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Found 10 results

  1. Newsweek have published an interview with Kingdom Hearts III co-director Tai Yasue, who discussed the development of various gameplay elements in Kingdom Hearts III. He started by mentioning how the Kingdom Hearts III team took some time to adapt to the switch from the Luminous Engine to the Unreal 4 engine. In regards to the wall-climbing mechanics, he said this was originally planned for Olympus, but was then adapted to fit into all the worlds along with other Flowmotion-like actions. The idea of using Attractions in gameplay came from brainstorming gameplay that would be unique to Kingdom Hearts and also incorporate a classical Disney experience. In regards to choosing Disney worlds, Frozen and Tangled were picked mainly because they excited the development team, as there are many things in terms of gameplay that one can do with a beheaded snowman or a princess with very long hair. Yasue also gave some examples of the different types of specialists hired to enhance specific parts of the game - including someone to make dandelion seeds extra fluffy! Fans can expect a lot of surprises in gameplay, as Yasue described Nomura as a creative force that took the development of the game to unexpected places. "Sheer scale and accessibility" will make Kingdom Hearts III stand out from any other games in the series; due to its wide variety of gameplay, Yasue described it as a "celebration of gaming, old and new." The feature that will contain the series recap videos in Kingdom Hearts III is called the Memory Archive, which will lets fans, new and old, to catch up with key parts of the story so far. Yasue concluded the interview by stating that the Gummi Ship is his favorite part of Kingdom Hearts III; fans can expect a massive overhaul of this standard Kingdom Hearts mechanic, including a vast universe, more freedom, more Gummi blocks, and unique and interesting skins. Yasue is currently making a ramen stand Gummi Ship that can shoot fireballs. You can read the full interview below. View full article
  2. Newsweek have published an interview with Kingdom Hearts III co-director Tai Yasue, who discussed the development of various gameplay elements in Kingdom Hearts III. He started by mentioning how the Kingdom Hearts III team took some time to adapt to the switch from the Luminous Engine to the Unreal 4 engine. In regards to the wall-climbing mechanics, he said this was originally planned for Olympus, but was then adapted to fit into all the worlds along with other Flowmotion-like actions. The idea of using Attractions in gameplay came from brainstorming gameplay that would be unique to Kingdom Hearts and also incorporate a classical Disney experience. In regards to choosing Disney worlds, Frozen and Tangled were picked mainly because they excited the development team, as there are many things in terms of gameplay that one can do with a beheaded snowman or a princess with very long hair. Yasue also gave some examples of the different types of specialists hired to enhance specific parts of the game - including someone to make dandelion seeds extra fluffy! Fans can expect a lot of surprises in gameplay, as Yasue described Nomura as a creative force that took the development of the game to unexpected places. "Sheer scale and accessibility" will make Kingdom Hearts III stand out from any other games in the series; due to its wide variety of gameplay, Yasue described it as a "celebration of gaming, old and new." The feature that will contain the series recap videos in Kingdom Hearts III is called the Memory Archive, which will lets fans, new and old, to catch up with key parts of the story so far. Yasue concluded the interview by stating that the Gummi Ship is his favorite part of Kingdom Hearts III; fans can expect a massive overhaul of this standard Kingdom Hearts mechanic, including a vast universe, more freedom, more Gummi blocks, and unique and interesting skins. Yasue is currently making a ramen stand Gummi Ship that can shoot fireballs. You can read the full interview below.
  3. * If this is the wrong place for this, please move it * Let me start by saying I know how unlikely this is currently. It's just an idea.
  4. For KH3, would you want the Gummi Missions to be replaced by an open-world Ocean Between where you can freely fly the Gummi Ship through the Ocean Between to the Worlds while fighting Gummi Heartless and Nobodies along the way? I'm all for this idea completely. I wouldn't want it to be too huge and I'd want the distance between worlds to be about as long as it takes to complete a Gummi Mission from KH2. Gummi Missions are things that many casual KH fans and hardcore KH fans complain about, so I think this would be a great way to turn Gummi Missions into something amazing. It would also be cool to see what the Ocean Between truly looks like canonically since it's sort of hard to tell what it looks like as a whole from the few Gummi Missions there have been in the past. It would also be neat to see what the transition between going from the Realm of Light to the Realm Between looks like and see how the scenery changes. It would be so cool in my opinion to be able to freely pilot the Gummi Ship and customize it more than ever before and adventure through the Ocean Between while coming across hoards of enemies and maybe even getting to be able to land the Gummi Ship on meteors, asteroids, and various other structures and getting out of the Gummi Ship to fight Heartless and Nobodies on them. I also want to mention that I think the warp option should definitely still stay. If you don't want to fly to world to world after you did it once, you shouldn't have to. What are your thoughts on this?
  5. The gummi ship sections were improved improved upon in KH2, and I did go back to do some of the missions but I never really cared all that much to build my own ship since they were pretty easy enough with the normal blueprints, and it just felt tedious. Just wondering how many actually bothered with actually building a ship KH1 and KH2
  6. Hey, I just finished up a guide to help get ppl through the gummi ship missions. They're really bare bones so there's plenty to improve on in my designs and stuff but I figured it'd be good help to anyone in a bind.
  7. Okay, so I constantly try this mission. And I feel I do good. I destroy all of the asteroids, get rid of most of the obstacles, and yet I still come up with only 580 points! It's frustrating -_- I'm not quite sure what it is I'm doing wrong. Anyone have any tips?
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