed any other symbolism in the series? Do you think this will be expanded upon in Kingdom Hearts III, or do you think it's just kind of a cool connection?
  11. A new Japanese trailer for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue was released on December 8 at 10am EST, accompanied by an announcement noting that it is the final trailer before the release of the game in January 2017! This was followed by the reveal of the English trailer a few hours later. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (hereby KH2.8) is a PlayStation 4 collection of three stories from the series which make up the prologue to Kingdom Hearts III; the HD remaster Kingdom Hearts HD Dream Drop Distance running at 60fps, the HD cinematic Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover, and Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-, a brand new playable chapter. The final trailer showcased an array of cinematics and interesting scenes from all three games, along with new gameplay footage from Kingdom Hearts 0.2. The English and Japanese trailers feature the -Ray of Hope MIX- versions of Simple and Clean and Hikari respectively; in the trailers, it is revealed that the remixes have been produced by PUNPEE. The trailer begins with an insignia for the Kingdom Hearts series' upcoming 15th anniversary on March 2017. Kingdom Hearts HD Dream Drop Distance The beginning of the trailer skips through various short scenes from Dream Drop Distance remastered in HD. Some scenes from KH3D are shown in remastered form for the first time, such as Young Xehanort talking to Sora during his déjà vu scene in Traverse Town, and Sora's meeting with Roxas in The World that Never Was. No gameplay footage was shown. Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover A myriad of short fascinating montage from KHχ BC was shown in the trailer, creating more intrigue to the story playing behind the scenes of Kingdom Hearts χ and Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ. Many scenes show a hooded figure in an Organization XIII coat; it is sometimes possible to predict whether this is the Master of Masters or Luxu thanks to voice-overs, body movements, and previous knowledge of the story. The short scenes at the beginning of the trailer, which are without dialogue, include: an aerial view of the Daybreak Town Clock Tower; the Master of Masters talking to the five Foretellers in the study; Ava looking at a young sleeping Chirithy inside a flask, with Ira and Aced in the background and Gula approaching her; a close-up of Ira talking; a Chirithy looking up at Ava in the streets of Daybreak Town; a view of Daybreak Town at dusk from an alley; and Ava talking while looking up at the sky, sitting on the fountain. A short scene depicts a hooded figure holding a Keyblade that resembles Master Xehanort's Keyblade (shown below). This could be Luxu, as he was seen holding the same Keyblade in the TGS 2016 trailer; the Keyblade was also shown hanging on the wall in the E3 2015 Kingdom Hearts III trailer (as you can see below). What are the origin and the significance of this mysterious Keyblade, and how did Master Xehanort come to possess it so many years later? There are some new scenes with voice-over that leave one wondering about the Kingdom Hearts origin story leading up to the Keyblade War. The Master of Masters is seen walking away from the hilltop near Daybreak Town, saying that whatever is written on the last page of the Book is going to happen. Ira is seen reading his copy of the Book of Prophecies and stating that they (the Foretellers) are there to make sure that light lives on. Aced is shown to get ready to fight Invi, Ava, and Gula, who have their Keyblades out. He insists that if the Foretellers take no action, light will expire; this suggests his extreme disapproval of blindly following the events as written in the Book. In response to the doom foretold by the Master of Masters, Ava is seen crouching in Fountain Square staring at some dandelions on the ground, with mournfully asking the Master if there is anything they can do. Some more scenes play rapidly towards the end of the trailer, but give rise to many questions regarding the plot of KHχ BC. The camera closes up on a surprised-looking Gula standing in the dark streets of Daybreak Town, remarking that everyone wants to know about the Lost Page. Invi states that if everyone is collecting light, they are only doing it for themselves. This plays over a new battle scene between Invi and Aced under the rain, which gives an outlook on Invi's elegant and strategic battle style compared to Aced's use of rough force and movements. The next scene shows the Master of Masters saying, "'May your hearts be your guiding key'... I say it all the time!" before patting Invi's head. "Ultimately you need to do what your heart feels is right!" Many scenes are then shown in rapid sequence, including: a young Chirithy leaping inside its flask while a hooded figure watches and pokes the glass; a hooded figure ripping off a page from the Book of Prophecies; a crouched Gula grabbing Ava's hand in an alley; and Ira bending over and talking to a crouched Aced under the rain. A close-up of the hooded figure, possibly Luxu, with Xehanort's Keyblade is shown, walking through a wasteland and dragging a big, heavy case. The case has many locks, a peculiar silver and red emblem with 13 spikes, and writing in the middle of the emblem (a picture is available below for reference). The last KHχ BC scene in the trailer shows a hooded figure looking down from the Daybreak Town Clock Tower. Interestingly, a scene from KH0.2 immediately follows the Master of Master’s nuance about the heart being a “guiding key”, with Mickey repeating the same aphorism with a different wording. It could be speculated that it was the Master of Masters who tore out the page from the Book of Prophecies, as he was seen flipping through it in the TGS 2016 trailer. In that same trailer, the mysterious sealed box can also be seen in the background behind him (refer to the picture below) as he tells Luxu that he "better get started", and that unfortunately he will have to "go alone from here on out". Luxu then looks at his Keyblade - Master Xehanort's Keyblade - and asks, "What about the others?" Is there a connection between Luxu's 'mission' and the reason why he was seen dragging the sealed box across some badlands, with that Keyblade in hand? Another fascinating observation is the writing on the sealed case. On close inspection, it says 'XSuper' (or "YSuper", the first letter is unclear). Interestingly, the six Foretellers are all named after six of the seven deadly sins, which in Latin are written as ira (wrath), acedia (sloth), invidia (envy), avaritia (greed), gula (gluttony), and luxuria (lust). The only missing sin is superbia (pride), which is similar to the writing on the case. What does this imply? What might be inside the case? Does it link with a possible seventh Foreteller? Or is super(bia) connected to the name of the Master of Masters, who is a foreteller himself? The HD cinematics shown in this final trailer bring out the beauty, attention to detail, and an ethereal luminescence, especially in world scenery, in KHχ BC. This only increases excitement to see more Kingdom Hearts cinematic work achieved with the help of the Unreal Engine 4. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage- [GAMEPLAY] The KH 2.8 final trailer put focus on impressing fans with 30 seconds of brand new gameplay footage. All the worlds shown in the trailer seem to be part of the Dark World; for convenience, they will be referred to as individual worlds, while in actuality they are fragments of worlds that have been "fused together." At the beginning of the trailer, Aqua is shown to get ready to battle her reflection - also previously shown in the TGS 2016 trailer - possibly inside the Magic Mirror from the Dwarf Woodlands. She's also shown battling a number of Darksides in an area of the Enchanted Dominion surrounded by thorns; the Darksides are able to deliver a particularly powerful attack using red balls of energy that are seen floating in the sky. In the gameplay footage, she is clearing her path through a thick growth of tree limbs covered with black and glowing red thorns; when she strikes them down with her Master's Defender Keyblade; the thorns slide away. There are slight changes in the HUD, as Aqua's static status icon looks darker and more refined than in previous trailers (see the comparison below). Mini maps are shown for the first time as the player plays in through the thorny territory, a cave full of icicles, and against the Darksides. The mini maps retain much of the design used for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, but with a more compact and blended layout to accompany the multilayered environment, and the guiding Kingdom Key icon leaving a dotted trail in the path the player takes. TGS 2016 vs Final trailer A new HUD element debuts in this trailer in the form of yellow arrows above the Command Menu (see below), much like the Command Gauge in KH BBS. In the trailer, while Aqua battles the Darksides, a third yellow arrow is added as she uses Firaga, much like how the Command Gauge is filled to trigger certain Style Changes by executing specific attacks. This was not present in the previous trailers or demos for the game. Could Square Enix have changed the way command styles work? Like the E3 demo, two pages of Shortcut commands were available. The player is able to play with Mickey as a companion, and is able to access Destiny Islands, which greatly resemble the remains of the world from the End of the World in the first Kingdom Hearts game. The trailer shows Mickey delivering a blow to a Devil's Wave (a swarm of Shadow Heartless) towards Aqua, who then performs a special attack which shoots golden chains to trap the Heartless. A new Command Style is introduced - 'Wayfinder'; the finisher for this style is shown with Aqua and Mickey shooting orbs of golden light against the chained Heartless, and Aqua shooting a final ray of energy against the enemies, which burst out of the chains as they break. Could this Command Style be influenced by the wielded Keyblade - in this case, Eraqus's Master's Defender? In fact, the chain attack greatly resembles attacks used by the Armor of Eraqus in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix. A gameplay element that took fans by surprise is the ability to customize Aqua's appearance. This is the first time this level of customization is available in the series with the exception of KHχ/KHUχ for PC and smartphone. The player can customize accessories on Aqua's head, arms, and back by accessing "Wardrobe" from the Main Menu. One can also change the pattern and color of Aqua's clothing, specifically of her drapings and sleeves. The color customization includes a Color Bar that can change the color balance of Red, Blue, and Green. The base color can be chosen on a color Palette. The Color History helps the player save the desired colors for future use. Further effects can be added with a Gradation option, where the player can choose a Top Color and Bottom Color to create a gradient on Aqua's clothing; there is also a Color History to save desired Gradations. It is unclear whether these customizations are carried forward to cutscenes, like Sora's Drive Forms are in Kingdom Hearts II. A list of Aqua's customizations shown in the English trailer can be found below. One of the head customizations include "Marie", which could possibly be white cat ears inspired by the white kitten from Aristocats. The main menu of the game shows options for Objectives, Wardrobe, Customize, Story, Config, and Help. The different customization scenes in the trailer are shown while the player is in different areas of the Dark World (with its world icon shown in one corner of the menu) namely "The World Within" and "Depth of Darkness". The background of the menu in each location is different, with "The World Within" showing a circular platform with towers and arches surrounding it. Battle and exploration in KH 0.2 are coupled by a Flowmotion-like element that has been present in previous trailers and demos. Aqua is seen sliding on branches in the Enchanted Dominion through thorns and Darksides trying to hit her. When hit, Aqua gracefully pirouettes in the air. She is able to slide to a branch near a looming Darkside and prepares to attack it. Much like the E3 2016 demo, and Sora and Riku in Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance and HD DDD, Aqua glows when using this version of "Flowmotion". In the trailer, the player explores the Magic Mirror Chamber in the Dwarf Woodlands. Compare tod KH BBS, the Chamber looks much bigger and much more detailed, with the Unreal Engine 4 and Kingdom Shader giving the world a sophisticated touch that creates a fantastical, "Disney" feel to it. The size of this area can also be inferred from the mini map, which shows a circular platform with two more chambers. This area also has a partly distorted and shattered design, just like Castle of Dreams in the previous trailers and demo. Another scene shows the player exploring with Mickey, running towards the exit of a cave full of icicles. Again, the level of detail and the manipulation of lighting, seen by the reflections on the rocky ground and the ice crystals and shadows, greatly enhances the visual experience of playing KH 0.2. This goes hand-in-hand with the various movements of the characters during gameplay as well as objects, such as fog. The staggering effect of the lighting can also be seen in the uncommon glow in the eyes of the enemy Heartless, which plays a part in bringing them to life like never before. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage- [CINEMATICS] The stunning graphical enhancement can also be noticed during cinematics. A particular view of Destiny Island shows a stark contrast to the flatter imagery shown in the Kingdom Hearts III announcement trailer. Some quick scenes are shown at the beginning of the trailer, such as: Aqua's Wayfinder falling into Mickey's hand; a dark place resembling the Keyblade Graveyard, with many keychain-less Keyblades (such as Fenrir) stuck or fallen on the ground; a closeup of Kairi speaking to Riku in the Mysterious Tower; Aqua staring at her reflection in the Magic Mirror Chamber; and Ven and Terra walking towards the forest, perhaps in the Dwarf Woodlands. In this last scene, Ven's clothes show a color mismatch previously observed on a Shonen Jump screenshot; however, this does not appear to be consistent with the appearance of Ven in the rest of the trailer. It is unclear whether this was intentional, or something that could be fixed before the release of the game next month. One of the new scenes shown for KH 0.2 was that of Aqua running towards Terra and Ven in the Enchanted Dominion. When she calls to them, Terra turns around and calls her back, asking if she can see him. Terra's appearance looks more refined than as reported from fans who have played the E3 2016 demo. She is surprised to see him - perhaps because he is actually talking back, unlike in Castle of Dreams in the E3 2016 demo - and replies that she can see Ven as well. Ven, however, keeps his head down and eyes closed, as if sleeping, and does not respond. This raises questions as to whether these versions of Terra and Ven are only illusions (like the Terra from the E3 2016 demo) or actual connections to their real selves. Or are they distortions created by the darkness, eager to consume the light in Aqua's heart? Something else that is unclear is whether Terra's original voice actor, Jason Dohring, is reprising his role. The scene changes to Aqua and Mickey on a fragmented and distorted version of Destiny Islands. As mentioned before, this version of the Islands looks very similar to the version found at The End of the World in the first KH game. Mickey asks if Aqua knows this place, and she replies that she has visited it once before. A flashback of Aqua patting young Sora's and Riku's heads follows, with Aqua commenting that she had met two boys here that she considered bequeathing the Keyblade to. Following the scene from KHχ BC where the Master of Masters comments on following one's heart, somewhere in the Dark World, Mickey repeats, "May our hearts be our guiding key," to which Aqua replies that it is a phrase no one has used in ages. Mickey comments that it is something that he likes to try to remember. Where has Aqua heard this phrase before? Is this a saying she heard from Master Eraqus? If so, who did he hear it from? The association of the two games by this phrase provokes inquiry about the connection between the origin story of KHχ BC and the present. Terranort (Terra's body possessed by Master Xehanort) and Terra are shown as two individual figures, with Terranort grabbing Terra's skull as Terra struggles to break free. Here, Terra is enveloped in a thin layer of golden light. Another scene shows a great hand grabbing a semi-conscious Ven while Aqua turns towards them, bewildered; the enemy is cloaked with a thick layer of glittering light. It extends its other hand towards Aqua, ready to snatch her. Mickey is then shown approaching a floating, glowing Kingdom Key D in the darkness. A new scene starts, with what resembles the formation of Kingdom Hearts in the Keyblade Graveyard in KH BBS, as seen from the distance by a cloaked figure. The scene is not very clear; however, it seems as if the figure has a Keyblade on the ground in front of him. The Keyblade's design and silhouette matches that of Master Xehanort's, and the protruding blue orb looks like the keychain on Master Xehanort's Keyblade. Does this mean there is a third person - apart from DiZ - who is present in the Dark World with Aqua and Mickey, and that they are wielding Master Xehanort's Keyblade? Is this Luxu, and if so, how is this chronologically possible? Perhaps this scene is a scene from the ending of KHUχ/KHχ BC, retold from this character's perspective. It could also be the ending to KH BBS; but if so, it raises the question as to how there can be a second Master Xehanort's Keyblade when during this scene, Terranort was holding onto it. (It should be kept in mind that, however unlikely, it is possible for a Keyblade to be wielded in two different places at the same time.) A young Riku, with his original KH and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories attire, makes an appearance, running in the darkness. Soon after, Mickey is shown lying on the floor in the dark, trying to look up; he is surrounded by a faint glimmer of golden lights, and is wearing the same outfit (consisting only of shorts) he wore in the first KH game. Will KH 0.2 also show Mickey's journey in the Realm of Darkness after the events of the first game, and his first meeting with Riku after closing the door to Kingdom Hearts? Will this be a flashback or a playable episode? The scene follows to the present, where Riku swings a suitcase over his shoulder while Mickey holds one of his own. They seem to be in the Mysterious Tower. Are they off to search for the "previous Keyblade wielders"? Riku's and Mickey's suitcases show a beautiful pattern of Mickey-head silhouettes and hearts, and perhaps even Keyblades and crowns; Riku's pattern is blue on black, while Mickey's is red on black. The development in graphical details seems to unravel around the cinematics of KH 0.2, and the revamped effect of lighting is especially noticeable when it contrasts with the murkiness of the Dark World. The glow on reflective surfaces, such as watery and metallic surfaces, the delineation of different textures, and the careful placement of shadows give a very realistic feel and show the great care the production team has put in enriching every characteristic and particular of the worlds' elements as possible. The trailer ends on a wonderful note, showing none other than the protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series himself running up the steps to the Yen Sid's Tower in his Kingdom Hearts II clothes. Sora meets Donald and Goofy at the door, the latter who comments that he has been gone a long time and asks him what he has been up to. Sora scratches his cheek in his habitual manner and laughs, replying that it's a secret. Haley Joel Osment's and Bill Farmer's returning voices are distinguishable, and from playing KH3D, it can be assumed that Sora had just returned from his trip to Traverse Town to meet the Dream Eater Spirits. Sora's face is finally shown at the end, when he opens the door and leans forward, exclaiming "I'm back!" - reminiscent of the indelible ending to Kingdom Hearts II. Kingdom Hearts is indeed back with a new playable title, a remaster of the last one, and two new narratives to enjoy in the stunning enhancement of the Unreal Engine 4 and all that the latest upgrades brought to game development in recent years. Get ready to receive a taste of Kingdom Hearts III while waiting impatiently for its release! Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue releases on the PlayStation 4 in Japan on January 12, 2017, and worldwide on January 24, 2017. Screenshots from the final KH 2.8 trailer are now available in our gallery, and can be accessed below. What are your thoughts and observations on this trailer? Do you have analyses of your own? Feel free to join the discussion in the comments below!
  12. Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura has just announced that on Thursday October 25, at 3pm JST, patches for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX and HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue collections will be released that will allow the sharing of blocked scenes on PlayStation 4. The announcement, made on the official Japanese Kingdom Hearts Twitter, has been translated below by Goldpanner. UPDATE [Oct 25, 2018]: The patches are live in the Playstation Store. Version 1.05 for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX and Version 1.03 for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue can be downloaded. Both patches removes the share restrictions for certain cutscenes and the cinematic movies on both collections.
  13. Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura has just announced that on Thursday October 25, at 3pm JST, patches for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX and HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue collections will be released that will allow the sharing of blocked scenes on PlayStation 4. The announcement, made on the official Japanese Kingdom Hearts Twitter, has been translated below by Goldpanner. UPDATE [Oct 25, 2018]: The patches are live in the Playstation Store. Version 1.05 for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX and Version 1.03 for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue can be downloaded. Both patches removes the share restrictions for certain cutscenes and the cinematic movies on both collections. View full article
  14. Welcome Kingdom Hearts fans, old and new, to the new version of KH13 on the occasion of our 10th anniversary! We are delighted to celebrate a decade of being a hub for the Kingdom Hearts community! Just in time for KH13’s 10th anniversary, we have rolled out the newest update of the website. Version 4 is now more functional and responsive to reflect the needs of our users. The previous version was first released in 2011, and although we had grown to love it, the site had to be rebuilt from the ground up to modernise it and allow us to easily iterate and add new content and features. Look forward to more updates in the future! In the meanwhile, please enjoy the new responsive streamlined design, fully functional mobile site, improved post editor and media submission tools, refreshed video archive and gallery, as well as many other new features scattered around the site. In the past, KH13.com has gone through 4 major redesigns. You can see snapshots of the older versions below and compare it to the current one. Feel old yet? A brief history of KH13 In October 9, 2008, the domain for KH13 was registered; at the time, KH1.com through KH12.com were taken, resulting in the befitting and auspicious claim on the domain “KH13.com”. In October 17, 2008 (October 18 in the webmasters' home country, Australia), the first article was published and KH13 was shared with the world for the very first time, and officially launched! While it all started as a fun project between webmaster DChiuch and Co-Webmaster Aaron, it soon became the full-fledged website for Kingdom Hearts news, media, and discussion that it is today. At the time it was conceived, high quality videos and media were hard to come by, so KH13 initially established itself by providing high quality trailer and cutscene downloads. Now, KH13 is one of the best and well-known Kingdom Hearts fansites for news and media. Within 3 years, KH13 became more well known, paving its future in becoming one of the best and most popular Kingdom Hearts fansites for news and media. In 2011, we started sending representatives to E3 as part of the press. Our first rep was SQEX☆GAL, followed by many others such as Oishii, the Kingdom Hearts community veteran Churro, KH13 PR rep (and former News Team Leader) Toominator and Kingdom Hearts χ Team and News Team member Raxaimus. In the past years, we have established our press presence in many gaming events around the world. Most recently, Toominator and Raxaimus have represented us at the exclusive Kingdom Hearts III Premiere invitational event that took place last May in Santa Monica, California. One important feature that has been prominent throughout KH13 is our gallery and video archives. Former KH13 Archives Team Leader and News Team member Sora96 has brought the video archives and gallery to what it is today, featuring over 29,000 images and hundreds of videos from the Kingdom Hearts series. Thanks also goes to Everglow, our former partner, for recording thousands of cutscenes and playthrough videos for KH13's archives. Our wide selection of videos and images has brought in many visitors for KH13. KH13 today At the present time, KH13 is one of the most essential news outlets on all things Kingdom Hearts, part and parcel of the Kingdom Hearts community. Our news, archives, KHχ and social media team are recognized for their effortful work in delivering the latest information and media to Kingdom Hearts fans and bringing them together to share ideas and resources that embellish the fandom and bring “hype” to the community. The KH13.com community has also been growing on social media. Our Twitter (@KH13.com) has almost 34k followers. Our Facebook page (KH13.com, for Kingdom Hearts) has hit the 25k likes mark. We have a PlayStation community page, and a brand new Discord server! You can follow us on Youtube and Twitch as well. We held many mini #KH13MeetUp’s at various events around North America and UK. Check out the hashtag on Twitter and don’t forget to meet us on the next one! We also released a very entertaining 2017 Re:Cap trailer for Kingdom Hearts news in 2017! A 2018 version is in the works… Reporting Kingdom Hearts news in the past year KH13’s 10th anniversary year has brought forth many exciting developments in Kingdom Hearts! But undoubtedly, the biggest piece of news is that of Kingdom Hearts III’s release date reveal at the Los Angeles Kingdom Hearts Orchestra (Encore) concert. Kingdom Hearts III is coming January 25, 2019 in Japan, and January 29, 2019 to the rest of the world. Recently, Kingdom Hearts III’s box art has also been revealed and has already been branded (anecdotally speaking) as one of the best video games cover! Take a look at it below. Monsters, Inc., Frozen, and Pirates of the Carribean - At World’s End were revealed to have worlds in Kingdom Hearts III! Wreck-It Ralph and Ratatouille will also appear as summon and mini-game respectively. A whopping 9 trailers were revealed in the past year, and along with extra gameplay footage, fans had a lot of information to be excited about, gameplay elements to look forward to, theories to make, and returning characters to welcome back (and at times cry about)! Monsters, Inc. trailer Making of Kingdom Hearts (not released to public) Classic Kingdom trailer Kingdom Hearts Orchetra trailer (not released to public) Frozen trailer Square Enix E3 Showcase 2018 trailer Pirates of the Caribbean trailer “Don’t Think Twice” trailer Extended Aqua cutscene + gameplay (TGS 2018) Toy Box, The Carribean, Arendelle, Olympus, San Fransokyo, Monstropolis, Gummi Ship and Ratatouille (Twilight Town) gameplay (TGS 2018) Toy Box Premiere Exclusive Boss Fight (TGS 2018) Arendelle Trinity Sled Full Sequence (TGS 2018) Big Hero 6 trailer (short) Big Hero 6 Extended trailer A never before seen character appearance is expected to show up in the next trailer... Utada Hikaru’s “Chikai” and “Don’t Think Twice” were revealed as the Japanese and English theme songs for Kingdom Hearts III. (The full version of “Chikai” was released within Utada Hikaru’s new album, Hatsukoi.) “Face My Fears”, a collaboration between Utada and Skrillex, was later revealed to be the opening theme to Kingdom Hearts III. Kingdom Hearts III Deluxe Edition and Deluxe Edition + Bring Arts went on pre-order this year, and a Limited Edition Kingdom Hearts III PlayStation 4 Pro was announced at E3 2018. A Limited Edition Kingdom Hearts III PlayStation 4 Slim was also shown off at TGS 2018. While no new games will be joining the main story before Kingdom Hearts III (Square, please), a free Kingdom Hearts VR Experience was announced for PlayStation VR! Kingdom Hearts’ 15th anniversary was celebrated towards the end of last year. Square Enix Cafe even held an anniversary campaign, where Sora’s birthday was revealed to be March 28, 2002. The Dandelion Meeting for Kingdom Hearts Union x[Cross] then took place in April in Anaheim, California! That was our first experience of trying out Kingdom Hearts III’s LCD-style mini-games, which can now be playing in the mobile game itself! (And while we’re on the topic of firsts…) KH13 staff were amongst the first to get a taste of playing Kingdom Hearts III at its Premiere in Santa Monica, California! Extended demos of Toy Box and Olympus were available at the event; shorter versions of the demo made rounds around the world in various events. (At one of these events, a new area of Olympus within the demo was also accidentally leaked!) Kingdom Hearts fans also contributed greatly to reveals this year. Interesting assets from Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- were discovered. Deleted Monsters, Inc. assets were also found, after all this time, in Kingdom Hearts II! Off-camera secrets of KH2 were also revealed in the Boundary Break series. Furthermore, Everglow started his Kingdom Hearts Timeline series to piece the whole story together in chronological order to prep all fans for the final chapter of the Xehanort saga! This was definitely the year for Kingdom Hearts merch. Square Enix came forth with many wonderful Bring Arts, including Kingdom Hearts III Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Disney even released Kingdom Hearts Tsum Tsums in Japan! Numerous companies like Hot Topic, Spencer’s, Funko, Bandai, Good Smile Company, and FiGPiN licensed a variety of interesting products, including a Keyblade Proplica, Sora and Riku Nendoroids, and KH3 Funko Pops. Kingdom Hearts II: The Novel, Vol. 2, was released in the West, with the 358/2 Days novel releasing next month. Still no word of Kingdom Hearts at Disney Parks (although Shinji Hashimoto is trying to work it out), but Donald Duck and Goofy in their Kingdom Hearts costumes reappeared, at Disneyland, after a long time! In regards to the past and future of Kingdom Hearts: The old storyboards from Kingdom Hearts’s cancelled animated series by Seth Kearsley were also revealed and later auctioned to fans; Walt Disney made a historic deal to acquire 21st Century Fox, meaning even more IPs could possibly join the series; Nomura stated that Kingdom Hearts Union x[Cross]’s story would continue even after Kingdom Hearts III. In conclusion... As we enter our 11th year, we would like to thank our current leaders of our various teams, which includes Aquaberry, WakelessDream, faemarch, Wan_Pisu, and HaakonHawk; our vice leaders Leamax, Yoshirai, Ventus_, AndrewHankinson, and Justin; staff manager HarLea Quinn, and, of course, webmaster DChiuch. We would also like to thank all the current and past members of our various teams for their contributions to the website in the past year. We'd like to also give the most important thanks of all to you, our readers, and the Kingdom Hearts community. Thanks to everyone here on KH13 for sticking with us for these 10 years. We hope to be around for many more, and to continue to provide the latest Kingdom Hearts news and media!
  15. Welcome Kingdom Hearts fans, old and new, to the new version of KH13 on the occasion of our 10th anniversary! We are delighted to celebrate a decade of being a hub for the Kingdom Hearts community! Just in time for KH13’s 10th anniversary, we have rolled out the newest update of the website. Version 4 is now more functional and responsive to reflect the needs of our users. The previous version was first released in 2011, and although we had grown to love it, the site had to be rebuilt from the ground up to modernise it and allow us to easily iterate and add new content and features. Look forward to more updates in the future! In the meanwhile, please enjoy the new responsive streamlined design, fully functional mobile site, improved post editor and media submission tools, refreshed video archive and gallery, as well as many other new features scattered around the site. In the past, KH13.com has gone through 4 major redesigns. You can see snapshots of the older versions below and compare it to the current one. Feel old yet? A brief history of KH13 In October 9, 2008, the domain for KH13 was registered; at the time, KH1.com through KH12.com were taken, resulting in the befitting and auspicious claim on the domain “KH13.com”. In October 17, 2008 (October 18 in the webmasters' home country, Australia), the first article was published and KH13 was shared with the world for the very first time, and officially launched! While it all started as a fun project between webmaster DChiuch and Co-Webmaster Aaron, it soon became the full-fledged website for Kingdom Hearts news, media, and discussion that it is today. At the time it was conceived, high quality videos and media were hard to come by, so KH13 initially established itself by providing high quality trailer and cutscene downloads. Now, KH13 is one of the best and well-known Kingdom Hearts fansites for news and media. Within 3 years, KH13 became more well known, paving its future in becoming one of the best and most popular Kingdom Hearts fansites for news and media. In 2011, we started sending representatives to E3 as part of the press. Our first rep was SQEX☆GAL, followed by many others such as Oishii, the Kingdom Hearts community veteran Churro, KH13 PR rep (and former News Team Leader) Toominator and Kingdom Hearts χ Team and News Team member Raxaimus. In the past years, we have established our press presence in many gaming events around the world. Most recently, Toominator and Raxaimus have represented us at the exclusive Kingdom Hearts III Premiere invitational event that took place last May in Santa Monica, California. One important feature that has been prominent throughout KH13 is our gallery and video archives. Former KH13 Archives Team Leader and News Team member Sora96 has brought the video archives and gallery to what it is today, featuring over 29,000 images and hundreds of videos from the Kingdom Hearts series. Thanks also goes to Everglow, our former partner, for recording thousands of cutscenes and playthrough videos for KH13's archives. Our wide selection of videos and images has brought in many visitors for KH13. KH13 today At the present time, KH13 is one of the most essential news outlets on all things Kingdom Hearts, part and parcel of the Kingdom Hearts community. Our news, archives, KHχ and social media team are recognized for their effortful work in delivering the latest information and media to Kingdom Hearts fans and bringing them together to share ideas and resources that embellish the fandom and bring “hype” to the community. The KH13.com community has also been growing on social media. Our Twitter (@KH13.com) has almost 34k followers. Our Facebook page (KH13.com, for Kingdom Hearts) has hit the 25k likes mark. We have a PlayStation community page, and a brand new Discord server! You can follow us on Youtube and Twitch as well. We held many mini #KH13MeetUp’s at various events around North America and UK. Check out the hashtag on Twitter and don’t forget to meet us on the next one! We also released a very entertaining 2017 Re:Cap trailer for Kingdom Hearts news in 2017! A 2018 version is in the works… Reporting Kingdom Hearts news in the past year KH13’s 10th anniversary year has brought forth many exciting developments in Kingdom Hearts! But undoubtedly, the biggest piece of news is that of Kingdom Hearts III’s release date reveal at the Los Angeles Kingdom Hearts Orchestra (Encore) concert. Kingdom Hearts III is coming January 25, 2019 in Japan, and January 29, 2019 to the rest of the world. Recently, Kingdom Hearts III’s box art has also been revealed and has already been branded (anecdotally speaking) as one of the best video games cover! Take a look at it below. Monsters, Inc., Frozen, and Pirates of the Carribean - At World’s End were revealed to have worlds in Kingdom Hearts III! Wreck-It Ralph and Ratatouille will also appear as summon and mini-game respectively. A whopping 9 trailers were revealed in the past year, and along with extra gameplay footage, fans had a lot of information to be excited about, gameplay elements to look forward to, theories to make, and returning characters to welcome back (and at times cry about)! Monsters, Inc. trailer Making of Kingdom Hearts (not released to public) Classic Kingdom trailer Kingdom Hearts Orchetra trailer (not released to public) Frozen trailer Square Enix E3 Showcase 2018 trailer Pirates of the Caribbean trailer “Don’t Think Twice” trailer Extended Aqua cutscene + gameplay (TGS 2018) Toy Box, The Carribean, Arendelle, Olympus, San Fransokyo, Monstropolis, Gummi Ship and Ratatouille (Twilight Town) gameplay (TGS 2018) Toy Box Premiere Exclusive Boss Fight (TGS 2018) Arendelle Trinity Sled Full Sequence (TGS 2018) Big Hero 6 trailer (short) Big Hero 6 Extended trailer A never before seen character appearance is expected to show up in the next trailer... Utada Hikaru’s “Chikai” and “Don’t Think Twice” were revealed as the Japanese and English theme songs for Kingdom Hearts III. (The full version of “Chikai” was released within Utada Hikaru’s new album, Hatsukoi.) “Face My Fears”, a collaboration between Utada and Skrillex, was later revealed to be the opening theme to Kingdom Hearts III. Kingdom Hearts III Deluxe Edition and Deluxe Edition + Bring Arts went on pre-order this year, and a Limited Edition Kingdom Hearts III PlayStation 4 Pro was announced at E3 2018. A Limited Edition Kingdom Hearts III PlayStation 4 Slim was also shown off at TGS 2018. While no new games will be joining the main story before Kingdom Hearts III (Square, please), a free Kingdom Hearts VR Experience was announced for PlayStation VR! Kingdom Hearts’ 15th anniversary was celebrated towards the end of last year. Square Enix Cafe even held an anniversary campaign, where Sora’s birthday was revealed to be March 28, 2002. The Dandelion Meeting for Kingdom Hearts Union x[Cross] then took place in April in Anaheim, California! That was our first experience of trying out Kingdom Hearts III’s LCD-style mini-games, which can now be playing in the mobile game itself! (And while we’re on the topic of firsts…) KH13 staff were amongst the first to get a taste of playing Kingdom Hearts III at its Premiere in Santa Monica, California! Extended demos of Toy Box and Olympus were available at the event; shorter versions of the demo made rounds around the world in various events. (At one of these events, a new area of Olympus within the demo was also accidentally leaked!) Kingdom Hearts fans also contributed greatly to reveals this year. Interesting assets from Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- were discovered. Deleted Monsters, Inc. assets were also found, after all this time, in Kingdom Hearts II! Off-camera secrets of KH2 were also revealed in the Boundary Break series. Furthermore, Everglow started his Kingdom Hearts Timeline series to piece the whole story together in chronological order to prep all fans for the final chapter of the Xehanort saga! This was definitely the year for Kingdom Hearts merch. Square Enix came forth with many wonderful Bring Arts, including Kingdom Hearts III Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Disney even released Kingdom Hearts Tsum Tsums in Japan! Numerous companies like Hot Topic, Spencer’s, Funko, Bandai, Good Smile Company, and FiGPiN licensed a variety of interesting products, including a Keyblade Proplica, Sora and Riku Nendoroids, and KH3 Funko Pops. Kingdom Hearts II: The Novel, Vol. 2, was released in the West, with the 358/2 Days novel releasing next month. Still no word of Kingdom Hearts at Disney Parks (although Shinji Hashimoto is trying to work it out), but Donald Duck and Goofy in their Kingdom Hearts costumes reappeared, at Disneyland, after a long time! In regards to the past and future of Kingdom Hearts: The old storyboards from Kingdom Hearts’s cancelled animated series by Seth Kearsley were also revealed and later auctioned to fans; Walt Disney made a historic deal to acquire 21st Century Fox, meaning even more IPs could possibly join the series; Nomura stated that Kingdom Hearts Union x[Cross]’s story would continue even after Kingdom Hearts III. In conclusion... As we enter our 11th year, we would like to thank our current leaders of our various teams, which includes Aquaberry, WakelessDream, faemarch, Wan_Pisu, and HaakonHawk; our vice leaders Leamax, Yoshirai, Ventus_, AndrewHankinson, and Justin; staff manager HarLea Quinn, and, of course, webmaster DChiuch. We would also like to thank all the current and past members of our various teams for their contributions to the website in the past year. We'd like to also give the most important thanks of all to you, our readers, and the Kingdom Hearts community. Thanks to everyone here on KH13 for sticking with us for these 10 years. We hope to be around for many more, and to continue to provide the latest Kingdom Hearts news and media! View full article
  16. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue is an HD remaster compilation consisting of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD, a new movie titled Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover and a new short title, Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-, releasing on the PlayStation 4 in Japan (January 12, 2017) and North America, Europe and Australia on January 24, 2017.
  17. Okay Kingdom Hearts fans I have came across this post and this is a mind boggling question indeed. Heres the post, I just got done playing 0.2 and one thing that really stood out to me was that Mickey knew Riku and Sora’s names and that Riku knew he had to help close the door to Kingdom Hearts. If I remember correctly In KH1 there was no mention of Mickey knowing of Riku and Sora, except for the mention of the “key” but still there was never a specific name and I don’t really remember the specifics on why Riku knew he had to help with the door to darkness. So my question is how does Mickey know their names in 0.2 and how does Riku know to close the DTD (Birth By Sleep 0.2 and KH1 timeline) He wants to try and find out how did Mickey knew about Sora and Riku have been helping him the whole time. Scene takes place when Aqua and Mickey entered a broken Destiny Islands and when Mickey asked "what were the boys names?"Aqua mentioned Sora and Riku, Then Mickey knew that Sora and Riku have been helping him. Was it to just advance the plot or would have been Yensid updating him telling him what to do or something else missing? I know KH1 was the first game and hasnt been thought of these. So lets try to brainstorm about it. Thanks
  18. Alright, I've had a bit more time with 0.2 and I can make some final conclusions on the gameplay: Graphically looks incredible. No complaints there. Combos are faster than Aqua's in BBS and also good options in gameplay, but there's not many options to begin with. Magic Combos are cool, and the way Magic effects enemies is neat. Kinda reminds me of Port Royal in KH2. Shotlocks are super situational, but can be useful if used correctly. Unfortnately, those three are ALL the options you have for damage output (not counting Style Changes which I consider as attacking or Magic Finishers which I consider as Magic obviously). Here's my issue, and I've noticed a lot of recent KH games falling into this trap: They're making the harder difficulties hard. And in the wrong way. You can use up to 3 Magic spells on Critical Mode before running out of MP. Magic is literally eliminated as a reliable option for attacking in this mode. This means out of the 3 options you have for damaging enemies, one is pretty much useless, so you only have 2; normal attacks and shotlocks. What does this mean? Yeah sure, it makes the game harder and longer; it also makes the game LESS FUN. We don't CHALLENGE ourselves for punishment; we do it for the fun in the game, and when you literally eliminate a combat option as a method to make a game harder, it doesn't make the game any more fun to play. This can be reflected in BBS and DDD; Critical Mode reduces your HP, lowers your damage output, and increases enemy damage output. THERE IS NO ADVANTAGE OR INCENTIVE TO PLAY ON THESE HARDER DIFFICULTIES, ASIDE TO PUNISH YOURSELF. Yeah, you get extra command slots in BBS, but you start of with crappy commands anyways, and you still ultimately end up with the same 8 slot command deck. So you don't get anything out of it. What happened to 2FM? What happened to crippling you severely by reducing your MP, HP, and EXP received, but also giving you buffs such as more damage output and abilities to make you want to play the game? I want a REASON to play the hardest difficulty, aside from "make me hate my life." 2FM gave me that reason, but it seems like every other KH game from there on out makes me hate playing on the hardest difficulty. It sucks, and I'm almost sure they'll fall into the same trap the same way for KH3. Another annoying thing is that Square seems to have gotten the idea that a hard boss is one with 5 billion bars of health and takes forever to kill, when that really isn't what we consider a boss that's "hard" as; it just makes the fight that much more tedious and boring. I don't want to be hacking away at a 12 goddamned bar final boss when the rest of the bosses have 6 or 7 bars maximum. It doesn't even make the fight hard; it just takes forever, especially when that boss is never truly open to punishing. You're never safe to attack the Final Devil's Wave; it can easily hit you out of your combo, and on Critical Mode, you're dead. 0.2 hasn't been living up to standards unfortunately. Apparently this is the game that's suppose to surpass KH2...clearly, Osaka team is doing something wrong, because it doesn't come close.
  19. The Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- Play Arts Kai Aqua showcased at various events this year is now up for pre-order on the North American Square Enix Online Store. The release date is listed as end of August 2017, with a price of $129.99. This comes only a day after the figure's listing on the Square Enix (Japan) e-Store and AmiAmi, which list the Japanese release date of the figure to be July 8, 2017. You can view images of the figure below. The Square Enix Online Store description follows. Will you be pre-ordering this figure? Let us know in the comments!
  20. The Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- Play Arts Kai Aqua showcased at various events this year is now up for pre-order on the North American Square Enix Online Store. The release date is listed as end of August 2017, with a price of $129.99. This comes only a day after the figure's listing on the Square Enix (Japan) e-Store and AmiAmi, which list the Japanese release date of the figure to be July 8, 2017. You can view images of the figure below. The Square Enix Online Store description follows. Will you be pre-ordering this figure? Let us know in the comments! Click here to view the article
  21. Back in September, HdHereidme uploaded a video showing off a hacked version of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. The video contains the free exploration of sections with limited accessibility in the game, such as Destiny Islands and The World Within in Dwarf Woodlands. The video showcases the beauty of the Unreal Engine 4, and definitely leaves the viewer wondering how Kingdom Hearts III will look like in 2018. You can take a look at the video below: Thanks to KHInsider for the tip! In October, 13th Vessel uploaded a couple videos showcasing inaccessible areas in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- as well. He also shows off Destiny Islands and The World Within in Dwarf Woodlands, where he tried out some room codes and got a rare debug message, which stated "Continue as normal, the flag isn't raised" (in Japanese). You can check out the video below: Also, the video of the full gameplay can be viewed below: What do you think about the areas' graphical showcase? And what do you expect to see from Kingdom Hearts III in terms of graphics? Feel free to tell us in the comment section! Click here to view the article
  22. Back in September, HdHereidme uploaded a video showing off a hacked version of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. The video contains the free exploration of sections with limited accessibility in the game, such as Destiny Islands and The World Within in Dwarf Woodlands. The video showcases the beauty of the Unreal Engine 4, and definitely leaves the viewer wondering how Kingdom Hearts III will look like in 2018. You can take a look at the video below: Thanks to KHInsider for the tip! In October, 13th Vessel uploaded a couple videos showcasing inaccessible areas in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- as well. He also shows off Destiny Islands and The World Within in Dwarf Woodlands, where he tried out some room codes and got a rare debug message, which stated "Continue as normal, the flag isn't raised" (in Japanese). You can check out the video below: Also, the video of the full gameplay can be viewed below: What do you think about the areas' graphical showcase? And what do you expect to see from Kingdom Hearts III in terms of graphics? Feel free to tell us in the comment section!
  23. Assets from the game files of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- have been uncovered by Twitter users @Keytotruth, 13th Vessel, and @Xeeynamo through hacking. Some of the untextured assets that have been found so far includes Luxu, the black box, Yen Sid, Aqua, Kairi, a Water Core Heartless, the Starseeker Keyblade, and the Castle of Dreams. You can view them in the gallery below: When asked more about the assets, 13th Vessel gave some more insight on the structure of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, which you can read below: When asked about which characters' assets they have found so far, they replied with: UPDATE [Dec 18, 2017]: KeytoTruth has found unused commands in the assets of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. Some of the commands that weren't used for the final version of the game were Water, Aero, Holy, WaterFire, WaterBlizzard, and WaterAero. You can view the full list of commands here. UPDATE [Dec 31, 2017]: @Xeeynamo has found untextured models of Sora and Goofy from Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. Their pictures have been added to the album embed above. UPDATE [Jan 1, 2018]: 13th Vessel has reported that they have uncovered "almost every model," including untextured character models for Riku in his Kingdom Hearts original outfit, Donald, Ansem the Wise and Terra; he has also found Riku's and Mickey's suitcases model. He has also found the files for Ventus and shirtless Mickey and many more, but there are no images available for those models yet. In the mean time, you can view all of the ones available in the gallery with the other images above. UPDATE [Jan 2, 2018]: 13th Vessel has uncovered the untextured character model for Terra-Xehanort's Guardian, which you can view in the gallery above. He's also found Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D, Donald's weapon, and effects for the previously reported on Water magic, which were not viewable. Some maps and textures of models are still there even after having been deleted. For example, in the NPC folder, 13th Vessel found some folders for Daybreak Town, but they only had textures of scrapped models in them. (Note that there he didn't find any maps for Daybreak Town.) The next step would be to find a way of seeing these textures to identify them, but 13th Vessel says that that's a very complicated task. He states that because of this, there could be many things that are scrapped that we are not able to view. UPDATE [Jan 2, 2018]: 13th Vessel has uploaded the soundtrack's file names from Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep -A fragmentary passage- that he pulled from the game's assets. This list does not contain the game's opening song, "Simple and Clean (Ray of Hope Mix)." You can see the list below: The list comprises the following tracks, which can be heard throughout the game: Always on My Mind Dearly Beloved -Reprise- Destiny's Force Devil's Wave [1] Devil's Wave [2] Dive into the Heart -Destati- Illusion Aqua Hand in Hand Bond* Light and Dark** Miracle Missing You Magical Mystery Aqua Sora Terra Ven Dearly Beloved Title launch*** Dark World battle theme Dark World boss theme Dark World field theme Dark World field theme (Sleeping Beauty) Dark World field theme (Snow White) *This could be referring to the track "Destiny's Union" that plays when Terra is talking to Aqua.**This could be referring to the track "The Key" that plays when King Mickey finds the Kingdom Key D and when he is ready to seal the door to Kingdom Hearts. ***This could be the brief music that plays when the player starts a new game. Translations were provided by KH13 staff member Mio-chan. 13th Vessel commented that he was not able to view the soundtrack from Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover as it is a movie, not a game. UPDATE [Jan 5, 2018]: We had another chance to speak to 13th Vessel about the NPC folders and the textures (with no models) found in them, and he explained to us, in detail, that some of the characters' models are found in folders whose names are identifiable with the code of the area those characters are seen during the game. For instance, the untextured models for Yen Sid, Riku, Riku's and Mickey's suitcases, Kairi, Sora, Donald, and Goofy were found in folders with the code "yc" - for Yen Sid's Castle. Similarly, the models for Aqua and Terranort were found in Dark World ("dw") folders; and the models for Luxu and the box he carries, as seen in the Keyblade Graveyard, were appropriately found in a Daybreak Town ("db") folder. UPDATE [Jan 6, 2018]: Keytotruth has uploaded an image of the model of the Gummi Ship found in the files of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. You can see the picture below. Note that the colors were added to the render. Back in October, 13th Vessel uploaded a couple of videos on the Destiny Islands area in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- using hacks and mods. You can check out more about that in the article here. What do you guys think about these assets? What else do you think we will find? Let us know in the comments below. Click here to view the article
  24. Assets from the game files of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- have been uncovered by Twitter users @Keytotruth, 13th Vessel, and @Xeeynamo through hacking. Some of the untextured assets that have been found so far includes Luxu, the black box, Yen Sid, Aqua, Kairi, a Water Core Heartless, the Starseeker Keyblade, and the Castle of Dreams. You can view them in the gallery below: When asked more about the assets, 13th Vessel gave some more insight on the structure of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, which you can read below: When asked about which characters' assets they have found so far, they replied with: UPDATE [Dec 18, 2017]: KeytoTruth has found unused commands in the assets of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. Some of the commands that weren't used for the final version of the game were Water, Aero, Holy, WaterFire, WaterBlizzard, and WaterAero. You can view the full list of commands here. UPDATE [Dec 31, 2017]: @Xeeynamo has found untextured models of Sora and Goofy from Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. Their pictures have been added to the album embed above. UPDATE [Jan 1, 2018]: 13th Vessel has reported that they have uncovered "almost every model," including untextured character models for Riku in his Kingdom Hearts original outfit, Donald, Ansem the Wise and Terra; he has also found Riku's and Mickey's suitcases model. He has also found the files for Ventus and shirtless Mickey and many more, but there are no images available for those models yet. In the mean time, you can view all of the ones available in the gallery with the other images above. UPDATE [Jan 2, 2018]: 13th Vessel has uncovered the untextured character model for Terra-Xehanort's Guardian, which you can view in the gallery above. He's also found Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D, Donald's weapon, and effects for the previously reported on Water magic, which were not viewable. Some maps and textures of models are still there even after having been deleted. For example, in the NPC folder, 13th Vessel found some folders for Daybreak Town, but they only had textures of scrapped models in them. (Note that there he didn't find any maps for Daybreak Town.) The next step would be to find a way of seeing these textures to identify them, but 13th Vessel says that that's a very complicated task. He states that because of this, there could be many things that are scrapped that we are not able to view. UPDATE [Jan 2, 2018]: 13th Vessel has uploaded the soundtrack's file names from Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep -A fragmentary passage- that he pulled from the game's assets. This list does not contain the game's opening song, "Simple and Clean (Ray of Hope Mix)." You can see the list below: The list comprises the following tracks, which can be heard throughout the game: Always on My Mind Dearly Beloved -Reprise- Destiny's Force Devil's Wave [1] Devil's Wave [2] Dive into the Heart -Destati- Illusion Aqua Hand in Hand Bond* Light and Dark** Miracle Missing You Magical Mystery Aqua Sora Terra Ven Dearly Beloved Title launch*** Dark World battle theme Dark World boss theme Dark World field theme Dark World field theme (Sleeping Beauty) Dark World field theme (Snow White) *This could be referring to the track "Destiny's Union" that plays when Terra is talking to Aqua. **This could be referring to the track "The Key" that plays when King Mickey finds the Kingdom Key D and when he is ready to seal the door to Kingdom Hearts. ***This could be the brief music that plays when the player starts a new game. Translations were provided by KH13 staff member Mio-chan. 13th Vessel commented that he was not able to view the soundtrack from Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover as it is a movie, not a game. UPDATE [Jan 5, 2018]: We had another chance to speak to 13th Vessel about the NPC folders and the textures (with no models) found in them, and he explained to us, in detail, that some of the characters' models are found in folders whose names are identifiable with the code of the area those characters are seen during the game. For instance, the untextured models for Yen Sid, Riku, Riku's and Mickey's suitcases, Kairi, Sora, Donald, and Goofy were found in folders with the code "yc" - for Yen Sid's Castle. Similarly, the models for Aqua and Terranort were found in Dark World ("dw") folders; and the models for Luxu and the box he carries, as seen in the Keyblade Graveyard, were appropriately found in a Daybreak Town ("db") folder. UPDATE [Jan 6, 2018]: Keytotruth has uploaded an image of the model of the Gummi Ship found in the files of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. You can see the picture below. Note that the colors were added to the render. Back in October, 13th Vessel uploaded a couple of videos on the Destiny Islands area in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- using hacks and mods. You can check out more about that in the article here. What do you guys think about these assets? What else do you think we will find? Let us know in the comments below.
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