The question is in the title but i decided to tell you guys my own story of how i started and how KH has affected my life .
Okay so the story begins of me being 7 years old, its my birthday. My dad had promised me a game and i was PUMPED i had just started to like video games. So i open the package and i see this wierd blue covered game witha big blue heart on it ''Kingdom Hearts''. First im like what is this? Then i notice some old faces Donald and Goofy im like cool its a Disney game. I look at the back cover and i notice other familiar faces from Disney. I watched alot of Disney and read Donald Duck comics so i was really getting excited for this game. But well being a dumb 7 year old understading the game was hard. I remember i didnt really play it much since it was really hard at first, it was always the ''mystery game'' where this kid is falling inside the ocean. And i was STRUGGLING. But after awhile things started rolling i started to understand the story and the game became much more fun. I also really started to like Sora(no homo) and i remember wanting to be just like him and help everyone . KH quickly became my favorite game and i played trough it many times. Then when i grew up i started to notice sequels that had been released to it and i was so happy . Every year my birthday gift was a new KH game unfortunately not the hand console ones ( except 3D). In life friends and important people come and go (not all of em of course ) but KH was always there on my shelf and i could always play it when i felt like it and it is still there to this day so KH has been with me my whole life almost and i think its safe to say, made me the young man i am today. And with the upcoming release of KH3 i see its going to be a big part of my life for a long time....and that is the best! ^^
Yes i know i didnt only answer the question but told alot more but hey i just got sucked into it
Eager to hear from you guys ^^