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Status Replies posted by xxClouDxxmoon

  1. OMG...I know the voice now!!! SASUKE IS THE NEW SPIDER-MAN!!!!

  2. Thinking about making a topic about amiibos where people can share their collections and when they buy new ones. Thoughts?

    1. xxClouDxxmoon


      Whenever EB Games gets preowned amiibos they're gone that day haha

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Thinking about making a topic about amiibos where people can share their collections and when they buy new ones. Thoughts?

    1. xxClouDxxmoon


      I live in Australia and there is mid year sales, and EB Games (Gamestop) has all amiibos half price so im going crazy

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Thinking about making a topic about amiibos where people can share their collections and when they buy new ones. Thoughts?

    1. xxClouDxxmoon


      I planned on Cloud being the first amiibo I get (comes out in July i think) but with sales recently i went from 0 amiibos to 19 haha, so I want to show it off and see other peoples, and also let people know when I get new ones as I'm collecting them


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Gotta hand it to Deadpool for not only making an awesome movie ands being awesome all around, but also being the first Marvel character to reference Kingdom Hearts (Marvel Heroes)

  6. Gotta hand it to Deadpool for not only making an awesome movie ands being awesome all around, but also being the first Marvel character to reference Kingdom Hearts (Marvel Heroes)

  7. Winter is coming... And by winter I mean E3....

  8. Have to play 2 games of soccer tonight :(

  9. The moment you have heard the Deadpool trailer for 120th time from your T.V.

  10. The moment you have heard the Deadpool trailer for 120th time from your T.V.

  11. Looks like I'm not going to be able to get a playstation tv or a playstation 4 this year. :(

  12. New PS3 finally today!! Now I can finally play KH1.5/2.5!!!!

  13. I think we're going to be surprised at this year's E3 when it comes to Kingdom Hearts! I don't know why, but I can just feel it! X_X

  14. Well, at least we can narrow down the KH3 release a little. We know it won't be until after next April.

    1. xxClouDxxmoon


      I just assume end of next year anyway.

  15. Today I begin my journy to make Persona 5 be my 75th Plantium Trophy and then I will begin the journy to make Kingdom Hearts 3 be my 100th Platinum Trophy

    1. xxClouDxxmoon


      Jesus, here I am sitting at 2 platinums o.o

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Am now at a time in my life where I never come on here anymore :(

  17. oh i got a Wii U the other day btw everyone :)

    1. xxClouDxxmoon


      Haha its pretty good, good way to pass time.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. oh i got a Wii U the other day btw everyone :)

    1. xxClouDxxmoon


      Yeah I plan on it, already have a few games so far, MK8 would be my favourite.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. You know that one person where everything they say just ticks you off...

  20. Feeling so much better now! Thanks to Sora96 I am enjoying Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13, I don't see why so many people hate this game, I actually think that this is a bigger improvement over 13-2

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