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Found 16 results

  1. The darkness comes in many shapes and forms, which antagonistic creature in the Kingdom Hearts series is your favorite?
  2. What world are you excited to visit/revisit in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD? I'm excited to revisit The Grid. I personally love The Grid from the original game and I can't wait to see it in it's HD goodness!
  3. I'm not really sure If I post at the right place, if you notice that I post at wrong place, dear admin, you can tell me where and feel free to move or delete this post ^^ So, few weeks ago I ordered Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Wallscroll from one of Japan stuff seller / distributor at Indonesia. Here is my unboxing video and picture of me with my new wallscroll at my room. It's really nice to have it, although it's released at 2012s. Never too old to like Kingdom Hearts stuffs, either old or new! LOL Here are the photos : Here's the unboxing video : http://youtu.be/uBou9YPuKa0 if you have youtube channel, please subscribe to my channel and stay tuned for the next interesting video!
  4. Did you obtain all the Dream Eaters in Kingdom Hearts 3D? I have them all but it's so tough getting them to max level.
  5. Hey there I've been working a lot of time on this and I want to share it with you. Enjoy! 13th Vessel~
  6. I actually wanted to make this video a long time ago even before the announcement of 2.8 but now that I have a new camera, I was able to make it intro reality. Please enjoy!
  7. Kingdom Hearts 2 introduced Nobodies. Shells created from the most strongest of hearts. Every nobody has a heartless and longs to have a heart to feel re-complete again (in which their heart is contained by a heartless). That all changed when Kingdom Hearts 3D attacked! Xemnas stated that "Nobodies eventually grow a heart of their own over time!". So, in technicality, the definition of a nobody has changed slightly. So, I need clarification, what exactly is a nobody supposed to be post Kingdom Hearts 3D?
  8. Sky has done it yet again! This is IMO a really good fan vid. And the song goes perfectly with it too! This is one of the best mash ups of KH and TWEWY I've seen yet. (Sorry, if you guys can't tell, I love SkyWardwing and Owl City. ^.^)[media=''] [/media]
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