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  1. Vincearah


    My first attempt at drawing in Tetsuya Nomura's style. ^^ Character: Ventus.
  2. Hello My Lovlies ! So i tried talking about this topic on facebook but no one actually was able to keep up a good conversation so i decided to come here so i read this article that said : "Terra is actually the desendant of Riku, Aqua is the descendant of Kairi and Ventus is the descendant of Sora or Roxas. Why? Well, some time in the far future, Master Xehanort tries to start another Keyblade war that was from possibly hundreds of years ago. Master Xehanort then finds out that Ventus, Terra and Aqua will one day defeat him but tries to kill them while undergoing training from their teacher, Eraques. Also after these gliders (a time machine hover board) are invented, MX finds out they go from world to world, time to time and comes up with a plan to bring the keyblade war to the past to kill the ancestors before the birth of the now three heroes. Eraques tells the three to go to the past and save people from the unversed (a futuristic being) especially the seven princesses of heart. They learn of their ancestors through Master Yen Sid. Terra then goes to find Riku, hencing why he sees his ancestors future self through vision slowing forming into Ansem. Kairi goes to save Kairi from the unversed and puts a protective spell on her, while Ventus seeks Sora to stay with his heart, so he actually can stay by to protect him." Can anyone tell me if this is true or not !? My heart cant handle these theories ! -Maria
  3. Since Dumbo was a summon in Kingdom hearts along with Bambi and Simba he had such a strong heart which saved his spirit from the destruction of his world to later turn into a water gem ending in up Monstro. And Dumbo already knew how to fly when Sora met him so the original story of Dumbo learning how to fly have kinda already been used but I think that another story could work in really good to the KH3. Story Sora, Goofy and Donald arrives in Traveling Circus the name I call Dumbo's world where they run into Dumbo who is in a corner crying. Sora and the gang asks Dumbo why he's so sad and then they hear a someone answering them from the ground a mouse. Timothy mouse is introduced to the gang then. Timothy explains that the circus has been taken under control by heartless and on so Dumbo's mom have been held captured and separated from Dumbo. Timothy explains that only Dumbo and he were the only ones to escape the heartless control. Ever since Dumbo has been trying to rescue his mom but failed. Sora tells Dumbo and timothy that that's the reason they are there is to stop heartless. Sora then tells Dumbo that they will put an end to the chaos and help him release his mother. Dumbo now feeling better looks up and recognizes Sora, Goofy and Donald remembering them similar to how Simba remembered them from KH2. and by this Dumbo joins the party while timothy remains a npc. Dumbo's ability is similar to the one he used as a summon but his new ability is that he can do a swing with his ears similar to how a plane doing a looping. Dumbo is really fast also within his ability. As the Gang explore the locations almost all of the circus animals have been taken over by darkness turing some into heartless. All the heartless have dark fur if animals and yellow haunting eyes. After fighting off some heartless and searching for Dumbo's mom the gang find themselves in a dark tent where Goofy spots Dumbo's mom standing in the dark. The gang runs forward only the realize it's fake and then Maleficent shows up. Maleficent tells the gang that such a world full of light was always her desire to turn into darkness. Sora asks why she still wants to turn the worlds into darkness. Maleficent ignores his question telling them that this world is going in to darkness soon. As Maleficent leaves into darkness so does an angry Dumbo flying in after her along with Timothy. As Sora, Donald and Goofy tries to follow a seal of light shows up sending them to the place Dumbo and Timothy ended. Now if you fear the pink elephants this is your chance to defeat your fear for good. Sora, Donald and Goofy arrives in a strange dark realm with Dumbo and Timothy. As Donald points up in the dark sky seeing a pink elephant it only grows and grows and so the fight begins. Sora, Donald, Goofy and Dumbo fights off the pink elephants who acts like the mirror did in BBS. After they defeated the pink elephants a portal made of light shows up sending them back to the circus. It was revealed that Dumbo's moms heart was captured by the ringmaster who had collected hearts from the circus. Sora and the gang finally meets the ringmaster and a huge battle takes place. In this final battle it takes place inside the circus where from the movie the pyramid of elephants was and the ringmaster who collected hearts is like a huge scary clown . He is quite similar to the boss fight with Ursula in KH. When you defeated the ringmaster all the hearts he stolen flies out to it's rightful persons. Dumbo's mom revives and they share a emotional reunion. As Sora sees Dumbo's happiness and light reunited with his mom Sora learns a very important lesson about what light really is. Sora locks the keyhole so that the world can never come to any harm again. Sora then receives the keyblade of believe which symbolizes Dumbo's light. As Sora leaves he says "I understand now what light really is it's love the love we give to the ones we care about" Now this how I think that Dumbo could fit in Kingdom Hearts 3 I wrote and came up with the story myself after watching Dumbo.
  4. Okay so this is my first post/theory on this subject let alone this site. I’ve written a couple articles about this on Tumblr but I’d rather put my information on a site that actually matters! Now this may include some spoilers to those who have not played through Birth By Sleep, and this shouldn’t concern anyone who hasn’t played Dream Drop Distance due to the fact of the spoiler in the title. I would also like to include that I am sorry if someone else has covered this (I’ve never blogged before so) but I have my own spin on this theory that I saw others had mentioned. I just figured why not go into an in-depth study on the subject that I’ve concluded over years of playing through the series multiple times. Now, before we get started I will be implementing links to YouTube videos to jog some “unchained memories” (intentional pun) if players have forgotten some important scenes backing my theory. Ergo, more like citations in a research paper, I don’t own the videos, but will display them to back up my theory. I think that’s all I can warn you about, now let’s get down to business. (unintentional pun) Let’s start with the origin of this theory. The first video suggested to watch would be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVaHk-3geQg, provided by KH13’s YouTube channel “Old KINGDOM HEARTS channel”. In this video we see the way-finder trio training, and after Ventus gets his butt kicked by Terra, our three keyblade wielders sit down and have a chat about dreams and fluid body motions. In this important flashback, we see Terra give the keyblade oath over what soon becomes Ventus’ training weapon and keepsake. (Insert Heavy Breathing Cat here) That training, wooden, what some might think useless keyblade, is now enchanted so that whoever holds it, its wielder they shall one day be. Now assuming that this blessing only rubs off on the first person to use it, the blessing would rub off on Ventus. But our boy Ven can already wield a keyblade, therefor the blessing stays intact until someone who hasn’t come in contact with such a weapon can be bestowed with the power. And who would that lucky person be? Que video two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvl_7OLug7Y taken from Youtuber “xxKHxx23 = New Channel!!” where we can see who inherits the keyblades’ blessing. In the first thirty seconds you can see that Lea picks up the keyblade, swings it around a bit, and the pact is sealed. Way to go Lea!! You just accidentally become a keyblade wielder! That will help you in the years to come, just like a lot of other characters in this game. But wait! Doesn’t someone else encounter this keyblade? Neverland ring any bells? As you see in this video by “Joshua Orro” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlf8Y-PU1hY, (Check the 9:30 minute mark till end) the training keyblade is left in a chest with a bunch of other relics that are special to Ventus, Peter Pan and the lost boys. Does this mean we can expect them to be running around with keyblades? Simply put, no. Why? No one is shown grabbing the keyblade in that cut scene, and even if someone did years down the road, the blessing is gone. From the way it looks, once the blessing of the keyblade oath is bestowed to someone, the enchantment is lifted from the keyblade and cannot return unless it becomes somehow re-enchanted. And since it looks like a keyblade can only obtain the blessing from a master, that doesn't look like it will be happening anytime soon. Or maybe it’s a one time thing all together, maybe once it’s been used on a certain keyblade, it can never be used again for the same purpose, on the same keyblade. Either way, praise God that we wont be seeing the Neverland crew running around with such a weapon. In conclusion, it seems like that’s all there is to it! I hope you all enjoyed the read, and I actually have another post that will coincide with this one concerning Terra being an unofficial master. That of which I wanted to include in this post! But I worry it has become too long and people will stop reading half way through. If I missed anything or did something wrong feel free to inform me, as this is my first post, and I look forward to getting feedback. I hope that you all have a great day, and just know how important you all are, for we are the only ones that can fight back the darkness.
  5. [This is a story about how Terra and Ventus became friends. This is my contest entry.] --- “Terra, you can’t keep putting this off.” Terra stopped gazing at the floor and looked up to meet the frustrated eyes staring back at him. Awkwardly, Terra turned away to stare at something else while he searched for a response. She was right, of course. Aqua was usually right and Terra took a moment to be thankful that she never rubbed that fact in. She may be about the same age as him but sometimes she seemed a lot older. She was standing across from him with her arms folded while he leaned against the corridor wall, clearly uncomfortable. When he couldn’t think of anything to say, Aqua spoke again. “He’s been getting a lot better. Really! I’ve spoken to him; Master Eraqus has spoken to him. Why won’t you go talk to him?” Terra sighed. He had to say something. It might as well be the truth. “I’m worried I might say the wrong thing again. I messed him up pretty badly the last time I tried to talk to him. What if I…?” “Terra,” Aqua softened. “That wasn’t your fault; you just didn’t know. Don’t blame yourself.” When Terra hung his head, Aqua sighed. “Well, don’t blame yourself anymore. Forget about it and just start over.” Is it that easy? Terra wanted to move on from this more than anything right now, but every time he remembered those cries he would go back to feeling terrible. He needed to atone for this, somehow. “What am I supposed to say to him?” He looked back up at Aqua. “How do I make things up to him?” His face must have had shame written across it, because Aqua took sympathy and stepped towards him. “Just go in there and be his friend. Once you’re there, you’ll know what to do.” She put a hand on his shoulder. “You need to be more confident in yourself, Terra. You can do this.” Terra gave her a shaky smile then hesitated to reply, still enwrapped in doubts and nerves. Aqua turned and started walking away. “If you don’t go talk to him, I’ll stop going easy on you during sparring.” Despite himself, Terra couldn’t help but give out a brief laugh. It wasn’t much but it made him feel better. Once he’d relaxed again he scratched his head, considering Aqua’s words. Terra wanted to be more confident in himself, but that was easier said than done. He wasn’t afraid to fight anything, but talking to people was a very different story. He appreciated being able to chat with Aqua the way they did. As Terra had these thoughts, it occurred to him that the support he had in Aqua was exactly the kind of thing he needed to give. Be his friend. That’s what Aqua was doing for Terra right now. Terra had to take that example in turn and pay it forward. If the least he could do was make him laugh, that was enough. Terra straightened up and made up his mind. He made his way down the corridor until he reached the right room. Originally this had just been one of many spare rooms in the castle, but now the door had a name plate attached to it where it had previously been bare. This was new since Terra had last been here. VENTUS Clearly what Master Eraqus had told them was true; Ventus was going to live with them from now on. Reading the name on the door filled Terra’s stomach with butterflies again. Suddenly his confidence was draining. He nervously reached for the door handle, but stopped himself. I probably shouldn’t just walk in. He slowly raised his hand to knock on the door, but held back at the last second. I’ll probably disturb him; I’m not a gentle knocker. Terra cleared his throat to call Ventus’ name and ask permission to enter, but the words were caught in his throat. He’ll probably freak out when he hears my voice. Dejected, Terra turned around to walk away and almost bumped into Aqua, who looked like she’d been watching him the whole time. She was shaking her head, she had her hands on her hips, she was sighing and she even looked like she was trying not to laugh. Terra stammered to make an excuse but Aqua was already walking past him. “Let me help,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. Before Terra could stop her, she had her hand on the handle and was opening the door. She did so gently, with an air of caution that was not lost on Terra. “Ventus? It’s me, Aqua. Can I come in?” There was silence, but Ventus must have nodded because then Aqua was stepping into the room and waving at Terra, beckoning him to come in as well. Fighting every impulse in his body, Terra stiffly followed her in. The room was still quite bare. Nothing but the simple necessities currently decorated it, but Ventus didn’t have much personality to personalise it with yet, nor had he been living here very long. Terra felt a wave of sympathy as he remembered that Ventus had no idea who he was, so how could Ventus know what kind of room to live in? The room is as empty as his memories, Terra reflected sadly. But with a spark of hope, he thought: It won’t be empty for long. Ventus himself was sitting upright on the edge of his bed, no book in hand, no creases on his covers, no sign that he’d been doing anything else when they’d walked in. With his current state of mind, he could easily have been doing that for hours. He was smiling faintly at Aqua, as though he were practising happiness, but when he saw Terra his smile faded. Terra could feel his own heart sinking but there wasn’t a trace of fear or accusation on Ventus’ face, just curiosity and a blank lack of recognition. “Do you remember Terra?” Aqua asked him softly, gesturing to Terra. “…Terra.” Ventus mused, staring at him. Terra made himself stare back and tried to look friendly. I probably look like guilt itself. There was a pause while Ventus sat in thought. It started to grow uncomfortably long and Terra was beginning to wonder if Ventus even remembered what he was trying to remember when his eyebrows furrowed slightly and he finally said: “…I think so.” Terra was heavily regretting every second of this. “You know, he doesn’t have to remember me,” he whispered to Aqua. “Given what happened…” Aqua took his point. “It’s okay, Ventus. You only met Terra once before. He’d like to talk to you so that you two can get to know each other.” Ventus looked at her as she spoke, hopefully registering what she was saying. “Okay?” she added after a pause. “Okay,” Ventus replied. He seemed impossible to read, but then Terra reminded himself there was nothing to read. Not for the first time, Terra wondered what had happened to cause Ventus to lose all his memories like this. He wanted to help, but he was still afraid. “Okay,” Aqua finished. “I’ll leave you two alone.” She must have spotted Terra’s fear because right before she left, she whispered “Be brave,” to him. She closed the door behind her, leaving Terra awkwardly standing around the centre of the room, alone with Ventus. Ventus gazed at Terra vacantly, while Terra glanced about as he fumbled for something to say. Okay, how do I start talking to him? Terra could never find the right words to say, as evidenced by his last talk with Ven. I should say ‘Hello’ or something first. Wait, did I already say hello? Will he find it weird if I say hello twice? At this point, Terra was certain Ventus would find anything he said weird. How much time had passed already? 30 seconds? A minute? 5 minutes? It felt like an age and nobody had said anything. Finally Terra went for a greeting. “Um, hi there.” He threw in a smile and a wave, trying to be welcoming. “Oh, hello.” Ventus responded as though Terra had just walked in. Even so, Terra was sure Ventus must have found him strange. It had been so easy to talk to him the first time, but now Terra felt disarmed. He had to find a way to make them both comfortable. “So…” Terra began, before he was even sure what he wanted to say. Whatever you do, don’t ask him a question. Don’t ask him a question. Do not ask him a question. “…How are you?” Terra mentally buried his face in his hands. “I’m fine.” Ventus replied without missing a beat. Oh good, he is getting better. However, Terra was sure he was about to mess him up again. Be his friend. Try and make him laugh. “Great! That’s really good. That’s…” Terra tried but he couldn’t think of any humour that Ventus was likely to get at this stage. Forget it. Just talk to him. Talk to him without asking any more questions. Terra tried to think of something to talk about, but he was unsure what Ventus would be interested in. No questions! “What do you want to talk about?” Terra mentally buried his head in the ground. “I don’t know,” came the response. Terra would have appreciated it if this kid just said more than a few words at a time. He began to feel very isolated standing in the one spot. He gingerly trod towards a table to try and find something to distract them. He didn’t expect the sudden remark that came next. “You look nervous, Terra.” “Huh?” Terra spun around looking back, perhaps a little too sharply. Ventus hadn’t moved and was still looking at him but his face showed concern. More than that, Terra had heard concern in his voice. So he isn’t completely empty. “Are you okay?” Ventus asked. “I-I’m fine,” Terra replied. Terra still felt foolish, but this time he also felt renewed. I’ve been forgetting to just talk to him like a real person. Ventus had been an unstable and even alien element until a few moments ago. Terra had been letting his fear get in the way of talking to a friend. He hadn’t been letting his heart do the talking. That was going to change now. “How about I tell you a little bit about myself?” “Okay,” Ventus nodded and actually smiled slightly. His eyes still had a ghostly quality to them, but he had a heart like everyone else and Terra was determined to help him find it. With newfound confidence, Terra opened up to him. They spoke for nearly an hour. Terra told him about where he came from and how he came to the Land of Departure. He talked with him about learning under Master Eraqus and how he was almost as close as a father to Terra. He told Ventus about his friendship with Aqua and how both of them were training to become keyblade Masters. When he told Ventus that becoming keyblade Masters was a shared dream of theirs, Ventus nodded and supposed aloud that since he would be staying with them, he’d have that dream as well. Terra encouraged him to find a dream he really wanted, something he cared about most of all and to give it everything he had, with whatever he had. “Thank you, Terra.” Ventus almost seemed to have brightened over their conversation. “You’re very nice.” For the first time in a while, Terra felt self-aware again, but now he was able to shrug it off easily. He was having a good time with the kid. He was a little spacey, but he listened to everything Terra said with genuine interest. Terra had also never known that he had so much to talk about. He felt like he was learning about both of them. It was very pleasant. “Well, yeah. I want to be your friend.” Ventus looked surprised. “You want to be my friend? Really?” His seriousness nearly made Terra chuckle. “Of course! I want to help you. I want to look out for you and be there for you. I want to be your friend, Ven.” The words came easily to him, but that was probably because they came from the heart. While still wanting to make up for their first meeting, Terra had really grown to care about Ventus and felt protective of him as though he were an older brother. “Do you want to be my friend?” Ventus looked truly happy as he replied. “Yeah, I sure do!” Then he frowned for a moment. “Wait. You called me Ven. But my name’s Ventus.” Terra smiled. “I know. I called you Ven as a sort of nickname. It’s shorter than Ventus and friendlier sounding. Is that okay? If you don’t like it, I won’t call you it.” Ventus considered for a moment. “So a nickname is a shorter name for friends? And you think ‘Ven’ could be my nickname?” Terra could tell Ventus had a lot to learn, but he wouldn’t resent a second spent teaching him. “Yeah,” Terra made a little arm-pump gesture, an excitable quirk he’d acquired over the years. “My friend, Ven.” Ventus paused for a moment, then smiled more broadly than he ever had. Terra laughed cheerfully. “Yeah! Ven. I like it, Terra. I can tell my friends to call me that! Should I tell Aqua to call me that?” “Definitely! Aqua would love to be your friend.” “What about Master Eraqus?” “Uh, well… He’s our Master so it’s a little different. I guess he can call you that if he wants.” Terra stood up and looked out the window. “You know, we’ve got a few hours left of sunlight. You want to go out and train for a bit? Together?” “Okay, let’s do that.” “Do you know the way to the training grounds? I could race you.” Terra had intended to go easy on Ven, but was surprised to discover just how fast Ven could run. He sped down the corridor where he shot past Aqua who had shouted a startled “Ventus?” at the sight of him only to hear an over-the shoulder cry of “Call me Ven!” Despite Ven’s claims, he actually didn’t know his way to training grounds and did two circuits of the castle before making it outside where Terra was waiting. The two of them had laughed over it, although Eraqus later complained that next time he’d like a little more warning before his catatonic guest nearly knocked him over. Aqua soon joined the two in their training, which eventually just became three friends hanging out. The trio spent that night lying under the cloudless night sky, watching for meteors and shooting stars.
  6. This is my first designed keyblade that I made it's inspired by Lilo and Stitch and Hawaii culture. This is what I imagined that a Lilo and Stitch keyblade will look like. The flower stands for Ohana means family, the waves stands for freedom and the green color stands for beautiful nature and landscape.

    © Sebastian

  7. Since he's my favourite character I want to know about his backstory but it has not been revealed where he originally came from. All that is known about his past is that he was the apprantice of Master Xehanort. Maybe Ventus originally had a family but was taken away from his home by Xehanort because of the master saw him as the only way to create what he wanted the X blade. Or Ventus was an orphan but why would Master Xehanort ever take him under his wing and treating him like his son when all the time he was manipulating Ventus. This is a question I hope that will have an answer in a KH title or explained in KH3 and what if Young Xehanort had an experience with a prophecy or something about Ventus a long time ago. The question is where did Ventus come from
  8. This is my new epic Big hero 6 music video with the song from the new trailer Top of the world. I worked the whole Friday yesterday to finish this music video and all the hard work I putted in to it was definitely worth it. Make sure to share and like the video or Yokai comes and gets you just kidding
  9. Do you think that Terra can be saved and by who if it's possible. Will it be Sora, Riku, Mickey, Aqua or Ventus who saves Terra and exactly how can he be saved from Xehanort.
  10. This is my music video that shows how much I love the Kingdom Hearts franchise and how much it means to me I usually don't do so many music videos but by the ones I made this is the one that means the most to me http://youtu.be/ItuIGTdqjPo
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